

0脏腑经络先后病脉证第一 Chapter 1 Viscera, Meridians and Collaterals: Sequence of Diseases, Pulses and Syndromes/Patterns Chapter 1 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Transmission of Diseases of the Viscera, Bowels, Channels and Collaterals Chapter 1 Pulses, Signs, and Sequence of Bowel and Viscera, and Channel and Collateral Disease Chapter 1 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Transmission of the Disease of Viscera, Bowels, Channels and Collaterals Chapter 1 Bowels and Viscera, and Channels and Network Vessels
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2问曰:上工治未病,何也? Question: The great doctor only treats the disease before it has occurred. What does it mean? Question: Would you kindly explain the meaning of "A superior will cure a disease before its onset?" Question: "Superior practitioners treat diseases before they arise. Why is this?" The disciples asked:"Why does a superior physician treat disease before its onset?" Question: “The superior practitioner treats disease before it arises. What does this mean?”
3师曰:夫治未病者,见肝之病,知肝传脾,当先实脾。四季脾王不受邪,即勿补之。中工不晓相传,见肝之病,不解实脾,惟治肝也。 The master said: To treat the disease before it has occurred [means to take measures to prevent disease from occurring]. [For example, when you have] seen the disease in the liver, [you should realize that it will] transmit from the liver to the spleen [and therefore you should take measures in advance] to strengthen the spleen. [If] in the four seasons the spleen is all strong and not attacked by pathogenic factors, there is no need to tonify the spleen. A general doctor does not know such a way [to diagnose and treat disease]. [Thus when] seeing liver disease, [he] cannot understand about how to strengthen the spleen and only treats the liver. Master: "To cure a disease before its onset" means that when the Liver is affected, a prescription is chosen to tonify the Spleen, as the doctor knows the Liver disease will be transmitted into the Spleen. During the last periods of each season, the Spleen Vital Energy is strong enough to resist transmission of the pathogenetic factors, so the Spleen does not need to be tonified. A mediocre doctor would not know about the transmission. So he would not tonify the Spleen when the Liver is affected. The master said: "Treating disease before it arises means that when one sees a live condition for example, one will know that the liver condition will pass to the spleen, and also that spleen must first be firmed. When the spleen remains effulgent at the end of each season, it will not contract evil, so it need not be supplemented. Ordinary practioners do not know about the passage of disease. When they see a liver condition, they do not understand the need to firm the spleen and they simply treat the liver." The master replied: "Because to treat a disease before its onset means that liver disease eventually transmits to the spleen; therefore he takes care to maintain the strength of the spleen. However, in the last month of a season when the spleen is vigorous and will not contract any ailment, it is unnecessary to supplement the spleen. A mediocre physician, not understanding transmission, treats only the liver without strengthening the spleen." The Master says: “Treating disease before it arises means for example that if you see disease of the liver, you know that it will pass from the liver to the spleen, [thus you] must first replenish the spleen. Supplementation is unnecessary [only if] the spleen is effulgent [throughout] the four seasons. The practitioner of medium proficiency does not know about the passage of disease. Thus when he sees liver disease, he does not understand the need to replenish the spleen, and treats only the liver.”
4夫肝之病,补用酸,助用焦苦,益用甘味之药调之。酸入肝,焦苦入心,甘入脾。脾能伤肾,肾气微弱,则水不行;水不行,则心火气盛,则伤肺;肺被伤,则金气不行;金气不行,则肝气盛,则肝自愈。此治肝补脾之要妙也。肝虚则用此法,实则不在用之。 [To treat] liver disease, [medicinals] sour [in property should be] used to tonify [the liver], medicinals charred and bitter [in property should be used to] assist [tonification of the heart] and medicinals sweet [in property should be] used to regulate the spleen. Sour [flavor] enters the liver, charred and bitter [flavor] enters the heart and sweet [flavor] enters the spleen. The spleen can control the kidney. [When] kidney qi is faint and weak, water will not move; [when] water does not move, heart fire and qi will be exuberant and the lung will be damaged. [When] the lung is damaged, lung qi cannot move. [If] lung qi cannot move, liver qi will be exuberant and liver [disease] will spontaneously heal. This is the right way to treat the liver and tonify the spleen. [If] the liver is of deficiency, this method is used; [if the spleen is of] excess, it cannot be used. For a case of Liver disease, drugs with a sour taste should be used to tonify the deficient Liver. Scorched, bitter and sweet ingredients should be used as an adjuvant to harmonize the syndrome. Ingredients with a sour taste function on the Liver, scorched and bitter drugs function on the Heart, and sweet ingredients function on the Spleen. When the Spleen is tonified with sweet drugs, the Kidney will be checked. Then the restricted Kidney will be weak in Vital Energy, rendering it unable to circulate Water. While the Water stagnates, the heart Vital Energy will be strong enough to curb the Lung. A deficient Lung will not check the Liver. So the Liver Vital Energy will be strong enough to heal the Liver syndrome. By tonifying the Spleen. The liver disease will be healed. This marvelous treatment is suitable for Liver diseases of a deficient nature. It is not applicable to Liver diseases of an excessive nature. For liver conditions, supplement with sourness, assist with burnt or bitter flavors and benefit and regulate with sweet-flavored medicinals. Sourness enters the liver, burnt and bitter flavors enter the heart, and sweetness enters the spleen. The spleen can damage the kidney, and when kidney qi is weak, water fails to mover. When water fails to mover, heart-fire becomes exuberant and damages the lung. When the lung is damaged, metal qi fails to move, and when metal qi fail to mover, liver qi becomes exuberant. Therefore, firm the spleen and the liver through supplementation of the spleen. For live deficiency apply this method; do not apply it for excess patterns. In treating liver disorders sour herbs supplement the liver; charred, bitter herbs assist the heart; and sweet herbs harmonize the spleen. The rule is based on the principle that sour drugs enter the liver; charred, bitter drugs, the heart; and sweet drug, the spleen. A strengthened spleen overworks and thus overloads the kidney; the latter then weakens and no longer releases water. Hindered water flow causes heart fire to thrive and injure the lung. Once the lung is injured, pulmonary Qi will not act. The deactivation of metal Qi leads to exuberance of liver Qi and spontaneous recovery of the liver. This is an effective way to treat the liver and supplement the spleen. This method, however, is only applicable to the deficiency syndrome of the liver, but not to the excess syndrome of the liver. In liver disease, supplement with sourness, assist with charred and bitter [flavors], and boost with medicinals of sweet flavor to harmonize. Sourness enters the liver, charred and bitter [flavors] enter the heart, and sweetness enters the spleen. The spleen can damage the kidney. When kidney qì is weak, water fails to move; when water fails to move, heart fire becomes exuberant; when heart fire becomes exuberant, it damages the lung; when the lung is damaged, metal qì fails to move; and when metal qì fails to move, liver qì becomes exuberant. Therefore when you replenish the spleen, the liver recovers on its own. This is the main subtlety of treating the liver by supplementing the spleen. Use this method to treat liver vacuity, but not to treat repletion.
5经曰:“虚虚实实,补不足,损有余。”是其义也。余脏准此。 The Medical Canon says: “Deficiency [syndrome/pattern cannot be treated by] deficiency (purgation) and excess [syndrome/pattern cannot be treated by] excess (tonification). Insufficiency [should be] tonified and superabundance [should be] reduced.” This means what mentioned above. [The treatment of] other viscera should follow such a way. Medical classic states: "Purging the Deficiency and tonifying the Excess will make a deficient case more deficient and excessive case more excessive. It is therefore a set principle." The statement, "When the Liver is affected, the Spleen should be tonified" quoted above, is a case in conformity with this principle. For diseases of all the other Viscera, this principle is always applicable. The classic states, ‘Do not drain deficiency or replenish excess. Supplement the insufficiency, and reduce the superabundance’. This is the meaning; it also applies to the other viscera. The Canon says: "Disease conditions vary - some are of deficiency while others are of excess. Correct treatment is to supplement insufficiency and purge excess." This example illustrates a medical principle applicable to other visceral disorders. The Classic says, “To avoid evacuating vacuity and replenishing repletion, supplement insufficiency and reduce superabundance.” This is what is meant here. The other viscera follow this [scheme too].
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7夫人禀五常,因风气而生长。风气虽能生万物,亦能害万物,如水能浮舟,亦能覆舟。若五脏元真通畅,人即安和。客气邪风,中人多死。千般疢难,不越三条;一者,经络受邪,入脏腑,为内所因也;二者,四肢九窍,血脉相传,壅塞不通,为外皮肤所中也;三者,房室、金刃、虫兽所伤。以此详之,病由都尽。 People should follow [the law of] five elements because life is integrated with natural climate. [Although] natural climate can [support] the growth of all things, [it] also can damage all things. [It is just] like water, [it] can float a boat, but also can capsize it. If the source qi in the five zang-organs flows freely, man will [live a] peaceful and harmonious [life]. [When] pathogenic [factors like] wind attacks people, [it will cause] death [if very serious]. [There are] thousands of diseases, [but] just no more than three categories. The first category is invasion of pathogenic factors into the meridians, and then entering the viscera and causing various internal [diseases]. The second category is transmission [of pathogenic factors in] the blood vessels in the four limbs and nine orifices, [causing] congestion due to attack of superficies. The third category is damage [caused by] excessive sexual intercourse, injury of metal blades and bite of insects and animals. To examine according to these [three categories], all diseases will be thoroughly understood. Man lives in a world with Five Evolutive Phases (Five Elements, Wuxing) and grows up in a suitable climate. The climate can promote and give birth to all creatures under heaven, but may also injure and hurt these creatures, similar to the way water keeps a boat afloat, but can also overturn it. Good health results when the Congenital Vital Energy of the Five Viscera circulates normally. Human beings are endowed with the five natural laws, and they also grow through the influence of wind-qi. Wind-qi can engender the myriad of things, but it is also capable of causing harm to the myriad of things; just as water helps a boat to stay afloat, it can also cause it to sink. If the true origin of the five viscera is free, then a person will be in harmony. Guest qi and evil wind any strike, often leading to death. For thousands of disasters, the causes include not more than three aspects. Firstly, the channels and collaterals contract evils which later enter the viscera and bowels; this is an internal cause. Secondly, the passage of blood in the vessels of the four limbs and nine orifices becomes congested; this is due to evil striking the skin at the exterior. The third includes sexual intemperance, incised wounds, and animal and insect wounds. Measuring these three, all causes of disease are included. Climate greatly influences the five organs (viscera) with which the human being is endowed. Nature nourishes and destroys all creatures just as water both floats and overturn a ship. When the primordial Qi of the five viscera circulates smoothly, the body remains healthy and well; but when noxious Qi and evil winds attack, death ensues. Even though there are hundreds of thousands of diseases, the causes are three: internal evils spreading along the meridians to the viscera. external evils breaking through the surface of the skin and invading the interior (eventually the evils cause blockage of the blood and Qi in the four limbs and the nine cavities). sexual abuse, knife wounds, and animal or insect bites. All diseases fall into one of these categories. Disease can not invade the cou li (interstices) if one lives circumspectly. Human beings are endowed with the qì of the five constants and rely on wind qì for birth and growth. Although wind qì can engender the myriad things, it can also damage them, just as water can float a boat and also capsize it. If the original true [qì] of the five viscera flows freely, the person is calm and in harmony; when the visiting qì of evil wind strikes people, the often die. A thousand afflictions fall into no more than three categories. The first [category] is evil being contracted by the channels and network vessels and entering the bowels and viscera. This constitutes internal causation. The second is when passage through the limbs. The nine orifices, or the blood vessels becomes congested and stopped. This constitutes an external strike through the skin. The third is injury due to bedroom [activity], mental blades or insects and animals. Using these [three categories] to examine disease, the origins of all conditions can be thoroughly understood.
8若人能养慎,不令邪风干忤经络。适中经络,未流传脏腑,即医治之,四肢才觉重滞,即导引、吐纳、针灸、膏摩,勿令九窍闭塞;更能无犯王法、禽兽灾伤,房室勿令竭乏,服食节其冷热苦酸辛甘,不遣形体有衰,病则无由入其腠理。腠者,是三焦通会元真之处,为血气所注;理者,是皮肤脏腑之文理也。 If people are able to cultivate [themselves], [they will] prevent pathogenic wind from invading the meridians and collaterals. [If pathogenic factors] accidentally have invaded the meridians and collaterals, but have not transmitted to the viscera, [it should be] treated immediately. [When] the four limbs are just felt heavy and stagnant, daoyin (a traditional way to cultivate health by guiding qi to flow naturally and smoothly all through the body), inhalation and exhalation, acupuncture and moxibustion and scraping with paste [should be used] to prevent blockage of the nine orifices. [Cares should be taken] to avoid violation of national laws, being injured by beasts and exhaustion due to excessive sexual intercourse. Cold and heat [should be well regulated] in wearing clothes and eating food, [and so are the tastes of] bitterness, sourness, acridness and sweetness. [Only when cares have been taken] to avoid weakening the body [can] pathogenic factors be prevented from entering the interstice and grain. Interstice refers to the site through which source [qi] and true [qi] flow, and into which blood and qi pour. Grain refers to the stripes of skin and viscera. One should carefully protect one's Body Resistance and avoid the attack of climatic pathogenetic factors. Otherwise, Channels and Collaterals will be violated and health endangered. In case pathogenetic factors have invaded the Channels and Collaterals, medical treatment should be given in time to stop the transmission of pathogenetic factors into the Viscera and Bowels. If there is heaviness and uneasiness in the extremities, Daoyin, Tuina, acupuncture and Gaomo therapies should be practiced to clear the nine orifices. Besides, one should avoid violation of his Majesty's law, avoid animal bites and all accidents and injuries. One should also regulate sexual life, wear clothing suitable to season and maintain moderate diet with bitter, sour, pungent and sweet flavors. In this way, one can maintain good health and prevent the intrusion of pathogenetic factors through Couli. Cou is juncture where the Triple Burners and Body Resistance converge and a Channel wherein the Vital Energy and the Blood flow. Li is the texture on skin, Viscera and Bowels. If a person can nourish himself and remain cautious, and not let evil wind invade the channels and collaterals; or if he can treat the evil as soon as it strikes the channels and collaterals before it has passed to the viscera and bowels; or if he applies conduction exercise, exhaling and inhaling, acupuncture and moxibustion, or medicinal paste rubbing as soon as sensations of heaviness and stagnation occur in the four limbs, the nine orifices would not become blocked. Furthermore, he should obey the laws and avoid animal harm, restrain sexual activity, regulate heat, cold, bitterness, sourness, acridity and sweetness with clothing and diet, and not let his body become debilitated; then diseases will have no access to the interstices (cou li). Cou is the place where the three burners connect with the true origin; it is also from whence qi and blood spring. Li is the grain of the skin and organs. Disease should be treated immediately before the meridians are involved and the viscera harmed. The immediate practice of Qi guidance exercises, tuina, acupuncture and moxibustion, or unguent massage prevents obstruction of the nine cavities and thus relieve feelings of heaviness and torpidity. One should behave so as not to violate the law or to incur injuries from animals. One should not exhaust oneself in sexual indulgence, and one should always wear proper clothing, so as not to become too hot or too cold. Finally, one should cultivate proper eating habits and balance the eating of sweet, bitter, and sour foods. If people can cultivate [right qì] and take precautions [against contraction of wind evil], they can prevent wind evil form disturbing the channels and network vessels. But of by chance [wind evil] strikes the channels and network vessels, a physician must treat it immediately, before it flows into the bowels and viscera. As soon as the limbs feel heavy and stagnant, treat the patient with conduction, inhalation and exhalation, acupuncture and moxibustion, or paste rubbing to prevent the nine orifices from becoming blocked. Furthermore, avoid transgressing imperial law and being injured by beast or fowl; in bedroom [activities], do not exhaust yourself; as regards clothing and diet, regulate heat and cold and the consumption of cold, hot, bitter, sour, acrid, and sweet flavors. Thus you prevent the body from becoming debilitated. As a result, disease has no place from which to enter the interstitial grain. The interstices are the site of the confluence of the original true [qì] of the triple burner, whereunto the blood and qì pour. Grain refers to the grain of the skin and of the bowels and viscera.
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10问曰:病人有气色见于面部,愿闻其说。 Question: There are various complexions in patients. I’ d like to listen to your explanation. Question: Different facial complexions indicate different disease. Could the Master explain this in detail? Question: "Patients display qi and color as observed on the face. I wish to hear an explanation." The disciples asked: "Would you instruct us on the colors of Qi that exhibit themselves in the facial complexion?" Question: “Patients have [various different] qì colors appearing on the face. I would like to hear the doctrine [concerning this].”
11师曰:鼻头色青,腹中痛,苦冷者死;鼻头色微黑色,有水气;色黄者,胸上有寒;色白者,亡血也。设微赤,非时者死;其目正圆者痓,不治。又色青为痛,色黑为劳,色赤为风,色黄者便难,色鲜明者有留饮。 The master said: [If] the tip of nose is blue in color, [there is] pain in the abdomen, [and if there is] aversion to cold, [the patient will] die; [if] the tip of nose is slightly black in color, there is water qi (edema); [if] the face is yellow in color, there is cold in the chest; [if the face is] white in color, [there is] collapse of blood. If [the tip of nose is] slightly red in the time [when it should] not be so, [the patient will] die; [if] the eyes are straight and round, [it] is tetany, difficult to treat. Besides, blue color also means pain, black color means overstrain, red color means wind, yellow color means constipation and bright color means fluid retention. Master: Take the nose as an example. When the tip of the nose is blue-purple (cyanosis) this indicates abdominal pain. If the patient is sensitive to cold, it will be a fatal case. When the tip of the nose is black-dark, this indicates stagnation of the pathogenetic Water. Yellow nose indicates Cold stagnation in chest. White nose indicates hemorrhage. Slightly red nose appearing at an inappropriate season indicates a fatal case. Jing disease indicated by the patient's staring is difficult to cure. Different complexions manifest diseases as follows: Blue-purple (cyanosis) complexion indicates pain; black-dark complexion manifests internal injury caused by overstrain; red complexion signifies pathogenetic Wind; and yellowish complexion is a sign of constipation. Bright-colored complexion suggests stagnant Fluid-retention. The master said, "A green-blue color on the bulb of the nose reflects abdominal pain, and with aversion to cold, the condition is terminal. Slight blackness on the bulb of the nose reflects water qi. A yellow complexion reflects cold in the chest. A white complexion indicates blood collapse. With a slightly red facial complexion in the wrong season, the condition is terminal. Gaping eyes reflect tetany, which is also terminal. In addition, a green-blue facial complexion indicates pain, black indicates taxation, red indicates wind, yellow indicates difficult defecation, and a fresh bright facial complexion indicates lodged rheum." The master replied: "When the tip of the nose looks green, it signifies abdominal aching. If the patient also feels chilly and aches painfully, he is in critical condition. When the tip of the nose appears lightly black, it denotes the presence of moisture. Yellow indicates chills (water stagnancy) in the chest and a white nose signals blood loss. A patient with a slightly red facial complexion in a season incongruent with the color - red corresponds to hot weather or the summer - is in critical condition. Fixed and motionless eyes occur with critical spasms. A green facial complexion accompanies aching; a black facial complexion, consumptive disease; and a red complexion, wind disease. A yellow complexion denotes constipation, and a bright, lustrous complexion accompanies water stagnancy (edema)." The Master says: “If the rip of the nose is green-blue in color and there is pain and coldness in the abdomen, the patient will die. If the tip of the nose is slightly black in color, there is water qì. If the complexion is yellow, there is cold on the chest; if white, blood has collapsed. If it is slightly reddened at the wrong time, [the patient] will die. If the eyes are straight and round, this is tetany, which cannot be treated. Also, green-blue means pain; black means taxation, red means wind; yellow means difficult defecation; and a fresh shiny complexion means lodged rheum.”
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13师曰:病人语声寂然喜惊呼者,骨节间病;语声喑喑然不彻者,心膈间病;语声啾啾然细而长者,头中病。 The master said: [If] a quiet patient suddenly cries, [it indicates that] the disease is in the joints; [if] the voice [of a patient] is dull and unclear, [it indicates that] the disease [is located] between the heart and diaphragm; [if] the voice [of a patient] is faint and long, [it indicates that] the disease [is located] in the head. Master: The patient usually remains still but cries out occasionally. This is an indication of joint disease. If the patient speaks in a low murmuring voice, he is suffering from an ailment of the chest and diaphragm. Or if he speaks in a faint, long and clear voice, he is suffering from a headache. The master said: "A quiet patient with a tendency to cry out from shock has disease in the joints, a low and faint voice, and the disease is between the heart and diaphragm; with a fine and long voice, the disease is located in the head."Another version states, "The pain is located in the head." The master said: "A quiet person who occasionally cries out has joint disease whereas a person with a low, unclear voice has a problem between the diaphragm and the heart. A thin, draw-out voice indicates brain disease." The Master says: “If the patient has a quiet voice but exhibits a tendency to cry from fright, he has disease in the joints. If the sound of the voice is dull and not clear, this is disease in the heart and diaphragm. If the sound of the voice is wispy, fine and long, the disease is in the head.”
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15师曰:息摇肩者,心中坚;息引胸中上气者咳;息张口短气者,肺痿唾沫。 [The patient’s] shoulders are shaking when breathing, [indicating] hardness in the heart; qi surging up from the chest [when the patient is] breathing [indicates disease with] cough; shortness of breath [when the patient] opens the mouth to breathe [indicates] lung wilting with spitting of drool. Master: The patient shrugs his shoulders when breathing. This signifies existence of excessive pathogenetic factors in the chest. Breath ascending to the throat while the patient breathes is a symptom of cough. When the patient must open his mouth to breathe and still feels short of breath, it is an indication of pulmonary asthenia accompanied by copious salivation and sputum. The master said, "Breathing with raised shoulders reflects hardness in the heart. Breathing that induces qi ascent in the chest results in cough. Breathing with gaping of the mouth and shortness of breath reflects lung wilting and foaming at the mouth." The master said: "A patient with difficult breathing causing drawn shoulders has a firm chest obstruction. Adverse welling up of Qi causes coughing. If the patient gasps for air with a wide open mouth when he breathes and if he expectorates frothy sputum, pulmonary atrophy has set in." The Master says: “When breathing shakes the shoulders, this indicates hardness in the heart; when breathing cause qì ascent in the chest, this indicates cough; when breathing fives rise to open mouth and shortness of breath, this indicates lung wilting with spitting of foam.”
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17师曰:吸而微数,其病在中焦,实也,当下之即愈,虚者不治;在上焦者,其吸促;在下焦者,其吸远,此皆难治。呼吸动摇振振者,不治。 Faint and rapid breath [indicates that] the disease is in the upper energizer, [it is a] excess [syndrome/pattern] and can be cured by purgation. [If the patient is] weak, [it is] difficult to treat. [If the disease is] in the upper energizer, the breath is hasty; [if the disease is] in the lower energizer, the breath is deep and long, [it is] difficult to treat; [if the body is] shaking [when the patient is] breathing, [it is] very difficult to treat. Master: If the patient's inspiration is a bit rapid, it can be diagnosed as excessive pathogenetic factors in the Middle Portion of Body Cavity. A purgative will provide the cure. When the patient is in a state of deficient nature (of weak build), the case will be difficult to cure. When the pathogenetic factors in the Upper Portion of Body Cavity make the patient inspire with short and rapid breaths, or when the pathogenetic factors in the Lower Portion of Body Cavity make the patient inspire with long and deep breaths, both cases will be difficult to treat. While the patient has to shake his body to aid in respiration, then he is suffering from an incurable disease. The master said: "Slightly rapid inhalation reflects disease in the middle burner. An excess pattern can be cured by purgation, but a deficiency pattern is terminal. With disease in the upper burner, inhalation is skipping; with disease in the lower burner, inhalation is long. These are both difficult to treat. When breathing is accompanied by generalized shaking, the condition is terminal." The master said: "Slightly rapid respiration means the problem is firm evil located in the middle warmer; purgation heals the condition. In a patient with a weak conformation, the condition is harder to cure. If the evil is located in the upper warmer, breathing will be short and shallow. If the evil is located in the lower warmer, the breathing will be deep and slow. Both conditions resist therapy. If the patient's body shakes while breathing, the condition is also difficult to treat." The Master says: “If inhalation is faint and rapid, the disease is in the center burner, [which is a condition of] repletion. [This] must be cured by precipitation. Vacuity cannot be treated. [If the disease is in] the upper burner, inhalation is hasty; if in the lower burner, breathing is long. These [cases] are hard to treat. Breathing with shaking and trembling cannot be treated.”
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19师曰:寸口脉动者,因其王时而动,假令肝王色青,四时各随其色。肝色青而反色白,非其时色脉,皆当病。 The master said: [When] cunkou pulse is moving, [it is] the result of [its adaptation to] the movement [in the season when the liver] is effulgent. If it is blue [in the season when] the liver is effulgent, all [the viscera] will follow such [a change of] color. [When] the liver should be blue in color but actually is white in color, [it is] not the normal color and pulse [condition], all indicating disease. Master: Pulse at cunkou will follow the changes in Vital Energy of a certain Viscus in different seasons. Vital Energy of the Viscera will appear as different colors when they are strong in certain seasons. For example, blue-purple (cyanosis) signifies strong Vital Energy in the Liver. Under normal conditions, the four seasons will give birth to their respective colors. When blue-purple (cyanosis) of the Liver Vital Energy does not appear as it should, but white (pallor) color appears, it is an indication of disease. In all cases when unseasonal colors or pulses appear, they can be diagnosed as symptoms and signs of diseases. The master said: "The movement of the pulse at the inch opening should manifest in accordance with the effulgent time period of the viscera. For example, the color of liver effulgence is green-blue, and each of the four seasons also has a corresponding color. When the associated color of the liver is supposed to be green-blue, but it is white instead, this is not the correct color; nor does the pulse reflect the corresponding time. All of these manifestations indicate disease." The master said: "Pulse at cunkou will follow the changes in Vital Energy of a certain Viscus in different seasons. Vital Energy of the Viscera will appear as different colors when they are strong in certain seasons. For example, blue-purple (cyanosis) signifies strong Vital Energy in the Liver. Under normal conditions, the four seasons will give birth to their respective colors. When blue purple (cyanosis) of the Liver Vital Energy does not appear as it should, but white (pallor) color appears, it is an indication of disease. In all cases when unseasonal colors or pulses appear, they can be diagnosed as symptoms and signs of diseases." The Master says: “The pulse at the inch opening moves in accord with the season during which each of the five viscera are effulgent. For example, in the spring it reflects an effulgent liver and is accompanied by a green-blue complexion, since each of the four seasons has its own color. When the liver complexion [should be] green-blue but instead is white, the complexion and pulse are unsynchronized, so the patient must be ill.”
201.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
21问:有未至而至,有至而不至,有至而不去,有至而太过,何谓也? Question:[Medical Canon says:] There are [problems that] the one has not arrived but the other has arrived, the one has arrived but the other has not arrived, the one has arrived but the other has not left, the one has arrived but it is too hyperactive. What does it mean? Could you explain the following: premature arrival, late arrival, late departure and excessive temperature. Question: "There are cases where the season has not arrived, but the climate has; where the season has arrived, but the climate has not; where the season has arrived, but the previous climate remains; and where the season has arrived, but in excess. What does this mean?" The disciples asked: "Tell us why the seasons arrive at various times; sometimes a season arrives before the calendar date, sometimes after; or sometimes the calendar date arrives but the preceding season remains; or sometimes the season arrives before its time." Question: “There are [times when a given season] has not yet arrived, but [its qì] arrives; when [a given season] arrives, but [its qì] does not arrive; when [a given season] arrives, but the previous season’s qì fails to leave; [and when a given season] arrives and [its qì is] excessive. What does this mean?”
22师曰:冬至之后,甲子夜半少阳起,少阳之时阳始生,天得温和。以未得甲子,天因温和,此为未至而至也;以得甲子,而天未温和,此为至而不至也;以得甲子,而天大寒不解,此为至而不去也;以得甲子,而天温和如盛夏五六月时,此为至而太过也。 The master said: After winter solstice, at the midnight of the jiazi day (60 days after winter solstice), shaoyang begins to rise. The time [when] shaoyang [begins to rise], yang [qi] starts to grow and the weather becomes warm. [If] the weather is warm [but] the jiazi day has not arrived yet, this is what “the one has not arrived but the other has arrived” means; [if] the jiazi day has already arrived, but the weather is not warm, this is what “the one has arrived but the other has not arrived” means; [if] the jiazi day has already arrived but the weather is very cold and difficult to resolve, this is what “the one has arrived but the other has not left” means; [if] the jiazi day has arrived, but the weather is as hot as that in May and June in summer, this is what “the one has arrived but it is too hyperactive” means. Master: On the midnight of the first day of the first Jiazi (sixty-day circle) after the Winter Solstice. Lesser Yang begins to geminate and the weather gradually becomes warm. If the weather begins to warm up before the onset of Lesser Yang, this is termed "premature arrival" (wei zhi er zhi). On the other hand, if the weather does not warm up after the germination of Lesser Yang, it is a case of "late arrival" (zhi er bu zhi). When the weather remains severe after the start of Lesser Yang, it is a case of "late departure" (zhi er bu qu). And when the weather turns as hot as summer just after the beginning of the first Jiazi, it is terned "excessive temperature" (zhi er tai guo). The master said, "At midnight on the sixtieth day after the winter solstice, shaoyang arises. During the time of shaoyang, yang begins to engender and the weather becomes arm. When before the sixtieth day, the weather becomes warm, this is a time when ‘the season has not arrived, but the climate has’. If after the sixtieth day, great cold still remains, this is ‘the season has arrived, but the previous climate remains. If after the sixtieth day, the weather is as warm as the fifth or sixth month of midsummer, this is ‘the season has arrived, but in excess’." The master replied: "Exactly at midnight on the winter solstice, the lesser yang period begins, that is, the yang phase is setting in; thence the weather gradually warms. If the weather becomes warm before the winter solstice, it is the fist condition. If the winter solstice arrives but the weather has not turned warm, it is the second condition. If the winter solstice arrives but the weather remains extremely chilly and there is no sign of warm weather, it is the third condition. If the calendrical winter solstice arrives, but it is as hot as midsummer; it is the fourth condition." The Master says: “At midnight of the jiǎ-zǐ day after the winter solstice, lesser yang rises. At the time of lesser yang, yang begins to be engendered and the weather becomes warm and congenial. If the weather becomes warm and congenial before jiǎ-zǐ, this is a case of qì arriving before its season. If jiǎ-zǐ has already arrived, but the weather has not become warm and congenial, this is a case of qì failing to arrive in time for its season. If the time of jiǎ-zǐ has arrived but severely cold weather ails to resolve, this is a case of the season arriving and [the previous season’s qì] not leaving. If the weather at the arrival of jiǎ-zǐ is warm as in the height of summer in the fifth and sixth months, this is a case of [the season] arriving and [the qì] being excessive.”
231.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
24师曰:病人脉浮者在前,其病在表;浮者在后,其病在里,腰痛背强不能行,必短气而极也。 The master said: Floating pulse in patients appears before [the guan region and in the cun region] indicating disease [located] in the external; floating [pulse] appears after [the guan region and in the chi region] indicating disease [located] in the internal. [The manifestations include] pain of the waist, stiffness of the back, inability to move, shortness of breath and extreme [fatigue]. Master: When the pulse is floating at the front, it indicates a syndrome at the Exterior. When the pulse is floating at the back, the syndrome is located in the Interior with symptoms of lumbago and stiffness in the back that make it difficult for the patient to move and cause a serious shortness of breath. The master said: "A patient with a floating pulse in the front position indicates disease of the exterior; a floating quality in the rear indicates disease of the interior that manifests with lumbar pain, back rigidity, and an inability to walk. There will be shortness of breath and exhaustion." The master said: "A floating pulse on the cun site before the guan reflects a surface problem. A floating pulse on the chi site behind the guan signifies an internal disease whereby the patient will have low back pain, a stiff back, lameness, and the development of critical gasping." The Master says: “When the patient has a floating pulse in front [of the bar], the disease is in the exterior. When a floating pulse is behind [the bar], the disease is in the interior. [In the latter case, there is] lumber pain, rigidity of the back, inability to walk, and shortness of breath in the extreme.”
251.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10
26问曰:经云厥阳独行,何谓也?师曰:此为有阳无阴,故称厥阳。 Question: Medical Canon says: “Reversal yang moves alone”. What does it mean?The master said: That means that there is only yang without yin. That is why it is called reversal yang. Question: It is written in the Classic: "The exuberant Yang prevails and moves about alone." Could you explain the meaning? Master: This is because when the exuberant Yang prevails, there will be no Yin, and Yang moves alone. So it is called "Jue Yang". Question: "The classic states, ‘reversal yang moves alone’. What does this mean?" The master said, "This is yang without yin; it is therefore called reversal yang." The disciples asked: "What is the meaning of the exuberant Yang prevails and moves about alone as it says in Huangdi's canon of medicine?" The master said: "This is because when the exuberant Yang prevails, there will be no Yin, and Yang moves alone so it is called Jue Yang." Question: The Classic mentions “reversing yáng going alone”; what does this mean? The Master says, “This is yáng without yīn; hence it is called reversing yáng.”
271.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11
28问曰:寸脉沉大而滑,沉则为实,滑则为气,实气相搏,血气入脏即死,入腑即愈,此为卒厥。 The master said: Cunkou pulse is sunken, large and slippery. Sunken [pulse] indicates [blood] excess and slippery [pulse] indicates qi [excess]. [When blood] excess and qi [excess] contend with each other, blood and qi will enter the zang-organs and [cause] death. [When blood and qi] have entered the fu-organs, [the disease is easy to be] cured. Question: The pulse under the fore-finger is deep, gigantic (grand) and slippery. Deep pulse indicates a syndrome of an excessive nature. A slippery pulse reveals the existence of the Vital Energy. When the Excess and the Vital Energy intermingle, conflict with each other, and when invade the Viscera, the case will be fatal. This is called "Cu Jue". When they invade the Bowels, the case will not be serious. Question: "The pulses at the inch opening are sunken, large, and slippery. Sunken reflects excess, and slippery reflects qi; the excess contends with qi. Blood and qi entering the viscera will result in death, and entering the bowels will result in resolution. The disciples said: "When the pulse on the cun site is submerged, big, and slippery wherein 'submerged' signifies blood firmness and 'slippery' Qi firmness, the firmness evils are interacting forcing blood and Qi into the viscera. This condition results in death or recovery depending on the viscera involved. Question: “In cases with a large sunken and slippery inch pulse since a sunken pulse indicates [blood] repletion and a slippery pulse indicates qi [repletion], the patient suffers from qì and blood contending with each other. If blood and qì enter the viscera, [the patient] will die; if they enter the bowels, the patient will recover. This is the condition of sudden reversal.
29何谓也? [Question]: What is the reason? Could Master explain this? This is called sudden reversal.What does it mean?" Why is the condition called 'sudden faint?'" What does this mean?”
30师曰:寸脉沉大而滑,沉则为实,滑则为气,实气相搏,血气入脏即死,入腑即愈,此为卒厥。 The master answered: Blue lips and cold body indicate [that blood and qi] have entered the zang-organs and [will cause] death. If the body is warm and there is spontaneous sweating, [it] indicates [that blood and qi] have entered the fu-organs and [the disease is easy to be] cured. Master: Symptoms and signs of blue-purple lips and sensitivity to cold are indications of the invasion of pathogenetic factor into the Viscera, which is fatal. When the patient feels no uneasiness and perspires spontaneously, it is a case of pathogenetic factor invading the Bowels. Such cases are ease to cure. The master said: "Green-blue lips and mouth with generalized cold indicates blood and qi entering the viscera, which will result in death. If the body is in harmony and spontaneous sweating occurs, this indicates blood and qi entering the bowels, which will result in resolution." The master answered: "A blue-tinged mouth and general chills indicate that evils are in the solid viscera (zang) and the patient will die. On the other hand, a balanced body with spontaneous perspiration indicates that the evils are in the hollow viscera (fu) and the patient will recover." The Master says: “Green-blue lips and a cold body mean that [evil] has entered the viscera and that the patient will die. A [warm and] harmonious body and spontaneous sweating indicate that [evil] has entered the bowels and that the patient will recover.”
311.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12
32问曰:脉脱入脏即死,入腑即愈,何谓也?师曰:非为一病,百病皆然。譬如浸淫疮,从口起流向四肢者,可治,从四肢流来入口者,不可治。病在外者可治,入里者即死。 Question: [When] the pulse [is] undetectable, [pathogenic factors will] enter the zang-organs and [cause] death. [When pathogenic factors] have entered the fu-organs, [the disease is easy to be] cured. What is the reason? The master said: This is not [the case of just] one disease, [in fact] all diseases are the same. Take spreading sore for example. [When] spreading from the mouth to the four limbs, [it is] curable. [But when] spreading from the four limbs to the mouth, [it is] incurable. Disease in the external is curable while [disease] in the internal is incurable. Question: The pulse sudden disappears. When the syndrome invades the Viscera, death results. But the case will not be fatal if it invades the Bowels. Why? Master: This is true of all diseases. Take Jinyinchuang, a form of skin sore, as an example. When it develops from the mouth to the extremities, it is curable. But when it spreads from the extremities to the mouth, it will be a fatal case. Syndrome at the Exterior indicates a curable case; syndrome invading the Interior will be fatel. Question: "Deserted pulses with entering of the viscera will result in death, where entering the bowels will result in resolution. Why is this?" The master said: "Not only in one disease, but in all hundred diseases this is so. For example, a wet spreading sore that flows from the mouth to the four limbs can be treated, and yet one that flows from the four limbs to the mouth is untreatable. Diseases of the exterior are treatable; those which enter the interior are terminal conditions." The disciples asked: "If the patient occasionally shows a sudden absence of pulse, he will die, the evil has entered the solid viscera. If the evil has entered the hollow viscera, he will survive and recover. Why so?" The master said: "This rule applies not only to evil illness but to all diseases. Take for example, spreading skin sores. If the disease starts at the mouth and spreads to the four limbs (from the interior toward the exterior), the condition is curable. But if the disease starts in the limbes and moves toward the mouth, the condition is incurable. Exterior diseases are curable, whereas diseases that have penetrated the interior are lethal." Question: “When the pulse deserts, [if evil qì] has entered the viscera, [the patient] dies, [while if evil qì] has entered the bowels, [the patient] recovers.Why is this so?” The Master says: “This applies not just to a single disease, but to all the hundred diseases. Take wet spreading sores as an example: If they begin at the mouth and spread to the four limbs, they can be treated, but if they begin in the limbs and spread to the mouth, they cannot be treated. When the disease is in the exterior, it can be treated; when it enters the interior, [the patient] dies.”
331.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13
34问曰:阳病十八,何谓也? Question:There are 18 kinds of yang disease. What are they? Question: What are the eighteen diseases of a Yang nature? Question: "There are eighteen yang diseases. What are they?" The disciples asked: "Why are there eighteen yang diseases and eighteen yin diseases?" Question: “There are eighteen yáng diseases. What are they?”
35师曰:头痛,项、腰、脊、臂、脚掣痛。 The master answered: They include headache and pulling pain in the neck, waist, spine, arm and foot. Master: Headache, pains in the neck, waist, spine, arm, and referred pain in the foot. The master said: "Headache, and pulling pains of the nape, lumbus, spine, arms, and feet." The master said: "Symptoms such as headache or dragging pains of the neck, waist, spine, arms, and feet indicate yang diseases (six yang symptoms) because they are surface and 'meridional' coughing, asthma due to flushing of Qi, retching pharyngeal obstruction, borborygmus with abdominal distention, and cardialgia with spasms, indicate yin diseases (six yin symptoms) because the symptoms are internal and visceral. The Master says, “Headache, pulling pain in the nape, pulling pain in the lumbus, pulling pain in the spine, pulling pain in the arm, and pulling pain in the foot.”
36阴病十八,何谓也? [Question]: There are 18 kinds of yin disease. What are they? Question: And the eighteen diseases of Yin nature? "There are the eighteen yin diseases. What are they?" The yang diseases are differentiated into lesser yang, sunlight yang, and greater yang; three (types) times six (symptoms) is eighteen. “There are eighteen yīn diseases. What are they?”
37师曰:咳、上气、喘、哕、咽、肠鸣、胀满、心痛、拘急。五脏病各有十八,合为九十病。人又有六微,微有十八病,合为一百八病。五劳、七伤、六极、妇人三十六病,不在其中。 The master answered: They include cough, asthma, panting, belching, dysphagia, borborygmus, abdominal fullness, heart pain and spasm. In the five zang-organs, each [of them] has 18 kinds of disease, altogether there are ninety. [Usually] people have six mild [pathological conditions], each [of which] has 18 kinds of diseases, altogether there are 108 diseases. [But] five kinds of overstrain, seven kinds of damage, six kinds of extreme [exhaustions] and thirty-six woman diseases are not involved in these diseases. Master: Cough, asthma, tachypnea, nausea, difficulty in swallowing, abdominal distention, intestinal gurgling (borborygmus), heart-stroke, or contraction of limbs. Each of the Five Viscera is subject to eighteen diseases, or ninety in total. Each of the Six Bowels is subject to eighteen diseases, which makes one hundred and eight in total. Besides, they are five factors causing fatigue or overstrain (wu lao), seven types of injury (qi shang), six types of exhaustion (liu ji) and thirty-six gynecological diseases. The master said: "Coughing, qi ascent, panting, hiccough, difficulty swallowing, rumbling intestines, distention and fullness, heart pain, and hypertonicity. Each of the five viscera has eighteen diseases, and altogether there are ninety. In addition, people also suffer from six mild afflictions. Each of these has eighteen diseases, so altogether there are one-hundred and eight. Five taxations, seven damages, six extremes, and thirty-six gynecological diseases are not included. Thus there are eighteen yang diseases. On the other hand, yin diseases are differentiated into lesser yin, greater yin, and absolute yin; three (types) times six (symptoms) is eighteen. Thus there are also eighteen yin diseases. Since there are five solid organs in the body and each of them is susceptible to eighteen diseases, the number of yin and yang diseases each totals ninety. Six mild diseases derive from the mild evils. They invade the six hollow viscera and come in three types. Thus there are another eighteen diseases; therefore there are a total of one hundred and eight diseases of the hollow viscera. The above diseases do not include ailments caused by the five fatigues, the seven emotions, the six culminations, and the thirty-six problems of women. The Master says: “Cough, qi ascent, panting, belching, dysphagia, rumbling intestines, distention and fullness, heart pain, and hypertonicity. The five viscera each have eighteen diseases, combining to make ninety diseases. People also have six minor conditions [of the bowels]”, which each have eighteen diseases, combining to make one hundred and eight. The five taxations, seven damages, six extremes, and the thirty-six women’s diseases are not among these.”
38清邪居上,浊邪居下,大邪中表,小邪中里,䅽饪之邪,从口入者,宿食也。五邪中人,各有法度,风中于前,寒中于暮,湿伤于下,雾伤于上,风令脉浮,寒令脉急,雾伤皮腠,湿流关节,食伤脾胃,极寒伤经,极热伤络。 Clear pathogenic factors (fog and haze) are in the upper and turbid pathogenic factors (water and dampness) are in the lower. Major pathogenic factors attack the external while minor pathogenic factors attack the internal. Cereal pathogenic factor that has entered [the internal] from the mouth [causes] retention of undigested food. The five kinds of pathogenic factors attack human beings according to their own way. [Pathogenic] wind attacks [human beings] in the morning, [pathogenic] cold attacks [human beings] in the afternoon, [pathogenic] dampness damages the lower part [of human body] and [pathogenic] fog damages the upper part [of human body]. [Pathogenic] wind makes the pulse floating, [pathogenic] cold makes the pulse tense, [pathogenic] fog damages the skin and interstices, [pathogenic] dampness flows into the joints, [pathogenic] food damages the spleen and stomach, extreme cold damages the meridians and extreme heat damages the collaterals. Pathogenetic factors of a clear and light nature will invade the upper part of the human body; pathogenetic factors of a heavy and turbid nature will invade the lower part of the human body. This six climate pathogenetic factors will invade the Exterior and the seven emotional factors will harm the Interior. Intemperance in eating will cause indigestion. Each of the five pathogenetic factors has its own way of invading the body. Pathogenetic Wind will invade the human body in the morning, while pathogenetic Cold will invade in the evening. Humidity will find its way into human body from the lower part, while fog will invade the upper part. Pathogenetic Wind causes the pulse to float, pathogenetic Cold accelerates the pulse. Fog injures the skin and Couli (see Clause 1.2). Humidity flows in the joints. Intemperance in eating will damage the Spleen and the Stomach. Excessive Cold will injure the Channels while excessive Heat will injure the Collaterals. Clear evil resides in the upper, turbid evil resides in the lower, major evil strikes the exterior, and minor evil strikes the interior. Dietary evil that enters through the mouth becomes abiding food. Five evils strike people with certain rules: wind strikes before noon, cold strikes in the evening, dampness damages the lower, and fog damages the upper. Wind causes the pulse to float, and cold causes the pulse to become urgent. Fog damages the skin and interstices, dampness streams into the joints, and food damages the spleen and stomach. Extreme cold damages the channels, and extreme heat damages the collaterals." "Clear evils attack above the waist, turbid evils below; the severe evils occur superficially; the mild evils, internally; and the evils from the poorly prepared food eaten cause indigestion overnight. The five evils - wind, cold, moisture, fog, and food - afflict the body in definite ways. Wind evils strike in the forenoon; cold evils at dusk. Moisture evils affect the lower torso, while fog evils invade the upper torso. Wind evils cause a floating pulse and chill evils, a quick pulse. Fog evils injure the skin and muscles. Moisture evils immobilize the joints. Inappropriate food injures the stomach and spleen; extreme chill, the longitudinal or internal meridians (Jing) ; and extreme heat, the transverse or surface meridians (luo) ." Clear evils dwell in the upper body; turbid evils dwell in the lower body. Major evils strike the exterior; minor evils strike the interior. Food evils enter through the mouth, giving rise to abiding food. The five evils strike people each in their own way. Wind strikes before [noon]; cold strikes in the evening. Dampness damages the lower body; mist damages the upper body. Wind makes the pulse floating; cold makes the pulse tense. Mist damages the interstices of the skin; dampness flows into the joints. Food damages the spleen and stomach. Extreme cold damages the channels; extreme heat damages the network vessels.
391.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14
40问曰:病有急当救里救表者,何谓也? Question: [In treating] diseases, [doctors] sometimes quickly rescue the internal, then quickly rescue the external. What is the reason? Question: There are some cases when Exterior syndromes should be given priority in treating an urgent case, and others when Interior syndromes should be given priority. Could you explain this? Question: "Among disease, there are those which require urgent rescues of the interior and those which require urgent rescue of the exterior. What does this mean?" The disciples asked: "What is the priority of treatment in the simultaneous presence of surface and internal symptoms?" Question: “There are diseases where you must quickly rescue the interior and those where you must quickly rescue the exterior. What does this mean?”
41师曰:病,医下之,续得下利清谷不止,身体疼痛者,急当救里;后身体疼痛,清便自调者,急当救表也。 The master answered: [In treating] diseases, [if] doctors [have wrongly used] purgation, there will be incessant diarrhea with undigested food. [Even if there is] generalized pain, [measures should be taken] to quickly rescue the internal. [If there is] still generalized pain [after application of purgation] and defecation is spontaneously normalized, [measures should be taken] to quickly rescue the external. Master: When a purgative is adopted, the patient will suffer continuous diarrhea containing undigested food, and general aching. In such cases, the Interior syndrome should be considered urgent. Or when the patient has normal stool with general aching, the Exterior syndrome can be treated first. The master said: "For diseases that follow purgation where incessant clear-food diarrhea and generalized pain occur, urgently rescue the interior. After treatment, with generalized pain and regular elimination, urgently rescue the exterior." The master said: "If after a purgative treatment the patient has incessant lientery and generalized aching, the internal symptom of lientery must be treated fist. If after treatment the lientery has stopped but the generalized aching remains unrelieved, the aching, which is a surface symptom, must then be treated at once." The Master says: “In conditions where a physician has precipitated and [the patient] continues to suffer from incessant clear-grain diarrhea and generalized pain, you must quickly rescue the interior. Afterwards, [if there is still] generalized pain, but the eliminations have returned to normal, then you must quickly rescue the exterior.”
421.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
43夫病痼疾,加以卒病,当先治其卒病,后乃治其痼疾也。 [In a patient,] the old disease [is not cured yet], [but] a new disease has occurred. [Doctor] should first treat new disease and then treat old disease. When a patient with a chronic disease is affected by a new disease, the new disease should be given priority in treatment, after which the chronic disease can be treated. For intractable disease accompanied by a sudden illness, one should primarily treat the sudden illness, and then the intractable disease. The master admonished: "When a patient who has been suffering from a chronic disease suddenly incurs an acute disease, it is mandatory to begin treating the acute disease before addressing the chronic condition." When an intractable disease is added to by a sudden disease, you must first treat the sudden disease and afterwards treat the intractable disease.
441.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16
45师曰:五脏病各有所得者愈,五脏病各有所恶,各随其所不喜者为病。病者素不应食,而反暴思之,必发热也。 [In] five zang-organs diseases, each of them needs [certain food appropriate for it]. [When they] have obtained [what are appropriate for them], [the diseases will be eventually] cured. [In] the five zang-organs diseases, each of them dislikes [certain food inappropriate for it]. [When they] have obtained [what are inappropriate for them], [the diseases will be] worsened. [If] the patient has suddenly eaten what he usually dislikes to eat, [pathogenic qi will] immediately increase and inevitably cause heat. Master: Diseases of the Five Viscera have their respective healthful and harmful foods. When a patient eats food he likes, he is likely to recover quickly. Or, on the other hand, when he is given food he dislikes his disease will be aggravated. If a patient expresses a desire for food he usually dislikes, he is likely to contract a fever. The master said: "diseases of the five viscera can be cured by their appropriate correspondences. Diseases of the five viscera have their own aversions; each follows their corresponding disinclinations and so become affected. If there are foods that the patient has always resisted, and he suddenly desires them, there will be heat effusion." The master said: "Each visceral disease has its own specific environment and conditions appropriate for recovery. Contrarily, each visceral disease also has its own uncongenial environment and inappropriate conditions for contracting the disease. For instance, a patient who suddenly craves some food which he previously did not even like may develop a fever after eating that food." The Master says: “In disease of the five viscera, if each gets what is appropriate [for it], recovery ensues. Since they each have things to which they are averse, if they get what they dislike, disease ensues as a consequence. If patients suddenly crave to eat something they normally do not like, they will [suffer from] heat effusion.”
461.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17
47夫诸病在脏,欲攻之,当随其所得而攻之,如渴者,与猪苓汤。余皆仿此。 [In treating] visceral diseases, attacking and purging [therapies] can be used according to the pathogenic factors that have attacked it. If there is thirst, Zhuling Decoction (猪苓汤, polyporus decoction) [can be used] to treat it. [Treatment of] other [diseases] also can follow such a way. While the disease is affecting the Viscera, attacking or purgative therapy is appropriate only when corresponding symptoms and signs are observed. For example, if the patient is thirsty for water, Decoction of Polyporus Umbellatus can be administered. Similar treatment can be applied for all other cases. For all diseases of the viscera, when attacking, attack according to their reliance. If there is thirst, apply Zhu Ling Tang (Polyporus Decoction). This principle can be applied to other diseases. While the disease is affecting the Viscera, attacking or purgative therapy is appropriate only when corresponding symptoms and signs are observed. For instance, if the patient is thirsty for water, Decoction of Polyporus Umbellatus (Zhu ling-tang) can be administered. Similar treatment can be applied for all other cases. All diseases in the viscera, if they are to be attacked, should be attacked in accord with what [evil] the patient has contracted. For example, for thirst, I give zhū líng tāng (猪苓汤 Polyporus Decoction). [All] other diseases are like this too.
49痉湿暍病脉证治第二 Chapter 2 Tetany, Dampness and Summer Disease: Pulses, Syndrome/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 2 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Jing, Humidity and Ye Diseases Chapter 2 Pulses, signs, and Treatment of Tetany, Dampness, and Summerheat Stroke Chapter 2 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Convulsion, Moisture Disease (Rheumatism), and Heatstroke Chapter 2 Tetany, Dampness, and Thermoplegia
502.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1
51太阳病,发热无汗,反恶寒者,名曰刚痉。 Taiyang disease, [characterized by] fever, no sweating and aversion to cold, is called hard tetany. Initial Yang syndrome: Syndrome with symptoms and signs of fever, no perspiration, but aversion to clod is termed Gang Jing. Taiyang disease with heat effusion and absence of sweating but with aversion to cold is referred to as hard tetany. One type of Initial Yang syndrome with symptoms and signs of fever, no perspiration, but aversion to cold is termed GangJing (strong convulsions). Great yáng disease with heat effusion and absence of sweating, but with aversion to cold is called “hard tetany.”
522.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
53太阳病,发热汗出,而不恶寒,名曰柔痉。 Taiyang disease, [characterized by] fever, sweating and no aversion to cold, is called soft tetany. Initial Yang syndrome: Syndrome with symptoms and signs of fever and perspiration, but no aversion to cold, is termed Rou Jing. Taiyang disease with heat effusion and sweating but with no aversion to cold is referred to as soft tetany. Another type of Initial Yang syndrome with symptoms and signs of fever and perspiration, but with no aversion to cold, is termed RouJing (weak convulsions). Great yáng disease with heat effusion and sweating and without aversion to cold is called “soft tetany.”
542.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
55太阳病,发热,脉沉而细者,名曰痉,为难治。 Taiyang disease, [characterized by] fever, sunken and thin pulse, is called tetany, very difficult to treat. Initial Yang syndrome with fever and deep and slender pulse is termed Jing disease, and is difficult to cure. Taiyang disease manifesting with heat effusion and sunken fine pulses is called tetany. This is difficult to treat. Initial Yang syndrome with fever, a submerged and thin pulse, and muscle spasms in termed Jing disease (convulsions), and is difficult to cure. Great yáng disease with heat effusion and a sunken and fine pulse is called tetany. It is difficult to treat.
562.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
57太阳病,发汗太多,因致痉。 [In] taiyang disease, excessive sweating causes tetany. Initial Yang syndrome: Profuse perspiration will cause a Jing disease. In taiyang disease, excessive use of the sweating method leads to tetany. Initial Yang syndrome: Profuse perspiration will cause a Jing disease. In great yáng disease, excessive promotion of sweating [can] cause tetany.
582.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
59夫风病,下之则痉,复发汗,必拘急。 In wind disease, purgation will cause tetany and repeated [application of] diaphoresis will cause spasm. Using purgative for a syndrome caused by pathogenetic Wind will result in a Jing disease. If diaphoresis is adopted as a further treatment, the patient will suffer contraction of extremities. Wind disease will lead to tetany when treated with purgation. With sweating methods, hypertonicity is certain to occur. A wind disease improperly treated by purgation produces convulsions. The inducement of perspiring also results in spasms in the arms and legs. In wind disease, precipitation results in tetany. If you additionally promote sweating, you will invariably cause hypertonicity.
602.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
61疮家虽身疼痛,不可发汗,汗出则痉。 Although the patient with sores suffers from generalized pain, diaphoresis cannot be used [because] sweating causes tetany. Diaphoresis should be applied for patients with skin sores, even if he had body pain. If applied, the patient will suffer spasms (contraction of extremities). For a person with sores, even though there is generalized pain, he should not be treated with sweating, or tetany will occur. Thus a patient suffering from sores, despite his generalized aching, should not be sweated because it will cause convulsions. Even if patients who suffer from sores experience generalized pain, you must not promote sweating; sweating will result in tetany.
622.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7
63病者身热足寒,颈项强急,恶寒,时头热,面赤目赤,独头动摇,卒口噤,背反张者,痓病也。若发其汗者,寒湿相得,其表益虚,即恶寒甚。发其汗已,其脉如蛇。 The disease, [characterized by] generalized fever, cold feet, stiffness of the neck and nape, aversion to cold, occasionally heat in the head, red face and eyes, shaking of the head only, sudden lockjaw and rigidity of the back, is tetany disease. If sweating is promoted, cold and dampness will be worsened, and the external will be even more weakened, indicating that aversion to cold is severe. After promoting sweating, the pulse will move like a snake. Jing diseases have the following symptoms and signs: Fever throughout the body with cold feet; rigid neck; aversion to cold; fever in head with flushed face and red eyes; shaking of head; sudden trismus and opisthotonus. If diaphoresis is adopted in such cases, Cold and Humidity will intermingle bringing about a greater Deficiency in the Exterior. The patient will develop an even greater aversion to cold. After adoption of diaphoresis, the pulse resembles a snake. A patient who presents with generalized heat, coldness in the feet, rigidity of the nape and neck, aversion to cold, frequent heat effusion of the head, reddening of the face and eyes, involuntary shaking of the head, sudden clenching of the jaw, and arched-back rigidity suffers from tetany. If sweating is promoted, cold and dampness will interact with each other, and the exterior will become even more deficient, causing a serious aversion to cold. The pulse becomes snake-like after sweating. A convulsive (Jing) disease manifests the symptoms of generalized fever, cold feet, stiff neck, chillphobia, occasional head fever, facial and ocular hyperemia, involuntary shaking of the head, lockjaw, and tetany. If the patient is sweated, the chill and moisture evils will interact causing further weakening of the surface and more severe chillphobia. After sweating, the patient's pulse becomes like a writhing snake. If a patient [presents with] generalized heat [effusion], cold in the lower extremities, rigid neck and nape, aversion to cold, a periodically hot head, red face, red eyes, shaking of the head only, sudden clenching of the jaw, and arched-back rigidity, this is tetany. If you promote sweating in such a patient, cold and dampness will exacerbate each other, so that the exterior will be even more vacuous. This means that the aversion to cold will be aggravated. After sweating, the pulse becomes snake-like.
642.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
65暴腹胀大者,为欲解,脉如故,反伏弦者,痉。 Sudden distension and enlargement of the abdomen indicates [that the disease is] about to resolve. [If] the pulse remains the same as before or becomes hidden and taut, it is tetany. When a patient suffering from Jing disease suddenly feels abdominal distention, he is about to recover. If the pulse remains the same but then turns into hidden-tight, the disease is not subsiding. Sudden abdominal distention indicates that the condition is on the verge of resolution. If the pulses are the same as before, or hidden and wiry, tetany remains. When a patient suffering from a Jing disease suddenly feels abdominal distention, it is a sign of recovery. If the pulse remains the same but if the pulse becomes hidden and chordal, convulsive disease has set in. Fulminant distention and enlargement of the abdomen means that [the disease] is about to resolve. If the pulse remains as before or turns hidden and stringlike, this means tetany.
662.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
67痉病的脉象,按时寸关尺三部之脉象均紧而弦。 The pulse in tetany [disease] is tight and taut when pressed, moving upwards and downwards (from the cun region to the chi region). Pulse of a Jing disease: When pressed, it is tense and tight with full pulsation from Inch to Cubit. The pulses of tetany, when pressed, are as tight as a cord and palpable from the inch to the cubit position. The pulse in convulsive diseases feels as tense as a chord and is palpable all the way from the upper (cun) to the lower (chi) site. The pulse of tetany, when pressed, is tight like a string from top to bottom.
682.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10
69痉病有灸疮,难治。 Tetany disease with sores [caused by] moxibustion is difficult to treat. Jing disease: The case will be difficult to treat if the patient has skin sores caused by moxibustion. Tetanic conditions accompanied by moxibustion sores are difficult to treat. Convulsions in a patient with sores are difficult to arrest. Tetanic disease with moxibustion sores is difficult to treat.
702.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11
71太阳病,其证备,身体强,几几然,脉反沉迟,此为痉,栝蒌桂枝汤主之。 [In] taiyang disease,all the symptoms and signs are present, [the patient’s] body is rigid and in vain to move, and the pulse is sunken and slow. Such [a pathological condition is called] tetany. Gualou Guizhi Decoction (栝蒌桂枝汤, trichosanthes and cinnamon twig decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Initial Yang syndrome with all corresponding symptoms and signs and a rigid feeling throughout the body (neck and back) but with deep and slow pulse is a Jing disease. Decoction of Radix Trichosanthis Ramulus Cinnamomi can be prescribed as a remedy. Stew the drugs in nine sheng of water until three sheng remain. Serve the lukewarm decoction in three doses to induce a light sweat. If there is no sweat, hot porridge can be served to improve the effect of the decoction. When taiyang disease appears with all signs present, but with stretched stiffness of the body, and the pulses are sunken and slow; this is called tetany. Gua Lou Gui Zhi Tang (Trichosanthes and Cinnamon Twig Decoction) is indicated. The conformation of a convulsive disease includes the complete symptoms of Initial Yang syndrome together with a rigid body, stiff neck and back, and a submerged and low pulse. It should be treated primarily with Gua-lou-gui-zhi-tang (Trichosanthes and Cinnamon Combination). In greater yáng disease, if all signs are present and [in addition] the body is rigid and stretched but the pulse is sunken and slow, this is tetany. Trichsanthes and Cinnamon Twig Decoction (栝楼桂枝汤 guā lóu guì zhī tāng) governs.
722.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12 2.12
73太阳病,无汗而小便反少,气上冲胸,口噤不得语,欲作刚痉,葛根汤主之。 [In] taiyang disease, [there is] no sweating, urine is scanty, qi surges upwards to the chest, [the patient is] unable to speak [due to] lockjaw and hard tetany is about to occur. Gegen Decoction (葛根汤, pueraria decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Initial Yang syndrome: Gang Jing disease will appear when the following symptoms and signs are observed: No perspiration, but with little urination, sensation of gas rushing up towards the thorax, and trismus with aphasia. Decoction of Radix Puerariae will be a curative. Chop up the drugs. Stew Radix Puerariae in one dou of water until eight sheng remain. Skim off foam and add remining ingredients, stewing it until three sheng remain. Filter the decoction and serve one sheng of lukewarm decoction per dose. Cover the patient to induce a light sweat; no need to take porridge. Treatment should be identical to that when Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi is prescribed. For taiyang disease manifesting with an absence of sweating but with scant urine, qi surging upward in the chest, clenched jaw, and appearing on the verge of hard tetany; Ge Gen Tang (Pueraria Decoction) is indicated. Initial Yang syndrome with anhidrosis, oliguria, flushing of Oi toward the chest, lockjaw, and a tendency to have strong convulsions should be treated with Ge-gen-tang (Pueraria Combination). In greater yáng disease, if you see no sweating but scant urine, qì surging up into chest, and a clenched jaw preventing speech, hard tetany is about to occur. Pueraria Decoction (ɡě ɡēn tāng) governs.
742.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13
75痉为病,胸满口噤,卧不着席,脚挛急,必齘齿,可与大承气汤。 [When] tetany develops into disease, [it is characterized by] chest fullness, lockjaw, lying but unable to lie on the mat, spasm of the feet and grinding of the teeth. [It] can be treated by Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi). Decoction of Greater Chengqi can be prescribed for a Jing disease according to another edition, for a Gang Jing disease) when the following symptoms and signs are observed: Fulness in the chest, trismus, serious opisthotonus that prevent the patient from lying flat on bed, with contraction of legs and grinding of teeth. For the disease of tetany manifesting with fullness in the chest, clenched jaw, an inability to lie flat, and hypertonicity of the feet, grinding of the teeth is certain to occur. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) can be applied. A strong convulsive disease in a patient manifesting thoracic fullness, lockjaw, tetany, spasms of the feet, and involuntary gnashing of teeth may be treated with Da-cheng-qi-tang (Major Rhubarb Combination). When tetany is the disease and there is fullness in the chest, clenched jaw, lying without [the back] touching the mat, and hypertonicity of the legs, there will be grinding of the teeth. [In such cases,] you may give Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (大承气汤 dà chénɡ qì tāng).
762.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14
77太阳病,关节疼痛而烦,脉沉而细者,此名湿痹。湿痹之候,小便不利,大便反快,但当利其小便。 Taiyang disease, [characterized by] joint pain with vexation and sunken and thin pulse, is called dampness impediment. [The symptoms and signs of] dampness impediment are inhibited urination and free defecation. But [in such a case,] urination should be free first. Initial Yang syndrome: Rheymatic arthritis due to Humidity (Shibi) can be diagnosed when the following symptoms and signs are observed: Arthralgia, restlessness, pulse deep and slender (according to another edition, pulse is moderate). When symptoms of dysuria and smooth stool are observed, diuretic should be prescribed. Taiyang disease manifesting with pain of the joints and vexation, and with sunken and fine pulses; this is called damp impediment. The indicators for damp impediment include inhibited urination, but the stools are free. Primarily disinhibit urine. Initial Yang syndrome exhibiting arthralgia, distress, and a submerged and thin pulse is known as moist disease (rheumatism). It should be treated with a diuretic when there is oliguria and diarrhea. In greater yáng disease, if there is vexing pain in the joints and a sunken and fine pulse, this is called damp impediment. The sign of damp impediment is inhibited urination but free stool. [In such cases], disinhibit urine only.
782.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15
79湿家之为病,一身尽疼,发热,身色如熏黄也。 Patients with dampness disease [usually suffer from] generalized pain, fever and yellow body as if being fumigated. Humidity diseases exhibit symptoms and signs of general aching (according to another edition, general aching and restlessness), fever, and "fumigated yellow" complexion. A person suffering from dampness presents with generalized pain, heat effusion, and a smoky yellow discoloration of the body. Patients with moisture disease suffer from generalized aching and fever and exhibit a smoky yellow discoloration of the whole body. Dampness patients suffer from generalized pain throughout the whole body, heat effusion, and a smoky yellow complexion of the body.
802.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16
81湿家,其人但头汗出,背强,欲得被覆向火。若下之早则哕,或胸满,小便不利,舌上如胎者,以丹田有热,胸上有寒,渴欲得饮而不能饮,则口燥烦也。 Patients with dampness disease suffer from sweating over the head, rigidity of the back and desire to be covered with quilt and meet fire. If purgation is used earlier, [it will] cause hiccup, or chest fullness, inhibited urination and thick tongue fur because there is heat in dantian (cinnabar region) and cold in the chest. [If the patient feels] thirsty and wants to drink water but is unable to drink, [it will cause] dryness and vexation. The patient who is suffering from chronic disease caused by pathogenetic Humidity will sweat only on head, have a stiff back, prefer heavy clothing and warm environment (he prefers to remain near a fire). When purgative is given too early, nausea will occur. There will also be symptoms and signs of fullness in the chest, or dysuria (according to another edition, normal urination). When a thick coating appears on the tongue, it can be diagnosed as pathogenetic Heat in the Elixir Field and pathogenetic Cold in the chest. The patient is thirsty but cannot drink, so he suffers from a parched mouth. A person suffering from dampness presents with sweating from the head only, a stiff back, and a desire to be covered with quilts by the fire; after premature purgation, hiccoughing, fullness in the chest or inhibited urination, and a coating seems to appear on the tongue. This is attributed to heat in the cinnabar filed and coldness in the chest. The person is thirsty with a desire to drink water, but he is unable to do so, thus there is dry mouth and vexation. Patients suffering from moisture disease who perspire on the head only, have a stiff back, and wish to be wrapped in a quilt or to sit close to a fire will retch or develop chest fullness, oliguria, and fur-like tongue coating if purgation is conducted prematurely. A fever in the lower torso and chill in the chest causes thirst and a dry mouth. The afflicted have a desire to drink liquids but cannot. Dampness patients sweat only from the head, suffer from rigidity of the back, and desire to be covered with bedclothes and face the fire. If precipitation is performed early, the result is hiccup or fullness in the chest with inhibited urination, and a tongue that resembles [one that has] fur. This is because there is heat in the cinnabar field and cold on the chest. If there is thirst with a desire for water, but inability to drink, the result is vexing dryness of the mouth.
822.17 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.17 2.17
83湿家下之,额上汗出,微喘,小便利者死,若下利不止者亦死。 [When] the patient with dampness [disease is treated by] purgation, [there is] sweating on the forehead with slight panting. [If] urination is uninhibited, [the patient will] die. If [there is] incessant diarrhea, [the patient will] also die. The malpractice of prescribing purgatives for a patient who suffers from a Humidity disease will end in death when the following symptoms and signs are observed: Sweating on forehead, slight wheezing, incontinence of urination. Case will also be fatal when continuous diarrhea is observed. After applying purgation in person suffering from dampness, if there is sweating on the forehead, slight panting, and uninhibited urination, the condition is terminal. If there is incessant diarrhea, the condition is also terminal. In a patient with moisture disease if purgation causes perspiring of the forehead, mild gasping, and polyuria, the patient will die. Also, if incessant diarrhea results, the patient will die. When dampness patients manifest with sweating on the forehead, slight panting, and uninhibited urination following precipitation treatment, they will die. If there is incessant diarrhea, they will also die.
842.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18 2.18
85风湿相搏,一身尽疼痛,法当汗出而解,值天阴雨不止,医云此可发汗,汗之病不愈者,何也?盖发其汗,汗大出者,但风气去,湿气在,是故不愈也。若治风湿者,发其汗,但微微似欲出汗者,风湿俱去也。 [When] wind and dampness contend with each other, [there will appear] generalized pain [which] can be resolved only by perspiration. [If] it is cloudy and incessantly rainy, doctors say that it can [be treated by] perspiration. [But] the disease is not cured after perspiration. What is the reason? Because diaphoresis has promoted great sweating and wind qi is removed, but dampness qi is still present. That is why [the disease is] not cured. If wind-dampness is treated [by diaphoresis to promote sweating], sweating should be mild as if going to perspire. [In such a way of treatment,] both wind and dampness will disappear. When pathogenetic Wind and Humidity intermingle and struggle against each other, the patient will suffer from general aches. Correct therapy is to disperse pathogenetic factors through diaphoresis. On a raining day, the doctors, "Diaphoresis will do." But after attempting diaphoresis, the syndrome does not subside. Why does this happen? Master: This must be a case of diaphoresis inducing profuse perspiration. Profuse perspiration will dispel pathogenetic Wind, but not the Humidity, the syndrome remains. To disperse the Wind and Humidity simultaneously, only a light perspiration should be induced. Wind and dampness contending with one another gives rise to generalize pain. As a rule, it should be resolved by sweating. On incessant rainy days, the physician claims that sweating can be applied, but the disease remains even after sweating is promoted. Why is this? Profuse sweating can dispel only wind-qi, while damp-qi remains; therefore, the condition also remains. To treat wind-dampness, sweating should be promoted so moderately that the person appears as if sweating is just about to occur. Then, wind and dampness will both disappear. Interaction between wind and moisture evils causes generalized aching which can be resolved by the sweating method. However, once a physician treated the condition with the sweating method on a rainy day, but the patient did not recover. Why? Because the profuse sweating only eliminated the wind evil while the moisture evil remained; thus the patient was not cured. The correct way of treating wind and moisture evils (rheumatism) is to instigate mild perspiring. In this way both wind and moisture evils will be eliminated. Wind and dampness contending with each other [manifests in] generalized pain. The [treatment] method is to promote sweating and thus bring about resolution. If by chance there is incessant rainy, yin weather, physicians say that this can be treated by promoting sweating. But if after promotion of sweating the patient does not recover, why [is this so]? In such cases, if promotion of sweating results in great sweating, only wind qi leaves while damp qi is still present. This is why [the patient] does not recover. If you treat wind-damp in such a way that you promote sweating only very slightly, to the point where the patient appears about to sweat, wind and dampness will both leave.
862.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.19
87湿家病,身疼发热,面黄而喘,头痛,鼻塞而烦,其脉大,自能饮食,腹中和无病,病在头中寒湿,故鼻塞,内药鼻中则愈。 Patients with dampness disease suffer from generalized pain, fever, yellow complexion, panting, headache, nasal congestion and vexation. [Besides,] the pulse is large, [the patient is] able to drink and eat, [there is] harmony in the abdomen without any disease, [indicating that there is] cold-dampness disease in the head. That is why [there is] nasal congestion. To insert medicine into the nose will cure [the disease]. Pathogenetic Cold-Humidity factors in the head will cause the following symptoms and signs in a patient suffering form Humidity disease: General aches, fever, sallow complexion, wheezing, headache with stuffy nose, restlessness, with huge pulse, normal appetite and harmony of abdomen (digestive tract is normal). Stuffy nose is caused by the pathogenetic Cold-Humidity in head. Drugs can be taken through the nasal cavity to dispel the syndrome. A person suffering from dampness may present with generalized pain, heat effusion, a yellow face with panting, headache, nasal congestion, vexation, and large pulses. He has a normal appetite with a healthy and harmonious abdomen. The condition is cold-damp in the head, so nasal congestion occurs. This can be resolved by placing medication inside the nose. A patient with moisture disease manifesting generalized aching, fever, a yellowish facial complexion, asthma, headache, stuffy nose, distress, and a big pulse but normal eating and drinking, a harmonious abdominal condition, and cold-dampness disease in the head. The stuffy nose can be cured by placing medication in the patient's nose. When dampness patients [present with] generalized pain, heat effusion, yellow face, panting, headache, nasal congestion and vexation, a large pulse, ability to eat and drink naturally, and harmony in the abdomen without disease, [this indicates that] the disease is cold-damp in the head; hence the nasal congestion. Insert medicine into the nose, and the patient will recover.
882.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20
89湿家身烦疼,可与麻黄加术汤发其汗为宜,慎不可以火攻之。 [When there is] vexation and pain in the patient with dampness [disease], Mahuang Decoction (麻黄汤,ephedra decoction) added with Baizhu (白术,rhizome of largehead atractyloes, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) [is] the appropriate [formula used] to treat it. Cares should be taken to avoid use of fire attack therapy. Decoction of Herba Ephedrae adding Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae can be adopted as a diaphoretic for a patient suffering from Humidity disease with general aching and restlessness. Prescribing such a diaphoretic is suitable. Fire therapy should never be used in such cases. For a person who suffers from dampness that manifests with vexation and generalized pain, it is recommended to promote sweating with Ma Huang Jia Zhu Tang (Ephedra Decoction plus Ovate Atractylodes Decoction). Be cautious, and do not attack with fire. A patient with moisture disease manifesting generalized vexation and aching may be suitably treated by inducing sweating with Ma-huang-jia-shu-tang (Mahuang and Atractylodes Combination). The doctor should be cautioned against using the fire-attacking method. When dampness patients [present with] generalized vexing pain, you may give Ephedra Decoction Plus White Atracty-lodes (麻黄加术汤 má huáng jiā zhú tāng) to promote sweating. Be careful not to attack with fire.
902.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 Line 2.21
91病者一身尽疼,发热,日晡所剧者,名风湿。此病伤于汗出当风,或久伤取冷所致也。可与麻黄杏仁薏苡甘草汤。 [In] the patient, [there are symptoms and signs of] generalized pain all through the body with fever [that is] more serious in the late afternoon, it is called wind-dampness [disease]. This disease is caused by exposure to wind [when] sweating or enduring injury resulting from cold. Mahuang Xingren Yien Gancao Decoction (麻黄杏仁薏苡甘草汤, ephedra, apricot kernel, coix and licorice decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Symptoms of general aches and fever that become aggravated in the afternoon indicate a Wind-Humidity disease caused by exposure to wind the patient is sweating all over or by remaining in a cold spot for long periods on a hot day. Decoction of Herba Ephedrae, Semen Armeniacae Amarum, Semen Coicis and Radix Glycyrrhizae may be prescribed. A person with generalized pain and heat effusion that increases during the late afternoon watch is suffering from wind-damp. This is attributed to sweating with exposure to wind, or extended exposure to cold. Ma Huang Xing Ren Yi Yi Gan Cao Tang (Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Coix, and Licorice Decoction) can be applied. Generalized aching and fever which aggravates in the evening also accompanies rheumatism. It occurs when one who is perspiring is caught in a draft or when one gets cold in the presence of a chronic injury. Treatment calls for Ma-xing-yi-gan-tang (Mahuang and Coix Combination). When a patient [manifests with] pain throughout the whole body and heat effusion that becomes more severe in the late afternoon, this is called wind-damp. This disease is [caused by] damage from exposure to wind during sweating, or by enduring damage from consumption of cold substances. You may give Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Coix, and Licorice Decoction (麻黄杏仁薏苡甘草汤 má huáng xìng rén yì yǐ gān cǎo tāng).
922.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22
93风湿,脉浮,身重,汗出,恶风者,防己黄芪汤主之。 [Disease, characterized by] wind-dampness,floating pulse,heaviness of the body,sweating and aversion to cold, [can be] treated by Fangji Huangqi Decoction (防己黄芪汤, the root of stephania tetrandra and astragalus decoction). Decoction of Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae and Radix Astragali Hedysari may be prescribed for Wind-Humidity disease with floating pulse, heaviness in movement, perspiration and sensitivity to wind. For wind-damp manifesting with floating pulses, generalized heaviness, and sweating with an aversion to wind, Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang (Stephania Root and Astragalus Decoction) is indicated. Fang-ji-huang-qi-tang (Stephania and Astragalus Combination) treats rheumatism with a floating pulse, generalized heaviness, sweating, and anemophobia. Wind-damp with a floating pulse, heavy body, sweating, and aversion to wind is governed by Fangji and Astragalus Decoction (防己黄芪汤 fáng jǐ huáng qí tāng).
942.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.23
95伤寒八九日,风湿相搏,身体疼烦,不能自转侧,不呕不渴,脉浮虚而涩者,桂枝附子汤主之。若大便坚,小便自利者,去桂加白朮汤主之。 Eight or nine days [after occurrence of] cold damage [disease], wind and dampness contend with each other, [causing] generalized pain with vexation, inability to turn [the body], no retching and thirst, floating, weak and rough pulse. Guizhi Fuzi Decoction (桂枝附子汤, cinnamon twig and aconite decoction) [can be used] to treat it. If stool is hard and urination is uninhibited, Guizhi (桂枝,cinnamon twig, Ramulus Cinnamomi) is removed and Baizhu Decoction (白术汤, largehead atractyloes rhizome decoction) is added. Febrile disease caused by Cold, eight to nine days: When Wind and Humidity factors conflict, the patient will suffer acute body pain, and moving around will be difficult. If the patient is not nauseous or thirsty and has floating-deficient and hesitant pulse, Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi and Radix Aconiti Praeparata can be a curative. If there is constipation and normal urination, Decoction subtracting Ramulu Cinnamomi adding Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae can be given. When a cold damage condition lasts for eight to nine days, and wind and dampness contend with one another, signs of vexation with generalized pain, an inability to turn over on the side, an absence of vomiting or excessive thirst and floating, deficient, and rough pulses may appear. Gui Zhi Fu Zi Tang (Cinnamon Twig and Aconite Decoction) is indicated. With hard stools and uninhibited urination, Bai Zhu Fu Zi Tang (Ovate Atractylodes and Aconite Decoction) is indicated. A shang han condition that has lasted for eight to nine days with wind and moisture evils interacting-generalized aching and vexation, inability to tum over voluntarily, no vomiting, no thirst, and a floating, empty, and harsh pulse requires the basic treatment of Gui-zhi-fu-zhi-tang (Cinnamon, Aconite, and Ginger Combination). When cold damage [disease] persists for eight or nine days, wind and dampness are contending with each other. [If this manifests in] vexing generalized pain and inability to turn sides, but no retching and no thirst, with a pulse that is floating, vacuous and rough, Cinnamon Twig and Aconite Decoction (guì zhī fù zǐ tāng) governs. If the stool is hard but urination is uninhibited, [this] decoction minus cinnamon twig (guì zhī) plus white atracty-lodes (bái zhú) governs.
962.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24 2.24
97风湿相搏,骨节疼烦,掣痛不得屈伸,近之则痛剧,汗出短气,小便不利,恶风不欲去衣,或身微肿者,甘草附子汤主之。 [When] wind and dampness contend with each other, [there are symptoms and signs of] pain of joints with vexation, inability to stretch [the joints due to] spasmatic pain, acute pain when touched, sweating, shortness of breath, uninhibited urination, aversion to cold, no desire to remove clothes, or slight swelling of the body. Gancao Fuzi Decoction (甘草附子汤, licorice and aconite decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Conflicting Wind and Humidity factors cause acute pain in joints which impairs movement of joints due to serious referred pain. The pain is aggravated if pressure is applied. The patient is short of breath, perspires, avoids wind, is reluctant to remove clothing, suffers from dysuria and slight swelling of the body. Decoction of Radix Glycyrrhizae and Radix Aconiti Praeparata can be prescribed. Wind and dampness contending with one another causes vexing pain in the joints, and also pulling pains with an inability to bend and stretch. The pain becomes aggravated when the affected parts are touched. With sweating, shortness of breath, inhibited urination, aversion to wind with a reluctance to disrobe, or mild generalized swelling, Gan Cao Fu Zi Tang (Licorice and Aconite Decoction) is indicated. An interaction between wind and moisture toxins that causes arthralgia, spasmodic pain, inability to flex and stretch, severe pain upon touching, sweating, gasping, oliguria, anemophobia to the point of disliking to undress even, or mild generalized edema should be treated principally with Gan-cao-fu-zhi-tang (Licorice and Aconite Combination). Wind and dampness contending with each other manifests in vexing pain in the joints, puling pain, inability to stretch, acute pain when touched, sweating and shortness of breath, inhibited urination, aversion to wind and reluctance to remove clothing, and in some cases, slight generalized swelling. Licorice and Aconite Decoction (gān cǎo fù zǐ tāng) governs.
982.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25
99太阳中暍,发热恶寒,身重而疼痛,其脉弦细芤迟。小便已,洒洒然毛耸,手足逆冷,小有劳,身即热,口开,前板齿燥。若发其汗,则其恶寒甚;加温针,则发热甚;数下之,则淋甚。 Summer-heat in taiyang [disease is characterized by] fever, aversion to cold, heaviness and pain of the body, taut, thin, hollow and slow pulse. After urination, [the patient feels] shivering and body hair [seems] to erect. [Other symptoms and signs include] reversal cold of hands and feet, slight overstrain, generalized fever, open mouth and panting, and dryness of the front teeth. If diaphoresis is used, aversion to cold will be severe. [If acupuncture with] warmed needle is applied, fever will be severe. [If] purgation [is used] repeatedly, stranguria will be severe. Initial Yang syndrome caused by Ye (heatstroke): the patient has both fever and aversion to cold, heaviness of movement and general aching, with pulse tight, slender, void were standing on end. He also feels cold in the extremities. If he does any work, fever will be aggravated. When he opens his mouth, his front teeth appear perched. When sweating is induced, aversion to cold will be aggravated. If warming needles are given, fever will intensify. If purgatives are adopted repeatedly, serious strangury will result. Taiyang summer heat stoke is characterized by heat effusion, aversion to cold, and generalized heavens with pain. The pulses are wiry, fine, scallion-stalk, and slow. Also, a shivering sensation appears following urination, with fine hairs standing up and counterflow cold of the extremities. The slightest physical labor would cause generalized heat with an open mouth and dry front teeth. Promoting sweating will aggravate the aversion to cold, applying warm needing will aggravate the heat effusion, and repeated purgation will cause severe strangury. A person with sunstroke of Initial yang type may have a fever, chillphobia, generalized heaviness and pain, a chordal, thin, hollow, and slow pulse, a shivering sensation after urination, adverse chilling of the limbs, development of fever upon slight physical exertion, gasping, dry front teeth, violent chill phobia when perspiring, severe fever upon treatment with warm needles; and serious urinary dripping upon frequent purgation. Greater yang thermoplegia manifests in heat effusion and aversion to cold, generalized heaviness and pain, a stringlike, fine, scallion-stalk, and slow pulse, and shivering, erect body hair, and counter-flow cold of the extremities after urinating. [Even] slight taxation results in generalized heat, open mouth, and dry front teeth. Promotion of sweating aggravates the aversion to cold; application of warm needling aggravates the heat effusion; repeated precipitation treatment results in severe strangury.
1002.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26 2.26
101太阳中热者,暍是也。汗出恶寒,身热而渴,白虎加人参汤主之。 Heat attack in taiyang [disease] is caused by summer-heat. [If there are symptoms and signs of] sweating, aversion to cold, generalized fever and thirst, Baihu Decoction (白虎汤, white tiger decoction) added with Renshen (人参, ginseng, Radix Ginseng) [can be used] to treat it. Initial Yang syndrome caused by heatstroke is a case of Ye. Decoction of Baihu adding Radix Giseng can be adopted when the following symptoms and signs are observed: perspiration, aversion to cold, fever and thirst. Taiyang disease with heat stroke is known as summerheat stroke. For sweating, aversion to cold, generalized heat, and thirst, Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang (White Tiger Decoction plus Ginseng) is indicated. Heatstroke (Re), a Initial yang disease, manifests sweating, chillphobia, generalized fever, and thirst. Bai-hu-jia-ren-sheng-tung (Ginseng and Gypsum Combination) is the primary treatment. Thermoplegia means that greater yang is struck by heat. [It is characterized by] sweating, aversion to cold, generalized heat [effusion], and thirst. White Tiger Decoction Plus Ginseng (bái hǔ jiā rén shēn tāng) governs.
1022.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27
103太阳中暍,身热疼重,而脉微弱,此以夏月伤冷水,水行皮中所致也,一物瓜蒂汤主之。 Heat attack in taiyang [disease is marked by] generalized fever, pain and heaviness of the body, faint and weak pulse, caused by damage from cold water that moves beneath the skin in summer. Yiwu Guadi Decoction (一物瓜蒂汤, one single melon stalk decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Initial Yang syndrome caused by Ye (heatstroke) has the following symptoms and signs when caused by exposure to cold water in summer: fever, general aching and heaviness, with feeble and weak pulse. Such symptoms are caused by the circulation of pathogenetic Water under the skin. Decoction of Pedicellus Melo can be prescribed. Taiyang summerheat stroke can manifest with generalized heat effusion, pain, heaviness, and faint weak pulses. This is caused by damage from cold water in the summertime, which causes water to move within the skin. Gua Di Tang (Melon Stalk Decoction) is indicated. Heatstroke with generalized fever, aching and heaviness, and a minute and weak pulse occurs when cool water along with summer heat injures the body by water vapor moving about in the skin, yi-wu-gua-di-tang (Melon Pedicel One Herb Combination) is the principal treatment for this greater yang diseases. When greater yáng thermoplegia manifests with generalized heat [effusion], pain, heaviness, and a faint and weak pulse, this is caused by damage from cold water in the summer months and by water moving in the skin. Single-Agent Melon Stalk Decoction (一物瓜蒂汤yī wù guā dì tāng) governs.
105百合狐惑阴阳毒病脉证治第三 Chapter 3 Lily Disease, Huhuo (erosion of throat, anus and genitalia) and Yin Yang Toxin: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 3 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Bulbus Lilii Syndrome, Huhuo syndrome and Yinyangdu Syndrome Chapter 3 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Bai He, Hu Huo, and Yin Yang Toxin Disease Chapter 3 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Bai He, Hu Huo, and Yin Yang Du Disease Chapter 3 Hundred-Union Disease, Fox-Creeper, and Yīn and Yáng Toxin
1063.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1
107论曰:百合病者,百脉一宗,悉致其病也。意欲食,复不能食,常默默,欲卧不能卧,欲行不能行,饮食或有美时,或有不用闻食臭时,如寒无寒,如热无热,口苦,小便赤,诸药不能治,得药则剧吐利,如有神灵者,身形如和,其脉微数。 It is said that lily disease [results from] the source of all vessels (heart and lung), [the disorder of which] causes all diseases. [The manifestations of lily disease is marked by] desire to eat but being unable to eat, frequent silence, desire to lie down but being unable to do, desire to walk but being unable to walk, desire to drink and eat with delicious feeling, unwilling even to smell food, [signs] similar to cold but without cold, [signs] similar to heat but without heat, bitterness in the mouth and red urine. No medicine can treat [it]. Taking medicine will cause vomiting and diarrhea, like being haunted by spirit and ghost. [But] the body seems to be normal, only the pulse is slightly rapid. Classis states: The hundred Channels originate from one root. Any one of them may cause a Bulbus Lilii syndrome. Symptoms and signs of the syndrome may include: The patient wants to eat, but is reluctant to swallow food and unwilling to speak. Or he prefers to lie in bed, yet cannot lie quietly due to restlessness. He may want to walk about, but soon becomes tired. Now and then he may enjoy eating certain delicacies, but at other times he cannot even tolerate the smell of food. He may feel either cold or hot, but without fever or chill. He also has a bitter taste in his mouth and passes reddish urine. No drugs appear able to cure the syndrome. After taking medicine, acute vomiting and diarrhea may occur. The disease "haunts" the patient, and though his appearance is normal, he I actually suffering. His pulse is somewhat speedy. In bai he disease, the hundred vessels belong to one ancestor, and all are acting together to cause this disease. Manifestations include the desire and inability to eat, lie down, and walk, and also reticence, an occasionally good appetite, or an aversion to the smell of food. The patient may be ostensibly cold or hot, with a bitter taste in the mouth and reddish urine. All medicinals are ineffective, with severe vomiting and diarrhea following treatment. The patient is seemingly possessed by spirits, although the physical appearance is normal. Pulses appear as slightly rapid. The Classic states: Bai he is a disease characterized by general malaisea desire but inability to cat, talk, lie down, or walk. The patient often appears quiescent. Sometimes he has appetite, sometimes not. He feels cold but has no chills or else feels hot but has no fever. A bitter taste invades his mouth and his urine flows red. No drug can cure him because severe vomiting and dysentery occur upon ingestion of drugs. It is said that hundred-union disease [is so-called because] the hundred vessels [share] one [and the same] ancestor, which can cause disease everywhere. It manifests in desire to eat but then not being able to, frequent taciturnity, desire to sleep but not being able to, desire to walk but not being able to, desire to eat and drink but finding some foods delicious and with others unable to bear even the smell, [signs] resembling a cold condition but without cold, [signs] resembling a heat condition but without heat, bitter taste in the mouth, and red urine. None of the various medicines can treat it. Taking medicine results in violent vomiting and diarrhea, as if [the patient] were possessed by a spirit. The physical form seems to be in harmony and the pulse is faint and rapid.
108每溺时头痛者,六十日乃愈;若溺时头不痛,淅然者,四十日愈;若溺快然,但头眩者,二十日愈。 [If there is] headache in urination, [it will be] cured in sixty days; if [there is] no headache in urination and [there is only] chillness, [it will be] cured in forty days; if urination is smooth and [there is only] dizziness, [it will be] cured in twenty days. If the patient has headache while he is passing urine, he may recover within sixty days. If he has no headache but feels chills when passing urine, he is likely to recover within forty days. If he feels comfortable after urination but has a slight sensation of vertigo, he can recover within twenty days. If there is headache during urination, recovery can be expected in sixty days. If there are chills during urination but with no headache, recovery can be expected in forty day. If there is smooth urination but with dizziness, recovery can be expected in twenty days. It seems as though a certain spirit has possessed him although he appears to be normal except for a minute and quick pulse. If his head aches when he urinates, it means he will recover in sixty days. If instead he feels chilled on urination, he will recover in forty days. If urination is always accompanied by headache, [the patient will] recover in sixty days. If urination is always accompanied by no headache but and [aversion to cold as if the body had been] wet, [the patient will] recover in forty days. If urination is fast and merely accompanied by dizziness, [the patient will recover in twenty days.
109其证或未病而预见,或病四五日而出,或病二十日、或一月微见者,各随证治之。 [The symptoms and signs of lily disease are quite different.] Sometimes they appear before occurrence, sometimes appear four or five days after occurrence, sometimes appear twenty days or one month after occurrence. [Each case is] treated according to the manifestations. Symptoms and signs of the Bulbus Lilii syndrome may appear before the onset of the disease, or from four or five to twenty days or a month after the onset. Treatment should be given according to the specific case. The patterns may appear well before the onset of disease, or four or five days after the onset, or even with a vague appearance after twenty days or one month of the onset. Apply treatment in accordance with the presenting pattern. If when he urinates profusely he experiences vertigo, he will recover in twenty days. The conformation of the disease may be observed even before the appearance of the disease, or four to five days after the appearance of the disease, or twenty days or even one month later. It is treated according to the individual's condition and conformation. The signs [of hundred-union disease] may appear before the onset of any [cold damage heat] disease, or four or five days [after the onset of] disease, or gradually twenty days or a month [after the onset of] disease. Treat each case according to the signs.
1103.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
111百合病,发汗后者,百合知母汤主之。 Lily disease, after [application of] perspiratioin, [can be] treated by Baihe Zhimu Decoction (百合知母汤, lily bulb and common anemarrhena rhizome decoction). When Bulbus Lilii syndrome occurs after the adoption of diaphoretic, Decoction of Bulbus Lilii and Rhizoma Anemarrhenae can be used as a curative. For bai he disease, after promoting sweating, Bai He Zhi Mu Tang (Lily Bulb and Anemarrhena Decoction) is indicated. A patient with Bai he who has erroneously received treatment by the sweating method should be treated principally with Bai-he-zhi-mu-tang (Lily and Anemarrhena Combination). After sweating has been induced in hundred-union disease, Lily Bulb and Anemarrhena Decoction (百合知母汤 bǎi hé zhī mǔ tāng) governs.
1123.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3
113百合病,下之后者,滑石代赭汤主之。 Lily disease, after [application of] purgation, [can be] treated by Huashi Daizhe Decoction (滑石代赭汤, talcum and hematite decoction). When Bulbus Liliisyndrome occurs after giving purgative, Decoction of Talcum and Ochra Haematitum can be used. For bai he disease, after purgation, Hua Shi Dai Zhe Tang (Talcum and Hematite Decoction) is indicated. A patient with Bai he mistreated with purgatives should be given principally Hua-shi-dai-zhe-tang (Talc and Hematite Combination). In hundred-union disease, when precipitation has been promoted, Talcum and Hematite Decoction (滑石代赭汤huá shí dài zhě tāng) governs.
1143.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4
115百合病,吐之后者,百合鸡子汤主之。 Lily disease, after [application of] vomiting [therapy], Baihe Jizi Decoction (百合鸡子汤方, lily bulb and chicken egg decoction) [can be used] to treat it. The following prescription is suitable for Bulbus Lilii syndrome which appears after emetics are given. For bai he disease, after ejection, the following formula is indicated. Bai he erroneously treated by the vomiting method requires principally Bai-he-ji-zhi-tang (Lily and Yolk Combination). Once vomiting has been promoted in hundred-union disease, use the following formula to govern [this condition]: Lily Bulb and Egg Yolk Decoction (百合鸡子汤 bǎi hé jī zǐ tāng)
1163.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
117百合病,不经吐、下、发汗,病形如初者,百合地黄汤主之。 Lily disease, without [application of] vomiting, purgation and diaphoresis [therapies], still appears the same as [it manifests] at the beginning. Baihe Dihuang Decoction (百合地黄汤方, lily bulb and rehmannia decoction) [can be used] to treat it. If no emetic, purgative or diaphoretic has been prescribed for Bulbus Lilii syndrome, yet symptoms and signs of Bulbus Lilii syndrome are still present, Decoction of Bulbus Lilii and Radix Rehmanniae will be effective in curing the case. When bai he disease has not been treated with ejection, purgation, or sweating, and it remains in the same condition as that of its initial stage, Bai He Di Huang Tang (Lily Bulb and Rehmannia Decoction) is indicated. Bai he disease, not treated with the vomiting, purgation, or sweating methods, that lingers in the same condition as in the beginning needs Bai-he-di-huang-tang (Lily and Rehmannia Combination). In hundred-union disease, if neither vomiting, precipitation, nor sweating have been effected and the disease appears the same as in the beginning, Lily Bulb and Rehmannia Decoction (百合地黄汤 bǎi hé dì huáng tāng) governs.
1183.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6
119百合病一月不解,变成渴者,百合洗方主之。 [When] lily disease is not resolved in one month and changes into thirst, [it should be] treated by Baihe Xifang Decoction (百合洗方, lily bulb washing decoction). When Bulbus Lilii syndrome lasts for an entire month, the patient will become thisty. Washing Therapy of Bulbus Lilii can be adopted. When bai he disease remains unresolved for one month and then transmuted into thirst, Bai He Xi Fang (Lily Bulb Wash Formula) is indicated. A patient with bai he disease that has lasted for one month without alleviation will experience thirst as a major symptom. Bai-he-xi-fang (Lily Wash) is the principal treatment. If hundred-union disease fails to resolve within one month and transmutes into thirst, Lily Bulb Wash (百合洗方 bǎi hé xǐ fāng) governs.
1203.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7
121百合病,渴不差者,栝蒌牡蛎散主之。 [When] lily disease with thirst is not improved, Gualou Muli Powder (栝蒌牡蛎散方, trichosanthes root and oyster shell powder) [can be used] to treat it. If the syndrome remains after the adoption of Washing Therapy, Powder of Radix Trichosanthis and Concha Ostreae can be given. In bai he disease, if thirst is not cured, the following formula is indicated. When Bai he with thirst persists, the principal treatment is Gua-lou-mu-li-san (Trichosanthes and Oyster Shell Formula). If hundred-union disease with thirst fails to improve, Trichosanthes and Oyster Shell Powder (栝蒌牡蛎散 guā lóu mǔ lì sǎn) governs.
1223.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8
123百合病,变发热者,百合滑石散主之。 [When] lily disease has transformed into heat, Baihe Huashi Powder (百合滑石散, lily bulb and talcum powder) [can be used] to treat it. Whe n fever accompanies the symptoms of Bulbus Lilii sundrome, Powder Lilii and Talcum can be adopted. In bai he disease, when transmutations with heat effusion occur, Bai He Hua Shi San (Lily Bulb and Talcum Powder) is indicated. A patient with Bai he disease who develops a fever should be treated with Bai-he-hua-shi-san (Lily and Talc Formula). If hundred-union disease transmutes into heat effusion, Lily Bulb and Talcum Powder (百合滑石散 bǎi hé huá shí sǎn) governs.
1243.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9
125百合病见于阴者,以阳法救之;见于阳者,以阴法救之。见阳攻阴,复发其汗,此为逆;见阴攻阳,乃复下之,此亦为逆。 [When the manifestation of] lily disease is seen in yin, [it can be] rescued by yang method; [when the manifestation of lily disease] is seen in yang, [it can be] rescued by yin method. [When] seen in yang but attacking yin with promotion of sweating, it is an adverse [treatment]. [When] seen in yin but attacking yang with [application of] purgation, it is also an adverse [treatment]. Bulbus Lilii syndrome of a Yin nature should be treated with Yang; Bulbus Lilii syndrome of Yang nature should be treated with Yin. When syndrome of a Yang nature is observed, it is incorrect to attack the Yin. Prescribing a diaphoretic will result in malpractice. When syndrome of Yin nature appears, attacking the Yang is also an incorrect treatment: If a purgative is adopted, this is also malpractice. Bai he disease presenting with observable yin should be rescued by yang methods, and with observable yang, it should be rescued by yin methods. With observable yang, attacking yin and then promoting sweating is reverse. With observable yin, attacking yang and then purging is also reverse. Bai he disease with yin symptoms should be treated with the yang method (nourishing and warming the yang) and vice versa. It is adverse treatment to attack the yin and induce perspiration in the presence of yang symptoms. Attacking yang followed by purgation in the presence of yin symptoms is also adverse treatment. If hundred-union disease manifests in yīn, rescue it by the yáng method; if it manifests in yáng, rescue it by the yīn method. If it manifests in yáng and you attack yīn and further promote sweating, this is an adverse treatment. If it manifests in yīn and you attack yáng and further precipitate, this is also an adverse treatment.
1263.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10
127狐惑之为病,状如伤寒,默默欲眠,目不得闭,卧起不安,蚀于喉为惑,蚀于阴为狐,不欲饮食,恶闻食臭,其面目乍赤、乍黑、乍白。蚀于上部则声喝,甘草泻心汤主之。 As a disease, huhuo (erosion of throat, anus and genitalia) manifests as cold damage [disease], [usually characterized by silence with desire to sleep, inability to close the eyes and disquietude either in lying or in getting up. [When] eroding the throat, [the patient is] in confusion; [when] eroding yin (anus and genitals), [the patient is] unwilling to drink and eat and dislikes odor of food. [As a result, the face of the patient] suddenly [turns] red, or black or white. [When] eroding the upper [part of the body], the voice [of the patient will sound] husky, Gancao Xiexin Decoction (甘草泻心汤, licorice decoction for draining the heart) [can be used] to treat it. Symptoms and signs of Huhuo syndrome are similar to those of febrile diseases caused by Cold. The patient is reluctant to speak and tends to sleep. But he cannot shut his eyes when he feels restless. When ulceration appears in the throat, this is a Huo syndrome; when ulceration appears on external genitals, it is a Hu syndrome. Decoction of Radix Glycyrrhizae Xiexin can be adopted when the following symptoms and signs are observed: reluctance to eat, aversion to food odors, facial complexion occasionally red, sometimes black or pale. When ulceration appears in throat, the patient's voice becomes hoarse. Hu huo disease manifests like cold damage with reticence, a desire to sleep, inability to close the eyes, and fidgetiness whether lying down or upright. Erosion of the throat indicates huo disease, and erosion of the anal and genital orifices indicates hu disease. Other signs include no desire to drink or eat, aversion to the smell of food, and a facial complexion that alternates between red, black and white. Erosion of the upper manifests with a hoarse voice. Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang (Licorice Heart-Draining Decoction) is indicated. Hu huo resembles shang han disease in that the patient looks moribund and is somnolent and unable to close his eyes and so restless that he continually lies down and gets up. An ulcer in the larynx is Huo disease while an ulcer on the pudendum or the anus is Hu disease. The patient, repelled by the odor of food, will be anorexic, and his facial color will vary from red to dark to pale. If ulceration develops in the upper part of the body, hoarseness occurs. The condition should principally be treated with Gan-cao-xie-xin-tang (Pinellia and Licorice Combination). The disease of fox-creeper manifests in signs resembling cold damage, with taciturnity and desire to sleep, inability to close the eyes, and disquietude whether lying down or being up. If it erodes the throat, it is called “creeper”; if it erodes the yin [parts], it is called “fox.” [lt further manifests with] no desire to eat or drink, aversion to the odor of food, and face and eyes that are now red, now black, now white. If [the disease] erodes the upper [body] and the voice is husky, Licorice Heart-Draining Decoction (甘草泻心汤gān cǎo xiè xīn tāng) governs.
1283.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11
129蚀于下部则咽干,苦参汤洗之。 [When the disease] erodes the lower [part of the body], the throat becomes dry, and Kushen Decoction (苦参汤, flavescent sophora decoction) [can be used to treat it through] washing. /Kushen Decoction (苦参汤, flavescent sophora decoction) [is composed of] 1 sheng of Kushen (苦参, flavescent sophora, Radix Sophorae Flavescentis). /This ingredient is decocted in 1 dou of water to get 7 sheng [after] boiling. The dregs are removed and [the decoction is used] to fumigate and wash, three times a day. When ulceration appears on external genitals, the patient has a parched feeling in his throat. Decoction of Radix Sophorae Flavescentis can be used in Washing Therapy. Erosion in the lower causes dryness in the throat. Use Ku Shen Tang (Flavescent Sophora Decoction) for washing. Ulceration on the pudendum is preceded by pharyngeal dryness. The pudendum should be washed with Ku-sheng-tang (Sophora Wash); ulceration on the anus should be treated with Xiong-huang (realgar) fumigation. If [the disease] erodes the lower parts, the pharynx becomes dry. [Treat this by] bathing it with Flavescent Sophora Decoction (苦参汤 kǔ shēn tāng).
1303.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12 3.12
131蚀于肛者,雄黄熏之。 [When the disease] erodes the anus, [it can be treated by] fumigation with Xionghuang (雄黄, realgar, Realgar). When ulceration appears on the anus, Flumigating Therapy of Realgar can be adopted. With erosion of the anus, fumigate with xiong huang (Realgar). If a patient with anal ulceration has a quick pulse, no fever, and mild vexation; remains silent and wants to stay in bed; perspires heavily and has hyperemia of the eyes (their being as red as a dove's eyes) after three or four days of the disease; has black discoloration at the four comers of the eyes after seven or eight days of the disease; and can ingest food, it indicates suppuration has developed. The condition should be principally treated with Chi-dou-dang-gui-san (Phaseolus and Dang-gui Formula). If [the disease] erodes the anus, fumigate with realgar (xiónɡ huáng).
1323.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13 3.13
133病者脉数,无热,微烦,默默但欲卧,汗出,初得之三四日,目赤如鸠眼;七八日,目四眦黑。若能食者,脓已成也,赤豆当归散主之。 The patient [suffers from] rapid pulse, no fever, slight vexation, silence with desire to sleep, and sweating. Three or four days [after] occurrence [of the disease], [the patient’s] eyes are as red as that of the turtledove. Seven or eight days [after] occurrence [of the disease], [the patient’s] eyes become black. If [the patient] is able to eat, [it indicates that] pus is formed and Chidou Danggui Powder (赤豆当归散方, Chinese angelica and rice bean powder) [can be used] to treat it. The patient has no fever, but is somewhat restless with speedy pulse. He is reluctant to speak and prefers to lie in bed. Sweating is also present. For the first three of four days, his eyes are as red as those of turtle dove. By the seventh or eighth day, his canthi turn black. If the patient has a good appetite, pus will form. The following medicament will provide a cure. The patient has rapid pulses, absence of heat, slight vexation, reticence with a desire to sleep, and sweating. Three or four days after the initial onset, the eyes are as red as those of a turtledove. After seven or eight days, the four corners of the eyes turn dark. If the patient is able to eat, this indicates that pus has developed. Chi Dou Dang Gui San (Rice Bean and Chinese Angelica Powder) is indicated. Yang du manifests silky red macules on the face, a sore throat, and expectoration of purulent blood; it is curable if treated within five days, but incurable beyond seven days of onset. Treatment calls for Sheng-ma-bie-jia-tang (Cimicifuga and Tortoise Shell Combination). This disease can manifest in a rapid pulse, absence of heat [effusion], slight vexation, taciturnity, desire only to sleep, and sweating. Initially, when [this condition] has lasted only for three or four days, the eyes become red like [those of a] turtledove. After seven or eight days, the four canthi of the eyes turn black. If [the patient] is able to eat, this indicates that pus has formed. Rice Bean and Chinese Angelica Powder (赤小豆当归散chì xiǎo dòu dāng ɡuī sǎn) governs.
1343.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14
135阳毒之为病,面赤斑斑如锦文,咽喉痛,唾脓血。五日可治,七日不可治。升麻鳖甲汤主之。 The disease caused by yang toxin [is characterized by] red complexion like silk, sore-throat and vomiting pus and blood. Five days [after its occurrence, it is] curable, seven days [after occurrence, it is] incurable. Shengma Biejia Decoction (升麻鳖甲汤, cimicifuga and turtle shell decoctioin) [can be used] to treat it. Yangdu syndrome has the following symptoms and signs: Erythema on the face as bright as brocade designs, pharyngalgia, spittle with bloody pus. If discovered within five days, syndrome is curable; after seven days, syndrome is difficult to cure. Decoction of Rhizoma Cimicifugae and Carapax Trionycis is an effective cure. In yang toxin disease, there are silken brocade-like red macules on the face, pain in the throat, and spitting of pus and blood. It is curable within five days, but incurable after seven days. Sheng Ma Bie Jia Tang (Cimicifuga and Turtle Shell Decoction) is indicated. Yin du exhibits a bluish discoloration of the face and in the whites of the eyes, generalized aching (as if beaten with a stick), and a sore throat. The disease of yáng toxin manifests in a face that is red with patches like brocade, sore throat, and spitting of pus and blood. It is treatable within [the first] five days [but by the] seventh day it cannot be treated. Cimicifuga and Turtle Shell Decoction (升麻鳖甲汤 shēng má biē jiǎ tāng) governs.
1363.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15
137阴毒之为病,面目青,身痛如被杖,咽喉痛。五日可治,七日不可治。升麻鳖甲汤去雄黄、蜀椒主之。 The disease caused by yin toxin [is characterized by] bluish face and eyes, generalized pain like [being beaten by] a stick and sore-throat. Five days [after its occurrence, it is] curable, seven days [after occurrence, it is] incurable. Shengma Biejia Decoction (升麻鳖甲汤, cimicifuga and turtle shell decoction) with removal of Xionghuang (雄黄, realgar, Realgar) and Shujiao (蜀椒, zanthoxylum, Pericarpium Zanthoxyli) [can be used] to treat it. Yindu syndrome has the following symptoms and signs: Bluish facial complexion, pharyngalgia, and general aching as if the patient were suffering a sever beating with sticks. Within five days, syndrome is still curable; after seven days, it is difficult to cure. Decoction of Rhizoma Cimicifugae and Carapax Trionycis subtracting Pericarpium Zanthoxyli and Realgar can be prescribed. Yin toxin disease manifests with a green-blue color on the face, generalized pain as if beaten by a cane, and a sore throat. It is curable within five days, but incurable after seven days. Sheng Ma Bie Jia Tang (Cimicifuga and Turtle Shell Decoction) minus xiong huang (Realgar) and hua jiao (Pericarpium Zanthoxyli) is indicated. It is curable within five days and incurable beyond seven days. Principal treatment calls for Sheng-ma-bie-ja-tang-qu-xiong-huang-shu-jiao (Cimicifuga and Tortoise Shell Combination, excluding realgar and zanthoxylum). The disease of yīn toxin manifests in a green-blue face and eyes, generalized pain as though having been beaten by a stick, and sore throat. Within [the first] five days it can be treated, [but by the] seventh day, it cannot be treated. Cimicifuga and Turtle Shell Decoction (shēng má biē jiǎ tāng) minus realgar (xiónɡ huáng) and zanthoxylum (shǔ jiāo) governs.
139疟病脉证并治第四 Chapter 4 Malaria: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 4 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Malaria Chapter 4 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Malaria Chapter 4 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Malaria Chapter 4 Malaria
1404.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1
141师曰:疟,脉自弦,弦数者多热,弦迟者多寒。弦小紧者下之差,弦迟者可温之,弦紧者可发汗,针灸也。浮大者可吐之,弦数者风发也,以饮食消息止之。 The master said: [In] malaria, the pulse is spontaneously taut. [If] the pulse is taut and rapid, [there is] excessive heat; [if] the pulse is taut and slow, [there is] excessive cold. [When the pulse is] small and tight, [it can be] resolved by purgation. [When the pulse is] taut and slow, [it can be] resolved by warming [therapy]. [If the pulse is] taut and tight, [it can be resolved through] sweating by acupuncture and moxibustion. [When the pulse is] floating and large, [it can be resolved by] vomiting [therapy]; [when the pulse is] taut and rapid, [it is] caused by [pathogenic] wind and can be resolved by regulation of drinking water and taking food. Master says: Pulse of a patient with Malaria is always tight. Tight-speedy pulse indicates a syndrome of Heat nature. Tight-slow pulse indicates a case of Cold nature. Cases with tight-small-tense pulse can be cured with purgative. Tight-slow pulse responds well to drugs with warming agents. Cases with tight-tense pulse can be treated with diaphoretic or acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. Emetic can be given when pulse is floating-huge. Tight-speedy pulse indicates evanescence of pathogenetic factors. A suitable diet is a proper treatment. The master said, "The pulses of malaria are naturally wiry: wiry and rapid reflects profuse heat; wiry and slow reflects profuse cold. Wiry, small, and tight is cured by purgation; Wiry and slow can be treated with sweating, acupuncture and moxibustion; floating and large can be treated with ejection. Wiry and rapid pulses are caused by wind; regulation of the diet can stop this." The master said: "A patient with malaria characteristically has a chordal pulse. A chordal, quick pulse often accompanies a fever while a chordal, slow pulse goes with chills. A patient with a chordal, thin, and tense pulse requires purging; one with a chordal and slow pulse, warming; one with a chordal and tense pulse, sweating, acupuncture, or moxibustion; and one with a floating and big pulse, emesis. A chordal and quick pulse signifies a fever due to wind evil'. An appropriate diet according to the condition eliminates the fever. The Master says: “The pulse of malaria is naturally stringlike. When it is stringlike and rapid, [this indicates] mostly heat [effusion]; when it is stringlike and slow, [this indicates] mostly [aversion to] cold. When it is stringlike, small, and tight, [treat] it with precipitation, and [the patient] will recover. When it is stringlike and slow, you can [treat it by] warming. When it is stringlike and tight, you can [treat it by] promoting sweating, and with acupuncture and moxibustion. When it is floating and large, you can [treat it with] ejection. When it is stringlike and rapid, [this indicates that] wind is erupting. You can stop this with a judicious diet.”
1424.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2
143病疟,以月一日发,当以十五日愈;设不差,当月尽解。如其不差,当云何?师曰:此结为症瘕,名曰疟母,急治之,宜鳖甲煎丸。 Malaria occurs in the first day of each month and will be cured in fifteen days. If [it is] not cured [in fifteen days], [it will be] cured at the end of this month. If it is not cured, how to explain it?The master said: This is binding into lump syndrome/pattern, known as source of malaria. Biejia Jianwan Pill (鳖甲煎丸,turtle shell pill) is the appropriate [formula for treating it]. If Malaria begins to attack on the first day of the month, it should subside on the fifteenth day. If it does not subside, it will disappear at the end of the month. If it does not subside, can Master explain why? Master: This is due to the formation of Zhengjia. The syndrome is called Malaria with splenomegaly. Treatment must be given immediately. Pills of Carapax Trionycis will provide a cure. In the disease of malaria, when occurring on the first day of the month; it will be cured by the fifteenth day. Otherwise, it should be completely resolved by the end of the month. What happens if it is not cured by then? The master said, "It binds into concretions and conglomerations; this is called mother-of-malaria. Treat this urgently. Bie Jia Jian Wan (Turtle Shell Decocted Pill) is recommended." The disciples asked: "Malaria occurring on the first day of the month, for example, usually will heal by the fifteenth day. If not, it ought to heal by the end of the month. What is wrong if it has not healed by then?" The master answered: "An abdominal tumor known as Nue mu has developed if malaria does not go away. The doctor should treat the patient promptly with Bie-jia-jian-wan (Tortoise Shell Formula)." “Malaria that erupts on the first of each month should subside by the fifteenth day. If not, it should resolve by the end of the month. If the patient does not recover what should we call this [disease]?” The Master says: “This [means that the disease] is binding into concretions or conglomerations. It is called mother of malaria. Treat this urgently. Turtle Shell Decocted Pill (鳖甲煎丸biē jiǎ jiān wán) is appropriate.”
1444.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3
145师曰:阴气孤绝,阳气独发,则热而少气烦冤,手足热而欲呕,名曰瘅疟。若但热不寒者,邪气内脏于心,外舍分肉之间,令人消铄脱肉。 The master said: [When] yin qi is exhausted and yang qi is exuberant, [there will be] heat, shortness of breath, vexation, feverish hands and feet and nausea. It is called heat malaria. If [there is] just heat but no cold, [it indicates that] pathogenic factors are [internally] hidden in the heart and externally penetrating in the interstices, [consequently] causing wasting of fleshes. Master: When Yin is isolated and exhausted, Yang Vital Energy will be unrestrained and cause a fever with restlessness and irritation, accompanied by heat in hands and feet and nausea. This is termed Dannue, or Malaria with fever but without chills, a syndrome caused by an accumulation of pathogenetic factors in the epigastrium and the muscles. This will consume the muscles and make the patient thin and weak. The master said: "When yin qi is expired, yang qi effuses alone; this leads to heat with shortness of breath, vexation, low spirits, heat in the extremities, and a desire to vomit. This is called heat malaria. If there is heat with no signs of cold, evil qi hides internally within the heart and externally in the seams of the flesh, causing emaciation." The master said: "When yin Qi is isolated and depleted, yang Qi flourishes causing fever, diminished Qi, vexation and melancholy, feverish extremities, and a tendency to vomit. The condition is known as dan nue. If the patient has only a fever without chills, toxic Qi has become lodged in the heart or in the exterior between the muscles causing emaciation." The Master says: “When yin qì alone expires and yáng qì alone effuses, the result is heat [effusion] and shortage of qì with vexation and oppression, heat in the extremities, and desire to retch. [This] is called pure-heat malaria.' If there is only heat and no cold, evil qì internally hides in the heart and externally abides in the seams of the flesh. This causes wasting of the person's flesh.”
1464.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
147温疟者,其脉如平,身无寒但热,骨节疼烦,时呕,白虎加桂枝汤主之。 [In] warm malaria, the pulse is normal, there is no generalized cold but heat, the joints are painful and vexing, and there is occasional nausea. Baihu Decoction (白虎汤, white tiger decoction) added with Guizhi (桂枝, cinnamon twig, Ramulus Cinnamomi) [can be used] to treat it. Symptoms and signs of Wennue (febrile Malaria) generally include fever without chills, normal pulse condition, arthralgia with restlessness and occasional nausea. Decoction of Baihu adding Ramulus Cinnamomi will cure the syndrome. Warm malaria is characterized by pulses that appear normal, an absence of cold with signs of generalized heat, vexing pain in the joints, and frequent vomiting. Bai Hu Jia Gui Zhi Tang (White Tiger plus Cinnamon Twing) is indicated. Wen nue (Warm malaria) manifests a normal pulse, absence of chills, generalized fever, arthralgia, vexation, and frequent vomiting. It is treated principally with Bai-hu-jia-gui-zhi-tamg (Cinnamon and Gypsum Combination). Warm malaria manifests in a pulse that is as normal, no cold but only heat in the body, vexing pain in the joints, and periodic retching. White Tiger Decoction Plus Cinnamon Twig (白虎加桂枝汤 bái hǔ jiā guì zhī tāng) governs.
1484.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
149疟多寒者,名曰牡疟,蜀漆散主之。 Malaria with excessive cold is called woman malaria, Shuqi Powder (蜀漆散, dichroa powder) [can be used] to treat it. Malaria of a Cold nature is termed Munue. Powder of Ramulus et Folium Dichroae will provide a cure. Malaria characterized by predominant coldness is named female malaria. Shu Qi San (Dichroa Leaf Powder) is indicated. A malarial disease with more chills than fever is called Pin nue (female malaria); Shu-qi-san (Dichroa Sprout and Mica Formula) is the principal treatment. Malaria with predominant [aversion to] cold is called female malaria. Dichroa Leaf Powder (蜀漆散 shǔ qī sǎn) governs.
151中风历节病脉证并治第五 Chapter 5 Wind stroke and Joint Disease: Pulses, syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 5 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Apoplexy and Acute Arthritis Chapter 5 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Wind Stroke and Joint-running Disease Chapter 5 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Zhong Feng (Apoplexy) and Li Jie (Acute Arthritis) Chapter 5 Wind-Stroke and Joint-Running
1525.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1
153夫风之为病,当半身不遂,或但臂不遂者,此为痹。脉微而数,中风使然。 The disease caused by wind [is characterized by] hemplegia or paralysis of the arm only. This is called impediment. Faint and rapid pulse is due to wind stroke. Disease brought on by pathogenetic Wind will cause hemiplegia. When a patient cannot move one or both arms freely, it is a case of Bi syndrome with feeble-speedy pulse caused by pathogenetic Wind. Wind disease normally manifests with paralysis on one side of the body. When there is paralysis of only the arm, this is impediment. Faint and rapid pulses are caused by wind stroke. Disease brought on by pathogenetic Wind will cause hemiplegia. When a patient cannot move one or both arms freely, it is a case of Bi syndrome with feeble-speedy pulse caused by pathogenetic Wind, known in Chinese as zhong feng (windstroke or apoplexy). All diseases caused by wind must [manifest with] hemiplegia. In some cases, if we see paralysis of the arm only, this is impediment. A faint and rapid pulse is caused by wind-stroke.
1545.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2
155寸口脉浮而紧,紧则为寒,浮则为虚,寒虚相搏,邪在皮肤。浮者血虚,络脉空虚,贼邪不泻,或左或右,邪气反缓,正气即急,正气引邪,喎僻不遂。 The pulse in the cunkou [region] is floating and tight. Tight [pulse] indicates cold while floating [pulse] indicates deficiency. Contention between cold and deficiency [indicates that] pathogenic [factors] are in the skin. Floating [pulse indicates] blood deficiency. [As a result,] the collaterals and vessels are void and deficient, thief-like pathogenic [factors] are not drained and hidden either in the left or in the right. [When] pathogenic qi is slack, healthy qi is tense. [When] healthy qi draws pathogenic factors, it [will cause] distorsion and deviation of the mouth and eyes. Pulse at Cunkou is floating-tense. Tense pulse indicates existence of pathogenetic Cold, floating pulse signifies a case of a deficient nature. Pathogenetic Cold will enter the body when it is in a deficient state. Pathogenetic Cold first rests on the skin. Floating pulse indicates Blood Deficiency with Channels and Collaterals void and defenseless, allowing pathogenetic factors to circulate through-out the body, sometimes on the left side, sometimes on the Channels become loose. By comparison, the side which is not affected seems tense, and distortion of the mouth and eyes takes place on this side, with hemiplegia. This is called "attraction of pathogens by the Body Resistance" (Zhengqi Yixie). When the pulse at the inch opening is floating and tight, tightness reflects cold and floating reflects deficiency. When cold contends with deficiency, the evil is located in the skin. A floating pulse reflects blood deficiency with emptiness and deficiency of the collaterals. If the bandit evil is not discharged, it will affect the left or right side. The evil qi is moderate in contrast to the tension of the upright qi. The upright qi pulls the evil, deviation and paralysis of the face occurs. A floating and tense pulse at the cun site, "floating" signifying weakness and "tense" chills, means that chills and weakness are in interaction with each other and the "evil" has lodged in the skin. A floating pulse portends blood weakness and meridian emptiness attributable to accumulated "wind evil" and its subsequent stagnation in either the left or the right side of the body. Thus unbalanced Qi slows and normal Qi accelerates drawing the unbalanced Qi, Skewing of the mouth and paralysis result. When the inch opening pulse is floating and tight, the tightness means cold, while the floating means vacuity. Cold and vacuity contend with each other, and the evil is in the skin. [In a patient with] a floating pulse, blood is vacuous, the network vessels are empty, and the bandit evil fails to drain, whether on the left or the right [side of the body]. When the evil qì slackens, right qì becomes tense and draws the evil to it, [giving rise to] deviation [of the eyes and mouth].
156邪在于络,肌肤不仁;邪在于经,即重不胜;邪入于腑,即不识人;邪入于脏,舌即难言,口吐涎。 [When] pathogenic factors are in the collaterals, the skin is numb; [when] pathogenic factors are in the meridians, [the body] is heavy and hampered; [when] pathogenic factors are in the fu-organs, [the patient is] unable to recognize others; [when] pathogenic factors are in the zang-organs, the tongue is difficult in speaking and the mouth is vomiting and drooling. When pathogens rest in Collaterals, numbness of the skin results. When pathogenetic factors enter the Channels, normal movement of the extremities is hampered. When Bowels are affected by the pathogenetic factors, the patient will not be able to recognize people around him. If Viscera are affected, aphasia and salivation will occur. Houshi Heisan is a prescription effective for severe cases of a apoplexy, with heaviness in the extremities and chills, as in a deficient case. Hou Shi Hei San (Hou’s Black Powder): indicated for great wind manifesting with vexation and heaviness in the limbs, aversion to cold and insufficiency of the heart. Evil lodged in the superficial meridians (luo) causes skin numbness; evil in the inner meridians (jing) causes heaviness and impaired movement of the extremities. Evil in the hollow viscera (gallbladder, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, and urinary bladder) causes insanity while evil in the solid viscera (heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys) makes the tongue unable to articulate and causes slobbering. Hou-shi-hei-san (Chrysanthemum and Siler Formula) treats severe wind disease causing annoying heaviness in the arms and legs and mild chillphobia in the heart. When the evil is the network vessels, the skin is numb. When the evil is the channels, [the body is] heavy and unwieldy. When the evil enters the bowels, [the patient] fails to recognize people. When the evil enters the viscera, the tongue has difficulty in speaking and the mouth drools. [Hóu’s Black Powder] Treats great wind with vexing heaviness of the limbs, and aversion to cold and insufficiency in the heart.
1575.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3
158寸口脉迟而缓,迟则为寒,缓则为虚,荣缓则为亡血,卫缓则为中风。邪气中经,则身痒而瘾疹。心气不足,邪气入中,则胸满而短气。风引汤 除热瘫痫。防己地黄汤 治病如狂状,妄行,独语不休,无寒热,其脉浮。头风摩散方。 The pulse in the cunkou [region] is slow and moderate. Slow [pulse] means cold and moderate [pulse] means deficiency. Moderate [pulse] in the nutrient [aspect] indicates blood collapse while in the defense [aspect] indicates wind stroke. [When] pathogenic qi invades the meridians, [it] will cause generalized itching and dormant papules. [When] heart qi is insufficient, pathogenic qi will enter the center and cause chest fullness and shortness of breath. Pulse at Cunkou is slow-moderate. Slow pulse signifies Cold; moderate pulse indicates Deficiency. Moderate pulse in Ying indicates loss of Blood. Moderate pulse in Vital Resistance indicates disease caused by Wind (Zhongfeng). When pathogenetic factors invade the Channels, inch and rash will appear on the skin. With a Deficiency in the Heart Vital Energy, pathogenetic factor will penetrate into Interior, causing a fullness in the chest and a shortness of breath. Decoction of Fengyin is a curative for apoplexy with epilepsy and spasms of a Heart nature. When the pulse at the inch opening is slow and moderate, slowness reflects cold, and the moderate quality reflects deficiency. Slackness of ying is associated with blood collapse; slackness of wei is associated with wind stroke. Evil qi striking the channels causes generalized itching with dormant papules; if heart qi is insufficient, and evil qi enters the middle, fullness in the chest and shortness of breath will occur.//// Feng Yin Tang (Wind-Inducing Decoction): for heat paralysis and epilepsy. Fang Ji Di Huang Tang (Stephania Root and Rehmannia Decoction): treats diseases resembling mania that manifest with irrational behavior, incessant monologues, an absence of cold or heat, and floating pulses. Tou Feng Mo San (Headwind Massage Powder). A slow and moderate pulse on the cun site portends chills, as indicated by the "slow" character, and weakness, as indicated by the "moderate" character. A weak yin Qi (blood system) follows a loss of blood. When wei (protective system) weakens, zhong feng (windstroke or apoplexy) occurs. When evil Qi affects the inner meridians, generalized pruritus and urticaria result. If heart Qi is insufficient and the evil Qi has invaded the interior, the patient experiences chest distention and gasping. Feng-yin-tang (Rhubarb and Dragon Bone Combination) eliminates paralysis and convulsions caused by fever. For manic, irrational behavior, for example, incessant monologues, in people without chills or fever who have a buoyant pulse prescribe Fang-ji-di-huang-tang (Stephania and Rehmannia Combination). Tou-feng-mo-san (Aconite and Salt Formula) When the inch opening pulse is slow and moderate, the slowness means cold and the moderateness means vacuity. If it is moderate in the construction [aspect], this is blood collapse; if it is moderate in the defense [aspect], this is wind-stroke. When evil qì strikes the channels, the result is generalized itching and dormant papules. When heart qì is insufficient and evil qì enters the center, the result is fullness in the chest and shortness of breath.
1595.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4
160寸口脉沉而弱,沉即主骨,弱即主筋,沉即为肾,弱即为肝。汗出入水中,如水伤心,历节黄汗出,故曰历节。 The pulse in the cunkou [region] is sunken and weak. Sunken [pulse] indicates [a symptom of] bones while weak [pulse] indicates [a symptom of] sinews. Sunken [pulse] is [a manifestation of] the kidney while weak [pulse] is [a manifestation of] the liver. [When a person] enters into water [when] sweating and if water injures the heart, the joints [will be affected] with yellow sweating [all over the body]. That is why it is called [pain of] joints. Pulse at Cunkou is deep-weak. Deep pulse indicates the disease is affecting the bones, and is also a manifestation of a Kidney disease. Weak pulse indicates disease in tendons, and is also manifestation of a Liver disease. When the patient is immersed in water when sweating all over, the pathogenetic Water will affect his Heart. Acute arthritis will occur with yellowish sweat. The pulse on the inch opening is sunken and weak; the sunken quality reflects the bones and the weak reflects the sinews. The sunken also reflects the kidney while the weak reflects the liver. If the person exposes himself to water while sweating, water will damage the heart. Joint-running with yellow sweat will occur. So, this is called joint-running. Pulse at Cunkou is deep-weak. Deep pulse indicates the diseases affecting the bones, and is also a manifestation of a Kidney disease. Weak pulse indicates disease in tendons, and is also a manifestation of a Liver disease. When the patient is immersed in water when sweating all over, the pathogenetic Water will affect his Heart. Acute arthritis will occur with yellowish sweat. The condition is known as lijie ( polyarthritis). [When] the inch pulse is sunken and weak, the sunkenness is a symptom of the bones, and the weakness is a symptom of the sinews, because sunkenness means the kidney, and weakness means the liver. [When people] enter water when sweating, if water damages the heart, the disease will run through the joints of the body [giving rise to] yellow sweating; hence [this is] called joint-running.
1615.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
162趺阳脉浮而滑,滑则谷气实,浮则汗自出。 The pulse at fuyang (the pulsation on the dorsum of the foot) is floating and slippery. Slippery [pulse] indicates excess of cereal qi while floating [pulse] indicates spontaneous sweating. Pulse at Fuyang (anterior tibial artery) is floating-slippery. Slippery pulse indicates Excess of Cereal Vital Energy. Floating pulse signifies spontaneous perspiration. When fuyang pulses are floating and slippery, the slippery quality indicates grain qi excess and the floating indicates spontaneous sweating. When the pulse on the fu yang (foot tarsus) site is floating and slippery, the slipperiness indicates full gastric vitality and the floating, spontaneous sweating. [When] the instep yáng pulse is floating and slippery, the slippery quality means that grain qì is replete, and the floating quality means spontaneous sweating.
1635.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6
164少阴脉浮而弱,弱则血不足,浮则为风,风血相搏,即疼痛如掣。 [In this disease,] the shaoyin pulse is floating and weak. Weak [pulse] indicates insufficient blood while floating [pulse] indicates [pathogenic] wind. [When] wind and blood are contending with each other, there will be pain as if being pulled. Pulse of Shaoyin (Lesser Yin pulse of malleolus artery) is floating-weak. Weak pulse indicates insufficiency of Blood. Floating pulse is an indication of pathogenetic Wind. When the deficient Blood is attacked by the Wind, there will be referred pain. The shaoyin pulses are floating and weak; the weak quality reflects blood insufficiency and the floating reflects wind; wind contending with blood causes pulling pain. A lesser yin pulse that is floating and weak portends blood deficiency, as indicated by the weakness, and wind evil, as indicated by the floating. Interaction between wind evil and blood causes severe pain. [When] the lesser yīn pulse is floating and weak, the weak quality means that blood is insufficient, [while] the floating quality means wind. When wind and blood contend with each other, there is pain as if from puling.
1655.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7
166盛人脉涩小,短气,自汗出,历节疼,不可屈伸,此皆饮酒汗出当风所致。 [When] the pulse of an obese person is rough and small, [there will be] shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, pain of joints and inability to bend and stretch [joints]. All these [symptoms and signs] are caused by drinking wine, sweating and exposure to wind. The pulse of a patient with plump physique is hesitant and small. Other symptoms and signs include shortness of breath, spontaneous perspiration, and acute arthritis preventing patient from moving his extremities. This is caused by exposure to wind when the patient is sweating after drinking wine. An exuberant person has rough and small pulses, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, and severe joint pain with an inability to bend and stretch. This is attributed to alcohol drinking while sweating with exposure to windy places. If a stout individual is short of breath, has a harsh and thin pulse, and spontaneous sweating and severe joint pain that limits flexion and extension, he is suffering from drinking of liquor and perspiring while in a draft. [When] people of exuberant [physique] [present with] a pulse that is rough and small, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, joint-running pain, and inability to bend and stretch, this is always [due to] drinking wine, sweating, and exposure to wind.
1675.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8
168诸肢节疼痛,身体魁羸,脚肿如脱,头眩短气,温温欲吐,桂枝芍药知母汤主之。 [The patient with] pain of all joints, emaciation and weakness, swollen feet as if falling off [the legs], dizziness, shortness of breath, seething and nausea [can be] treated by Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Decoction (桂枝芍药知母汤, cinnamon twig, peony and common anemarrhena rhizome decoction). Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi, Radix Paeoniae and Rhizoma Anemarrhenae is a curative for acute arthritis with the following symptoms and signs: Arthralgia in all joints of the extremities, thin and weak physique, severe swelling of feet (as if they are falling of the legs), vertigo and shortness of breath, restlessness and nausea. For joint pain in all the limbs, an emaciated body, swollen feet that feel detached, dizziness, shortness of breath and desire to vomit, Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang (Cinnamon Twing, Peony, and Anemarrhena Decoction) is indicated. Joint pain in the extremities, emaciation, foot edema that is so severe the feet feel detached, vertigo, gasping, and nausea require the principal treatment of Gui-zhi-shao-sao-zhi-mu-tang (Cinnamon and Anemarrhena Combination). All types of joint pain with marked emaciation of the body, feet swollen as [if about to] drop off, dizzy head, shortness of breath, and seething desire to vomit are governed by Cinnamon Twig, Peony, and Anemarrhena Decoction (桂枝芍药知母汤 guì zhī sháo yào zhī mǔ tāng).
1695.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9
170味酸则伤筋,筋伤则缓,名曰泄;咸则伤骨,骨伤则痿,名曰枯。枯泄相搏,名曰断泄。荣气不通,卫不独行,荣卫俱微,三焦无所御,四属断绝,身体羸瘦,独足肿大,黄汗出,胫冷。假令发热,便为历节也。 Sour flavor damages the sinews. [When] damaged, the sinews become slack, known as looseness. Salty [flavor] damages the bones. [When] damaged, the bones become wilted, known as desiccation. [When] looseness and desiccation are contending with each other, it is called breaking looseness. [When] nutrient qi fails to flow freely and defense qi cannot flow normally, nutrient [qi] and defense [qi] all become faint, [resulting in] inability to control the triple energizer, fracture (deprival of nourishment) of the four portions (skin, flesh, fat and marrow), marked emaciation, swollen feet, yellow sweating and coldness of lower legs. If there is fever, it is the case of joint acuteness. Consumption of too many sour foods will harm the tendons, and they will become loose; this is called Xie (disability). Consumption of too much salt will harm the bones, and they will become flaccid; this is called Ku (withering). When Xie (disability) and Ku (withering) occur at the same time, this is a case of Duan Xie (disability and withering, an incurable disease). When Nutrient Essence does not circulate smoothly, normal flow of Vital Resistance is also hampered. When normal circulation of Nutrient Essence and Body Resistance in the Three Portions of Body Cavity are obstructed, skin, muscle, fat and marrow are deprived of their nourishment. The patient becomes thin and weak, with swollen feet, yellowish sweat, and chill in shins. When the patient has a fever, it is a case of acute arthritis (Lijie). Sour flavors damage the sinews, and damaged sinews become slack. This is called discharge. Saltiness damages the bones, and damaged bones become wilted. This is called desiccation. Desiccation contending with discharge is called breaking discharge. When ying qi is not free, wei will not move alone, so ying and wei both become debilitated. The triple burners lose their governing, the four belongings become terminated, and the body will become emaciated, but the feet are large and swollen; yellow sweat appears and the lower legs become cold. If there is heat effusion, this is joint-running. The excessive eating of sour food injures the muscles causing them to lose tone. This condition is known as xie (wasting). Ingestion of excessive salt injures the bones causing paralysis. This condition is known as ku (withering). Interaction between wasting and withering is known as duan xie (exhaustion), a condition in which blood and Qi are not circulating and wei (protective system) fails. With blood and wei weakened, primordial Qi fails to reach the three warmers, the circulation of qi and blood in the arms and legs is interrupted, the body becomes emaciated, the feet swell and yellow sweat and tibial chills occur. In the presence of fever, the condition is called li jie (polyarthritis). Sour flavor damages the sinews, and when the sinews are damaged, they slacken. This is called “discharge.” Saltiness damages the bones, and when the bones are damaged, they wilt. This is called “desiccation.” When desiccation and discharge contend with each other, this is called “severing [and] discharge.” [When] construction qì does not flow freely, defense qì cannot move alone. Construction and defense are both debilitated, the triple burner is not controlled, and the four ascriptions are cut off. The body is markedly emaciated, the feet only are swollen, yellow sweat issues, and the lower legs are cold. If [the lower legs] effuse heat, this is joint running.
1715.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10
172病历节,不可屈伸,疼痛,乌头汤主之。乌头汤方,治脚气疼痛,不可屈伸。 Joint acuteness disease with inability to bend and stretch and pain [can be] treated by Wutou Decoction (乌头汤, aconite decoction).Wutou Decoction (乌头汤, aconite decoction) can treat pain of foot and inability to bend and stretch. For acute arthritis (Lijie), with paralysis of the extremities and arthralgia, give Decoction of Rhizoma Aconiti. For joint-running disease with an inability to bend and stretch with pain, Wu Tou Tang (Aconite Main Tuber Decoction) is indicated. Wu Tou Tang (Aconite Main Tuber Decoction): indicate for painful leg qi with an inability to bend and stretch. Wu-tou-tang (wu-tou Combination) principally treats arthritis so painful that the patient is unable to flex or extend his limbs. [For] joint-running with inability to bend and stretch and with pain, Aconite Main Root Decoction (乌头汤 wū tóu tāng) governs.Treats leg qì with pain and inability to bend and stretch.
1735.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11
174矾石汤 治脚气冲心。 Fanshi Decoction (矾石汤, alum decoction) treats beriberi that strikes the heart. Decoction of Alumen is an effective cure for cardiac beriberi. Fan Shi Tang (Alum Decoction): for leg qi surging into the heart. Wu-tou-tang (Wu-tou Combination) treats foot Qi (beriberi) ache so painful that the patient is unable to flex and extend his feet. The composition, preparation, and administration of the formula are indicated in the preceding article. Six other formulas also effective in treating the above mentioned conditions follow.
175《古今录验》续命汤 治中风痱,身体不能自收,口不能言,冒昧不知痛处,或拘急不得转侧。 Xuming Decoction (续命汤, decoction for prolonging life) [from the book entitled] Gujin Luyan (古今录验, Ancient and Present Records of Experiences) [is used to treat] wind stroke [with difficulty to move the body and inability to feel pain and itching]. [This disease is characterized by] inability of the body to control itself, aphasia, mental confusion without knowing the location of pain, or spasm and inability to turn the body. Prescription from Records of Present-day and Ancient Proven Prescriptions: Decoction of Xuming: Efficacious for apoplexy with the following symptoms and signs: difficulty in normal body movements, aphasia, apins in different parts of the body, contraction of extremities which hampers turning the body. Xu Ming Tang (Life-Sustaining Decoction) from Gu Jin Lu Yan (Ancient and Modern Records of Proven Formulas): indicated for wind stroke disability manifesting in the inability to contract muscles, inability to speak, lack of pain sensation, or hypertonicity preventing one from turning over onto one’s side. Fan-shi-tang (Alum Combination)
176《千金》三黄汤 治中风手足拘急,百节疼痛,烦热心乱,恶寒,经日不欲饮食。 Sanhuang Decoction (三黄汤, three yellow decoction) [from the book entitled] Qianjin [fang] (千金方, Thousand Golden Formulas) [is used] to treat wind storke [with the symptoms and signs of] spasm of hands and feet, pain of all joints, vexing heat, dysphoria, aversion to cold and no desire to drink water and eat food for several days. Prescription from Qianjin: Decoction of Sanhuang: Efficacious fro treating apoplexy with contraction of extremities, acute arthralgia in all joints, restlessness, fever and irritation, aversion to cold and anorexia. Prescription from Prescriptions with Ready Efficacy: San Huang Tang (Three Yellow Decoction) from the Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency): indicated for wind stroke with hypertonicity of the extremities, pain in the hundred joints, vexing heat disturbing the heart, aversion to cold, and no desire to eat and drink for several days. Mahuang and Ginseng Combination treats wind-paralysis (rheumatism) in which the patient is unable to control his body or speech. He feels dull, not knowing the aching areas, or has spasms so severe that he cannot tum himself over. Xu-ming-tang (Mahuang and Ginseng Combination)
177《近效方》术附子汤 治风虚头重眩,苦极,不知食味,暖肌补中,益精气。 Baizhu Fuzi Decoction (术附子汤, rhizome of largehead atractyloes and aconite decoction) [from the book entitled] Jinxiao Formulas (《近效方》, Significant Effective Formulas) [is used] to treat wind-deficiency, heaviness of the head, dizziness, extreme bitterness and inability to taste food [by means of] warming the fleshes, tonifying the middle and replenishing essential qi. Decoction of Rhizoma Atrylodis Macrocephalae and Radix Aconiti Praeparata: Efficacious for curing Wind-deficient syndrome with severe vertigo, anorexia and sense of heaviness in movement. This prescription tonifies the Interior Vital Energy, warms the muscle and strengthens the Essence and Vital Energy (Jing Qi). Zhu Fu Tang (Atractylodes Macrocephala and Aconite Decoction) from the Jin Xiao Fang (Effective Formulas from Modern Times): indicated for wind deficiency, heaviness in the head, dizziness in the head, extreme suffering, and loss of the sense of taste. It acts to warm the muscles, supplement the middle, and benefit essence-qi. San-huang-tang (Mahuang, Astragalus and Acute Combination) Shu-fu-tang (White Atractylodes and Aconite Combination)
178崔氏八味丸 治脚气上入,少腹不仁。 Cuishi Bawei Pill (崔氏八味丸, Cui’s Eight Ingredients Pill) [is used] to treat beriberi entering the upper [part of the body] and numbness of the lower abdomen. Pills of Eight Ingredients: Efficacious in treating abdominal disorders caused by upward invasion of beriberi. Cui Shi Ba Wei Wan (Cui’s Eight Ingredient Pill): indicated for leg qi surging upward causing numbness in the lesser abdomen. Cui-shi-ba-wei-wan (Rehmannia Eight Formula) treats foot Qi that flushes up into the lower abdomen causing numbness.
179《千金方》越婢加术汤 治肉极,热则身体津脱,腠理开,汗大泄,厉风气,下焦脚弱。 Yuebi Decoction (越婢汤decoction for effusing the spleen) added with Baizhu Decoction (白术汤, rhizome of largehead atractyloes decoction) [is used] to treat extreme heat in fleshes [that causes] exhaustion of fluid and humor, opening of interstices, great discharge of sweating, pestilent wind qi and weakness of the triple energizer and feet. Prescription from Qianjin: Decoction of Yuebei adding Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, efficacious for syndromes with the following symptoms and signs: Exhaustion of muscles, with profuse perspiration which exhausts Body Fluid and opens the Couli, invasion of pathogenetic Wind, weakness in the feet. Yue Bi Jia Zhu Tang (Maidservant from Yue Decoction plus Atractylodes Macrocephala) from the Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang: indicated for extreme of the flesh, heat causing fluid desertion of the body, open interstices, great discharge of sweat, severe wind qi, and weak lower limbs. Yue-pi-jia-shu-tang (Atractylodes Combination) treats muscle exhaustion which in the presence firm exhibits loss of body fluids, enlarged pores and muscular looseness, and profuse sweating. It also alleviates severe wind and weakness of the lower arms and feet.
181血痹虚劳病脉证并治第六 Chapter 6 Blood Impediment and Consumptive Disease: Pulses, Syndrome/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 6 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Arthralgia Due to Stagnation of Blood and Consumptive Diseases Chapter 6 Pulses, Patterns and Treatment of Blood Impediment and Deficiency Taxation Chapter 6 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Blood Paralysis and Weakness Fatigue Chapter 6 Blood Impediment and Vacuity Taxation
1826.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1
183问曰:血痹病从何得之?师曰:夫尊荣人,骨弱肌肤盛,重因疲劳汗出,卧不时动摇,加被微风,遂得之。但以脉自微涩,在寸口、关上小紧,宜针引阳气,令脉和紧去则愈。 Question: How is blood impediment disease caused? Master said: Those living a comfortable life [often suffer from] weakness of bones and exuberant fleshes, [accompanied by] heaviness [of the body] and sweating [after] fatigue, restlessness [when] lying [on bed] and invasion of mild wind. [That is why such a disease] is caused. But if the pulse is faint and rough, [especially the pulse] in the cunkou [region] and guan [region] is small and tight, [it is] appropriate [to use] acupuncture [to conduct] yang qi. [When] the pulse becomes harmonious and not tight, [the disease will be] cured. Question: What is the cause of arthralgia due to stagnation of Blood? Master: Persons who live lives of leisure generally have weak bones and rich flesh and muscle. After working for a short period of time, they will feel tired and begin to sweat. When they lie in bed, they will toss and turn frequently. If they are exposed to a breeze at this time, they will suffer from arthralgia due to stagnation of Blood. The pulse will be feeble and hesitant and slender-tense at Inch and Bar. Acupuncture therapy can be adopted to stimulate Yang Vital Energy. When the tense pulse disappears and the pulse returns to normal, the patient is recovering. Question: "From where does one contract blood impediment disease?" The master said: "Those who live in comfort have weak bones and an abundance of flesh and skin. They are also often fatigued and sweating, with frequent tossing and turning while lying down. If exposed to breeze at this time, they will then develop this condition. The pulse is faint and rough, but small and tight at the inch opening and bar. At this time, it is most appropriate to conduct yang qi with needles. When the pulse becomes harmonized, the tightness will disappear and the patient will be cured. The disciples asked: "What is the cause of blood paralysis?" The master said: "Persons who live lives of leisure generally have weak bones and rich flesh and muscle. After working for a short period of time, they will feel tired and begin to sweat. When they lie in bed, they will toss and turn frequently. If they are exposed to a breeze at this time, they will suffer from arthralgia due to stagnation of Blood. The pulse will be feeble and hesitant and slender-tense at Inch and Bar. Acupuncture therapy can be adopted to stimulate Yang Vital Energy. When the tense pulse disappears and the pulse returns to normal, the patient is recovering." Question: “How is blood impediment disease acquired?”The Master says: “[This disease affects] respected and honored people' with weak bones and exuberant flesh. Because they are heavy and encumbered, they are easily fatigued and sweat and they frequently toss and turn in their sleep. If they are exposed to [even] slight wind, they contract this disease as a result. [In such patients, if] the pulse is normally slightly rough, but is slightly tight on the inch opening and bar, it is appropriate to use needles to conduct yáng qì. [This will] make the pulse harmonious and remove the tightness. Recovery will ensue.”
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185血痹阴阳俱微,寸口关上微,尺中小紧,外证身体不仁,如风痹状,黄芪桂枝五物汤主之。 [In] blood impediment [disease], both yin and yang are weak, [the pulse on] the upper of cunkou [region] is faint, [the pulse on] the middle of chi [area] is small and tight, the body is numb in external syndrome/pattern like wind impediment. [It should be] treated by Huangqi Guizhi Wuwu Decoction (黄芪桂枝五物汤, astragalus and cinnamon twig decoction with five medicinals). Arthralgia due to stagnation of Blood with Deficiency in both Yin and Yang has the following symptoms and signs: Pulse feeble at Inch and Bar and slender-tense at Cubit. Exterior symptoms include local numbness and other manifestations of arthralgia due to pathogenetic Wind. Decoction of Five Drugs with Radix Astragali Hedysari and Ramulus Cinnamomi will provide a cure. For blood impediment with dual debilitation of yin and yang, faint pulses at the inch opening and bar position, small and tight pulses at the cubit position, and the external sign of generalized numbness resembling that of wind impediment, Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang (Astragalus and Cinnamon Twig Five Substances Decoction) is indicated. The patient suffering from "blood paralysis" with a minute pulse palpable both superficially and deeply on the cun and guan sites, a thin and tense pulse on the chi site, and an external conformation exhibiting generalized numbness like that of wind paralysis should be principally treated with Huang-qi-gui-zhi-wu-wu-tang (Astragalus and Cinnamon Five Herb Combination). In blood impediment, when yīn and yáng are both faint, when [the pulse is] faint on the inch opening and bar and small and tight in the cubit, and when the external signs are generalized numbness and an appearance as in wind impediment, [then] Astragalus and Cinnamon Twig Five Agents Decoction (huáng qí guì zhī wǔ wù tāng) governs.
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188夫男子平人,脉大为劳,极虚,亦为劳。 Men [who look] healthy [but have a large pulse are actually ill]. Large pulse indicates consumptive [disease] and extremely weak [pulse] also indicates consumptive [disease]. A man who looks healthy but has a huge pulse is suffering from a consumptive disease (general debility). When the pulse is extremely deficient, it also indicates a consumptive disease. In a normal man, large pulses indicate taxation; extremely deficient pulses also indicate taxation. In men with a normal appearance, a big pulse portends weakness fatigue as does an extremely empty pulse. In men [who appear] healthy, a large pulse means taxation; an extremely vacuous one also means taxation.
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190 男子面色薄者,主渴及亡血,卒喘悸,脉浮者,里虚也。 Men with a thin [pale] complexion are mainly [characterized by] thirst, blood collapse, sudden panting, palpitation, floating pulse and internal deficiency. Pallid facial complexion in a male patient indicates thirst and loss of Blood. When the patient suddenly feels like gasping and exhibits palpitations and a floating pulse, he is suffering from Interior Deficiency. A thin facial complexion among men indicates thirst and blood collapse. Sudden panting and palpitation with floating pulses indicate internal deficiency. A pale complexion in men portends thirst and loss of blood. Paroxysmal asthma and cardiac palpitation together with a floating pulse portend internal weakness. In men, a thin complexion in combination with the symptoms of thirst and blood collapse, sudden panting and palpitation, and a floating pulse mean interior vacuity.
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192 男子脉虚沉弦,无寒热,短气里急,小便不利,面色白,时目瞑,兼衄,少腹满,此为劳使之然。 Men [with] weak, sunken and taut pulse, no cold and heat, shortness of breath, tenesmus, inhibited urination, pale complexion, occasional dim vision, accompanied by nosebleed and fullness of lower abdomen [actually suffer from consumptive disease]. [These symptoms and signs are in fact the manifestations of] consumptive [disease]. Consumption diseases of male patients bear the following symptoms and signs: Pulse is deficient, deep and tight, with shortness of breath, abdominal contraction, dysuria, pallid facial complexion, abdominal distention, epistaxis and occasional reluctance to open the eyes. But the patient does not feel cold and feverish. In men, when deficient, sunken, wiry pulses appear with an absence of cold or heat, shortness of breath, abdominal urgency, inhibited urination, a white facial complexion, and frequently heavy eyes accompanied by nosebleed and fullness of the lesser abdomen; all of this is result of deficiency taxation. The symptoms of weakness fatigue in men are an empty submerged, and chordal pulse, no chills and fever, shortness of breath, a feeling of urgent tension in the abdomen (like a need to defecate or urinate), oliguria, a pale complexion, frequent vertigo causing closure of eyes, nosebleeds, and lower abdominal distention. For men [with] a vacuous, sunken, and stringlike pulse, absence of cold and heat, shortness of breath, abdominal urgency, inhibited urination, a white facial complexion, periodic dimness of vision with concurrent spontaneous external bleeding, and lesser abdominal fullness, these signs are caused by taxation.
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194 劳之为病,其脉浮大,手足烦,春夏剧,秋冬瘥,阴寒精自出,酸削不能行。 The disease caused by consumption [is characterized by] floating and large pulse, vexing feeling of hands and feet, aggravation in spring and summer, remission in autumn and winter, genital cold with spontaneous seminal emission, weak and emaciated [legs] and inability to walk. Consumptive disease: The pulse is floating-huge, with burning sensation on palms of hands and feet. The disease becomes aggravated in spring and summer but subsides in autumn and winter. Seminal emission occurs due to Yin and Cold. Weak and emaciated legs make the patient unable to walk. The disease of taxation manifests with floating and large pulse accompanied by vexation of the limbs. The condition becomes aggravated in spring and summer, and relieved in the autumn and winter. Genital cold causes spontaneous seminal emission. Soreness and weakness makes one unable to walk. Weakness fatigue exhibits a floating and big pulse, pudendal chills with spermatorrhea in men, aching and emaciated feet inhibiting walking, irritating fever in the limbs which exacerbates in the spring and summer and spontaneously dissipates in the autumn and winter. Taxation disease manifests in a floating and large pulse, vexation in the extremities, aggravation in summer and remission in winter, genital cold, spontaneous loss of semen, and aching and wasting with inability to walk.
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196 男子脉浮弱而涩,为无子,精气清冷。 Men with floating, weak and rough pulse are sterile because the essential qi is cold. If the pulse of a male patient is floating-weak and hesitant, this indicates a case of sterility, as the seminal fluid is thin and cold. In men, floating weak and rough pulses indicate infertility. The essence-qi is clear and cold. A floating, weak, and harsh pulse in a man means thin, chilly sperm and Qi, and sterility. In men, a floating, weak, and rough pulse means sterility and that essential qì is [clear and] cold.
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198 夫失精家,少腹弦急,阴头寒,目眩,发落,脉极虚芤迟,为清谷,亡血,失精。脉得诸芤动微紧,男子失精,女子梦交,桂枝龙骨牡蛎汤主之。 The patients with seminal emission [suffer from] taut tension in the lower abdomen, coldness of glans penis, dizziness of eyes, loss of hair and extreme weak, hollow and slow pulse indicating diarrhea with undigested food, blood collapse and seminal emission. [When] the pulse is hollow, stirring, faint and tight, [it indicates] seminal emission in men and sexual intercourse in dream in women. [This disease can be] treated by Guizhi Longgu Muli Decoction (桂枝龙骨牡蛎汤, cinnamon twig, Loong bone and oyster shell decoction). A patient suffering from frequent seminal emissions is also troubled by the following ailment: Abdominal contraction, cold over glans penis, vertigo and baldness. When pulse is extremely deficient and void-slow, this indicates diarrhea with undigested cereals, and loss of blood and sperm. Void, moving, or feeble and tense pulse indicates seminal emission for the male patient or dreaming of sexual intercourse for the female patient. Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi adding Os Draconis and Concha Ostreae can provide a cure. A person who suffers from seminal loss will present with tension and urgency of the lower abdomen, cold in the glans penis, dizzy vision, and hair loss. Extremely deficient, scallion-stalk, and slow pulses indicate that clear-food diarrhea, blood collapse, and seminal loss may occur. Scallion-stalk, stirred, faint or tight pulses reflect seminal loss in men, and dreaming of intercourse in women. Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell) is indicated. A man who loses semen without orgasm will have a tense and urgent sensation in the lower abdomen, chills in the glans of the penis, dizziness, loss of hair, and an extremely weak, hollow, and slow pulse. These symptoms accompany lientery, loss of blood, or spermatorrhea. In such cases the pulse is hollow, fluttering, minute, and tense. The man who has spermatorrhea and the women who dreams of sexual intercourse need Gui-zhi-long-gu-mu-li-tang (Cinnamon and Dragon Bone Combination). If patients suffering from seminal loss present with stringlike tension in the lesser abdomen, yīn-head cold, dizzy vision, hair loss, and a pulse that is extremely vacuous, scallion-stalk, and slow, this means clear grain, blood collapse, and seminal loss. Whenever you see a pulse that is scallion-stalk and stirring or faint and tight, this means seminal loss in men and dreaming of intercourse in women. Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell (guì zhī jiā lóng gǔ mǔ lì tāng) governs.
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200 男子平人,脉虚弱细微者,善盗汗也。 [In] men [who appear] healthy [but whose] pulse is deficient, weak, thin and faint, [it indicates] a tendency to sweat at night. In normal male patients, if pulse is deficient, weak, slender and feeble, he is likely to sweat at night. A normal man with deficient, weak, fine and faint pulses is likely to present with night sweating. A man who appears normal has an empty, weak, thin, and minute pulse will have night sweats readily. In men [who appear] healthy, a pulse that is vacuous, weak, fine, or faint indicates a tendency to nigh sweating.
2016.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10 6.10
202 人年五六十,其病脉大者,痹侠背行,若肠鸣,马刀侠瘿者,皆为劳得之。 [In] a person of fifty or sixty years of age, the pathological pulse is large and [there is] impediment along the spine. If [there are symptoms and signs of] borborygmus and [cervical scrofula looking like] saber, [it is] all caused by consumption. The pulse of a patient at the age of fifty or sixty is huge. He has a feeling of numbness in the region along the spine. Consumptive disease will cause borborygmus, and armpit and cervical tubercles. People in their fifties or sixties with diseases that manifest with a large pulse may suffer from numbness alone both sides of the spine. If there are rumbling intestines with saber and pearl-string lumps, all this results from taxation. A person in his fifties with a big pulse must have been afflicted by wind evil if he has a numb sensation along both sides if the spine, by internal chill if he has borborygmus, or by weak fever if tubercles have developed under the armpits or on the neck. All of these conditions are fatigue diseases. If a person of fifty or sixty years of age with a pathologically large pulse and impediment along the furrows of the back suffers from rumbling intestines or saber and pearl-string lumps, all [these conditions] are acquired as a result of taxation.
2036.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11 6.11
204 脉沉小迟,名脱气,其人疾行则喘喝,手足逆寒,腹满,甚则溏泄,食不消化也。 [When] the pulse [of a patient] is sunken, small and slow, [it is] called exhaustion of qi. Such a patient [suffers from] panting when walking quickly, reversal cold of hands and feet, abdominal fullness, or even sloppy diarrhea and indigestion. The pulse of a patient suffering from a consumptive disease is deep-slender-slow. Such cases are called "exhaustion of the Vital Energy". When the patient walks quickly, he begins to pant. Other symptoms include coldness in the extremities, abdominal distention, and loose stool caused by indigestion. Sunken, small, and slow pulses indicate qi desertion. When the patient walks quickly, panting will occur. Other manifestations include counterflow cold of the extremities, abdominal fullness, and even diarrhea with non-transformation of food. A submerged, thin, and slow pulse characterizes the condition known as tuo Qi (collapse of Qi) in which the patient experiences shortness of breath when walking briskly, adverse chills in the arms and legs, and/ or abdominal distention and even lientery owing to indigestion. [When the] pulse is sunken, small, and slow, [this is] called “deserting qì.” Such a person manifests with noisy panting when walking fast, counterflow cold of the extremities, abdominal fullness, and in severe cases sloppy diarrhea and food failing to disperse and transform.
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206 脉弦而大,弦则为减,大则为芤,减则为寒,芤则为虚,虚寒相搏,此名为革。妇人则半产漏下,男子则亡血失精。 The pulse [of a patient] is taut and large. Taut [pulse] indicates reduction while large [pulse] indicates hollowness. Reduction means cold while hollowness means deficiency. [When] deficiency and cold contend with each other, it is called tympanic [pulse]. [In] women, [such a pulse] indicates premature delivery and vaginal discharge of blood; [in] men, [such a pulse] indicates blood collapse and seminal emission. The pulse is tight and huge. When pressed deeply, it is not as strong as a true tight pulse. Though huge, it is void within. Such pulse is called "void-tight" pulse. Tight pulse of reduced strength indicates prevalence of pathogenetic Cold. Void pulse reflects Interior Deficiency. When void-tight pulse occurs in female patients, this indicates premature delivery or mild, chronic bloody vaginal discharge. In male patients, it indicates loss of blood and sperm. Regarding wiry and large pulses, the wiry quality is relieved by heavy pressure and the large pulse is similar to the scallion-stalk pulse. Relief indicates cold, while scallion-stalk indicates deficiency. In deficiency contending with cold, the pulse image is called drumskin. Women with this pulse will suffer from late miscarriage and spotting, and men will suffer from blood collapse and seminal loss. In a chordal and big pulse, "chordal" denotes deficiency and "big" hollowness; deficiency manifests through chills while hollowness indicates weakness. When weakness and chills spermatorrhea in men. When a pulse is both stringlike and large, stringlike means reduced, and large means scallion-stalk; reduced means cold, and scallion-stalk means vacuity. Vacuity and cold contended with each other, and this is called a drumskin [pulse]. In women, [this type of pulse] means midterm delivery and spotting; in men, it means blood collapse and seminal loss.
2076.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13
208 虚劳里急,悸,衄,腹中痛,梦失精,四肢酸疼,手足烦热,咽干口燥,小建中汤主之。 [The disease, characterized by] deficiency-consumption, abdominal urgency, palpitation, nosebleed, abdominal pain, seminal emission in dream, aching pain of the four limbs, vexing heat in the hands and feet, dryness of the throat and mouth, [can be] treated by Xiao Jianzhong Decoction (小建中汤, minor decoction for strengthening the middle). Consumptive disease: Decoction of Lesser Jianzhong can be given for the following symptoms and signs: Abdominal contraction, palpitation, epistaxis, abdominal pain, nocturnal emission, weakness and aching in the extremities, burning sensation on palms of hands and feet, parched mouth and throat. For deficiency taxation with abdominal urgency, palpitations, nosebleed, abdominal pain, dream emission, soreness and pain of the four limbs, vexing heat of the extremities and dryness of the mouth and throat, Xiao Jian Zhong Tang (Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction) is indicated. Weakness fatigue and internal cramps together with cardiac palpitation, nosebleeds, abdominal aches, nocturnal emission, soreness and aching in the extremities, fever in the limbs, and dry throat and mouth are primarily treated with Xiao-jian-zhong-tang (Minor Cinnamon and Peony Combination). In vacuity taxation with abdominal urgency, palpitation, spontaneous external bleeding, pain in the abdomen, seminal loss while dreaming, aching pain in the limbs, vexing heat in the hands and feet, and dry throat and mouth, Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction (小建中汤 xiǎo jiàn zhōnɡ tāng) governs.
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210 虚劳里急,诸不足,黄芪建中汤主之。 [In] deficiency-consumption with abdominal urgency and insufficiency of all [other aspects], Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction (黄芪建中汤, astragalus decoction for strengthening the middle) [can be used] to treat it. Consumptive disease with abdominal contraction and symptoms and signs of deficient case can be treated with Decoction of Radix Astragali Hedysari Jianzhong. For deficiency taxation, abdominal urgency, and the various kinds of insufficiency, Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang (Astragalus Center-Fortifying Decoction) is indicated. Weakness fatigue, internal cramps, and deficiencies of various types should be treated primarily with Huang-qi-jian-zhong-tang (Astragalus Combination). In vacuity taxation with abdominal urgency and insufficiency of everything, Astragalus Center-Fortifying Decoction (huáng qí jiàn zhōnɡ tāng) governs.
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212 虚劳腰痛,少腹拘急,小便不利者,八味肾气丸主之。 [In] deficiency-consumption with lumbago, abdominal hypertonicity and inhibited urination, Bawei Shenqi Pill (八味肾气丸, eight ingredients pill for strengthening kidney qi) [can be used] to treat it. Consumptive disease with symptoms and signs of lumbago, abdominal contraction and dysuria can be treated with Pills of Eight Ingredients of the Kidney Vital Energy. For deficiency taxation manifesting with lumbar pain, lesser abdominal hypertonicity, and inhibited urination, Ba Wei Shen Qi Wan (Eight-Ingredient Kidney Qi Pill) is indicated. A patient with weakness fatigue disease, lower back pain, lower abdominal cramping, and oliguria should primarily take Ba-wei-Shen-Qi-wan (Rehmannia Eight Formula). In vacuity taxation with lumbar pain, hypertonicity in the lesser abdomen, and inhibited urination, Eight-Ingredient Kidney Qì Pill (bā wèi shèn qì wán) governs.
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214 虚劳诸不足,风气百疾,薯蓣丸主之。 Deficiency- consumption with insufficiency of all [aspects] and various diseases [caused by] pathogenic wind [can be] treated by Shuyu Pill (薯蓣丸, dioscorea pill). Consumptive disease with symptoms and signs of a deficient case, and all cases caused by exogenous pathogenetic Wind can be treated with Pills of Rhizoma Dioscoreae. For deficiency taxation with various kinds of insufficiency and diseases caused by wind qi, Shu Yu Wan (Dioscorea Pill) is indicated. Conditions of weakness fatigue, various kinds of insufficiency, and "wind and Qi" diseases primarily require Shu-yu-wan (Dioscorea and Jujube Formula). For vacuity taxation with insufficiency of everything and the hundred diseases of wind qì, Dioscorea Pill (薯蓣丸 shǔ yù wán) governs.
2156.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17 6.17
216 虚劳虚烦不得眠,酸枣汤主之。 Deficiency-consumption with deficiency-vexation and inability to sleep [can be] treated by Suanzao Decoction (酸枣汤, spiny jujube decoction). Consumptive disease with restlessness and insomnia can be treated with Decoction of Semen Ziziphi Spinosae. For deficiency taxation with deficiency vexation causing an inability to sleep, Suan Zao Ren Tang (Sour Jujube Decoction) is indicated. Suan-zao-ren-tang (Zizyphus Combination) primarily treats weakness fatigue, and annoyance due to weakness which causes insomnia. For vacuity taxation with vacuity vexation and inability to sleep, Spiny Jujube Decoction (酸枣仁汤 suān zǎo rén tāng) governs.
2176.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18 6.18
218五劳虚极羸瘦,腹满,不能饮食,食伤、忧伤、饮伤、房室伤、饥伤、劳伤、经络营卫气伤,内有干血,肌肤甲错,两目黯黑。缓中补虚,大黄蟅虫丸主之。 [In the disease of] five consumptions with extreme deficiency and emaciation, [there are symptoms and signs of] abdominal fullness, inability to drink and eat, damage caused by food, anxiety, drinking, sexual intercourse, hunger, overexertion, damage of meridians, collaterals, nutrient qi and defense qi, dry blood in the body, squamous and dry skin and dark eyes. [To resolve such symptoms and signs, measures should be taken] to harmonize the middle and improve deficiency. Dahuang Zhechong Pill(大黄蟅虫丸, rhubarb and ground beetle pill) [can be used] to treat it. The patient is extremely feeble and thin and suffers from the five strains, with abdominal distention and anorexia. This is caused by unregulated eating and drinking, melancholy, hunger and overexertion in sexual activity or physical labor. Channels and Collaterals, Nutrient Essence, Vital Resistance and Vital Energy are all impaired. In such cases blood stasis will result. The patient's skin is scaly, with rings around the eyes. The therapy aims to harmonize and ease the Interior and tonify the Deficiency. Pills of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei and Eupolyphaga seu Steleophaga is efficacious. For the five taxations with extreme deficiency, emaciation, abdominal fullness with an inability to eat or drink, food damage, anxiety damage, drink damage, sexual intemperance damage, hunger damage, taxation damage, channel-collateral and ying-wei damage, internal dry blood, encrusted skin, and darkened eyes; the treatment principle is to slowly dispel stasis while also supplementing the deficiency. Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan (Rhubarb and Eupolyphaga Pill) is indicated. //// Zhi Gan Cao Tang (Honey-fried Licorice Decoction) from the Qian Jin Yi (Supplement to Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces): indicated for deficiency taxation and insufficiency that manifests with sweating, oppression, bound pulses, and palpitations. Patients with no problem moving about will pass away within a hundred days; those in critical condition will not survive eleven days. Ta Gan San (Otter Liver Powder) from Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang (Emergency Formulas to Keep Up One’s sleeve): indicated for cold taxation; also indicated for contagious ghost infixation. Mix-fry and grind one otter liver. Take 1 square inch-spoon with water, three times daily. The formula Da-huang-zhe-chong-wan (Rhubarb and Eupolyphaga Formula) mollifies the stomach, strengthens weakness, and is the principal treatment for the following conditions: the five fatigues; extreme weakness that leads to emaciation; abdominal distention and anorexia; injuries caused by foods, worry, drinking, sexual excess, starvation, and overstraining; and injury of Qi in the meridians, the skin, and the viscera which results in blood aridity, coarse and scaly skin, and darkened eyes. For the five taxations with extreme vacuity, marked emaciation, abdominal fullness, inability to eat and drink, food damage, anxiety damage, drink damage, bedroom damage, hunger damage, taxation damage, channel, network [vessel], construction and defense qì damage, dry blood in the inner body, encrusted skin, and dark eyes, moderate the center and supplement vacuity. Rhubarb and Ground Beetle Pill (大黄摭虫丸dà huáng zhè chóng wán) governs.
220肺痿肺痈咳嗽上气病脉证治第七 Chapter 7 Lung wilting, Lung Abscess, Cough and Ascending Qi Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Pattern and Treatment Chapter 7 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Pulmonary Asthenia, Pulmonary Abscess, Cough and Inspiratory Dyspnea Chapter 7 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Lung Wilting, Welling-abscess of the Lung, and Coughing with Qi Ascent Chapter 7 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Pulmonary Asthenia, Pulmonary Abscess and Cough with Qi Adversity Chapter 7 Lung Wilting, Pulmonary Welling-Abscess, and Cough with Qì Ascent
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222问曰:热在上焦者,因咳为肺痿。肺痿之病何从得之?师曰:或从汗出,或从呕吐,或从消渴,小便利数,或从便难,又被快药下利,重亡津液,故得之。问曰:寸口脉数,其人咳,口中反有浊唾涎沫者何?师曰:为肺痿之病。若口中辟辟燥,咳即胸中隐隐痛,脉反滑数,此为肺痈,咳唾脓血。脉数虚者为肺痿,数实者为肺痈。 Question: [In patients with] heat in the upper energizer, cough will cause lung wilting. How does the disease of lung wilting occur? The master said: [It is] either caused by sweating, or by vomiting, or by wasting thirst with frequent urination, or by difficulty in defecation that is heavily purged and causes heavy collapse of fluid and humor. Question: The patient with rapid pulse in the cunkou [region] coughs, but there is sputum and foamy drool in the mouth. What is the reason? The master said: [This] is lung wilting disease. If the mouth is dry, there is dull pain in the chest and the pulse is slippery and rapid. This is lung abscess [marked by] cough with pus and blood. Rapid and weak pulse indicates lung wilting while rapid and strong [pulse] indicates lung abscess. Question: When pathogenetic Heat is present in the Upper Portion of Body Cavity, the patient will suffer from coughing, followed by pulmonary asthenia. What is the cause of pulmonary asthenia? Master: Exhaustion of the Body Fluid is the cause. Body Fluid may be exhausted by profuse perspiration, repeated vomiting, great thirst accompanied by frequent urination, incontinence of urination, constipation, or loose stool after administration of acute purgative. Question: Pulse is speedy at the Inch. The patient coughs with sputum and saliva in his mouth. Why is this? Master: This is a case of pulmonary asthenia. If the patient's mouth is parched and dry, if he experiences pain in his chest when coughing, and if pulse is slippery-speedy, it is a case of pulmonary abscess. Pulmonary asthenia always has symptoms of coughing with bloody pus and speedy-deficient pulse; whereas pulse of a patient suffering pulmonary abscess is always speedy-excessive. Question: "Heat in the upper burner will cause coughing that also leads to lung wilting. From where does one contract the disease of lung wilting?" The master replied: "From sweating or vomiting, or from dispersion-thirst manifesting with uninhibited and frequent urination, or from constipation that is purged with disinhibiting medicinals that cause severe damage to fluids. As a result, this condition develops." Question: "The pulse at the inch opening is rapid, yet when the person coughs, turbid spittle and foamy drool appear in the mouth. Why is this?" The master said: "This is the disease of lung wilting. If the mouth is dry, and a dull pain appears in the chest while coughing, yet the pulse is slippery and rapid; this is welling-abscess of the lung. Manifestations also include coughing and spitting of pus and blood." Rapid and deficient pulses indicate lung wilting. Rapid and excess pulses indicate welling-abscess of the lung. The disciples asked: "When pathogenetic Heat is present in the Upper Portion of Body Cavity, the patient will suffer from coughing, followed by pulmonary asthenia. What is the cause of pulmonary asthenia? The master said: "It occurs as a consequence of excessive sweating, excessive vomiting, diabetes with polyuria, or constipation that has been treated with strong purgatives which have exhausted the body fluids." The disciples further queried: "Pulse is speedy at the Inch. The patient coughs with sputum and saliva in his mouth. Why is this?" The master answered: "This is a case of pulmonary asthenia. If the patient's mouth is parched and dry, if he experiences pain in his chest when coughing, and if pulse is slippery-speedy, it is a case of pulmonary abscess. Pulmonary asthenia always has symptoms of coughing with bloody pus and speedy-deficient pulse; whereas pulse of a patient suffering pulmonary abscess is always speedy-excessive." Question: “In patients with heat in the upper burner, cough causes lung wilting. Where does the disease of lung wilting come from?” The Master says: “It comes from sweating, from vomiting and retching, from dispersion-thirst and frequent uninhibited urination, or from difficult defecation that was precipitated by means of quickening medicines, which caused severe collapse of the fluids.” Question: “When a person has a rapid pulse at the inch opening, and coughs, but has turbid spittle and foamy drool in the mouth, what does this mean?” The Master says: “This is the disease of lung wilting. If the mouth is sapless and dry, and coughing causes dull pain in the chest, but the pulse is slippery and rapid, [this] is pulmonary welling-abscess with coughing of pus and blood.[If the] pulse is rapid and vacuous, it is lung wilting; if it is rapid and replete, it is pulmonary welling-abscess.”
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224问曰:病咳逆,脉之,何以知此为肺痈?当有脓血,吐之则死,其脉何类?师曰:寸口脉微而数,微则为风,数则为热;微则汗出,数则恶寒。风中于卫,呼气不入;热过于荣,吸而不出。风伤皮毛,热伤血脉。风舍于肺,其人则咳,口干喘满,咽燥不渴,时唾浊沫,时时振寒。热之所过,血为之凝滞,畜结痈脓,吐如米粥。始萌可救,脓成则死。 Question: [In] disease with cough and counterflow [of qi], why taking pulse can diagnose it lung abscess? When there is pus and blood, [the patient will] die when vomiting. What kind of pulse does the patient have? The master said: The pulse in the cunkou [region] is faint and rapid. Faint [pulse] indicates [pathogenic] wind while rapid [pulse] indicates [pathogenic] heat. [When the pulse is] faint, [there will be] sweating; [when the pulse is] rapid, [there will be] aversion to cold. [When] wind attacks the defense [aspect], exhalation will prevent it from entering [into the internal]. [When pathogenic] heat penetrates through the blood, inhalation makes it enter [into the internal]. [Pathogenic] wind damages the skin and hair, [pathogenic] heat damages the blood and vessels. [When pathogenic] wind has entered the lung, the patient will [suffer from] cough, dry mouth, panting, chest fullness, dry throat without thrist, frequent spitting of saliva and foam and occasional quivering. [When pathogenic] heat has penetrated through [the blood], the blood will be stagnated, [consequently] amassing and binding into abscess and pus, and [causing] vomiting [of sputum with blood and pus] like porridge. At the initial stage, [the patient] can be rescued [because there is no pus in vomiting]. [When] there is pus [in vomiting], [the patient] will die. Question: A patient coughs with inspiratory dyspnea. After feeling the pulse, a case of pulmonary abscess with bloody pus can be diagnosed. When the patient vomits bloody, death will follow. What is the pulse in such a situation? Could you kindly explain the syndrome? Master: Pulse at he Inch is feeble and speedy. Feeble pulse indicates pathogenetic Wind with spontaneous perspiration. Speedy pulse indicates pathogenetic Heat with aversion to cold. At the initial stage of the disease, pathogenetic Wind affects the Vital Resistance, though pathogenetic Wind will not accumulate at the Interior as it is expelled through expiration. When pathogenetic Heat enters the through expiration. Pathogenetic Wind only harms the skin and the Exterior, whereas the Heat harms the Blood and the vessels. When pathogenetic Wind invades the Lung, the patient will exhibit the following symptoms and signs: coughing, parched feeling in mouth, wheezing with dyspnea, parched throat without thirst, repeated spitting of saliva and occasional shivering. When pathogenetic Heat is rampant in the Lung, the Blood stagnates and sputum with bloody pus. The patient then vomits porridge-like sputum with bloody pus. The patient can be saved if treatment is given when the syndrome begins to manifest itself. But the patient will die if the abscess is completely formed. Question: "When there is coughing and counterflow, how can one know if this is welling-abscess of the lung? Pus and blood are present, and when ejection is applied, the patient will die. What type of pulse will manifest?" The master said, "The pulse is faint and rapid at the inch opening. The faint quality indicates wind, while the rapid indicates heat. Faint pulses are accompanied by sweating, while rapid pulses are accompanied by aversion to cold. When wind strikes the wei aspect, it leaves the body with each exhalation. When heat enters the ying aspect, through inhalation, it remains within. Wind damages the skin and body hair while heat damages blood vessels. Wind residing in the lung causes coughing, dryness in the mouth, panting with fullness, dryness in the pharynx with no thirst, profuse spittle with turbid drool, and frequent quivering with cold. As heat enters, blood becomes congealed and stagnant, which then accumulates and binds to form a welling-abscess and pus. When ejected, it resembles a rice congee. This disease is treatable in the early stages, but once pus is formed, the condition is terminal." The disciples asked: "When there is an adverse cough, how can one tell if there is a pulmonary abscess? With a fatal pulmonary abscess the patient expectorates purulent blood. What type of pulse does this disease manifest?" The master said: "With pulmonary abscess the patient has a minute and quick pulse on the cun site. The minute characteristic signifies wind evil, and the quickness, fever; the former evidences perspiration and the latter chillphobia. If wind evil has merely invaded the surface, the patient exhales more than he inhales. As the condition progresses, however, and the fever evil enters the viscera, the patient inhales more than he exhales, because the fever combines with the blood thus hindering the release of air. Generally "wind" injures the skin and hair while fever injures the blood vessels. Wind trapped in the lungs causes coughing, dry mouth, asthma, chest distention, dry throat without thirst, expectoration of copious thick sputum, and frequent shivering. With fever the blood congeals and stagnates, developing into abscesses. The expectorated matter resembles rice gruel. The disease is curable in the early stages but fatal if pus develops." Question: “When a patient presents with cough counterflow, how do you know from the pulse whether this is a pulmonary welling-abscess? There must be pus and blood, and if the patient vomits it up, death will ensue. What type of pulse does such a patient have?” The Master says: “The inch opening pulse will be faint and rapid. A faint pulse means wind; a rapid pulse means heat. When the pulse is faint, there will be sweating; when it is rapid, there will be aversion to cold. When wind strikes the defense, exhaling of qi prevents [the evil from entering; when heat encroaches into construction, inhaling qi prevents [the evil] from exiting. Wind damages the skin and [body] hair; heat damages the blood and vessels. When wind abides in the lung, the person suffers from cough, dry mouth, panting and fullness, dry pharynx but no thirst, increased spitting of turbid foam, and frequent quivering with cold. When heat encroaches, blood congeals and stagnates, amassing to bind into a welling-abscess with pus that when ejected looks like rice gruel. In the bud, [the patient] can be saved; when pus has formed, [the patient] dies.”
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226上气,面浮肿,肩息,其脉浮大,不治。又加利,尤甚。 [The disease, characterized by] rapid breath [with counterflow of qi], puffy swollen face and floating and large pulse, is incurable. If there is diarrhea, it is more severe. The patient with inspiratory dyspnea is likely to die if he is also suffering facial dropsy, must shrug his shoulders to breathe, and exhibits floating-huge pulse. Case will be more serious if diarrhea is also present. Qi ascent with puffy swelling of the face, raised-shoulder breathing, and floating large pulses is terminal; with diarrhea, it is even more so. Symptoms of the flushing of Qi, facial edema, hunched shoulders, and a floating and big pulse indicate a condition difficult to cure. If diarrhea is also present, the condition is even worse. Qì ascent with a puffy swollen face, raised-shoulder breathing, and a large floating pulse cannot be treated. If it is further complicated by diarrhea, it is even more severe.
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228上气,喘而躁者,属肺胀,欲作风水,发汗则愈。 [The disease, characterized by] rapid breath [with counterflow of qi], panting and vexation, is lung distension, consequently developing into wind-water [disease]. [It can be] cured by diaphoresis. The patient suffers from inspiratory dyspnea, wheezing and restlessness. This is a case of Lung-distention, which is a case of Lung-distention, which will lead edema due to Wind-evil. Diaphoresis can be adopted to disperse the syndrome. Qi ascent with panting and agitation is attributed to lung distention. The condition is on the verge of transmuting into wind-water disease. This can be cured by promoting sweating. Flushing of Qi together with asthma and agitation is a condition characteristic of lung distention and indicates a predisposition to wind-water disease. The sweating method cures the condition. Qì ascent with panting and agitation is ascribed to pulmonary distention. Wind water is imminent. If you promote sweating, recovery will ensue.
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230肺痿吐涎沫而不咳者,其人不渴,必遗尿,小便数。所以然者,以上虚不能制下故也。此为肺中冷,必眩,多涎唾,甘草干姜汤以温之。若服汤已渴者,属消渴。 [The patient suffering from] lung wilting spits with foamy drool, but does not cough [because] he is not thirsty. [However] there must be enuresis and frequent urination. The reason is that the upper [part of the body is] deficient and therefore cannot control the lower [part of the body]. This is caused by cold in the lung [which] inevitably [leads to] dizziness and increased drool and spittle. Gancao Ganjiang Decoction (甘草干姜汤, licorice and dry ginger decoction) [can be used to treat it] by warming. If [the patient feels] thirsty after taking the decoction, it belongs to wasting-thirst. Patients suffering from pulmonary asthenia spit saliva repeatedly, though coughing and thirst are not present. They do suffer from enuresis and frequent urination though. When the Upper Portion of Body Cavity is extremely deficient, it loses control over the Lower Portion of Body Cavity. When pathogenetic Cold prevails in the Lung, the patient experiences vertigo and copious salivation. Decoction of Radix Glycyrrhizae and Rhizoma Zingiberis can serve as a warming agent. After taking the decoction, if the patient begins to feel thirsty, he is suffering a case of great thirst with frequent urination. When lung wilting manifests with drooling and foaming at the mouth but with no coughing, and the person also has no thirst, there will be enuresis and frequent urination. This is because deficiency of the upper results in an inability to restrain the lower. This indicates cold in the lung. The person will exhibit dizziness and profuse drool and spittle. Warm with Gan Cao Gan Jiang Tang (Licorice and Dried Ginger Decoction). If the patient becomes thirsty after taking the decoction, this is dispersion-thirst. A patient suffering from pulmonary asthenia who slobbers but doesn't cough and has no thirst will definitely have urinary incontinence and polyuria. This is because the upper portion of body cavity is weak and unable to control the lower torso; hence the lungs become cold (because the upper portion of body cavity is weak and cold, yang Qi cannot ascend). Therefore, the patient will doubtlessly have vertigo and excess saliva. Treatment calls for warming with Gan-cao-gan-jiang-tang (Licorice and Ginger Combination). If the patient becomes thirsty after taking this drug, he has diabetes. In lung wilting with ejection of foamy drool and without cough, the patient will not experience thirst, but inevitably enuresis and frequent urination. The reason for this is that the upper body is vacuous and therefore unable to restrain the lower body. This means that there is cold in the lung. It invariably manifests in dizziness and increased drool and spittle. Use Licorice and Dried Ginger Decoction (甘草干姜汤 gān cǎo gān jiāng tāng) to warm [the lung]. If there is thirst after taking the decoction, this is ascribed to dispersion-thirst.
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232咳而上气,喉中水鸡声,射干麻黄汤主之。 [The patient with] cough, panting and rale in the throat [sounding like] crow of rooster in water [can be] treated by Shegan Mahuang Decoction (射干麻黄汤, belamcanda and ephedra decoction). The patient coughs with inspiratory dyspnea and a sound in his throat resembling the croaking of a frog. Decoction of Rhizoma Belamcandae and Herba Ephedrae may be prescribed to cure the syndrome. For coughing with qi ascent and a frog-like rale in the throat, Shen Gan Ma Huang Tang (Belamcanda and Ephedra Decoction) is indicated. Cough with flushing of Qi and a croaking sound in the throat should be treated principally with She-gan-ma-huang-tang (Belamcanda and Mahuang Combination). For cough with qì ascent and a frog rale in the throat, Belamcanda and Ephedra Decoction (射干麻黄汤 shè gān má huáng tāng) governs.
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234咳逆上气,时时吐浊,但坐不得眠,皂荚丸主之。 [The patient suffering from] cough, panting, rapid breath, frequent vomiting of turbid sputum and inability to sleep [can be] treated by Zaojia Pill (皂荚丸, gelditsia Pill). The patient coughs with inspiratory dyspnea and spits saliva repeatedly. He cannot easily fall asleep but must sit upright to obtain relief. Pills of Fructus Gledisiae Sinensis can be given as a remedy. For coughing counterflow with qi ascent, frequent ejection of turbid phlegm, and sitting up with an inability to sleep, Zao Jia Wan (Gleditsia Pill) is indicated. A patient who coughs with a flushing up of Qi and frequent expectoration of thick sputum and who can sit up but cannot sleep should be treated primarily with Zao-jia-wan (Gleditsia Formula). For cough and counterflow qì ascent, [in which the patient] frequently spits turbid [spittle], can only sit, and is unable to sleep, Gleditsia Fruit Pill (皂荚丸 zào jiá wán) governs.
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236咳而脉浮者,厚朴麻黄汤主之。 [The disease marked by] cough and floating pulse [can be] treated by Houpu Mahuang Decoction (厚朴麻黄汤, magnolia bark and ephedra decoction). Syndrome of coughing andfloating pulse can be treated with Decoction of Cortex Magnoliae Officialis and Herba Ephedrae. For coughing with floating pulses, Hou Po Ma Huang Tang (Magnolia Bark and Ephedra Decoction) is indicated. The patient who coughs and has a floating pulse should take principally Hou-pu-ma-huang-tang (Magnolia and Mahuang Combination). For cough with a floating pulse, Officinal Magnolia Bark and Ephedra Decoction (厚朴麻黄汤 hòu pò má huáng tāng) governs.
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238脉沉者,泽漆汤主之。 [The patient with] sunken pulse [can be] treated by Zeqi Decoction (泽漆汤, sun spurge decoction). When the pulse is deep, Decoction of Herba Euphorbiae Helioscopiae can be adopted. With sunken pulses, Ze Qi Tang (Sun Spurge Decoction) is indicated. A patient who coughs and has a submerged pulse should be treated principally with Ze-qi-tang (Helioscopia Combination). When the pulse is sunken, Sun Spurge Decoction (泽漆汤 zé qī tāng) governs.
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240 大逆上气,咽喉不利,止逆下气者,麦门冬汤主之。 [The disease characterized by] great upward counterflow of qi and inhibited throat [can be treated by] stopping counterflow and descending qi. The appropriate [formula is] Maimendong Decoction (麦门冬汤, ophiopogon decoction). For inspiratory dyspnea with strong ascending gas and uncomfortable feeling in throat, Decoction of Radix Ophiopogonis can be given to reduce adverse ascending and stop the inspiratory dyspnea. For fire counterflow with qi ascent and inhibition of the throat, the treatment method is to check counterflow and downbear qi. Mai Men Dong Tang (Ophiopogon Decoction) is indicated. The patient with an adverse cough, flushing of Qi and throat discomfort should be treated principally with Mai-men-dong-tang (Ophiopogon Combination) in order to suppress the adversity and make Qi descend. For great counterflow qì ascent with inhibited throat, to stop counterflow and precipitate qì, Ophiopogon Decoction (麦门冬汤 mài mén dōng tāng) governs.
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242肺痈,喘不得卧,葶苈大枣泻肺汤主之。 [The disease characterized by] great upward counterflow of qi and inhibited throat [can be treated by] stopping counterflow and descending qi. The appropriate [formula is] Maimendong Decoction (麦门冬汤, ophiopogon decoction). The patient suffers from pulmonary abscess with serious wheezing which makes it difficult for him to lie quietly in bed. Decoction of Lung-purgation with Semen Lepidii seu Descurainiae and Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae may be prescribed. For welling-abscess of the lung with panting that results in an inability to lie flat, Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang (Lepidium and Jujube Lung-Draining Decoction) is indicated. A patient with a pulmonary abscess who coughs so severely that he cannot lie down should be treated principally with Ting-li-da-zao-xie-fei-tang (Lepidium and Jujube Combination). For pulmonary welling-abscess with inability to lie down, Lepidium/Descurainiae and Jujube Lung-Draining Decoction (葶苈大枣泻肺汤 tíng lì dà zǎo xiè fèi tāng) governs.
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244咳而胸满,振寒脉数,咽干不渴,时出浊唾腥臭,久久吐脓如米粥者,为肺痈,桔梗汤主之。 [The disease, characterized by] cough with chest fullness, quivering with rapid pulse, dry throat without thirst, occasional spitting of turbid sputum, frequent vomiting of pus and blood like porridge, is lung abscess. [It can be] treated by Jiegeng Decoction (桔梗汤, platycodon grandiflorum Decoction)./ Jiegeng Decoction (桔梗汤, platycodon grandiflorum Decoction) also can treat blood impediment. A pulmonary abscess accompanied by the following symptoms and signs can be treated with Decoction of Radix Platycodi: Coughing with a sensation of fullness in the chest, shivering with cold, speedy pulse, a parched feeling in the throat without thirst, bad-smelling dense sputum, chronic spitting of purulent sputum as thick as porridge. Coughing with fullness in the chest, quivering with cold, rapid pulses, dryness in the pharynx with no thirst, frequent ejection of turbid spittle with a fishy smell, and eventual ejection of pus resembling rice congee all reflect welling-abscess of the lung. Jie Geng Tang (Platycodon Decoction) is indicated. Symptoms such as cough with chest distention, shivering, a quick pulse, dry throat, absence of thirst, and frequent expectoration of thick and fishy sputum, eventually expectoration of pus like rice congee (as the disease persists), are evidences of pulmonary abscess. A pulmonary abscess principally requires Jie-geng-tang (Platycodon Combination). Cough with fullness in the chest, quivering with cold, a rapid pulse, a dry pharynx but no thirst, periodic ejection of turbid fishy-smelling spittle, and, after a longer time, ejection of pus like rice gruel constitutes pulmonary welling-abscess. Platycodon Decoction (桔梗汤 jié gěng tāng) governs.
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246 咳而上气,此为肺胀,其人喘,目如脱状,脉浮大者,越婢加半夏汤主之。 [The disease with the symptoms and signs of] cough and upward counterflow of qi is lung distension [marked by] panting, protrusion of eyes and floating and large pulse. [It can be treated by] Yuebi Decoction (越婢汤decoction for effusing the spleen) added with Banxia (半夏, pinellia, Rhizoma Pinelliae). Lung-distention is a syndrome characterized by symptoms and signs of coughing with inspiratory dyspnea, wheezing, proptosis, and floating-huge pulse. Decoction of Yuebi adding Rhizoma Pinelliae can be adopted as a curative. Coughing with qi ascent indicates lung distention. The patient presents with panting, eyes bursting from their sockets, and floating large pulses. Yue Bi Jia Ban Xia Tang (Maidservant from Yue Decoction plus Pinellia) is indicated. A cough with flushing of Qi due to pulmonary distention that causes asthma and makes the eyes protrude will also produce a floating and big pulse. The afflicted should be principally treated with Yue-pi-jia-ban-xin-tang (Mahuang, Gypsum, and Pinellia Combination). Cough with qì ascent constitutes pulmonary distention. If the eyes of a patient [with this condition] look like they are about to burst from their sockets, and if the pulse is floating and large, Spleen-Effusing Decoction Plus Pinellia (越婢加半夏汤 yuè bì jiā bàn xià tāng) governs.
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248 肺胀,咳而上气,烦躁而喘,脉浮者,心下有水,小青龙加石膏汤主之。 Lung distension [disease, marked by] cough, upward counterflow of qi, vexation, panting, floating pulse and edema under the heart, [can be treated by] Xiao Qinglong [Decoction] (小青龙, minor blue loong decoction) added with Shigao Decoction (石膏汤, gypsum decoction). Lung-distention with coughing, inspiratory dyspnea, restlessness and wheezing as floating pulse will indicate existence of stagnant Water in the epigastrium. Decoction of Lesser Qinglong adding Gypsum Fibrosum can be adopted. With lung distention, if coughing with qi ascent, vexation and agitation with panting, and floating pulses occurs; this indicates water below the heart. Xiao Qing Long Jia Shi Gao Tang (Minor Blue-Dragon Decoction plus Gypsum) is indicated. Xiao Qing Long Jia Shi Gao Tang ////?(Minor Blue-Dragon Decoction plus Gypsum):Zhi Gan Cao Tang (Honey-fried Licorice Decoction) from the Wai Tai Mi Yao (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library): indicated for lung wilting with profuse drool and spittle and seething in the heart. Gan Cao Tang (Licorice Decoction) from the Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency): Sheng Jiang Gan Cao Tang (Fresh Ginger and Licorice Decoction) from the Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency): indicated for lung wilting with incessant coughing and spitting of foamy drool, as well as a dry pharynx with thirst. Gui Zhi Qu Shao Yao Jia Zao Jia Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction minus Peony plus Gleditsia) from the Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency): indicated for lung wilting with drooling and foaming at the mouth. Wei Jing Tang (Reed Rhizome Decoction) from the Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency): indicated for coughing with mild heat, vexation and fullness, and encrusted skin on the chest. These sign congee that indicates welling-abscess of the lung. Jie Geng Bai San (Platycodon White Powder) from the Wai Tai Mi Yao (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library): indicated for coughing with fullness in the chest, quivering with cold, rapid pulses, dryness in the pharynx with no thirst, frequent ejection of turbid spittle with a fishy smell, and eventual ejection of pus resembling rice congee that indicates welling-abscess of the lung. Xiao Qing Long Jia Shi Gao Tang (Minor Blue-Dragon Decoction plus Gypsum): Pulmonary distention with cough and flushing up of Qi, annoyance and irritation along with asthma, and a floating pulse portends water stagnated beneath the heart; the conformation principally needs Xiao-qing-long-jia-shi-gao-tang (Minor Blue Dragon and Gypsum Combination). Pulmonary distention with cough and qì ascent, vexation and agitation with panting, and a floating pulse indicate the presence of water below the heart. Minor Black Dragon Decoction Plus Gypsum (小青龙加石膏汤 xiǎo qīng lóng jiā shí gāo tāng) governs.
2497.15 7.15 7.15 7.15 7.15 7.15
250 肺痈胸满胀,一身面目浮肿,鼻塞清涕出,不闻香臭酸辛,咳逆上气,喘鸣迫塞,葶苈大枣泻肺汤主之。 Lung abscess [disease is characterized by] chest fullness and distension, puffy dropsy of the whole body, face and eyes, stuffy nose with clear snivel, inability to smell fragrant, fetor, sour and acrid tastes, cough with upward counterflow of qi, panting with rale and congestion. [It can be] treated by Tingli Dazao Xiefei Decoction (葶苈大枣泻肺汤, tingli and jujube decoction for draining the lung). Pulmonary abscess accompanied by the following symptoms and signs can be treated with Decoction of Lung-purgation with Semen Lepidii seu Descurainiae and fructus Ziziphi Jujubae: Fulness and distension in the chest, facial and body dropsy, stuffy and running nose, inability to distinguish flavors, coughing with inspiratory dyspnea, wheezing and difficulty in breathing. For welling-abscess of the lung manifesting with fullness and distention in the chest, puffy swelling of the face, eyes, and body; nasal congestion, a runny nose with clear snivel and an inability to smell fragrance, foulness, sourness, or acridity; and coughing and counterflow with qi ascent, panting, and rales with distress, Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang (Lepidium and Jujube Lung-Draining Decoction) is indicated. See the formula above. Take one dose every three days; as many as 3 or 4 doses may be taken in total. However, first take one dose of Xiao Qing Long Tang (Minor Blue-Green Dragon Decoction). This formula can be found in the section on coughing. Pulmonary abscess exhibiting chest fullness and distention; generalized edema; a stuffy runny nose and loss of smell; adverse cough with flushing up of Qi; asthma and stridor; and a compressed feeling in the chest should be principally treated with Ting-li-da-zao-xie-fei-tang (Lepidium and Jujube Combination). For pulmonary welling-abscess with fullness and distention in the chest puffy swelling of the whole body, face, and eyes; nasal congestion with clear snivel and inability to smell fragrance, fetor, sourness, or acridity; cough and counterflow qì ascent; and panting with rale, distress, and congestion. Lepidium/Descurainiae and Jujube Lung-Draining Decoction (tíng lì dà zǎo xiè fèi tāng) governs.
252奔豚气病脉证治第八 Chapter 8 Running Piglet Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 8 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Bentun Syndrome Chapter 8 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Running Piglet Qi Disease Chapter 8 On pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of the Oi Disease Ben Tun Chapter 8 Running Piglet Qì
2538.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.1
254师曰:病有奔豚,有吐脓,有惊怖,有火邪,此四部病,皆从惊发得之。 The master said: Running piglet, spitting of pus, fright and pathogenic fire are four types of diseases all caused by fright. Master: Bentun, vomiting of pus, fright and Fire-evil are four diseases caused by fright. The master said, "There are conditions called running piglet, ejection of pus, fright, and fire evil. All four conditions are triggered by fright." The master said: "Fright causes four conditions - Ben tun, expectoration of pus, panic, and fire evil." The Master says: “Running piglet, ejection of pus, fright-scare, and fire evil are four diseases that all come from fright.”
255师曰:奔豚病,从少腹起,上冲咽喉,发作欲死,复还止,皆从惊恐得之。 The master said: Running piglet starts from the lower abdomen, surging upwards to the throat, making [the patient feel] about to die. [But when qi] returns, [the disease] ceases. All this results from fright. Bentun syndrome originates in the lower abdomen and rushes upward to the throat. An attack of syndrome causes the patient unbearable suffering, which gradually reduces and subsides. The cause of the disease is fright and terror. The master said, "Running piglet disease starts from the lesser abdomen, then it surges upward to the throat. At the onset, one suffers as though he is going to die, and then returns to normal. All of this is caused by fright and fear." The master said: "Ben tun syndrome originates in the lower abdomen and rushes upward to the throat. An attack of the syndrome causes the patient unbearable suffering, which gradually reduces and subsides. The cause of the disease is fright and terror." The Master says: “Running piglet disease refers to a surging from the lesser abdomen to the throat. During attacks, [the patient seems as if about to die; then [the qì] returns and the disease stops. This all comes from fright.”
2568.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
257奔豚,气上冲胸,腹痛,往来寒热,奔豚汤主之。 [When] running piglet [has occurred], qi is surging upwards [from the lower abdomen] to the chest, [leading to] abdominal pain and alternate cold and heat. [It can be] treated by Bentun Decoction (奔豚汤, running piglet decoction). Bentun syndrome with ascending gas rushing to the troax, abdominal pain, and alternating episodes of chills and fevers can be treated with Decoction of Bentun. For running piglet manifesting with qi upsurging to the chest, abdominal pain, and alternating heat and cold, Ben Tun Tang (Running Piglet Decoction) is indicated. Ben tun with Qi rushing toward the chest, abdominal aching, and alternating chills and fever essentially requires treatment with Ben-tun-tang (Pueraria and Ginger Combination). For running piglet with qì surging up into the chest, abdominal pain, and alternating [aversion to] cold and heat [effusion], Running Piglet Decoction (奔豚汤 bēn tún tāng) governs.
2588.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3
259发汗后,烧针令其汗,针处被寒,核起而赤者,必发奔豚,气从少腹上至心,灸其核上各一壮,与桂枝加桂汤主之。 [When the disease is not resolved] after [application of] diaphoresis and [if acupuncture with] heated needle [is used] again to promote sweating, [it will lead to invasion of pathogenic] cold into the region needled, causing red lumps like fruit kernels. [As a result,] running piglet will inevitably occur and qi will surge upwards from the lower abdomen to the heart. [To resolve it,] one cone is [used] to heat the top of one lump. Guizhi Decoction (桂枝汤, cinnamon twig decoction) added with extra Guizhi (桂枝, cinnamon twig, Ramulus Cinnamomi) [is used together with moxibustion] to treat it. After adopting a diaphoretic, warming needle is administered to induce another perspiration. If locus of puncture hole is left unprotected and comes into contact with cold, it will turn red and swell. An impulsive feeling will rise from the abdomen to the chest resulting in a Bentun sunfrome. Treat with moxibustin and give Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi adding Ramulus Cinnamomi. After promoting sweating, warm needing is sometimes applied to further promote sweating. When the needing area contracts external cold and red nodes appear, running piglet disease will arise as qi surges upward from the lesser abdomen to the heart. Burn one cone of moxa on each node, and prescribe Gui Zhi Jia Gui Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction with Added Cinnamon). If acupuncture with burning needle is applied following a sweating treatment and a swelling red nucleus develops on the site of needle insertion as a consequence of chill-evil invasion at the site, Ben tun will definitely ensue with Oi rushing from the lower abdomen toward the heart. The treatment of this condition calls for the application of one unit of moxibustion on each nucleus and the administration of Gui-zhi-jia-gui-tang (Cinnamon, Licorice, and Ginger Combination). If, after promoting sweating, red-hot needling is used to further cause the patient to sweat, the needling site can contract cold, [as a result of which] a lump rises and becomes red. This invariably means that running piglet will ensue, with qì [surging] from the lesser abdomen to the heart. Burn two cones of moxa on top of the lump. Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Extra Cinnamon (桂枝加桂汤 guì zhī jiā guì tāng) governs.
2608.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4
261发汗后,脐下悸者,欲作奔豚,茯苓桂枝甘草大枣汤主之。 After [application of] diaphoresis, there is palpitation below the umbilicus, indicating that running piglet is going to occur. Fuling Guizhi Gancao Dazao Decoction (茯苓桂枝甘草大枣汤, poria, cinnamon twig, licorice and jujube decoction) [can be used] to treat it. After adopting diaphoretic, a "jumping" feeling, resembling a baby pig running, is sensed below the umbilicus. Shortly afterwards, the feeling begins to move upward. This is called a Bentun syndrome. Prescribe Decoction of Poria, Ramulus Cinnomomi. Radix Glycyrrhizae and Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae to reduce the adversity. After sweating has been promoted, if there are palpitations below the umbilicus, this indicates the likely onset of running piglet. Fu Ling Gui Zhi Gan Cao Da Zao Tang (Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Licorice and Jujube Decoction) is indicated. Palpitation beneath the umbilicus following a sweating treatment portends a Ben tun seizure. Fu-ling-gui-zhi-gan-cao-da-zao-tang (Hoelen, Licorice, and Jujube Combination) should be prescribed. If sweating is followed by palpitation below the umbilicus, running piglet is about to occur. Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Licorice, and Jujube Decoction (茯苓桂枝甘草大枣汤 fú líng guì zhī gān cǎo dà zǎo tāng) governs.
262 Chapter 9
263胸痹心痛短气病脉证治第九 Chest Impediment, Heart Pain and Shortness of Breath Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 9 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Chest Obstruction, Heart Pain and Shortness of Breath Chapter 9 Pulses, Signs, and Treatment of Chest Impediment, Heart Pain, and Shortness of Breath Chapter 9 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Thoracic Paralysis, Heart Pain and Gasping (Shortness of Breath) Chapter 9 Chest Impediment, Heart Pain, and Shortness of Breath
2649.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1
265师曰:夫脉当取太过不及,阳微阴弦,即胸痹而痛。所以然者,责其极虚也。今阳虚知在上焦,所以胸痹、心痛者,以其阴弦故也。 The master said: [Diagnosis by means of taking] pulse should depend on exuberance and insufficiency. [When] yang [pulse] (pulse in the cunkou region) is faint and yin [pulse] (pulse in the chi region) is taut, [it] indicates chest impediment and pain. The reason is that qi is extremely weak. Now [through examination, it is] known that yang deficiency is in the upper energizer. That is why chest impediment and pain are caused because yin [pulse] (pulse in the chi region) is taut. Master: When feeling the pulse, excessiveness and deficiency should be diagnosed. Feebleness at Yang and tightness at Yin indicate a Chest Obstruction syndrome with pain. The extremely deficient state is the causa morbi. Feeble pulse at the Upper Portion of Body Cavity. Chest Obstruction and Heart Pain is manifested by a tight pulse at Yin. The master said, "While examining the pulses, one should apprehend excess and insufficiency. Faint yang and wiry yin indicate chest impediment and pain; this is caused by extreme deficiency. Deficient yang reflects the upper burner, but chest impediment and heart pain are also associated with wiry yin. The muster said: "When feeling the pulse, excessiveness and deficiency should be diagnosed. Feebleness at Yang and tightness at Yin indicate a Chest Obstruction syndrome with pain. The extremely deficient state is the causa morbi. Feeble pulse at Yang indicates prevalence of a deficient state at the Upper Portion of Body Cavity. Chest Obstruction and Heart Pain is manifested by a tight pulse at Yin." The Master says: “In pulse [diagnosis], take excess and deficiency [as the measure]. When the yáng [pulses] are faint, and the yīn [pulses] are stringlike, this means chest impediment and pain. The reason for this can be attributed to extreme vacuity there. We now know that the yáng vacuity is in the upper burner, causing chest impediment and heart pain, because the yīn pulses are stringlike.
2669.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2 9.2
267 平人无寒热,短气不足以息者,实也。 People, who are physically healthy without aversion to cold and fever, but with shortness of breath and hypopnea, [actually suffer from] excess [syndrome/pattern]. A normal person who is not suffering from either a fever or a chill may feel a shortness of breath with hypopnea. This is an excessive case. A normal person with an absence of cold or heat signs, but with shortness of breath; this is an excess pattern. A normal person who is not suffering from either a fever or a chill may feel a shortness of breath with hypopnea. This is an excessive case. When an [otherwise] healthy person presents with no cold or heat, but with shortness of breath insufficient to breathe, this means repletion.
2689.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3
269胸痹之病,喘息咳唾,胸背痛,短气,寸口脉沉而迟,关上小紧数,栝蒌薤白白酒汤主之。 Chest impediment [is characterized by] panting, spitting, nausea, pain in the chest and back, shortness of breath, sunken and slow pulse in the cunkou [region], small, tight and rapid pulse in the guan [region]. Gualou Xiebai Baijiu Decoction (栝蒌薤白白酒汤, trichosanthes fruit, long-stamen onion and white wine decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Chest Obstruction syndrome has the symptoms and signs of panting, coughing, spitting, shortness of breath and pain in the chest and back. The pulse is deep and slow in the Inch and slender-tense-speedy in the Bar. Decoction of Fructus Trichosanthis, Bulbus Allii Aacrostemi and Wine can be adopted to eliminate the syndrome. For disease of chest impediment manifesting with panting, coughing, spitting, pain in the chest and back, shortness of breath, sunken and slow pulses at the inch opening and small, tight and rapid pulses at the bar position, Gua Lou Xie Bai Bai Jiu Tang (Trichosanthes, Chinese Chive and White Liquor Decoction) is indicated. Chest Obstruction syndrome has the symptoms and signs of panting, coughing, spitting, shortness of breath and pain in the chest and back. The pulse is deep and slow in the Inch and slender-tense-speedy in the Bar should be treated principally with Gua-lou-xie-bai-bai-jiu-tang (Trichosanthes, Bakeri, and Vinegar Combination). For chest impediment disease with panting, coughing, and spitting, pain in the chest and back, shortness of breath, a sunken and slow inch opening pulse, and a small, tight, and rapid bar [pulse], Trichosanthes, Long-Stamen Onion, and White Wine Decoction (栝楼薤白白酒汤 guā lóu xiè bái bái jiǔ tāng) governs.
2709.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.4
271 胸痹不得卧,心痛彻背者,栝蒌薤白半夏汤主之。 Chest impediment [marked by] difficulty to lie down and heart pain extending to the back [can be] treated by Gualou Xiebai Banxia Decoctioin (栝蒌薤白半夏汤, trichosanthes fruit, long-stamen onion and pinellia decoction). Chest Obstruction syndrome: The patient suffers an acute pain in the chest and a dragging pain in the back. The pain is so acute that he is unable to lie quietly in bed. Decoction of Fructus Trichosanthhis, Bulbus Allii Aacrostemi and Rhizoma Pinellize can be adopted to ease the pain. For chest impediment manifesting with an inability to lie down, and heart pain pulling the back, Gua Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang (Trichosanthes, Chinese Chive and Pinellia Decoction) is indicated. Chest obstruction syndrome so painful that the patient can not lie flat principally because of dragging pain that penetrates the back should be treated with Gua-lou-xie-bai-ban-xia-tang (Trichosanthes, Bakeri, and Pinellia Combination). For chest impediment with inability to lie down and heart pain going through to the back, Trichosanthes, Long-Stamen Onion, and Pinellia Decoction (栝楼薤白半夏汤 guā lóu xiè bái bàn xià tāng) governs.
2729.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
273胸痹心中痞,留气结在胸,胸满,胁下逆抢心,枳实薤白桂枝汤主之,人参汤亦主之。 [In] chest impediment [disease], [there are symptoms and signs of] lump in the heart, accumulation of qi in the chest, chest fullness, counterflow of qi below the rib-side surging upwards to the heart. Zhishi Xiebai Guizhi Decoction (枳实薤白桂枝汤, processed unripe bitter orange, long-stamen onion and cinnamon twig decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Renshen Decoction (人参汤, ginseng decoction) also [can be used] to treat it. Chest Obstruction syndrome may be account by either Vital-energy stagnation in the epigastrium or by stagnation of the Vital Energy in the chest with a sensation of fullness in the chest and gas ascending from the ribs rushing towards the Heart. Decoction of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus, Bulbus Allii Aacrostemi and Ramulus Cinnamomi can be adopted. Decoction of Radix Ginseng can be adopted as an alternative. For chest impediment manifesting with glomus in the heart, lodging qi binding in the chest, fullness in the chest, and qi counterflowing from below the rib-sides to the heart, Zhi Shi Xie Bai Gui Zhi Tang (Immature Bitter Orange, Chinese Chive and Cinnamon Twig Decoction) is indicated. Ren Shen Tang (Ginseng Decoction) is also indicated. Chest obstruction syndrome accompanied either by obstructed Qi beneath the heart or by bound Qi with distention in the chest and ribs and flushing Qi from the hypochondria to the heart should be treated with either Ren-sheng-tang (Ginseng and Ginger Combination) or Zhi-shi-xie-bai-gui-zhi-tang (Zhi-shi, Bakeri, and Cinnamon Combination). For chest impediment with glomus in the heart, abiding qì binding in the chest, fullness in the chest, and counterflow under the rib-side prodding the heart, Unripe Bitter Orange, Long-Stamen Onion, and Cinnamon Twig Decoction (枳实薤白桂枝汤 zhǐ shí xiè bái guì zhī tāng) governs.
2749.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6
275 胸痹,胸中气塞,短气,茯苓杏仁甘草汤主之,橘枳姜汤亦主之。 Chest impediment [characterized by] stagnation of qi in the chest and shortness of breath [can be] treated by Fuling Xingren Gancao Decoction (茯苓杏仁甘草汤, poria, apricot kernel and licorice decoction). Juzhi Jiangtang Decoction (橘枳姜汤, tangerine peel, processed unripe bitter orange and fresh ginger decoction) also [can be used] to treat it. Chest Obstruction syndrome with a feeling of suffocation in the chest and shortness of breath can be treated with either Decoction of Poria, Semen Armeniacae Amarum and Radix Glycyrrhizae, or Decoction of Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Fructus Aurantii Immaturus and Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens. For chest impediment manifesting with qi blockage in the chest and shortness of breath, Fu Ling Xing Ren Gan Cao Tang (Poria, Apricot Kernel and Licorice Decoction) is indicated. Ju Zhi Jiang Tang (Ren Tangerine Peel, Unripe Bitter Orange and Fresh Ginger Decoction) is also indicated. Chest obstruction syndrome should be principally treated with Ju-zhi-jiang-tang (Aurantium, Zhi-shi, and Ginger Combination) if the main symptom is Qi obstruction in the chest or with Fu-ling-xing-ren-gan-cao-tang (Hoelen, Apricot Seed, and Licorice Combination) if the main symptom is shortness of breath. For chest impediment with qì blockage in the chest and shortness of breath, Poria, Apricot Kernel, and Licorice Decoction (茯苓杏仁甘草汤 fú líng xìng rén gān cǎo tāng) governs.
2769.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7
277胸痹缓急者,薏苡附子散主之。 Chest impediment [disease] is acute [right after occurrence] and [should be] treated by Yiyi Fuzi Powder (薏苡附子散, aconite and coix powder). Chest Obstruction syndrome with sporadic mild and acute attacks can be treated Powder of Semen Coicis and Radix Aconiti Praeparata. For chest impediment that alternates between mild and acute, Yi Yi Fu Zi San (Coix and Aconite Powder) is indicated. Chest obstruction syndrome which aches mildly with occasional episodes of severe aching should be treated with Yi-yi-fu-zhi-san (Coix and Aconite Formula). For acute chest impediment, Coix and Aconite Powder (薏苡仁附子散 yì yǐ rén fù zǐ sǎn) governs.
2789.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8
279心中痞,诸逆心悬痛,桂枝生姜枳实汤主之。 [In the disease marked by] stagnation in the heart, various [pathogenic factors] in reversal surge upwards to the heart and cause suspending pain. Guijiang Zhishi Decoction (桂姜枳实汤, cinnamon twig, ginger and processed unripe bitter orange decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Symptoms and signs of Vital-energy Stagnation, adverse ascending feeling and suspended pain of the Heart can be eliminated by prescribing Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi, Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens and Frucrus Aurantii Immaturus. For glomus in the heart, and all counterflow that results in hanging pain of the heart, Gui Zhi Sheng Jiang Zhi Shi Tang (Cinnamon Twig, Fresh Ginger and Unripe Bitter Orange Decoction) is indicated. Chest obstruction syndrome with hypochondrial adverse flushing causing heart pain should be treated with Gui-zhi-sheng-jiang-zhi-shi-tang (Cinnamon, Ginger, and Zhi-shi Combination). For glomus in the heart with all [types of] counterflow and suspension pain in the heart, Cinnamon Twig, Fresh Ginger, and Unripe Bitter Orange Decoction (桂枝生姜枳实 guì zhī sheng jiāng zhǐ shí) governs.
2809.9 9.9 9..9 9.9 9.9 9.9
281心痛彻背,背痛彻心,乌头赤石脂丸主之。 [The disease characterized by] heart pain involving the back and back pain involving the heart [can be] treated by Wutou Chishizhi Pill (乌头赤石脂丸, aconite and halloysite Pill). Heart Pain with dragging pain leading towards the back and back pain with dragging pain leading to the cardia can be treated with Pills of Rhizoma Aconiti and Halloysitum Rubrum. For heart pain pulling the back, or back pain pulling the heart, Wu Tou Chi Shi Zhi Wan (Aconite Main Tuber and Halloysite Pill) is indicated. Jiu Tong Wan (Nine Pains Pills): indicated for nine kinds of heart pain. Heart Pain with dragging pain leading towards the back an back pain with dragging pain leading to the cardia can be treated with Wu-tou-chi-shi-zhi-wan (Wu-tou and Kaolin Formula). For heart pain going through to the back and back pain going through to the heart, Aconite Main Root and Halloysite Pill (乌头赤石脂丸 wū tóu chì shí zhī wán) governs.
283腹满寒疝宿食病脉证治第十 Chapter 10 Abdominal Fullness, Cold Hernia and Food Retention Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 10 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Abdominal Distention, Abdominal Pain Caused by Cold and Indigestion Chapter 10 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Abdominal Fullness, Cold Mounting, and Abiding Foods Chapter 10 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Abdominal Distention, Chill Colic and Over Undigested Food Chapter 10 Abdominal Fullness, Cold Mounting, and Abiding Food
28410.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1 10.1
285趺阳脉微弦,法当腹满,不满者必便难,两胠疼痛,此虚寒从下上也,当以温药服之。 [If] fuyang pulse (pulse of the spleen and stomach) is faint and taut, there should be abdominal fullness. [If] there is no abdominal fullness, there must be difficulty in defecation and pain at the rib-sides due to deficiency-cold surging up from the lower to the upper. [It] can [be treated by] taking medicinals warm [in nature]. Feeble and tight Fuyang pulse generally indicates abdominal distention. If there is no abdominal distention, there will be constipation, pain on costal regions caused by the ascending of Deficiency and Cold. A warming agent should be served. As a rule, faint and wiry fuyang pulses will be accompanied by abdominal fullness. When there is no fullness, difficult defecation and pain in both rib-sides will appear. All of this is due to deficiency cold ascending from the lower, and warming medicinals should be applied. Feeble and tight Fuyang pulse generally indicates abdominal distention. If there is no abdominal distention, there will be constipation, pain on costal regions caused by the ascending of Deficiency and Cold. A warming agent should be served. When the instep yáng pulse is faint and stringlike, it should indicate abdominal fullness. If there is no abdominal fullness, there must be difficult defecation and pain in both rib-sides. This is vacuity cold ascending from below. Treat it with warm medicinals.
28610.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2
287病者腹满,按之不痛为虚,痛者为实,可下之。舌黄未下者,下之黄自去。 [In] the patient with abdominal fullness, no pain when pressed indicates deficiency [syndrome/pattern] and pain when pressed indicates excess [syndrome/pattern], [which] can be [treated by] purgation. [If] the tongue [fur] is yellow before [application of] purgation, yellow [fur] will disappear when purged. Abdominal distention: When the abdomen is pressed, and the patient feels pain, it can be diagnosed as a case of an excessive nature. If there is no pain, it is a case of deficient nature. For excessive cases, purgatives can be adopted. A yellowish coating on the tongue observed before administering purgative will diminish after purgative is given. For patients with abdominal fullness, an absence of pain when pressed indicates deficiency, whereas pain indicates an excess pattern that can be purged. The tongue appears yellowish before purgation. After purgation, the yellow color will abate naturally. A distended abdomen that does not ache when pressed is due to weakness; if the abdomen aches, there is firmness and purging is needed. The yellow color on the tongue will disappear after purgation. In a patient with abdominal fullness, absence of pain when pressed indicates vacuity; pain indicates repletion. [In the case of repletion], you may precipitate. If the tongue is yellow before precipitation, the yellowness will naturally disappear when you precipitate.
28810.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3
289腹满时减,复如故,此为寒,当与温药。 Abdominal [distension and] fullness is periodically alleviated but soon returns as before, this is [caused by pathogenic] cold and should [be treated by] medicinals warm [in nature]. Abdominal distention which reduces sporadically and resumes afterwards indicates that the syndrome is of a Cold nature. Drugs with warming qualities should be prescribed. Abdominal fullness that is occasionally relieved and later returns indicates cold. Warming medicinals should be applied. Abdominal distention which leaves at times but resumes after is due to chills and should be treated with warm drugs. When abdominal fullness lessens periodically and then returns as before, this indicates cold. Treat it by giving warm medicinals.
29010.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4
291病者痿黄,躁而不渴,胸中寒实而利不止者,死。 [When] a patient [has the symptoms and signs of] withered and yellow skin and vexation without thirst, [it is due to] cold-excess [binding] in the chest. [If there is] incessant diarrhea, [it will cause] death. The patient's complexion is dark yellow. He is restless but does not feel thirsty. He suffers continuous diarrhea and a syndrome of accumulated excessive Cold in the chest. The case will be fatal. For patients with withered-yellowish skin, agitation with no thirst, cold excess in the chest, and incessant diarrhea, the condition is terminal. A patient with a withered, yellowish complexion, agitation but no thirst, a firm chill in the chest, and incessant diarrhea is incurable. When a patient presents with a withered yellow [complexion] and with agitation but no thirst, [this is] cold repletion in the chest. In such a patient, incessant diarrhea means death.
29210.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5
293寸口脉弦者,即胁下拘急而痛,其人啬啬恶寒也。 [If] the pulse in the cunkou [region] is taut, [there will be] spasm and pain below the rib-side, quivering and aversion to cold. Pulse at the Inch (under the first finger) is tight. The patient has chills, contractions and pain throughout the costal regions. Wiry pulses at the inch opening reflect hypertonicity and pain under the rib-sides, and a huddled aversion to cold. Pulse at the lnch (under the first finger) is tight. The patient has chills, contractions and pain throughout the costal regions. [In patients with abdominal fullness], if the inch opening pulse is stringlike, there will [also] be hypertonicity and pain below the rib-side, and the person will have huddled aversion to cold.
29410.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6
295夫中寒家,喜欠,其人清涕出,发热色和者,善嚏。 Patients with cold in the center tend to yawn. [If there is] clear snivel with fever and normal complexion, [they] tend to sneeze. The patient susceptible to pathogenetic Cold tends to yawn frequently with copious snivel. The patient who is feverish but with normal complexion sneezes frequently. A person with cold strike will yawn frequently. Those with clear snivel, heat effusion and a harmonized facial complexion will frequently sneeze. A patient with internal chills frequently yawns. If he has a runny nose with a fever and a normal complexion, he will sneeze readily. Patients with center cold have a tendency to yawn. If such persons present with clear snivel, heat effusion, and a harmonious complexion, they will also have a tendency to sneeze.
29610.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7
297中寒,其人下利,以里虚也,欲嚏不能,此人肚中寒。 [If] the patient with cold in the center has diarrhea, [it is] due to internal deficiency. [If the patient] wants to sneeze but is unable to do, [it is due to] cold in the patient’s abdomen. Interior Deficiency is the cause of diarrhea in patients who have been affected by pathogenetic Cold. He feels like sneezing but cannot sneezes but cannot sneeze. He also feels cold in the abdomen (according to another edition: He also feels pain in abdomen). A person with cold strike may present with diarrhea; this is attributed to internal deficiency. When he desires to sneeze but cannot, this indicates abdominal cold. A patient with internal chills has diarrhea because the interior is weak; if he wants to sneeze but can not, it is because he has chills (or pain) in his stomach. In center cold, if the patient has diarrhea, [this is] because of interior vacuity. [If the patient] desires to sneeze but is unable to, this person has cold in the stomach.
29810.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.8
299夫瘦人绕脐痛,必有风冷,谷气不行,而反下之,其气必冲。不冲者,心下则痞。 [In] emaciated patients, [if there is] pain around the umbilicus, there must be wind-cold, [consequently causing] indigestion [and constipation]. [If treated by] purgation, qi will surge upwards. [If qi] does not surge, [it will bind] below the heart and [accumulate into] lump. When thin patients suffer abdominal pain around the navel, this is caused by the invasion of pathogenetic Wind and Cold. If Cereal Vital Energy ceases to move, a purgative is adopted, which will arouse the adverse ascending of gas. If gas does not ascend, Vital-energy Stagnation will occur in the epigastrium. An emaciated person with pain around the umbilicus will suffer from wind cold and grain qi stoppage. However, if purgation is applied then qi will begin rushing. If not, there is glomus below the heart. A thin individual with pain around the navel and an accumulation of undigested food must have contracted wind cold. A purgative, instead of a warm drug, will flush Qi. If Qi does not flush, obstruction beneath the heart will develop. If thin people present with pain around the umbilicus, they must have [contracted] wind-cold, [as a result of which] grain qì fails to move. If [such patients] are inappropriately treated with precipitation, their qì will invariably surge; if it does not surge, there will be glomus below the heart.
30010.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9
301病腹满,发热十日,脉浮而数,饮食如故,厚朴七物汤主之。 [In] the patient with abdominal [distension and] fullness, [there is] fever for over ten days, the pulse is floating and rapid, drinking [water] and eating [food] are normal. Houpu Qiwu Decoction (厚朴七物汤, magnolia bark and seven medicinals decoction) [can be used] to treat it. The patient suffers an abdominal distention. For ten days on end, he is feverish, with floating and speedy pulse and normal intake of food. Decoction of Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis with Sven Drugs can be adopted as a treatment. In the disease of abdominal fullness, when there is heat effusion for ten days with floating and rapid pulses, and with normal eating and drinking, Hou Po Qi Wu Tang (Magnolia Bark Seven Agents Decoction) is indicated. A person suffering from abdominal distention with fever for ten days who has a floating and quick pulse and eats and drinks as usual should take Hou-pu-qi-wu-tang (Magnolia Seven Combination). When a patient presents with abdominal fullness, heat effusion [that has lasted] for ten days, and a floating and rapid pulse, but eats and drinks like a healthy person, Officinal Magnolia Bark Seven Agents Decoction (厚朴七物汤 hòu pò qī wù tāng) governs.
30210.10 10.10 10.10 10.10 10.10 10.10
303腹中寒气,雷鸣切痛,胸胁逆满,呕吐,附子粳米汤主之。 [If there is] cold qi in the abdomen, [it will cause] thunderous borborygmus, acute abdominal pain, counterflow and fullness in the chest and rib-side, and retching and vomiting. [It can be] treated by Fuzi Jingmi Decoction (附子粳米汤, aconite and polished round-grained rice decoction). Pathogenetic Cold in the abdomen will cause borborygmus, acute pain in the abdomen, adverse ascending of gas and a sensation of fullness in the chest and the costal regions, as well as vomiting and nausea. Decoction of Radix Aconiti Praeparata and Semen Oryzae Nonglutinosae can be prescribed to treat the case. For cold qi in the abdomen manifesting with rumbling intestines, cutting pain, counterflow fullness in the chest and rib-sides, and vomiting, Fu Zi Jing Mi Tang (Aconite and Rice Decoction) is indicated. Fu-zi-jing-mi-tang (Aconite and Oryza Combination) treats chills in the abdomen with borborygmus and severe aching, adverse chest and rib distention, and vomiting. For cold qì in the abdomen with thunderous rumbling and cutting pain, counterflow fullness in the chest and rib-side, and retching and vomiting, Aconite and Rice Decoction (附子粳米汤 fù zǐ jīnɡ mǐ tāng) governs.
30410.11 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11 10.11
305痛而闭者,厚朴三物汤主之。 [Abdominal distension and] pain with constipation [can be] treated by Houpu Sanwu Decoction (厚朴三物汤, magnolia bark and three medicinals decoction). Abdominal distention with constipation can be eliminated by prescribing Decoction of Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis with Three Grugs. For pain with blockage, Hou Po San Wu Tang (Magnolia Bark Three Agents Decoction) is indicated. Hou-pu-san-wu-tang (Magnolia Three Combination) treats aching with obstructive conditions, such as stomach distention or constipation. For pain with constipation, Officinal Magnolia Bark Three Agents Decoction (厚朴三物汤 hòu pò sān wù tāng) governs.
30610.12 10.12 10.12 10.12 10.12 10.12
307按之心下满痛者,此为实也,当下之,宜大柴胡汤。 [Abdominal] fullness and pain under pressure indicates excess [syndrome/pattern] and should [be treated by] purgation. Da Chaihu Decoction (大柴胡汤, major bupleurum decoction) is the appropriate [formula for treating it]. When the doctor palpates the patient in the epigastrium, he feels distention and pain, indicating an excessive syndrome. A purgative such as Decoction of Greater Radix Bupleuri can be adopted. Fullness and pain below the heart that occurs under pressure indicates an excess pattern, and purgation should be applied. Da Chai Hu Tang (Major Bupleurum Decoction) is recommended. Distention and aching beneath the heart due to firm evil should be purged with Da-chai-hu-tang (Major Bupleurum Combination) as the preferred drug. When on pressing there is fullness and pain below the heart, this is repletion. One should precipitate this. Major Bupleurum Decoction (大柴胡汤 dà chái hú tāng) is appropriate.
30810.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13
309腹满不减,减不足言,当须下之,宜大承气汤。 Abdominal fullness is difficult to alleviate. [Even if] alleviated a little, [it is] still very serious. [To treat it,] purgation should be used. The appropriate [formula is] Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi). When abdominal distention is not reduced or only partially reduced, Decoction of Greater Chengqi should be prescribed as a drastic measure. For abdominal fullness that is not relieved at all, or with slight and insignificant relief, purgation should be applied. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is recommended. Abdominal distention which remains unreduced or only slightly reduced should be purged with Da-cheng-qi-tang (Major Rhubarb Combination) as the preferred drug. Abdominal fullness that fails to lessen [or] lessens to no degree to speak of should be treated by precipitation. Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (大承气汤 dà chénɡ qì tāng) is appropriate.
31010.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14 10.14
311心胸中大寒痛,呕不能饮食,腹中寒,上冲皮起,出见有头足,上下痛而不可触近,大建中汤主之。 [When there is] great cold and pain in the heart and chest, [it will cause] retching, inability to drink and eat, cold in the abdomen that surges upward to the [abdominal fleshes and] skin with protrusion like head and foot, and pain in the upper and lower that cannot be pressed. Da Jianzhong Decoction (大建中汤, major decoction for strengthening the middle) [can be used] to treat it. Decoction of Greater Jianzhong can be adopted for syndromes having the following symptoms and signs: Acute pain in the chest and epigastrium caused by Cold, nausea and vomiting that prevents the patient from eating, pathogenetic Cold in the abdomen that forms protruding mass in the shape of a head or foot which paaears in different abdominal locations with tenderness that is extremely painful. For great cold pain in the heart and chest, retching with an inability to eat and drink, coldness in the abdomen with bulging of the skin that resembles that shapes of heads and feet, and moving up and down with pain that is aggravated by slight pressure, Da Jian Zhong Tang (Major Center-Fortifying Decoction) is indicated. A patient with strong chilling pain in the heart and chest, vomiting that prevents eating, chills in the abdomen and bulging of the abdominal skin due to flushing of chills, and skin so painful on both surface and underside as to be untouchable needs Da-jian-zhong-tang (Major Zanthoxylum Combination). For great cold pain in the heart and chest, retching and inability to eat or drink, and cold in the abdomen that surges upward, lifts the skin, and protrudes as if with head and feet, with pain above and below [so severe that] you cannot touch it, Major Center-Fortifying Decoction (大建中汤 dà jiàn zhōnɡ tāng) governs.
31210.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15 10.15
313胁下偏痛,发热,其脉紧弦,此寒也,以温药下之,宜大黄附子汤。 [The symptoms and signs of] lateral pain below the rib-side, fever, and tight and taut pulse indicate cold. [It] should [be treated by] purgation with medicinals warm [in property]. The appropriate [formula is] Dahuang Fuzi Decoction (大黄附子汤, rhubarb and aconite decoction). Invasion of pathogenetic Cold will cause the following symptoms and signs to appear: Pain on one of the flanks, fever, and tense-tight pulse. Purgative with warm ingredients should be adopted to eliminate the constipation. Decoction of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei and Radix Aconiti Praeparata will provide the cure. Unilateral pain beneath the rib-sides, heat effusion, and tight wiry pulses indicate cold. Purge with warming medicinals. Da Huang Fu Zi Tang (Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction) is recommended. Unilateral pain beneath the ribs, fever, and a tense and chordal pulse portend chills. The condition calls for purging with warm drugs such as Da-huang-fu-zi-tang (Rhubarb and Aconite Combination). One-sided pain below the rib-side, heat effusion, and a tight and stringlike pulse means cold. Use warm medicinals to precipitate it. Rhubarb and Aconite Decoction (大黄附子汤 dà huáng fù zǐ tāng) is appropriate.
31410.16 10.16 10.16 10.16 10.16 10.16
315寒气厥逆,赤丸主之。 Exuberant cold qi [will cause] reversal cold [of limbs] and [can be] treated by Chiwan Pill (赤丸, red pill). Coldness in the extremities caused by pathogenetic can be treated with Chiwan Pills. For cold qi reverse flow, Chi Wan (Red Pill) is indicated. Chill Qi causing cold extremities requires Chi-wan (Wu-tou and Pinellia Formula). For cold qì reverse flow, Red Pill (赤丸 chì wán) governs.
31610.17 10.17 10.17 10.17 10.17 10.17
317腹痛,脉弦而紧,弦则卫气不行,即恶寒,紧则不欲食,邪正相搏,即为寒疝,绕脐痛。若发则白汗出,手足厥冷,其脉沉弦者,大乌头煎主之。 [In] abdominal pain, there is taut and tight pulse. Taut [pulse] indicates failure of defense qi to move, [and therefore] causing aversion to cold; tight [pulse] indicates no desire to eat food. [When] pathogenic [qi] and healthy [qi] are contending with each other, it will cause cold hernia and pain around the umbilicus. If the occurrence is acute, [there will be] cold sweating, reversal cold of hands and feet, sunken and taut pulse. Da Wutou Decoction (大乌头煎, major aconite decoction) [can be used to] treat it. Abdominal pain with tight-tense pulse. Tight pulse indicates stagnation of Vital Resistance, creating aversion to cold. Tense pulse reflects anorexia. When pathogenetic Cold conflicts with Body Resistance, abdominal pain in the navel region results, accompanied by cold sweat, coldness in extremities and deep-tense pulse. Decoction of Greater Rhizoma Aconiti will provide a cure. For abdominal pain with wiry and tight pulses: a wiry pulse indicates stoppage of wei qi leading to aversion to cold, and tight pulses reflect no desire to eat. Evil contends with upright, thus cold mounting arises. For pain around the umbilicus, white sweat at the onset, reversal cold in the extremities, and sunken tight pulses, Da Wu Tou Jian (Large Aconite Main Tuber Brew) is indicated. Abdominal aching and a chordal and tense pulse represent a condition known as chillphobia; the chordal characteristic indicates stagnancy of the surface protective Qi and the tension, anorexia. Conflict between normal Qi and evil Qi gives rise to chill colic. A seizure of chill colic generates aching around the navel, spontaneous sweating, cold arms and legs, and a submerged and tense pulse. Both conditions call for Da-wu-tou-jian (Wu-tou and Honey Combination). In abdominal pain, when the pulse is stringlike and tight, stringlike indicates defense qì failing to move, and hence aversion to cold; tight indicates lack of appetite, and contention between evil and right, and hence cold mounting.If cold mounting with pain around the umbilicus manifests with discharge of white liquid at the onset of the condition, reversal cold of the extremities, and a sunken and tight pulse, [use] Major Aconite Main Root Brew (乌头煎dà wū tóu jiān).
31810.18 10.18 10.18 10.18 10.18 10.18
319寒疝腹中痛,及胁痛里急者,当归生姜羊肉汤主之。 Cold hernia with abdominal pain, rib-side pain and tenesmus should be treated by Danggui Shengjiang Decoction (当归生姜汤, Chinese angelica and fresh ginger decoction). Abdominal pain caused by Cold with pain in the abdomen and the costal regions, and dragging pains can be reduced with Decoction of Radiox Angelicae Sinensis, Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens and Mutton. For cold mounting with abdominal pain, rib-side pain and abdominal urgency, Dang Gui Sheng Jiang Yang Rou Tang (Chinese Angelica, Fresh Ginger and Goat Mean Decoction) is indicated. Chill colic with abdominal aching, pain in the ribs, and an urgent internal feeling requires Dang-gui-sheng-jiang-yang-rou-tang (Dang-gui, Ginger, and Mutton Combination). In cold mounting, when there is pain in the abdomen and pain and tension in the rib-sides, Chinese Angelica, Fresh Ginger, and Goat Meat Decoction (当归生姜羊肉汤 dāng ɡuī sheng jiāng yánɡ ròu tāng) governs.
32010.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19 10.19
321寒疝腹中疼痛,逆冷,手足不仁,若身疼痛,灸、刺、诸药不能治,抵当乌头桂枝汤主之。 Cold hernia [is marked by] abdominal pain, reversal cold, numbness of hands and feet. If there is generalized pain, moxibustion, acupuncture and other medicinals cannot be used to treat. [The appropriate formulas used] to treat are Wutou Decoction (乌头汤, aconite decoction) and Guizhi Decoction (桂枝汤, cinnamon twig decoction). Abdominal pain caused by Cold with coldness and numbness in the extremities and pain throughout the body: Neither acupuncture, moxibustion or other drugs can cure the syndrome. Decoction of Rhizoma Aconiti and Ramulus Cinnamomi can be adopted as curative. For cold mounting with abdominal pain, counterflow cold, numbness in the extermities, and generalize pain that cannot be cured by moxibustion, acupuncture or any other medicinals, Di Dang Wu Tou Gui Zhi Tang (Resistance Aconite Main Tuber and Cinnamon Twig Decoction) is indicated. Chill colic with abdominal aching, adverse chills, cold and numb extremities, and generalized aching unresponsive to moxibustion, acupuncture, and other drugs should be treated with Wu-tou-gui-zhi-tang (Wu-tou and Cinnamon Combination). In cold mounting with pain in the abdomen, counterflow cold, insensitivity of the extremities, and generalized pain [that neither] moxibustion, needling, nor other medicinals can cure, Dead-On Aconite Main Root and Cinnamon Twig Decoction (抵當乌头桂枝汤 dǐ dàng wū tóu guì zhī tāng) governs.
32210.20 10.20 10.20 10.20 10.20 10.20
323其脉数而紧乃弦,状如弓弦,按之不移。脉数弦者,当下其寒;脉紧大而迟者,必心下坚;脉大而紧者,阳中有阴,可下之。 [If] the pulse is rapid, tight and taut, it means taut pulse that will not move when pressed. [When] the pulse is rapid and taut, cold should be eliminated by purgation; [if] the pulse is tight, large and slow, there must be hard lump below the heart; [if] the pulse is large and tight, [it indicates that] there is yin in yang and can [be treated by] purgation The pulse is speedy-tense and becomes speedy-tight. When the pulse is pressed, it feels as tight as a bowstring. Even if it is pressed deeply, it remains equally tight. Treat such a case by prescribing a purgative with warm-quality drugs to disperse the Cold. Tense-huge and slow pulse indicates of a hardened mass in the epigastrium. If the pulse is huge-tense, it indicates a case of Yin within Yang. A purgative can be adopted. Rapid and tight pulses are called wiry; this pulse resembles a bowstring that remains unchanging under pressure. In those with rapid and wiry pulses, cold should be purged. Those with tight, large, and slow pulses will have hardness below the heart. Large and tight pulses indicate yin within yang. Treatment with purgation can be applied.////Wu Tou Tang (Aconite Main Tuber Decoction) from the Wai Tai Mi Yao (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library): indicated for cold mounting with gripping pain in the abdomen, bandit wind entering and attacking the five viscera, hypertonicity with genitals, and reverse-flow of the extremities. Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang (Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction) from the Wai Tai Mi Yao (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library): indicated for sudden strike of the heart and the abdomen. Zou Ma Tang (Running Horse Decoction) from the Wai Tai Mi Yao (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library): indicated for malignity strike with heart pain, abdominal distention, and constipation. A chordal pulse resembles a vibrating bow string-quick and tense. Also it feels stationary. A chordal and quick pulse calls for purgation to discharge the chill. The patient with a tense, big, and slow pulse will have hardening beneath the heart, or if the pulse is tense and big only, either condition denoting the presence of yin within yang, he or she also needs purgation. A pulse that is rapid and tight at the same time is stringlike. It resembles the string of a bow and does not change when pressed. When the pulse is rapid and stringlike, you should precipitate the cold. When the pulse is tight, large, and slow, there must be hardness below the heart. When the pulse is large and tight, this means that there is yīn within yáng, in which case you may precipitate.
32410.21 10.21 10.21 10.21 10.21 10.21
325问曰:人病有宿食,何以别之?师曰:寸口脉浮而大,按之反涩,尺中亦微而涩,故知有宿食,大承气汤主之。 Question: How to differentiate undigested food [in the stomach] of the patient? The master said: [The clinical manifestations are] floating and large pulse in the cunkou [region] [that appears] rough [when] pressed, faint and rough [pulse in] the chi [region]. That is why [it can be] known [that] there is undigested food [in the stomach]. Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi) [can be used] to treat it. Question: How does one diagnose a syndrome of indigestion? Master: Pulse at the Inch (under the first finger) is floating-huge. When it is pressed deeply, it becomes hesitant. Pulse in the Cubit (under the ring-finger) is also feeble-hesitant. This is evidence of indigestion. Decoction of Greater Chengqi can be adopted as a purgative. Question: "When a person has abiding food disease, what is the method of differentiation?" The master said: "Pulses at the inch opening are floating and large and become rough when pressed; pulses at the cubit position are also faint and rough. These are the indications for abiding food. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is indicated. The disciples asked: "How can we be sure the patient has yesterday's undigested food within himself?" The master replied: "Pulse at the Inch (under the first finger) is floating-huge. When it is pressed deeply, it becomes hesitant. Pulse in the Cubit (under the ring-finger) is also feeble-hesitant. This is evidence of indigestion. Decoction of Da-cheng-qi-tang (Major Rhubarb Combination) can be adopted as a purgative." Question: “One human disease [categories] is abiding food. How do you identify it?” The Master says: “When the inch opening pulse is floating and large, but rough when pressed, and the cubit [pulse] is also faint and rough, thereby you know the presence of abiding food. Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (大承气汤dà chénɡ qì tāng) governs.”
32610.22 10.22 10.22 10.22 10.22 10.22
327脉数而滑者,实也,此有宿食,下之愈,宜大承气汤。 Rapid and slippery pulse [indicates] excess [syndrome/pattern] due to undigested food [in the stomach]. [It can be] cured by purgation]. The appropriate [formula for treating it is] Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi). Speedy-slippery pulse indicates an excessive case and indigestion. The purgative, Decoction of Greater Chengqi, can be considered as a cure. A rapid and slippery pulse indicates excess, and it also indicates abiding food; this can be resolved by purgation. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is recommended. A quick and slippery pulse reflects fullness (or firmness) from the presence of overnight undigested food. It can be cured by purging principally with Da-cheng-qi-tang (Major Rhubarb Combination). A rapid and slippery pulse [indicates] repletion. This [means] that there is abiding food. Precipitate it, and recovery will ensue. Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (大承气汤dà chénɡ qì tāng) is appropriate.
32810.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23
329下利不饮食者,有宿食也,当下之,宜大承气汤。 Diarrhea without desire to drink [water] and eat [food] indicates excess [syndrome/pattern] due to undigested food [in the stomach]. [It can be] cured by purgation]. The appropriate [formula for treating it is] Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi). Diarrhea with anorexia signifies a case of indigestion. A purgative should be prescribed. Decoction of Greater Chengqi will provide a cure. Diarrhea with no desire to eat indicates abiding food; purgation should be applied. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is recommended. Diarrhea without am appetite is due to food undigested overnight which requires purging with Da-cheng-qi-tamg (Major Rhubarb Combination). Diarrhea with no desire to eat means the presence of abiding food. You should precipitate. Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (大承气汤dà chénɡ qì tāng) is appropriate. See the chapter on Tetanic Disease for the formula for Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction.
33010.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24
331宿食在上脘,当吐之,宜瓜蒂散。 [When] undigested food [is stagnated] in the upper duct of the stomach, Guadi Powder (瓜蒂散, melon stalk powder) [can be used] to treat it. When the indigestion remains in the upper gastric cavity, an emetic should be prescribed to help the patient eliminate the indigestion by vomiting. Powder of Pedicellus Melo should be adopted. Abiding food in the upper stomach duct should be treated with ejection. Gua Di San (Melon Stalk Powder) is recommended. Overnight undigested food lodged in the upper stomach should be treated with emetics. Gua-di-san (Melon Peduncle Formula) is suitable for this purpose. When abiding food is in the upper stomach duct, you should eject it. Melon Stalk Powder (瓜蒂散guā dì sǎn) is appropriate.
33210.25 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.25
333脉紧如转索无常者,有宿食也。 The pulse is as tight as a turning thread without any changes, [indicating that] there is undigested food [in the stomach]. Tense pulse resembling a twisting a twisting rope indicates indigestion. A tight pulse resembling an alternately turning rope indicates the presence of abiding food. A rope-like pulse alternately tense and slippery indicates the presence of overnight undigested food. A pulse that is tight, like a twisting rope without constancy, means the presence of abiding food.
33410.26 10.26 10.26 10.26 10.26 10.26
335脉紧,头痛风寒,腹中有宿食不化也。 Tight pulse, headache and retention of wind-cold [indicate that] there is undigested food [in the stomach]. Tense pulse indicates either an Exterior syndrome with headache caused by pathogenetic Wind and Cold, or abdominal indigestion. A tight pulse with headache and wind-cold indicates non-transformation of abiding food in the abdomen. A. tense pulse with headache signifies wind and chill evils, or the presence of overnight undigested food, A tight pulse [can mean either] headache wind-cold [or] abiding food in the abdomen that fails to transform.
337五脏风寒积聚病脉证并治第十一 Chapter 11 Accumulation of Wind and Cold in the Five Zang-Organs Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 11 On Pulse, Symptoms Complex and Treatment of Accumulation of Pathogenetic Wind and Cold in the Five Viscera Chapter 11 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Visceral Wind and Cold, and Accumulations and Gatherings Chapter 11 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Visceral Wind, Chills, and Tumors Chapter 11 Wind and Cold in the Five Viscera and Accumulations and Gatherings
33811.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1 11.1
339肺中风者,口燥而喘,身运而重,冒而肿胀。 [After] invasion of wind into the lung, [there are symptoms and signs of] dryness of the mouth, panting, quivering and heaviness of the body, dizziness, swelling and distension of the body. When the Lung is affected by pathogenetic Wind, the patient will feel parched in the throat and wheeze. He will also feel vertigo, heaviness of movement and swelling throughout the body. Wind strike of the lung manifests with dryness in the mouth, panting, dizziness, generalized heaviness, veiling, and swelling. Pulmonary windstroke manifests itself in a dry mouth, asthma, vertigo, generalized heaviness, dizziness, and swelling. Wind-strike in the lung [manifests in] dry mouth and panting, bodily movements and heaviness, and veiling with swelling and distention.
34011.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2
341肺中寒,吐浊涕。 Invasion of cold into the lung [will cause] vomiting of turbid saliva. When the Lung is affected by pathogenetic cold, the symptom of spiting sticky sputum will appear. Cold strike of the lung manifests with ejection to turbid snivel. With pulmonary chillstroke the afflicted expectorate thick sputum. Cold strike in the lung [manifests in] ejection of turbid snivel.
34211.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.3
343肺死脏,浮之虚,按之弱如葱叶,下无根者,死。 True visceral pulse of the lung is floating and weak. [When] pressed, [it is felt] as weak as scallion leaf without root. [It is a sign of] death. Pulse of a Dead Lung is deficient when pressed lightly and as weak and rootless as the leaves of a Chinese onion when pressed deeply. This indicates a fatal case. The pulse image of dead lung-viscus is deficient when lightly pressed, weak as a scallion leaf, and rootless under pressure. This reflects a terminal condition. The appearance of a genuine pulmonary pulse-empty on light palpation and weak and bottomless as a scallion leaf on heavy palpation-signals impending death. The dying viscus [pulse] of the lung is vacuous when floated, and weak like a scallion leaf when pressed, with no root below. [This is the sign of imminent] death.
34411.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4
345肝中风者,头目瞤,两胁痛,行带伛,令人嗜甘。 Invasion of wind into the liver [causes] quivering of head and eyes, pain in the rib-sides, hunched back when walking and predilection of sweet [food]. When the Liver is affected by pathogenetic Wind, the patient feels pain on both flanks and walks with his back bent. His head shakes and eyelids jump. He begins to show a preference for sweet food. Wind strike of the liver manifests with twitching of the head and eyes, bilateral rib-side pain, a frequent stoop while walking, and a preference for sweetness. The patient with liver windstroke exhibits trembling of the head and eyes, bilateral rib pain, a hunched posture when walking, and a fondness for sweets. Wind-strike in the liver [manifests in] twitching head and eyes, pain in both rib-sides, often walking in a hunched [posture], and a predilection for sweets.
34611.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5
347肝中寒者,两臂不举,舌本燥,喜太息,胸中痛,不得转侧,食则吐而汗出也。 Invasion of cold into the liver [causes] inability of the arms to raise, dryness of the tongue root, frequent sighing, pain in the chest, inability to turn [the body] and vomiting and sweating [after] eating. When the Liver is affected by pathogenetic Cold, the patient cannot raise his arms and feels parched at the root of the tongue. He sighs frequently and chest pain hampers his normal movements. After eating, he will vomit and perspire (The pulse Classic and Qianjin give the following symptoms and signs: "with occasional night sweating and coughing. After eating, the patient vomits the liquid portion of the food). Cold strike of the liver manifests with an inability to raise the arms, dryness at the tongue root, frequent signing, pain in the chest, an inability to turn over onto one’s side, and vomiting with sweating after eating. ////The Mài Jīng (The Pulse Classic) and Bèi Jí Qiān Jīn Yào Fāng (Important Formulas Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces for Emergency) state, "frequent spontaneous sweating, coughing, and vomiting of liquid after eating." Liver chillstroke induces an inability to raise either arm, a dry tongue, frequent sighing, an aching chest making it impossible to turn over, and vomiting with sweating after eating. Cold strike in the liver [manifests in] inability to lift both arms, dryness at the root of the tongue, tendency to sigh, pain in the chest preventing [the patient] from turning sides, and vomiting with sweating upon eating.
34811.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6
349肝死脏,浮之弱,按之如索不来,或曲如蛇行者,死。 True visceral pulse of the liver is floating and weak. [When] pressed, [it is felt] like [a piece of flying] rope [that cannot] come down, or like a moving snake. [It is a sign of] death. Pulse of the Dead Liver is weak when pressed lightly. When pressed deeply, pulse is "as stale as a rope"(pulse does not rebound) or moves like a snake. Such pulsation is an indication of a fatal case. The pulse image of dead liver-viscus is weak when lightly pressed; when under pressure, it is a rope that does not rebound, or like the undulating movement of a snake. This reflects a terminal condition. The presence of the genuine hepatic pulse - weak on light palpation and unresisting as a hanging rope or undulatory like a moving snake on heavy palpation - portends death. The dying viscus [pulse] of the liver is weak when floated; like a rope failing to come when pressed; and possibly sinuous like a snake moving. [This is the sign of imminent] death.
35011.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7
351肝着,其人常欲蹈其胸上,先未苦时,但欲饮热,旋覆花汤主之。 [In] liver stagnancy, the patient frequently presses his chest [with his hands]. At the beginning, [the disease is] not very serious and [can be resolved after] drinking hot water. [It can be] treated by Xuanfuhua Decoction (旋覆花汤, inula flower decoction). Syndrome of Liver-affection: The patient enjoys having a strong pressure applied to his chest by another person. Before the onset of the syndrome, he prefers to drink hot beverages. Decoction of Flos Inulae can be adopted. With liver fixity, the person often desires trampling on the chest. Before the acute stage, he only desires hot drinks. Xuán Fù Huā Tāng (Inula Flower Decoction) is indicated. A.patient with liver stagnation often feels like he wants someone to tread on his chest. Before becoming afflicted he desires hot drinks. The condition calls primarily for Xuan-fu-hua-tang (Inula Combination). Liver fixity [manifests in] the patient’s constant desire for stamping on their chest and desiring only hot fluids prior to onset of the condition. Inula Decoction (旋覆花汤 xuán fù huā tāng) governs.
35211.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8
353心中风者,翕翕发热,不能起,心中饥,食即呕吐。 [When] there is pathogenic wind in the heart, [it will cause] light fever, difficulty to stand up, hunger and vomiting after eating. When the Heart is affected by pathogenetic Wind, the patient has a fever and cannot get out of bed. He feels hungry, but immediately vomits whatever food he eats. Wind strike of the heart manifests with feather-warm heat effusion, an inability to get up, a feeling of hunger in the heart, and vomiting immediately after eating. Cardiac windstroke manifests a thriving fever, an inability to arise, a hungry feeling in the heart, and vomiting following eating. Wind-strike in the heart [manifests in] feather-warm heat effusion, inability to get up, hunger in the heart, and vomiting immediately upon eating.
35411.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9
355心中寒者,其人苦病心如啖蒜状,剧者心痛彻背,背痛彻心,譬如蛊注。其脉浮者,自吐乃愈。 Invasion of cold into the heart [causes] suffering in the heart like eating garlic. [When there is] sharp pain in the heart, [it will] involve the back, [When there is sharp] pain in the back, [it will] involve the heart like poisonous insects. [If] the pulse is floating, [it will] heal [when there is] spontaneous vomiting. When the Heart is affected by pathogenetic Cold, the patient suffers uneasiness in the Heart(in the chest), as if he has eaten too much garlic. In acute cases, there will be in the Heart( chest) dragging towards the back or pain in the back dragging towards the Heart(chest); this is similar to a Guzhu syndrome. If the pulse is floating, a spontaneous vomiting will bring about a recovery. In cold strike of the heart, the patient suffers from heart discomfort as if he had recently eaten garlic. In severe cases, heart pain stretches through to the back pain stretching through to the heart, just as in those with gu zhu disease. If the pulse is floating, spontaneous vomiting will resolve the condition. A person with chills in the heart experiences a peculiar type of cardiac distress similar to that following the ingestion of garlic; in the most severe cases the pain will radiate to the back from the heart, or vice versa, very much like Gu zhu disease. If the patient's pulse is floating, he may recover after treatment with emesis. Cold strike in the heart [manifests in] suffering in the heart as if from eating garlic, and in severe cases, in heart pain stretching through to the back and back pain stretching through to the heart, as in gǔ influx. If the pulse is floating, spontaneous vomiting will bring about recovery.
35611.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10
357心伤者,其人劳倦,即头面赤而下重,心中痛而自烦,发热,当脐跳,其脉弦,此为心脏伤所致也。 [When suffering from] heart damage, the patient feels tired when working [with the symptoms and signs of] red head and face, heaviness of the lower part of the body, pain in the heart, vexation, fever, beating around the umbilicus and taut pulse. This is due to injury of the heart. When the Heart is affected and damaged, the following symptoms and signs will appear: When the patient is tired, his head and face will turn red. Other symptoms and signs include tenesmus, fever, restlessness, pain in the Heart, jumping movements in the region of navel and tight pulse. With heart damage, if the person also suffers taxation fatigue, he will present with redness of the head and face, heaviness in the lower, heart pain with spontaneous vexation, heat effusion, throbbing at the umbilicus, and wiry pulses. This is a result of damage to the heart. A patient with heart injury exhibits lassitude, reddening of the head and face, heaviness in the lower torso, pain and discomfort in the heart, fever, throbbing at the navel, and a chordal pulse. In damage to the heart, when the person suffers from taxation fatigue, there is immediate redness of the head and face and heaviness of the lower [body], pain in the heart and subjectively felt vexation, heat effusion, beating at the umbilicus, and in a stringlike pulse. These signs are caused by damage to the heart.
35811.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11
359心死脏,浮之实如麻豆,按之益躁疾者,死。 True visceral pulse of the heart is floating and hard like pellet or bean [when pressed lightly]. [If it is] agitated and beating fast [when] pressed [heavily], [it is a sign of] death. Pulse of a Dead Heart is excessive when pressed lightly, resembling the feeling of beans. When pressed deeply, the pulse becomes restless and swift. Such pulse suggests a fatal case. The dead heart-viscus pulse is as firm as a bean when lightly pressed, but more agitated and rapid when pressed heavily. This reflects a terminal condition. The presence of a genuine heart pulse - solid as a rolling bean when palpated superficially but more agitated and quick on heavy palpation - protends death. The dying viscus [pulse] of the heart is replete when floated, like a pellet or bean, and in addition agitated and racing [when] pressed. [This is the sign of imminent] death.
36011.12 11.12 11.12 11.12 11.12 11.12
361邪哭使魂魄不安者,血气少也;血气少者属于心,心气虚者,其人则畏,合目欲眠,梦远行而精神离散,魂魄妄行。阴气衰者为癫,阳气衰者为狂。 [The patient is] crying [when attacked by] pathogenic [factors] with disquiet of the ethereal soul and corporeal soul [due to] scantiness of blood and qi. Scantiness of blood and qi belongs to heart [disease]. [When] heart qi is deficient, the patient feels fearful, closing the eyes with the desire to sleep, going far away in dream with dispersion of spirit and frenetic movement of the ethereal soul and corporeal soul. Decline of yin qi indicates epilepsy and decline of yang qi indicates mania. The patient cries out in restlessness as if he were haunted. This is due to a Deficiency of the Blood and the Vital Energy, and is classed as a Heart disease. When the Vital Energy in the Heart is deficient, the patient senses fright, closes his eyes and tends to sleep. He will have dreams of long journey and experiences spiritual irritability and depression. Evanescence of the Yin Vital Essence will lead to a case of insanity with emotional depression. Evanescence of the Yang Vital Energy will result in mania. Abnormal crying that disturbs both the ethereal and corporeal soul results from insufficient blood and qi; this insufficiency is attributed to the heart. People suffering from heart qi deficiency also tend to experience fear. As they close their eyes and attempt to sleep, they dream of travel to faraway places. The spirit departs, and both the ethereal and corporeal soul move frenetically. Yin qi debilitation manifests with mania, and yang qi debilitation manifests with withdrawal. Unreasonable crying and accompanying mental uneasiness are due to blood and Qi deficiencies connected to the heart. A patient with cardiac Qi deficiency will always be fearful. The moment he closes his eyes to fall asleep he dreams of going to a distant place, his spirit disintegrating and his soul wandering aimlessly. Deterioration of yin Qi leads to dian (epilepsey) and deterioration of yang Qi to kuang (mania). When evil crying disquiets the ethereal and corporeal souls, [this means that] blood and qì are scant. Scantiness of blood and qì is associated with the heart. A patient with heart qì vacuity [experiences] fear, closed eyes and desire to sleep, dreams of traveling afar, separated and dispersed essence and spirit, and frenetic wandering of the ethereal and corporeal souls. Debilitation of yīn qì causes withdrawal; debilitation of yáng qì causes mania.
36211.13 11.13 11.13 11.13 11.13 11.13
363脾中风者,翕翕发热,形如醉人,腹中烦重,皮目瞤瞤而短气。 Invasion of wind into the spleen [causes] slight fever like a drunken person, vexation and heaviness in the abdomen, quivering of the eyelids and shortness of breath. When the Spleen is affected by pathogenetic Wind, the patient will have a fever and behave as if he were drunk. He feels discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen, and his skin and eyes are jumping. He also experiences shortness of breath. A person with wind strike of the spleen will present with feather-warm heat effusion and an intoxicated appearance. Other manifestations include vexation and heaviness in the abdomen, twitching of the skin and eyes, and shortness of breath. Thriving fever, a drunkard's appearance, abdominal heaviness with annoyance, and twitching of the skin and eyes together with gasping characterizes splenic windstroke. Wind-strike in the spleen [manifests in] feather-warm heat effusion, an appearance as if inebriated, vexation and heaviness in the abdomen, twitching of the skin and eyes, and shortness of breath.
36411.14 11.14 11.14 11.14 11.14 11.14
365脾死脏,浮之大坚,按之如覆杯洁洁状如摇者,死。 True visceral pulse of the spleen is floating, large and hard. [When] pressed, [it is felt] like upturned cup, shaking [and disquiet]. [It is a sign of] death. Pulse of a Dead Spleen is huge and strong when pressed lightly. When pressed deeply, it feels like an inverted empty cup, with swirling and restless pulsation. This indicates a fatal case. Dead spleen-viscus pulses are large and firm when lightly pressed, and like an inverted cup that shake when pressed heavily. This reflects a terminal condition. Wind and cold strike in the five viscera are all recorded in detail; but for the spleen, only cold strike is recorded and for the kidney, neither wind nor cold strike are recorded. This is due to fragmentation of the ancient literature over time. A long period of time has passed, and there is no available substitute for the document. A genuine splenic pulse - on light palpation big and firm and on heavy palpation like an up-side-down cup (hollow and empty inside and with no liquid dripping) - unstably swings to and fro with occasional abrupt interruptions. It predicts death. The dying vicus [pulse] of the spleen is large and hard when floated, clean [of contents] like an upturned cup when pressed, and feels as if wobbling. [This is the sign of imminent] death.
36611.15 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15 11.15
367趺阳脉浮而涩,浮则胃气强,涩则小便数,浮涩相搏,大便则坚,其脾为约,麻子仁丸主之。 Fuyang pulse is floating and rough. Floating [pulse] indicates [that] stomach qi is strong; rough [pulse] indicates [that] urination is frequent; coexistence of floating [pulse] and rough [pulse] indicates hard stool and the straitened spleen. The appropriate [formula] for treating it is Maziren Pill (麻子仁丸,cannabis seed, Semen Cannabis). Fuyang pulse is floating and hesitating. Floating pulse indicates strong Stomach Vital Energy, whereas hesitant pulse indicates frequent urination. Conflict of floating and hesitant pulse indicates causes constipation and Spleen Restriction. Pills of Fructus Cannabis will provide a cure. When fuyang pulses are floating and rough, the floating quality reflects robust stomach qi, and the rough quality reflects frequent urination. The floating and rough qualities will contend with one another, and the stool is hard; this indicates straitened spleen. Má Zǐ Rén Wán (Cannabis Fruit Pill) is indicated. A floating and harsh pulse palpated on the fu yang (tarsus) site is significant because "floating" indicates strong gastric Qi and "harshness" accompanies frequent urination. Interaction between floating and harshness leads to constipation, known as pi yue (spleen constriction). Ma-zi-ren-wan (Apricot Seed and Linum Formula) principally treats the condition. When the instep yáng pulse is floating and rough, floating means that stomach qì is strong, [while] rough means that urination is frequent. The floating and rough [pulse qualities] contend with each other, [which means that] the stool is hard and the spleen is straitened. Cannabis Seed Pill (麻子仁丸 má zǐ rén wán) governs.
36811.16 11.16 11.16 11.16 11.16 11.16
369肾着之病,其人身体重,腰中冷,如坐水中,形如水状,反不渴,小便自利,饮食如故,病属下焦,身劳汗出,衣里冷湿,久久得之,腰以下冷痛,腹重如带五千钱,甘姜苓朮汤主之。 [In] kidney stagnancy disease, the patient’s body is heavy with cold in the waist like sitting in cold water with the manifestations of edema, but no thirst. [Besides,] urination is spontaneous and the way to eat is normal, [indicating that] the disease is in the lower energizer. [There will be] sweating [when the patient is] physically tired with cold and dampness in the clothes. [When] enduring for a long time, [there will be] cold pain below the waist and the abdomen [will be] as heavy as five thousand of bronze coins. The appropriate [formula] for treating it is Ganjiang Lingzhu Decoction (甘姜苓术汤, dry ginger, poria andlargehead atractyloes rhizome decoction). Kidney-affection syndrome with the following symptoms and signs can be treated with Decoction of Radix Glycyrrhizae, Rhizoma Zingiberis, Poria and Rhizome Atractylodis Macrocephalae: Heaviness in movement, and cold in the lumbar region as if the patient were sitting in water. Syndrome is similar to that caused by pathogenetic Water, but the patient is not thirsty. Other symptoms may include normal urination and intake of food, which indicates that the trouble is at the Lower Portion of Body Cavity. Pathology of the syndrome is as follows: when the patient performs work, he persists for a long period of time, the patient will be affected by the syndrome with cold, by a painful sensation in the region below the waist, and by a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen as if he were carrying a thousand coins around his waist. A person suffering from kidney fixity experiences generalized heaviness and lumber coldness as through sitting in water. The symptoms may resemble those of water conditions, but there is an absence of thirst with uninhibited urination, and with eating and drinking as normal. This indicates that the disease is attributed to the lower burner. Seating during physical labor leads to cold and wetness inside the clothes. Over a long period of time, the condition develops and manifests with cold pain below the waist, and abdominal heaviness as if carrying five thousand coins. Gān Jiāng Líng Zhú Tāng (Licorice, Dried Ginger, Poria, and Ovate Atractylodes Decoction) is indicated. Kidney stagnation manifests generalized heaviness, chills in the lumbus with the feeling as though sitting in water, polyuria (due to moistness), an edematous appearance but no thirst, and a normal appetite. It is a disorder of the lower warmer incurred by lengthy wearing of cold, damp underwear soaked with sweat. The patient experiences chilly pains below the waist and a heavy loin (or abdomen) - he feels as though, he is carrying a load of five thousand tales of coins. Gan-jiang-ling-shu-tang (G.H.A.and Licorice Combination) primarily treats the condition. The disease of kidney fixity [manifests in] heaviness of the patient’s body, cold in the lumbus as if sitting in water, and an appearance like water [qì disease], but no thirst, uninhibited urination, and normal eating and drinking. This disease is associated with the lower burner. Upon physical taxation, the patient sweats so that the clothing becomes cold and damp on the inside. When [this condition] has persisted for a long time, there will be cold and pain below the lumbus and heaviness in the abdomen as if [the patient] carried five thousand cash in the belt. Licorice, Dried Ginger, Poria, and White Atractylodes Decoction (甘草干姜茯苓白术汤gān cǎo gān jiāng fú líng bái zhú tāng) governs.
37011.17 11.17 11.17 11.17 11.17 11.17
371肾死脏,浮之坚,按之乱如转丸,益下入尺中者,死。 The true visceral pulse of the kidney is floating and hard. [When] pressed, [it is felt] like pills. [When] stretching through to the chi [region], [it is a sign of] death. Pulse of Dead Kidney is mighty and hard when pressed lightly. When pressed deeply, it feels like a swirling ball with an irregular movement. If this pulsation is more apparent in the Cubit( under the ring-finger), the case will be fatal. Dead kidney-viscus pulses are hard when lightly pressed, and chaotic like rolling pills when pressed heavily, especially at the cubit position. This reflects a terminal condition. A genuine renal pulse which is firm on light palpation and resembles turbulently turning ball on heavy palpation - especially on the chill site - portends death. The dying viscus [pulse] of the kidney is hard when floated, chaotic like spinning pellets when pressed, and spills downward into the cubit, [This is the sign of imminent] death.
37211.18 11.18 11.18 11.18 11.18 11.18
373问曰:三焦竭部,上焦竭善噫,何谓也?师曰:上焦受中焦气未和,不能消谷,故能噫耳。下焦竭,即遗溺失便,其气不和,不能自禁制,不须治,久则愈。 Question: The triple energizer has declined, [But when] the upper energizer [begins] to decline, [the patient] tends to sigh. What is the reason? The master said: [When] qi transmits from the upper energizer to the middle energizer and fails to harmonize, [it is] unable to digest food, and that is why there is frequent sighing. [When] the lower energizer [begins] to decline, [it will]] cause enuresis and incontinence of defecation. [Since] qi is not harmonized, [it is] unable to control [the movement] spontaneously. [There is] no need to treat. [After] a certain period of enduring, [the disease will] heal spontaneously. Question: Deficiency and exhaustion of the Three Portion of Body Cavity: When the Upper Portion of Body Cavity is deficient and exhausted, the patient will belch frequently. Why is this? Master: The Upper Portion is nourished by the Middle Portion. When the Stomach (located in the Middle Portion) Vital Energy is out of harmony, cereal cannot be digested. Indigestion causes the belching. When the Lower Portion is deficient and exhausted, enuresis and fecal incontinence will occur due to a disorder of the Vital Energy, which can no longer control stool and urination. No therapy needs to be adopted. The disorder will subside after a period of time. Question: "Regarding exhaustion of the triple burner, exhaustion of the upper burner manifests with frequent belching. What does this mean?" The master said, "The upper burner receives qi from the middle burner. If this qi is not harmonized and fails to disperse grain, belching occurs. Exhaustion of the lower burner results in enuresis and fecal incontinence; the qi is not harmonized and fails to restrain itself. There is no need for treatment; the condition will resolve after a period of time." The disciples commented: "Deficiency and exhaustion of the Three Portions of Body Cavity: When the Upper Portion of Body Cavity is deficient and exhausted, the patient will belch frequently. Why is this?" The master responded: "The Upper Portion is nourished by the Middle Portion. When the Stomach (located in the Middle Portion) Vital Energy is out of harmony, cereal cannot be digested, Indigestion causes the belching. When the Lower Portion is deficient and exhausted, enuresis and fecal incontinence will occur due to a disorder of the Vital Energy, which can no longer control stool and urination. No therapy needs to be adopted. The disorder will subside after a period of time." Question: “[Regarding] exhaustion of the triple burner in [its different] sections, exhaustion in the upper burner causes a tendency to belching. Why is that?” The Master says: “The upper burner receives [qì from] the center burner. If qì is not in harmony, it cannot disperse grain, hence there is belching. Exhaustion in the lower burner causes enuresis and fecal incontinence. [The reason for this is that] if qì is not in harmony, it cannot by itself ensure continence. You do not need to treat this condition; [the patient] will recover over time.”
37411.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19 11.19
375师曰:热在上焦者,因咳为肺痿;热在中焦者,则为坚;热在下焦者,则尿血,亦令淋秘不通。大肠有寒者,多鹜溏;有热者,便肠垢。小肠有寒者,其人下重便血;有热者,必痔。 Question: [When pathogenic] heat is in the upper energizer, [it will] cause cough and lung wilting; [when pathogenic] heat is in the middle energizer, it is hard; [when pathogenic] heat is in the lower energizer, [there will be] blood in urine and cause stranguria. [When] there is cold in the large intestine, [there will be] incessant sloppy stool; [when pathogenic] heat is in the large intestine, [there will be] sticky stool; [when pathogenic] cold is in the small intestine, the patient [will suffer from] tenesmus and bloody stool; [when] there is [pathogenic] heat [in the small intestine], [it] will cause hemorrhoids. Master: When the Upper Portion of Body Cavity is affected by pathogenetic Heat, coughing will develop into a syndrome of pulmonary asthenia. When the Heat rests in the Middle Portion, constipation results. When the Heat invades the Lower Portion, hematuria, urinary disturbance and constipation result. Pathogenetic Cold in the large intestine makes the stool watery, whereas Heat in the large intestine will bring stool with thick mucus. Pathogenetic Cold in the small intestine leads to tenesmus and bloody stool. Heat will cause hemorrhoids. The master said, "Heat in the upper burner causes coughing that leads to lung wilting. Heat in the middle burner causes hard stools, and heat in the lower burner causes bloody urine as well as strangury and block. Cold in the large intestine often causes bloody urine as well as excretion of intestinal grime. Cold in the small intestine gives rise to heaviness in the lower and bloody stools. When there is heat, there will be hemorrhoids." The master said: "Fever lodged in the upper Portion of Body Cavity with prolonged coughing causes pulmonary atrophy; fever in the middle Portion of Body Cavity induces solidification; fever in the lower Portion of Body Cavity results in bloody urine and also in urinary dripping and anuria; chills in the colon cause watery stools; fever in the colon results in the excretion of mucus; chills in the small intestine induce tenesmus and bloody stools; and fever in the small intestine causes hemorrhoids. The Master says: “Heat in the upper burner results in coughing and because of this, lung wilting. Heat in the center burner results in hardness. Heat in the lower burner results in bloody urine and also causes strangury and stoppage. Cold in the large intestine causes profuse duck’s slop; heat there causes intestinal grime in the stool. Cold in the small intestine causes heaviness in the lower [body] and bloody stool; heat there invariably causes hemorrhoids.”
37611.20 11.20 11.20 11.20 11.20 11.20
377问曰:病有积、有聚、有䅽气,何谓也? Question: [In] diseases, [there are] accumulations, gatherings and cereal qi. What are they? Question: What are the syndromes of Accumulation, Assemblage and Guqi? Question: "There are diseases of accumulation, gathering, and grain-qi. What are they?" The master said, "Accumulation is a visceral condition that affects only one location. Gathering is a bowel condition that occurs at set times with shifting pain, this is treatable. Grain-qi manifests with pain under the rib-sides that is relieved by pressure, but this condition will recur." The disciples asked: "Would you explain the diseases known as Ji (accumulation), Ju (conglomeration), and Gu Qi (food Qi)?" Question: “What do the diseases accumulations, gatherings, and grain qì refer to?”
378师曰:积者,脏病也,终不移;聚者,腑病也,发作有时,展转痛移,为可治;䅽气者,胁下痛,按之则愈,复发,为䅽气。 The master said: Accumulations [indicate]a disease of zang-organs that never moves; gatherings [indicate] a disease of fu-organs that occurs in a certain time and pain that moves and is curable; cereal qi [indicates] pain below the rib-side that is relieved when pressed, but returns [when it] becomes cereal qi. Master: Accumulation is a disease of the Viscera, which does not change its location. Assemblage is a disease of the Bowels with sporadic attacks and changes of location. It is a curable disease. Guqi is a pain which occurs in the costal regions. When pressed, it subsides but resumes later. Diagnosis of the Accumulation syndrome: The pulse is slender and appears as deep as if it were near a bone. If such pulse appears at the Inch, the Accumulation is in the chest; if the pulse is a bit above the Inch(nearer to the palm), the Accumulation is in the throat; pulse at the Bar indicates Accumulation near the navel; pulse above the Bar (between Bar and Inch) indicates Accumulation in the epigastrium; pulse located beneath the Bar (between Bar and Cubit) indicates Accumulation in the abdomen; pulse located in the Cubit indicates Accumulation at Qichong(ST30). When the pulse is sensed on the left wrist, the pathological condition is located on the right side and vice versa. If the pulse appears on both wrists, the Accumulation is located in the middle. Treat the syndrome according to its location. "Essential approaches to diagnosing the various kinds of accumulation: if the pulse is fine and as if attached to the bone, this indicates accumulation. This kind of pulse at the inch opening indicates accumulation in the chest, whereas slightly above the inch opening indicates accumulation in the throat. When appearing at the bar position, the accumulation is around the umbilicus; above the bar position, the accumulation is below the heart; and slightly below the bar position, the accumulation is in the lesser abdomen. When gathering at the cubit position, the accumulation is located at qì chōng." The master said: "It (accumulation) is a disease of the Zang organs, or solid viscera. It is immovable throughout. Ju (conglomeration) affects the Fu organs or hollow viscera. It brings on regular seizures of migrating pain and is curable. Gu Qi (food Qi) exhibits hypochondrial aching which disappears on pressure but recurs later. The rule for diagnosing all accumulations is to look for a thin and submerged pulse that is palpable only when the fingers press heavily and touch the radial bone. Such a pulse detected on the cun site locates the accumulation in the chest; a little in front of the cun site locates the accumulation in the throat; on the guan site puts the accumulation in the navel; a little ahead of the guan site locates the accumulation beneath the heart; a little behind the guan site places the accumulation in the lower abdomen; on the chi site, the accumulation lies around Qi chong (region of the urinary bladder); only on the left hand puts the accumulation on the left side of the body and only on the right hand, on the right side of the body; a pulse palpable on both hands locates the accumulation in the central area, Accumulations are treated according to location." The Master says: “Accumulations are a disease of the viscera; they never move. Gatherings are a disease of the bowels; they erupt intermittently, spread from place to place, and manifest with mobile pain; they can be treated. Grain qì is pain under the rib-side that is relieved by pressure; when it is recurrent, it is grain qì.
379诸积大法:脉来细而附骨者,乃积也。寸口积在胸中;微出寸口,积在喉中;关上积在脐旁;上关上,积在心下;微下关,积在少腹。尺中,积在气冲;脉出左,积在左;脉出右,积在右;脉两出,积在中央。各以其部处之。 The major method [used to diagnose] various accumulations: The pulse [that is] thin and fixed to the bone [when pressed] indicates accumulations. [When the pulse in] cunkou [region is thin], the accumulation is in the chest; [when] the faint [pulse] moves outside cunkou, [it indicates that] the accumulation is in the throat; [when the pulse is thin and moves to] the upper of guan [region], [it indicates that the accumulation is in the heart; [when the pulse is] faint [and moves to] the lower of guan [region], [it indicates that] the accumulation is in the lower abdomen. [When] chi [pulse is thin], the accumulation is in the Qichong (ST 30). [When] the [thin] pulse moves to the left, the accumulation is in the left; [when] the [thin] pulse is in the right, the accumulation is in the right; [when] the [thin] pulse moves to both sides, the accumulation is in the center. [It] can be treated according to its location in different places. "When this pulse appears on the left side, the accumulation is also on the left. When this pulse appears on the right side, the accumulation is on the right. When this pulse appears on both sides, the accumulation is in the middle. Treatment should be applied in accordance with the specific disease location." The general method for diagnosing the various accumulations: A pulse that is fine on arrival and is fixed to the bone indicates accumulations. When [this type of pulse occurs] at the inch opening, the accumulation is in the chest; when it is slightly outside the inch opening, the accumulation is in the throat; when it is on the bar, the accumulation is beside the umbilicus; when it is above the bar, the accumulation is below the heart; when it is slightly below the bar, the accumulation is in the lesser abdomen; when it is in the cubit, the accumulation is in the qì thoroughfare. When [this type of] pulse appears on the left, the accumulation is on the left; when [this type of] pulse appears on the right, the accumulation is on the right; when it appears on both sides, the accumulation is in the middle. You can locate each according to the position [of this pulse].”
381痰饮咳嗽病脉证并治第十二 Chapter 12 Phlegm, Fluid Retention and Cough Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 12 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Taiyin and Coughing Chapter 12 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Phlegm-rheum and Coughing Chapter 12 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Sputum, Stagnancy, and Cough Chapter 12 Phlegm-Rheum and Cough
38212.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1
383问曰:夫饮有四,何谓也?师曰:有痰饮,有悬饮,有溢饮,有支饮。 Question: There are four kinds of fluid retention. What are they? The master said: They are phlegmatic fluid retention, suspended fluid retention, spilling fluid retention and propping fluid retention. Question: The Fluid-retention syndrome can be divided into four categories. What are they? Master: Taiyin Fluid-retention, Xuanyin Fluid-retention, Yiyin Fluid-retention, and Zhiyin Fluid-retention. Question: "What are the four types of rheum?" The master replied: "These include phlegm-rheum, suspended rheum, spillage rheum, and propping rheum." The disciples asked: "Are there four types of stagnancy?" The master said: "Sputum stagnancy, dangling stagnancy, overflowing stagnancy, and branch stagnancy are the four types of stagnancy." Question: “There are four [kinds of] rheum. What are they?” The Master says: “There is phlegm-rheum, suspended rheum, spillage rheum, and propping rheum.”
38412.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2
385问曰:四饮何以为异? Question: What is the difference [between] the four kinds of fluid retention? Question: How do they differ? Question: "How can one differentiate the four rheums?" The disciples asked: "What are the differences between the four types?" Question: “How do you differentiate between the four rheums?”
386师曰:其人素盛今瘦,水走肠间,沥沥有声,谓之痰饮;饮后水流在胁下,咳唾引痛,谓之悬饮;饮水流行,归于四肢,当汗出而不汗出,身体疼重,谓之溢饮;咳逆倚息,短气不得卧,其形如肿,谓之支饮。 The master said: [When] a patient is usually fat but now suddenly becomes emaciated and has water running into the intestines with gurgling sound, it is called phlegmatic fluid retention; after drinking, water flows under the rib-side, causing cough, spitting and pain, it is called suspended fluid retention; [after drinking,] water flows into the four limbs, resulting in no sweating when there should be sweating, generalized pain and heaviness, it is called spilling fluid retention; [when there are symptoms and signs of] cough and qi counterflow, propped breathing, shortness of breath, inability to lie down and swollen appearance, it is called propped fluid retention. Master: A patient with a plump build loses weight and a splashing sound can be heard in his intestines. This is a Tanyin Fluid-retention syndrome. After drinking water, the fluid flows and collects in the patient's costal regions. A dragging pain occurs when the patient coughs or spits. This is Xuanyin Fluid-retention. After drinking water, the fluid flows and collects in the extremities. The patient cannot sweat when he should, and feels pain and heaviness in his body. This is Yiyin Fluid-retention. Zhiyin fluid-retention syndrome may include symptoms and signs of coughing with adverse ascending gas and labored respiration, and shortness of breath that prevents the patient from lying quietly in bed. The master said: "When a person with a previously robust physique becomes thin, and water moves in the intestines with a gurgling sound; this is called phlegm-rheum. If after drinking, water flows under the rib-sides and coughing, spitting, and pulling pains appear; this is called suspended rheum. If after drinking, water flows to the four extremities that cannot be resolved by normal sweating, with generalized pain and heaviness; this is called spillage rheum. Cough and counterflow with difficult breathing that requires the body to be propped up, shortness of breath with an inability to lie flat, and generalized swelling; this is called propping rheum." The master said: "A normal stalwart individual who has become thin because of water running in the intestines has sputum stagnancy. If after drinking water flows to the hypochondria causing a cough, expectoration, and dragging pain, it is a dangling stagnancy. If after drinking water flows to the four limbs where it cannot be sweated out causing generalized aching and heaviness, it is an overflowing stagnancy. Branch stagnancy manifests bloating and adverse coughing that so torments that the afflicted must rest by lying against the bed because his gasping makes it impossible for him to lie flat." The Master says: “When a person with a plentiful constitution becomes emaciated and has water running into the intestines with gurgling sounds, [this] means phlegm-rheum. When drinking and the water afterwards flows under the rib-side, resulting in coughing and spitting that induces pain, [this] means suspended rheum. When [a person] drinks water and this water homes to the limbs, resulting in absence of sweating when the person should sweat, and in generalized pain and heaviness, [this] means spillage rheum. Cough counterflow and propped breathing, with shortness of breath and inability to lie down, and an appearance as if swollen means propping rheum.”
38712.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3
388水在心,心下坚筑,短气,恶水不欲饮。 [The manifestations of] water flowing into the heart [include] hardness and fullness below the heart, shortness of breath, aversion to water and no desire to drink water. When the pathogenetic Water collects in the Heart, a hard mass and jumping will appear in the epigastrium with shortness of breath. The patient will also feel disgust at the sight of water of when drinking water. Water in the heart manifests with hardness and pounding below the heart, shortness of breath, and an aversion to water with no desire to drink. When water stagnates in the heart, the patient exhibits hardening beneath the heart, gasping, and a loss of the desire to drink water. Water in the heart [manifests in] hardness and pounding below the heart, shortness of breath, aversion to water, and no desire to drink.
38912.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4
390水在肺,吐涎沫,欲饮水。 [The manifestations of] water flowing into the lung [include] vomiting of drool and foam with desire to drink water. When the Water collects in the Lung, copious salivation and thirst will result. Water in the lung manifests with drool foaming at the mouth and a desire to drink water. When water stagnates in the lungs, the patient coughs and expectorates copious sputum and wants to drink water. Water in the lung [manifests in] ejection of drool and foam, and desire to drink water.
39112.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
392水在脾,少气身重。 [The manifestations of] water flowing into the spleen [include] shortness of breath and heaviness of the body. When the Water collects in the Spleen, shortness of breath and heaviness of movement will result. Water in the spleen manifests with shortness of breath and generalized heaviness. When water stagnates in the spleen, the patient experiences shallow and short breathing and generalized heaviness. Water in the spleen [manifests in] shortage of qì and generalized heaviness.
39312.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6
394水在肝,胁下支满,嚏而痛。 [The manifestations of] water flowing into the liver [include] propped fullness below the rib-side and pain when sneezing. When the Water collects in the Liver, the patient will sense distention and fullness in the costal regions and a pain in the same area when sneezing. Water in the liver manifests with propping fullness under the rib-sides and sneezing with pain. When water stagnates in the liver, the patient has distention beneath the hypochondria and painful sneezing. Water in the liver [manifests in] propping fullness under the rib-side and pain on sneezing.
39512.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7
396水在肾,心下悸。 [The manifestations of] water flowing into the kidney [is] palpitation below the heart. When the Water collects in the Kidney, palpitation beneath the Heart will result. Water in the kidney manifests with palpation below the heart. When water stagnates in the kidneys, palpitations occur beneath the heart. Water in the kidney [manifests in] palpitation below the heart.
39712.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8
398夫心下有留饮,其人背寒冷如手大。 [The manifestations of] water retention in the heart [include] cold in the back [over the region] as large as a hand. When remaining Fluid-retention occurs in the epigastrium the patient will feel cold in his back in an area the size of the palm. When lodged rheum is below the heart, there is a hand-sized area on the person’s back that feels cold. When water stagnates beneath the heart, the patient has chills on his back in an area as large as the palm. Lodged rheum below the heart manifests in cold in the back [over an area] as large as a hand.
39912.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9
400留饮者,胁下痛引缺盆,咳嗽则辄已。 [The manifestations of] water retention [in the body include] pain below the rib-side stretching into the supraclavicular fossa [which is] exacerbated [by] cough. When the Tanyin Fluid-retention has continued for a long period of time, the patient will feel pain in the costal regions with dragging pain leading to the supraclavicular fossa. When the patient coughs, the pain will be aggravated. Lodged rheum manifests with rib-side pain stretching to the supraclavicular fossa that will be immediately relieved after coughing. Another source states "aggravated by coughing". Water stagnation with hypochondrial pain that reaches affects the clavicular recess grows more severe on coughing. Lodged rheum [manifests in] pain under the rib-side stretching into the supraclavicular fossa that is exacerbated by coughing.
40112.10 12.10 12.10 12.10 12.10 12.10
402胸中有留饮,其人短气而渴,四肢历节痛。脉沉者,有留饮。 [The manifestations of] water retention in the chest [include] shortness of breath, thirst, pain of joints in the four limbs and sunken pulse due to fluid retention. When the Taiyin Fluid-retention occurs in the chest, the patient feels a shortness of breath and thirst, and suffers arthralgia in all the joints of body. A deep pulse is diagnosed. This is the Remaining Fluid-retention syndrome. When lodged rheum is in the chest, the person will have shortness of breath, thirst, and joint-running pain in the four extremities. A sunken pulse indicates lodged rheum. Water stagnated in the chest manifests gasping, thirst, and joint pain. The pulse is submerged. Lodged rheum in the chest [manifests in] shortness of breath and thirst, joint-running pain in the four limbs, and a sunken pulse. [This indicates] the presence of lodged rheum.
40312.11 12.11 12.11 12.11 12.11 12.11
404膈上病痰,满喘咳吐,发则寒热,背痛腰疼,目泣自出,其人振振身瞤剧,必有伏饮。 [When there is] pathogenic phlegm above the diaphragm, [it will cause] fullness [in the chest], panting, cough and vomiting. [When it has] occurred, [the manifestations include] aversion to cold, fever, back pain, waist pain, spontaneous tearing, twitching and severe quivering of the body, [indicating that] there must be fluid retention [inside the body]. When Tanyin Fluid-retention occurs in the cavity above the diaphragm, the following symptoms and signs will be observed: a sensation of fullness, wheezing, coughing and vomiting. With the onset of the syndrome, there will be fever and chill, pains in the back and lumbar, fierce shaking of the body, and spontaneous tears. This is the Hidden Fluid-retention syndrome. When phlegm is located at the diaphragm, there will be fullness, panting, coughing, and vomiting. At the onset there will be heat and cold, pain of the back and lumbus, spontaneous tearing, and severe tremors of the body. All o these indicate deep-lying rheum. When a water problem occurs above the diaphragm, the patient exhibits chest distention, asthma, coughing, and expectoration of sputum. If chills and fever, back pain, lower backache, tearing, and trembling of the body accompanies an attack, the condition has become hidden water stagnancy. [A patient] suffering from phlegm above the diaphragm [will have] fullness, panting, cough, and vomiting, [aversion to] cold and heat [effusion] during episodes, back and lumbar pain, spontaneous tearing, and severe quivering twitching of the body. These invariably [indicate] the presence of deep-lying rheum.
40512.12 12.12 12.12 12.12 12.12 12.12
406夫病人饮水多,必暴喘满。凡食少饮多,水停心下,甚者则悸,微者短气。脉双弦者,寒也,皆大下后善虚;脉偏弦者,饮也。 [When] a patient drinks a lot of water, [it will] inevitably [cause] fulminant panting and fullness. [If a patient] eats less and drinks more, [there will be] retention of water below the heart. [If the case is] severe, [it will cause] palpitation; [if the case is] mild, [it will cause] shortness of breath. [If] the pulses in both sides are taut, [it indicates] cold [syndrome/pattern] due to deficiency caused by great purgation. [if] the pulse in one side is taut, [it indicates] fluid retention. If the patient drinks too much water he will suffer a sudden attack of wheezing with sensation of fullness. When the patient eats little but drinks copiously the Water will collect in the epigastrium. An acute case will bring about palpations, while a mild one will cause shortness of breath. Tight pulse in both wrists indicates a syndrome of a Cold nature, which is a deficient state caused by the administration of drastics. If tight pulse appears only in one wrist, it indicates a Tanyin Fluid-retention syndrome. A patient who drinks copious amount of water will present with sudden panting and fullness. In those who eat little food and drink much water, water collects below the heart. In severe cases, this causes palpitation; in mild cases, shortness of breath. Wiry pulses on both sides indicate cold caused by internal deficiency following great purgation. Wiry pulses on one side only indicate rheum. If the patient drinks too much water, he will definitely develop abrupt asthma and become distended. Generally, a person who eats little food but drinks much water has water stagnation beneath the heart. Cardiac palpitations occur in a severe case or shortness of breath in a mild case. A chordal pulse in both wrists after a strong purgation is evidence of internal weakness (emptiness). A chordal pulse in one wrist only indicates partial (unilateral) stagnation of water. When a patient drinks much water, there will inevitably be fulminant panting and fullness. Whenever [a patient] eats little and drinks much, water collects below the heart. In severe cases, [this results in] palpitation; in mild cases, in shortness of breath. When the pulses on both sides are stringlike, [this means] cold, which is always [due to] a tendency toward vacuity after major precipitation. When the pulse on one side is stringlike, [this means] rheum.
40712.13 12.13 12.13 12.13 12.13 12.13
408肺饮不弦,但苦喘短气。 [When there is] fluid retention in the lung, the pulse is not taut, but panting is severe and breath is short. Fluid-retention in the Lung will not cause a tight pulse, but bring about panting and shortness of breath. Lung rheum pulses are not wiry, but the patient suffers from panting and shortness of breath. Pulmonary water stagnation may not exhibit a chordal pulse but will nevertheless trigger asthma and gasping. In lung rheum, [the pulse is] not stringlike, and [the patient] only suffers from panting and shortness of breath.
40912.14 12.14 12.14 12.14 12.14 12.14
410支饮亦喘而不能卧,加短气,其脉平也。 [In] propped fluid retention, [there is] also panting and inability to lie down. In addition, [there is] shortness of breath and normal pulse. Zhiyin Fluid-retention syndrome will make it difficult for the patient to lie in bed due to panting and severe shortness of breath. The pulse is even (quiet and moderate). Propping rheum also manifests with panting and an inability to lie flat along with shortness of breath. The pulses appear normal. A patient with branch stagnation exhibits only asthma, an inability to lie down, and gasping; the condition is just at a stage where he sill has a normal pulse. Propping rheum [may] also [manifests in] panting and inability to lie down, plus shortness of breath; [in such cases,] the pulse is normal.
41112.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15 12.15
412病痰饮者,当以温药和之。 [Patients with] phlegmatic fluid retention disease should be harmonized [and treated] by medicinals warm [in property]. Tanyin Fluid-retention syndrome can be cured by warm drugs. Phlegm-rheum should be harmonized with warming medicinals. Warm drugs treat water stagnancy diseases. [When a patient] is sick with phlegm-rheum, harmonize with warm medicinals.
41312.16 12.16 12.16 12.16 12.16 12.16
414心下有痰饮,胸胁支满,目眩,苓桂朮甘汤主之。 Phlegmatic fluid retention below the heart [with the symptoms and signs of] propping fullness in the chest and rib-side and dizzy vision, Linggui Zhugan Decoction (苓桂朮甘汤, poria, cinnamon twig, largehead atractyloes rhizome and licorice decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Tanyin fluid-retention in the epigastrium with distention and fullness in the chest and costal regions and vertigo can be treated with Decoction of Poria, Ramulus Cinnamomi, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Radix Glycyrrhizae. For phlegm-rheum below the heart manifesting with propping fullness in the chest and rib-sides and dizzy vision, Líng Guì Zhú Gān Tāng (Poria, Cinnamon, Twig, Atractylodes Macrocephala and Licorice Decoction) is indicated.////Formula Líng Guì Zhú Gān Tāng (Poria, Cinnamon, Twig, Atractylodes Macrocephala and Licorice Decoction) 茯苓 fú líng 4 liang Poria 桂枝 guì zhī 3 liang Ramilus Cinnamomi 白术 bái zhú 3 liang Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 甘草 gān cāo 2 liang Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae Decoct the above four ingredients in 6 sheng water until 3 sheng remains. Take warm, in three portions. Urination is to be expected. Ling-gui-shu-gan-tang (Atractylodes and Hoelen Combination) relieves water stagnancy beneath the heart which manifests thoracocostal distention and dizziness. For phlegm-rheum below the heart [manifesting in] propping fullness in the chest and rib-side, and dizzy vision, Poria, Cinnamon Twig, White Atractylodes, and Licorice Decoction (苓桂术甘汤 líng guì zhú gān tāng) governs.
41512.17 12.17 12.17 12.17 12.17 12.17
416夫短气有微饮,当从小便去之,苓桂朮甘汤主之,肾气丸亦主之。 Shortness of breath with mild retention of fluid should be eliminated by [promoting] urination. Linggui Zhugan Decoction (苓桂朮甘汤, poria, cinnamon twig, largehead atractyloes rhizome and licorice decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Shenqi Pill (肾气丸, kidney qi pill) also [can be used] to treat it. Treatment of shortness of breath caused by minor case of Fluid-retention syndrome should follow the principle of removing pathogenetic factors from urine. Decoction of Poria, Ramulus cinnsmomi, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae and Radix Glycyrrhizae can be adopted. Pills of Eight-Ingredients of the Kidney Vital Energy can also be adopted. With shortness of breath and mild rheum, rheum should be eliminated by urination. Líng Guì Zhú Gān Tāng (Poria, Cinnamon, Twig, Atractylodes Macrocephala and Licorice Decoction) is indicated. Shèn Qì Wán (Kidney Qi Pill) is also indicated. See this formula in the section¬¬-Leg qi. Shortness of breath with mild water stagnancy has to be eliminated through urination. It requires Ling-gui-zhu-gan-tang (Atractylodes and Hoelen Combination) or Ba-wei-di-huang-wan Rehmannia Eight Formula). In shortness of breath with mild rheum, eliminate [the rheum] through the urine. Poria, Cinnamon Twig, White Atractylodes, and Licorice Decoction (líng guì zhú gān tāng) governs. Kidney Qì Pill (shèn qì wán) also governs.
41712.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18 12.18
418病者脉伏,其人欲自利,利反快,虽利,心下续坚满,此为留饮欲去故也,甘遂半夏汤主之。 [If] the patient’s pulse is hidden, there will be diarrhea. [After] diarrhea, [the patient will feel] comfortable. Although [there is] diarrhea, [there is] still hardness and fullness below the heart. This is due to fluid retention that should be eliminated [but is still not eliminated]. Gansui Banxia Decoction (甘遂半夏汤, kansui and pinellia decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Pulse is hidden. The patient feels the urge to defecate. After the stool, he gains some relief. This indicates the dispersion of Fluid-retention. If after the stool, the patient still feels a sense of fullness and distention in the epigastrium, Decoction of Radix Euphorbiae Kansui and Rhizoma Pinelliae can be adopted. When a patient presents with a hidden pulse, spontaneous diarrhea, an atypical sense of relief after diarrhea yet with continual hardening and fullness below the heart, this is attributed to lodged rheum verging on resolution. Gān Suí Bàn Xià Tāng (Kansui and Pinellia Decoction) is indicated. Formula Gān Suí Bàn Xià Tāng (Kansui and Pinellia Decoction) 甘遂 gān suì 3 pcs (large) Radix Kansui 半夏 bàn xià 12 pcs Rhizoma Pinelliae 白芍 bái sháo 5 pcs Radix Paeoniae Alba 甘草 gān cǎo 1 pc (finger-sized) Radix et Rhizoma Another source Glycyrrhizae omits this. Decoct the bàn xià (Rhizoma Pinelliae) and gān suì (Radix Kansui) together in 1 sheng water until 1/2 sheng remains, discard the dregs. Decoct all four ingredients in 2 sheng of water until 1/2 sheng remains. Discard the dregs, decoct again with 1/2 sheng honey until 8 ge remains. Take as one single dose. A patient with hidden pulse and a tendency to defecate who feels relieved after defecation but continues to have firm distention beneath the heart has stagnant water that is in the process of leaving. The primary treatment for this condition is Gan-sui-ban-xia-tang (Gan-sui and Pinellia Combination). When a patient has a hidden pulse, is on the verge of spontaneous diarrhea, and experiences gratification after diarrhea, but despite the diarrhea continues [to suffer from] hardness and fullness below the heart, this is caused by lodged rheum that is about to disappear. Kansui and Pinellia Decoction (甘遂半夏汤 gān suí bàn xià tāng) governs.
41912.19 12.19 12.19 12.19 12.19 12.19
420脉浮而细滑,伤饮。 Floating, thin and slippery pulse is caused by [damage of] fluid retention. Floating and slender-slippery indicates the onset of a Fluid-retention syndrome. Floating, fine and slippery pulses indicates damage caused by rheum. A floating, thin, and slippery pulse portends injury from water stagnancy. A floating, fine, and slippery pulse [means] damage by rheum.
42112.20 12.20 12.20 12.20 12.20 12.20
422脉弦数,有寒饮,冬夏难治。 Taut and rapid pulse with [retention of] cold fluid is difficult to treat in winter and summer. The pulse corresponding to Fluid-retention of a Cold nature is tight-speedy. Such a case will be difficult to treat in summer or winter. Wiry and rapid pulses indicate cold rheum; this is most difficult to treat in the winter and summer. A chordal and quick pulse indicates chill water stagnancy, a condition difficult to treat. A stringlike and rapid pulse [in a patient] with cold rheum is hard to treat, whether in winter or summer.
42312.21 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.21 12.21
424脉沉而弦者,悬饮内痛。 Sunken and taut pulse [indicates] internal pain [caused by] propped fluid retention. Deep-tight pulse indicates a case of Xuanyin Fluid-retention with paints( in the chest and costal regions). Decoction of Ten Pieces of Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae will provide a cure. Sunken and wiry pulses indicate suspended rheum with internal pain. A submerged and chordal pulse evidences dangling stagnancy with internal aching. When the pulse is sunken and stringlike, suspended rheum [is causing] pain in the inner body.
42512.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 12.22 12.22
426病悬饮者,十枣汤主之。 Disease [caused by] propped fluid retention [can be] treated by Shizao Decoction (十枣汤, ten jujubes decoction). Diaphoresis should be practiced for Yiyin Fluid-retention syndromes. Decoction of Greater Qinglong will provide a cure. Decoction of Lesser Qinglong can also be adopted. For suspended rheum, Shí Zǎo Tāng (Ten Jujube Decoction) is indicated. Formula Shí Zǎo Tāng (Ten Jujube Decoction) 芫花 yuán huā Flos Genkwa (boiled) 甘遂 gān suì Radix Kansui 大戟 dà jǐ Radix Euphorbiae Pekinensis Pound and sift equal portions of the three ingredients.Doctect 10 large of dà zǎo (Fructus Jujubae) in 1 sheng 5 ge water until 9 ge remains, discard the dregs. Add one square inch-spoonful if the patient is strong, or half spoonful if weak. Take it warm in the morning. If no bowel movement occurs, add a half spoonful the next day. After uninhibited defecation, the patient should take some congee as aftercare. A patient with dangling stagnancy should take primarily Shi-zao-tang (Jujube Combination). For the disease of suspended rheum, Ten Jujubes Decoction (十枣汤 shí zǎo tāng) governs.
42712.23 12.23 12.23 12.23 12.23 12.23
428病溢饮者,当发其汗,大青龙汤主之,小青龙汤亦主之。 Spilling fluid retention disease with sweating [after occurrence] can be treated by Da Qinglong Decoction (大青龙汤, major blue loong decoction). Xiao Qinglong Decoction (小青龙汤, minor blue loong decoction) also [can be used] to treat it. Zhiyin Fluid-retention in the diaphragm region is accompanied by the following symptoms and signs: Wheezing, sensation of fullness, Vital-energy Stagnation and formation of a hard mass in the epigastrium, dark complexion, and deep-tense pulse. The syndrome lasts marry weeks. Emetics and purgative have been prescribed, but there is no improvement. Decoction of Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae can then be adopted. If the syndrome is of a deficient nature, the decoction will bring a recovery. If it is a case of an excessive nature, a recurrence will occur within three days. If further doses of Decoction of Radix Stephaniae Tetrantrae are ineffective, Decoction of Radix StephaniaeTetrandrae subtracting Gypsum Fibrosum adding Poria and Natrii Sulfas can be prescribed. For spillage rheum, sweating should be promoted. Da Qing Long Tang (Major Blue-Green Dragon Decoction) is indicated; Xiao Qing long Tang (Minor Blue- Green Dragon Decoction) is also indicated. Da-qing-long-tang (Major Blue Dragon Combination) or Xiao-qing-long-tang (Minor Blue Dragon Combination) treats a patient with overflowing stagnancy by inducing sweating. In a patient with spillage rheum, effuse sweat. Major Black Dragon Decoction (大青龙汤 dà qīng lóng tāng) governs. Minor Black Dragon Decoction (小青龙汤 xiǎo qīng lóng tāng) also governs.
42912.24 12.24 12.24 12.24 12.24 12.24
430膈间支饮,其人喘满,心下痞坚,面色黧黑,其脉沉紧,得之数十日,医吐下之不愈,木防己汤主之。虚者即愈,实者三日复发。复与不愈者,宜木防己汤去石膏加茯苓芒硝汤主之。 Propped fluid retention in the diaphgram [results in] panting, [chest] fullness, lump and hardness below the heart, black facial expression, sunken and tight pulse. Tens of days [after] occurrence, the doctor has failed to cure it [by using] vomiting and purging [therapies]. Mufangji Decoction (木防己汤, the root of stephania tetrandra decoction ) [can be used] to treat it. [If it is] deficiency [below the heart], [it will be] easy to cure. [If it is] excess [below the heart], [it will] recur three days later. If Mufangji Decoction (木防己汤, the root of stephania tetrandra decoction ) is already used, [but this disease is still] difficulty to cure, Mufangji Decoction (木防己汤, the root of stephania tetrandra decoction) with removal of Shigao (石膏, gypsum, Gypsum Fibrosum) and addition of Fuling (茯苓, poria, Poria)and Mangxiao (芒硝, mirabilite, Mirabilitum) [can be used] to treat it. Zhiyin Fluid-retention in the epigastrium will cause vertigo. Decoction of Rhizoma Alismatis can be prescribed. Propping rheum in the diaphragm can manifest with panting, fullness, glomus and hardening below the heart, a soot-black facial complexion, and sunken tight pulses. This can last for dozens of days if cannot be resolved by ejection or purgation. Mu Fang Ji Tang (Cocculi Decoction) is indicated. The deficiency pattern will resolve immediately, and the excess pattern will resume in three days; however, application of the same prescription will not be effective. Mu Fang Ji Tang Qu Shi Gao Jia Fu Ling Mang Xiao Tang (Cocculi Decoction minus Gypsum plus Poria and Mirabilite Decoction) is then recommended. Branch stagnancy located at the diaphragm (with symptoms of panting, distention, hypocardiac obstruction and hardening, a dark facial complexion, and a submerged and tense pulse) in a patient who has been suffering for several weeks and has not been cured by the vomiting or purging methods should be treated primarily with Mu-fang-ji-tang (Stephania and Ginseng Combination). A weak type of the condition may heal, but a firm type may recur three days later. The latter should then be treated with Mu-fang-ji-qu-shi-gao-jia-fu-ling-mang-xiao-tang (Stephania, Hoelen, and Mirabilitum Combination). Propping rheum in the region of the diaphragm [manifests in] panting and fullness, hard glomus below the heart, a soot-black facial complexion, and a sunken and tight pulse. When [the condition] has persisted for several tens of days, and the physician has treated it with ejection and precipitation without bringing about recovery, Woody Fangji Decoction (木防己汤mù fáng jǐ tāng) governs. [Patients with] vacuity [in the region below the heart] will recover immediately; [those with] repletion [in the region below the heart] will relapse in three days. If you give another preparation and they still fail to recover, Woody Fangji Decoction Minus Gypsum Plus Poria and Mirabilite (防己去石膏加茯苓芒硝汤fáng jǐ qù shí gāo jiā fú líng mánɡ xiāo tāng) governs.
43112.25 12.25 12.25 12.25 12.25 12.25
432心下有支饮,其人苦冒眩,泽泻汤主之。 [When] there is propped fluid retention below the heart, the patient will suffer from dizziness and blurred vision. Zexie Decoction (泽泻汤, alsma decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Zhiyin Fluid-retention with fullness in the chest can be treated with Decoction of Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis and Radix et Rhizoma Rhei. If there is propping rheum below the heart and the person also suffers frm weiling dizziness, Ze Xie Tang (Alisma Decoction) is indicated. Branch stagnation causing dizziness requires primarily Ze-xie-tang (Alisma Combination). Propping rheum below the heart [manifests in] veiling dizziness. Alisma Decoction (zé xiè tāng) governs.
43312.26 12.26 12.26 12.26 12.26 12.26
434支饮胸满者,厚朴大黄汤主之。 Propped fluid retention with chest fullness [can be] treated by Houpu Dahuang Decoction (厚朴大黄汤, magnolia bark and rhubarb decoction). Difficulty in respiration caused by Zhiyin Fluid-retention can be relieved by Decoction of lung-purgation with Semen Lepidii seu Descurainiae and Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae(Tingli Dazao Xie Fei Tang). For propping rheum with chest fullness, Hou Po Da Huang Tang (Magnolia Bark and Rhubarb Decoction) is indicated. Branch stagnation with thoacic distention should be treated primarily with Hou-pu-da-huang-tang (Magnolia, Rhubarb, and Chih-shih Combination). For propping rheum with fullness in the chest, Officinal Magnolia Bark and Rhubarb Decoction (厚朴大黄汤 hòu pò dà huáng tāng) governs.
43512.27 12.27 12.27 12.27 12.27 12.27
436支饮不得息,葶苈大枣泻肺汤主之。 Propped fluid retention with difficulty to breathe [can be] treated by Tingli Dazao Xiefei Decoction (葶苈大枣泻肺汤, tingli and jujube decoction for draining the lung). The patient who vomits frequently is likely to feel thirsty during recovery. But if he is not thirsty, this is due to Zhiyin Fluid-retention in the epigastrium. In such cases, Decoction of Lesser Rhizoma Pinelliae can be adopted. For propping rheum with an inability to rest, Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang (Lepidium and Jujube Lung-Draining Decoction) is indicated. See the formula for lung welling-abscess. Branch stagnation with gasping allowing no rest should be treated primarily with Ting-li-da-zao-xie-fei-tang (Lepidium and Jujube Combination). For propping rheum with inability to breathe, Lepidium/Descurainiae and Jujube Lung-Draining Decoction (tínɡ lì dà zǎo xiè fèi tāng) governs.
43712.28 12.28 12.28 12.28 12.28 12.28
438呕家本渴,渴者为欲解,今反不渴,心下有支饮故也,小半夏汤主之。 Patients with panting are usually thirsty and thirst indicates resolution of [panting]. [But] now [the patient is] not thirsty because there is propped fluid retention below the heart. Xiao Banxia (小半夏汤, minor pinellia decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Symptoms and signs of abdominal fullnesss and distention with a parched feeling in the mouth and on the tounge indicate existence of Fluid-retention in the intestines. Pills of Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae, Semen Zanthoxyli, Semen Lepidii seu Descurainiae and Radix et Rhizoma Rhei can be adopted. Persons who suffer with vomiting are supposed to be thirsty; such thirst indicates that the condition is on the verge of resolution. An absence of thirst is caused by propping rheum below the heart. Xiao Ban Xia Tang (Minor Pinellia Decoction) is indicated. The Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (IGold Pieces for Emergency) suggest Xiao Ban Xia Jia Fu Ling Tang (Minor Pinellia Decoction plus Poria). Vomiting normally causes thirst; such thirst signifies that the condition is going to be relieved. If the patient is not thirsty, there is branch stagnation beneath the heart and Xiao-ban-xia-tang (Minor Pinellia Combination) should be prescribed. Patients with habitual vomiting are generally thirsty. Thirst means that [the condition] is about to resolve. However, if the patient presently has no thirst, this is because there is propping rheum below the heart. Minor Pinellia Decoction (小半夏汤xiǎo bàn xià tāng) governs.
43912.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29
440腹满,口舌干燥,此肠间有水气,己椒苈黄丸主之。 Abdominal fullness with dry tongue and mouth [is caused by] water qi (edema) in the intestines. Fangji Jiaomu Tingli Dahuang Pill (防己椒目葶苈大黄丸, the root of stephania tetrandra, lepidium/descurainiae and rhubarb pill) [can be used] to treat it. Decoction of Lessser Rhizoma Pinelliae adding Poria can be adopted for syndromes with the following symptoms and signs: Abdominal fullness with a dry mouth and tongue indicate water qi in the intestines. Ji Jiao Li Huang Wan (Fangji, Zanthoxylum Seed, Tingli,and Rhubarb Pill) is indicated. The symptoms of abdominal distention and dry mouth and tongue are evidence of water vapor within the intestines for which Ji-jiao-li-huang-wan (Stephania and Lepidium Formula) is indicated. Abdominal fullness and dry throat and mouth [indicates that] there is water qì in the intestines. Fangji, Zanthoxylum, Lepidium/Descurainiae, and Rhubarb Pill (己椒苈黄丸 jǐ jiāo lì huáng wán) governs.
44112.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.30
442卒呕吐,心下痞,膈间有水,眩悸者,小半夏加茯苓汤主之。 [The disease characterized by] fulminant panting and vomiting, lump below the heart, [retention of] water in the diaphragm, dizziness and palpitation can be treated by Xiao Banxia Decoction added with Fuling (茯苓, poria, Poria) (小半夏加茯苓汤, minor pinellia decoction added with poria). Sudden onset of nausea and vomiting, Vital-energy Stagnation in the epigastrium, and Fluid-retention in the diaphragm with vertigo and palpitations. Sudden retching and vomiting with glomus below the heart indicated water in the diaphragm; with dizziness and palpitation, Xiao Ban Xia Jia Fu Ling Tang (Minor Pinellia Decoction plus Poria) is indicated. The conformation of sudden vomiting, distention beneath the heart, water at the diaphragm, dizziness, and palpitation should be treated essentially with Xiao-ban-xia-jia-fu-ling-tang (Minor Pinellia and Hoelen Combination). For sudden retching and vomiting accompanied by glomus below the heart, water in the diaphragm, dizziness, and palpitation, Minor Pinellia Decoction Plus Poria (小半夏加茯苓汤 xiǎo bàn xià jiā fú líng tāng) governs.
44312.31 12.31 12.31 12.31 12.31 12.31
444假令瘦人脐下有悸,吐涎沫而癫眩,此水也,五苓散主之。 If there is palpitation below the umbilicus in an emaciated patient, [there will be] vomiting of drool and foam, and dizziness due to [retention of] water. It can be treated by Wuling Powder (五苓散, powder made of five medicinal herbs). A thin person with symptoms and signs of jumpiness in the region below the navel, copious salivation, and vertigo is suffering a Fluid-retention syndrome. Wuling powder will provide a cure. When a thin person presents with palpitation below the umbilicus, drooling and foaming at the mouth, withdrawal, and dizziness, this indicates water. Wu Ling San (Five Substances Power with Poria) is indicated. A thin individual who has palpitation beneath the navel, slobbering, and dizziness has a water problem and needs Wu-ling-san (Hoelen Five Herb Formula). If an emaciated person suffers from palpitation below the umbilicus, foaming drool at the mouth, and dizziness, this [indicates] water. Poria Five Powder (五苓散 wǔ líng sàn) governs.
44512.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32
446咳家其脉弦,为有水,十枣汤主之。 Taut pulse in the patient with frequent cough [indicates that] there is water [retention]. [It can be] treated by Shizao Decoction (十枣汤, ten jujubes decoction). A patient who coughs frequently must be affected by Fluid-retention syndrome if pulse is tight. Decoction of Ten Piece of Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae can be adopted. If a person who suffers from coughing presents with wiry pulses, this indicates water; Shi Zao Tang (Ten Jujube Decoction) is indicated. See the formula above. A coughing individual with a chordal pulse due to a water problem requires shi-zao-tang (Jujube Combination). If a patient with cough has a stringlike pulse, [this] indicates the presence of water. Ten Jujubes Decoction (shí zǎo tāng) governs.
44712.33 12.33 12.33 12.33 12.33 12.33
448夫有支饮家,咳烦,胸中痛者,不卒死,至一百日、一岁,宜十枣汤。 Patients with propped fluid retention [suffer from] panting, vexation and pain in the chest. [The patients will] not immediately die, but in one hundred days or a year. The appropriate [formula used to treat it is] Shizao Decoction (十枣汤, ten jujubes decoction). A patient suffers from Zhiyin Fluid-retention with coughing, restlessness and chest pains. If he does not die from the disease, the syndrome will last as much as one hundred days or even one year. Decoction of Ten Pieces of Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae is the cure. For people suffering from propping rheum with coughing, vexation, and pain in the chest, of they do not die suddenly but instead survive for a hundred days or up to a year, Shi Zao Tang (Ten Jujube Decoction) is recommended. A patient with branch stagnancy who has a cough, vexation, and intrathoracic aching which has not caused sudden death and who has suffered thus for a hundred days or even a year should preferably take Shi-zao-tang (Jujube Combination). If a patient suffering from propping rheum with cough, vexation, and pain in the chest does not die suddenly [but the condition continues] for a hundred days or a year. Ten Jujubes Decoction (shí zǎo tāng) is appropriate.
44912.34 12.34 12.34 12.34 12.34 12.34
450久咳数岁,其脉弱者可治,实大数者死;其脉虚者必苦冒,其人本有支饮在胸中故也,治属饮家。 [In a patient, there is] incessant cough for years. [If] the pulse is weak, [it is] curable. [If] the pulse is strong, large and rapid, [it is] fatal. [If] the pulse is weak, [the patient] must suffer from dizziness [because] originally there is propped fluid retention in the chest. The treatment is the same as that for fluid retention. The patient coughs over a period of several years, if his pulse is weak, he can still be cured. If the pulse becomes excessive, huge and speedy, case will be fatal. when the pulse is deficient (weak), the patient will suffer from vertigo due to prevalence of Zhiyin Fluid-retention in the chest. Treatment should be the same as that for Fluid-retention syndrome. Chronic coughing that last for years with weak pulses can be treated; with excess, large and rapid pulses, the condition is terminal. With deficient pulses, the person will suffer from veiling; this is the result of pre-existing propping rheum that remains in the chest. Treatment should correspond to that of rheum patterns. A patient with a weak pulse who has coughed for years is curable, but a patient with a forceful, big, and quick pulse is incurable. In the presence of an empty pulse, the patient will experience giddiness because he has branch stagnancy in the chest. The treatment is the same as for water stagnancy. If a patient with cough that has endured for several years has a weak pulse, [the condition] can be treated; if [the pulse] is replete, large, and rapid, [the patient] will die. If the pulse is vacuous, [the patient] invariably also suffers from veiling. This is because such patients originally have propping rheum in the chest. Treat them like rheum patients.
45112.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35
452咳逆,倚息不得卧,小青龙汤主之。 [The disease, marked by] cough, counterflow [of qi], propped breathing and inability to lie down, [can be treated by] Xiao Qinglong Decoction (小青龙汤, minor blue loong decoction). Coughing and labored respiration make it difficult for the patient to lie in bed. Decoction of Lesser Qinglong can be prescribed. For coughing with counterflow and propped breathing with an inability to lie flat, Xiao Qing Long Tang (Minor Blue-Green Dragon Decoction) is indicated. See the formula above. Cough and gasping that prevent one from lying down should be treated with Xiao-qing-long-tang (Minor Blue Dragon Combination). For cough and counterflow with propped breathing and inability to lie down, Minor Black Dragon Decoction (xiǎo qīng lóng tāng) governs.
45312.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36
454青龙汤下已,多唾口燥,寸脉沉,尺脉微,手足厥逆,气从小腹上冲胸咽,手足痹,其面翕热如醉状,因复下流阴股,小便难,时复冒者,与茯苓桂枝五味子甘草汤,治其气冲。 [When] Qinglong Decoction (青龙汤, blue loong decoction) [has already been used to promote] purgation, [there are still symptoms and signs of] frequent spitting, dry mouth, sunken cun pulse, faint chi pulse, reversal cold of hands and feet, qi surging up to the chest and throat from the lower abdomen, impediment of hands and feet, feverish facial expression like being drunken. [In addition, qi] flows downward to the inner sides [of legs], [ resulting in] difficulty in defecation and repeated dizziness occasionally. Fuling Guizhi Wuweizi Gancao Decoction (茯苓桂枝五味子甘草汤, poria, cinnamon twig, schisandra and licorice decoction) [can be used] to treat qi surging. After taking Decoction of Lesser Qinglong, the patient repeatedly spits sputum and saliva and feels parched in his mouth. Pulse in the Inch is deep and pulse in the Cubit is feeble. Other symptoms and signs include coldness in the extremities, an adverse ascending gas rushing from the abdomen to the chest and throat, numbness in the extremities, with flushed and hot face as if he were drunk. When the patient feels gas flowing down to the genitals, dysuria Cinnamomi, Fructus Schisandrae and Radix Glycyrrhizae can be adopted to stop the adverse ascending. After taking Xiao Qing Long Tang (Minor Blue-Green Dragon Decoction), there is copious spittle, dry mouth, sunken pulses at the inch opening and faint at the cubit positions, reverse-flow of the extremities, qi surging up from the lower abdomen to the chest and pharynx, impediment in the extremities, slight heat effusion on the face that makes one appear drunken with qi then flowing down to the groin, difficult urination, and frequent veiling. Treat qi surging with Gui Ling Wu Wei Gan Cao Tang (Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Schisandra, and Licorice Decoction). If after purgation with Xiao-qing-long-tang (Minor Blue Dragon Combination) the patient hypersalivates and has a dry mouth, a pulse that is submerged on the cun site and minute on the chi site, cold extremities, Qi flushing upward from the lower abdomen to the chest and throat, paralysis of the extremities, an intensely feverish face like a drunkard's, and dysuria with frequent dizziness (when the Qi retreats to the pudendum and thighs), he must be given Ling-gui-wei-gan-tang (Hoe-len, Licorice, and Schizandra Combination) to treat the upflushing Qi. If after taking Black Dragon Decoction (qīng lóng tāng) the patient presents with profuse spittle, dry mouth, a sunken inch pulse and a faint cubit pulse, reverse flow of the extremities, qì surging up from the smaller abdomen to the chest and pharynx, impediment of the extremities, feather-warm heat in the face as if inebriated, difficult urination due to [qì] returning to flow into the inguinal region, and periodically recurring veiling, give Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Schisandra, and Licorice Decoction (桂苓五味甘草汤 guì líng wǔ wèi gān cǎo tāng) to treat the surging of qì.
45512.37 12.37 12.37 12.37 12.37 12.37
456冲气即低,而反更咳,胸满者,用桂苓五味甘草汤去桂加干姜、细辛,以治其咳满。 Qi surging is already finished, but [there is] severe cough and chest fullness. Guiling Wuwei Gancao Decoction (桂苓五味甘草汤, cinnamon twig, poria, schisandar and licorice decoction) [can be used] to treat cough and fullness. After taking Decoction of Poria,Ramulus Cinnamomi, Fructus Schisandrae and Radix Glycyrrhizae, coughing becomes more acute with a sensation of fullness in the chest. Subtract Ramulus Cinnamomi, add Rhizoma Zingziberis and Herba Asari to the prescription in order to treat syndrome of coughing and fullness. Surging qi has been calmed, but coughing and fullness in the chest are aggravated. Select Gui Ling Wu Wei Gan Cao Tang (Ramulus Cinnamomi) removed and with gan jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis) and xi xin (Radix et Rhizoma Asari) added to treat coughing and fullness. If upflushing Qi has been lowered, yet the patient coughs more severely and has thoracic distention, the condition should be treated essentially with Ling-gan-wu-wei-jiang-xin-tang (Hoelen and Asarum Combination). When you have lowered the surging qì, but [the patient] again suffers from cough and fullness in the chest, use Cinnamon, Poria, Schisandra, and Licorice Decoction (guì líng wǔ wèi gān cǎo tāng), but leave out the cinnamon twig (guì zhī) and add dried ginger (gān jiāng) and asarum (xì xīn) [to the formula] to treat the cough and fullness.
45712.38 12.38 12.38 12.38 12.38 12.38
458咳满即止,而更复渴,冲气复发者,以细辛、干姜为热药也。服之当遂渴,而渴反止者,为支饮也。支饮者,法当冒,冒者必呕,呕者复内半夏,以去其水。 Qi surging is already finished, but [there is] severe cough and chest fullness. Guiling Wuwei Gancao Decoction (桂苓五味甘草汤, cinnamon twig, poria, schisandar and licorice decoction) [can be used] to treat cough and fullness. When coughing and fullness are eliminated, the patient has a great thirst and adverse ascending recurs. This is due to the hot quality of Herba Asari and Rhizoma Zingiberis, which causes thirst. If the patient is not thirsty, it is a case of Zhiyin Fluid-retentiion. Zhiyin Fluid-retention usually has vertigo as a symptom accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which can be eliminated by Rhizoma Pinelliae. Add Rhizoma Pinelliae to disperse the Water. If coughing and fullness have been checked, but thirst and surging qi returns, this is because xi xin (Radix et Rhizoma Asari) and gan jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis) are hot-natured medicinals. One should feel thisty after taking those medicinals, but if the thirst allays, this indicates propping rheum. Propping rheum typically causes veiling, and this veiling should cause vomiting. For vomiting, add ban xia (Rhizoma Pinelliae) to eliminate water. If now the cough and distention have ceased, but the patient is very thirsty and the flushing Qi recurs, it is because of the hot herbs Xixin (asarum) and Ganjiang (dried ginger). They cause thirst. If the thirst stops, it is due to the presence of branch stagnancy which as a rule induces dizziness. Vertigo so induced causes vomiting. To treat the vomiting, Banxia (pinellia) incorporated into Ling-gan-wu-wei-jiang-xin-tang (Hoelen and Asarum Combination) will eliminate the stagnant water. After you have stopped the cough and fullness, if thirst and surging qì arise again, this is because asarum (xì xīn) and dried ginger (gān jiāng) are hot medicinals, and thirst is likely to ensue after taking them. However, f the thirst stops, this means propping rheum. Propping rheum patients should experience veiling, and veiling is invariably accompanied by retching. When there is retching, add pinellia (bàn xià) to eliminate the water.
45912.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39 12.39
460水去呕止,其人形肿者,加杏仁主之。其证应内麻黄,以其人遂痹,故不内之;若逆而内之者,必厥。所以然者,以其人血虚,麻黄发其阳故也。 [After taking Linggan Wuwei Gancao Decoction (苓甘五味甘草汤, poria, schisandra and licorice decoction) added with Ganjiang (干姜, dry ginger, Rhizoma Zingiberis), Xixin (细辛, as arum, Herba Asari) and Banxia (半夏, pinellia, Rhizoma Pinelliae), ] water is eliminated and panting is ceased. [If] the body is swollen, Xingren (杏仁, apricot kernel, Semen Armeniacae Amarum) should be added to treat it. Originally Mahuang (麻黄, ephedra, Herba Ephedrae) should be added [to treat such a disease]. Because the patient feels numb, [Mahuang (麻黄, ephedra, Herba Ephedrae)] should not be added. If [it is] added, reversal cold will be inevitable because [there is] blood deficiency in the patient. [Thus when] Mahuang (麻黄, ephedra, Herba Ephedrae) [is added], [collapse of] yang will be caused. After taking the decoction, Fluid-retention is eliminated and nausea ceases. But edema occurs throughout the body. Semen Armeniacae Amarum is added to the prescription. According to the symptoms, Herba Ephedrae should also be added, but as the patient has been suffering numbness in the extremities, Herba Ephedrae should not be added. If Herba Ephedrae is added to the prescription, coldness in the extremities will result. When the patient's Blood is deficient, adoption of Herba Ephedrae will further exhausted the Yang Vital Energy. After water is eliminated and vomiting is checked, if the person displays generalized welling, add xing ren (Semen Armeniacae Amarum). For this pattern, ma huang (Herba Ephedrae) would normally be added, but since the patient presents with impediment, it is not included. If one acts against the condition and adds this, it will cause reversal. The reasoning is that the person is blood deficient, and ma huang (Herba Ephedrae) will act to diffuse yang. If by now the water has been eliminated and the vomiting has ceased, but the patient still looks edematous, then add Xingren (apricot seed) to the preceding formula to serve as the primary remedy. As a rule of thumb, Mahuang should be incorporated in a formula to treat an edematous condition;however, if the patient has suffered limb paralysis, that herb is not appropriate. The incorporation of mahuang would definitely result in cold extremities because the person's blood is already depleted, and mahuang further dispels yang, leading to a loss of warm Qi and hence cold limbs. Ling-gaun-jiang-wei-xin-xia-ren-tang (Hoelen and Schizandra Combination) is needed instead. When the water has gone and the retching has stopped, if the patient has the appearance of swelling, add apricot kernel (xìng rén) to govern it. For this pattern, you would [normally] include ephedra (má huáng) [in the formula], [but] because the patient suffers from impediment of the extremities, you cannot include it. If you include it contrary to this [rule], it will invariably result in reversal. The reason for this is that the patient's blood is vacuous, and ephedra (má huáng) will effuse the yáng.
46112.40 12.40 12.40 12.40 12.40 12.40
462若面热如醉,此为胃热上冲,熏其面,加大黄以利之。 If [the patient’s] face is as feverish as being drunken, [it] indicates heat surging up from the stomach to fumigate the face. [It can be treated by] adding Dahuang (大黄, rhubarb, Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) to resolve it. When the patient's face is hot as if he were drunk, this indicates that the Stomach heat has ascended upward into the face. Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, a purgative, should be added to eliminate the Heat. If there is heat effusion on the face that makes one appear drunk, this is caused by stomach heat surging upward and fuming the face. Da huang (Radix et Rhizoma Rhei) is added to free this condition. A feverish face as though intoxicated results from gastric fever flushing up;rhubarb added to the above formula purges the fever. Ling-gan-jiang -wei-xin-xia-ren-huang-tang (Hoelen, Schizandra, and Rhubarb Combination). If the face is hot as if [the person were] drunk, this is stomach heat surging upward to smoke the face. [In such cases], add rhubarb (dà huáng) to disinhibit it.
46312.41 12.41 12.41 12.41 12.41 12.41
464先渴后呕,为水停心下,此属饮家,小半夏加茯苓汤主之。 [There is] thirst first and then panting, indicating retention of water below the heart and pertaining to fluid retention disease. Xiao Banxia Decoction added with Fuling (茯苓, poria, Poria) (小半夏加茯苓汤, minor pinellia decoction added with poria) [can be used] to treat it. The patient first feels thirsty and then experiences nausea. This indicates presences of Fluid-retention in the epigastrium. Decoction of Lesser Rhizoma Pinelliae adding Poria can be adopted. Thirst followed by vomiting indicates water collected below the heart; this is ascribed to rheum. Xiao Ban Xia Fu Ling Tang (Minor Pinellia Decoction plus Poria) is indicated. A patient who initially manifests thirst followed by vomiting has stagnant water beneath the heart and should be treated primarily with Xiao-ban-xia-jia-fu-ling-tang (Minor Pinellia and Hoelen Combination). Thirst first and retching afterwards [indicates] water collecting below the heart. This [symptom] is associated with rheum patients. Minor Pinellia Poria Decoction (xiǎo bàn xià fú líng tāng) governs.
466消渴小便不利淋病脉证并治第十三 Chapter 13 Wasting-Thirst, Inhibited Urination and Strangury Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 13 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Xiaoke (Diabetes), Dysuria and Urinary Disturbance Chapter 13 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Dispersion-Thirst, Inhibited urination, and Strangury Chapter 13 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Polydipsia, Polyuria, and Urinary Stuttering Chapter 13 Dispersion-Thirst, Inhibited Urination, and Strangury
46713.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1
468厥阴之为病,消渴,气上冲心,心中疼热,饥而不欲食,食即吐,下之不肯止。 Jueyin disease [is characterized by] wasting-thirst, qi surging up to the heart, pain and heat in the heart, hunger without desire to eat and vomiting right after eating. [Application of] purgation [causes] incessant diarrhea. Greater Yin syndrome has the following symptoms and signs: Great thirst with frequent urination, uncomfortable feeling of ascending air rushing up from beneath the epigastrium, heat and pain in the Stomach, hunger with inability to eat. When food is eaten, ascarides will be vomited out. If purgative is given, there will be continuous diarrhea. Jueyin manifest with dispersion-thirst, qi upsurging to the heart, pain and heat in the heart, hunger with no desire to eat, vomiting immediately after eating, and incessant diarrhea following purgation. Absolute yin disease manifests polydipsia, Qi flushing up toward the heart, aching and fever in the heart, hunger but no appetite, vomiting of parasitic worms immediately following eating, and incessant diarrhea after purgation. Disease of reverting yīn [manifests in] dispersion-thirst, qì surging upward into the heart, pain and heat in the heart, hunger but no desire to eat, and vomiting of roundworm upon eating. If you precipitate, [the resulting diarrhea] will not stop.
46913.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2
470寸口脉浮而迟,浮即为虚,迟即为劳,虚则卫气不足,劳则荣气竭。趺阳脉浮而数,浮即为气,数即为消谷而大坚,气盛则溲数,溲数即坚,坚数相搏,即为消渴。 The pulse in cunkou [region] is floating and slow. Floating [pulse] indicates deficiency while slow [pulse] indicates overstrain. Deficiency indicates insufficiency of defense qi while overstrain indicates exhaustion of nutrient qi. Fuyang pulse is floating and rapid. Floating [pulse] indicates [exuberant stomach] qi while rapid [pulse] indicates rapid digestion and hard stool. Exuberant [stomach] qi causes frequent urination and frequent urination causes hard stool. [Mutual] influence of hard [stool] and rapid [pulse] indicates wasting-thirst. Pulse in the wrist is floating and slow. Floating pulse indicates a deficient case; slow pulse signifies a consumptive disease. Deficiency causes the Vital Resistance to become insufficient. Consumptive disease exhausts the Nutrient Essence. Fuyang pulse is floating and speedy. Floating pulse indicates Excess of the Vital Energy. Speedy pulse indicates good digestion accompanied by constipation. Excessive Vital Energy causes frequent urination, which leads to constipation. The conflicting frequency of urination and constipation bring about a case of Xiaoke (diabetes). When the pulses at the inch opening are floating and slow, the floating quality reflects deficiency, and slowness reflects taxation. Deficiency refers to wei qi insufficiency, and taxation refers to yang qi exhaustion. When fuyang pulses are floating and rapid, floating indicates qi disease, and rapid reflects swift digestion and hard stools. Exuberant qi causes frequent urination, and frequent urination causes hard stools. Hardness contending with frequency; this is dispersion-thirst. A floating and slow pulse on the cunkou site is significant in that the floating indicates weakness and the slowness, overwork, Weakness leads to deficiency of wei (protective) Qi and overwork leads to exhaustion of ying (vascular) Qi. When the inch opening pulse is floating and slow, floating means vacuity and slow means taxation. Vacuity results in insufficiency of defense qì, while taxation results in depletion of construction qì. When the instep yáng pulse is floating and rapid, floating means qì, while rapid means dispersion of grain and great hardness. Exuberance of qì results in frequent urination, and frequent urination results in hard stool. Hard [stool] and frequent [urination] contend with each other, and this constitutes dispersion-thirst.
47113.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3
472男子消渴,小便反多,以饮一斗,小便一斗,肾气丸主之。 [In] a man with wasting-thirst, urination is frequent, [and it is necessary] to drink 1 dou of water and to discharge 1 dou of urine. [It can be] treated by Shenqi Pill (肾气丸, kidney qi pill). Xiaoke (diabetes) in male patients: The patient has frequent urination. When he drinks one dou of water, he passes as much as one dou of urine. Pills of Eight-Ingredients of the Kidney Vital Energy can be adopted. For men with dispersion-thirst yet with profuse urination who drink one dou of water and urinate one dou, Shen Qi Wan (Kidney Qi Pill) is indicated. See the formula in the section-Leg Qi. If the fu yang (tarsal) pulse is floating and quick, floating indicates the state of Qi and quickness the digestion of cereals and constipation. Qi exuberance results in frequent urination which causes, in tum, constipation. The consequent interaction between constipation and frequent urination brings on polydipsia. Dispersion-thirst in male [patients manifests in] exceptionally profuse urine, so that drinking one dǒu results in urinating one dǒu. Kidney Qì Pill (shèn qì wán) governs.
47313.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4
474脉浮,小便不利,微热,消渴者,宜利小便、发汗,五苓散主之。 [The disease, characterized by] floating pulse, inhibited urination, faint fever and wasting-thirst should [be treated by] promoting urination and sweating. Wuling Powder (五苓散, powder made of five medicinal herbs) [is the appropriate formula for] treating it. Xiaoke syndrome with floating pulse, dysuria and a low fever should be treated with Wuling Powder which acts as a diuretic as well as a diaphoretic. With floating pulses, inhibited urination, mild heat effusion, and dispersion-thirst, it is appropriate to disinhibit urine and promote sweating. Wu Ling San (Five Substance Powder with Poria) is indicated. See the formula above. Polydipsia and polyuria in a man who excretes an amount of urine equal to the volume of water drunk should be treated primarily with Ba-wei-di-huang-wan (Rehmannia Eight Formula). For a floating pulse, inhibited urination, slight heat [effusion], and dispersion-thirst, it is appropriate to disinhibit urine and effuse sweat. Poria Five Powder (wǔ líng sǎn) governs.
47513.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 Line 13.5
476渴欲饮水,水入则吐者,名曰水逆,五苓散主之。 [The patient feels] thirsty and wants to drink water. [But after] drinking water, [he begins] to vomit. This is [a case of] water reversal and [can be] treated by Wuling Powder (五苓散, powder made of five medicinal herbs). Though thirsty, the patient will vomit the water he is drinking. This is known as "Water Regurgitation." Wuling Powder will provide the cure. Thirst with a desire to drink water with vomiting immediate after drinking is called water counterflow. Wu Ling San (Five Substance Powder with Poria) is indicated. See the formula above. Wu-ling-san (Hoelen Five Herb Formula) stimulates urination and perspiration in patients with a floating pulse, oliguria, slight fever, and polydipsia. Thirst with desire for fluid, and vomiting upon drinking water is called water counterflow. Poria Five Powder (wǔ líng sǎn) governs.
47713.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6
478渴欲饮水不止者,文蛤散主之。 Thirst that cannot be resolved by drinking water [should be] treated by Wenge Powder (文蛤散, meretrix clam shell powder). The patient is thirsty. He drinks great quantities of water but his thirst is still not quenched. Wenge Powder will provide a cure. For thirst with incessant water drinking, Wen Ge San (Clamshell Powder) is indicated. Hoelen Five Herb Formula treats thirst in a patient who vomits water immediately after he has drunk it. The condition is called water adversity. For thirst and incessant desire to drink water, Meretrix Clam Shell Powder (wén há sǎn) governs.
47913.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7 13.7
480淋之为病,小便如粟状,小腹弦急,痛引脐中。 [The manifestations of] strangury [include particles in] urine like millets, spasm of lower abdomen and pain stretching to the umbilicus. Urinary disturbance (gonorrhea) will bear the following symptoms and signs: Dripping urine, acute pain and contraction in the abdomen with dragging pain in the navel. Strangury disease manifests with millet-like urine and hypertonicity of the smaller abdomen with pain stretching to the umbilicus. The patient is thirsty. He drinks great quantities of water but his thirst is still not quenched. Wen-ge-san (Meretrix Formula) treats unquenchable thirst. The disease of strangury [manifests in] urine with millet-like [particles], bowstring tightness in the smaller abdomen, and pain stretching into the umbilicus.
48113.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8 13.8
482趺阳脉数,胃中有热,即消谷引食,大便必坚,小便即数。 The pulse in fuyang [region] is rapid and there is [pathogenic] heat in the stomach, causing rapid digestion, constant intake of food, hard stool and frequent urination. Speedy Fuyang pulse indicates Heat in the Stomach, which will bring about good digestion and a good appetite. Constipation and frequent urination are the necessary consequences. Rapid fuyang pulses indicate heat in the stomach. This leads to swift digestion and incessant eating; the stools will become hard, and urination will become frequent. In urinary stuttering the urine drips like grains of millet. Tight cramping of the lower abdomen with pain around the navel also occurs. When the instep yang pulse is rapid, there is heat in the stomach. This causes grain dispersion and [constant] intake of food, inevitable hardness of the stool, and frequent urination.
48313.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9
484淋家不可发汗,发汗则必便血。 Strangury cannot [be treated by] diaphoresis and diaphoresis will cause bloody urine. Diaphoresis is prohibited when the patient experiences urinary dripping (urinary disturbance). If it is adopted, hematuria will result. For people with strangury, promoting sweat is prohibited, or bloody urine will appear. A quick pulse on the fu yang site signals a fever in the stomach. The symptoms are constipation, polyuria, and hunger quickly following satiation. A strangury patient may not [be treated by] effusing sweat. Effusing sweat inevitably results in bloody urine.
48513.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10
486小便不利者,有水气,其人若渴,栝蒌瞿麦丸主之。 Inhibited urination [is caused by retention of] water qi. If the patient feels thirsty, Gualou Qumai Pill (栝蒌瞿麦丸, trichosanthes root and dianthus pill) [can be used] to treat it. Dysuria is a sign of stagnant Water. When thirst is observed, Pills of Radix Trichosanthis and Herba Dianthi can be adopted. Inhibited urination indicates water-qi, the person also suffers from thirst. Gua Lou Qu Mai Wan (Trichosanthes and Dianthus Pill) is indicated. A patient with urinary stuttering should not be sweated because perspiring will induce hematuria. Inhibited urination means that there is water qì and that the patient suffers from thirst. Trichosanthes and Dianthus Pill (栝蒌瞿麦丸 guā lóu qú mài wán) governs.
48713.11 13.11 13.11 13.11 13.11 13.11
488小便不利,蒲灰散主之,滑石白鱼散、茯苓戎盐汤并主之。 Inhibited urination can be treated by Puhui Powder (Puhui (蒲灰散, charred dandelion powder), or by Huashi Baiyu Powder (滑石白鱼散, talcum and silverfish powder) and Fuling Rongyan Decoction (茯苓戎盐汤, poria and halite decoction). Dysuria can be treated with the following prescrptions: Powder of Ash of Pollen Typhae; Powder of Talcum and Baiyu; Decoction of Poria and Halitum. For inhibited urination, Pu Hui San (Typha Pollen Powder) is indicated; Hua Shi Bai Yu San (Talcum and Lepisma Powder) and Fu Ling Rong Yan Tang (Poria and Halite Decoction) are also indicated. Gua-lou-qu-mai-wan (Trichosanthes and Dianthus Formula) treats agonizing thirst and oliguria due to water retention. For inhibited urination, Charred Dandelion Powder (pú huī sǎn) governs. Talcum and Silverfish Powder (huá shí bái yú sǎn) and Poria and Halite Decoction (fú líng rónɡ yán tāng) also govern.
48913.12 13.12 13.12 13.12 13.12 13.12
490渴欲饮水,口干舌燥者,白虎加人参汤主之。 [The disease with] thirst, desire to drink water, dryness of the mouth and tongue can be treated by Baihu Decoction (白虎加人参汤, whie tiger decoction added with ginseng) added with Renshen (人参, ginseng, Radix Ginseng). Decoction of Baihu adding Radix Ginseng is effective in cases with symptoms and signs of parched tongue and throat and thirst of water. For Thirst with a desire to drink water, with a dry mouth and tongue, Bai Hu Ren Shen Tang (White Tiger Decoction plus Ginseng) is indicated. See the formula in the section-Summerheat Strike. Simple oliguria (without surface or internal symptoms) should be treated primarily with Pu-hui-san (Typha Ash Formula) as well as Hua-shi-bai-yu-san (Talc and Lepisma Formula) or with Fu-ling-jie-yan-tang (Hoelen and Halite Combination). For thirst with desire to drink water, and dry mouth and tongue, White Tiger Decoction Plus Ginseng (bái hǔ jiā rén shēn tāng) governs.
49113.13 13.13 13.13 13.13 13.13 13.13
492脉浮发热,渴欲饮水,小便不利者,猪苓汤主之。 [The disease marked by] floating pulse, fever, thirst with desire to drink water and inhibited urination can be treated by Zhuling Decoction (猪苓汤, polyporus decoction). Decoction of Polyporus Umbellatus can be prescribed for a syndrome with the following symptoms and signs: Floating pulse, fever, thirst and dysuria. For floating pulses, heat effusion, thirst with a desire to drink water, and inhibited urination, Zhu Ling Tang (Polyporus Decoction) is indicated. A patient with thirst for water and a dry mouth and lips should drink Bai-hu-jia-ren-sheng-tang (Ginsengand Gypsum Combination).////13.14 A patient with a floating pulse, fever, thirst for water, and oliguria should be treated essentially with Zhu-ling-tang (Polyporus Combination). For a floating pulse, heat effusion, thirst with desire to drink water, and inhibited urination, Polyporus Decoction (zhū líng tāng) governs.
494水气病脉证并治第十四 Chapter 14 Water Qi Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 14 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Edema Chapter 14 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Water Qi Disease Chapter 14 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Edema Chapter 14 Water Qì
49514.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1
496师曰:病有风水,有皮水,有正水,有石水,有黄汗。风水,其脉自浮,外证骨节疼痛,恶风;皮水,其脉亦浮,外证胕肿,按之没指,不恶风,其腹如鼓,不渴,当发其汗;正水,其脉沉迟,外证自喘;石水,其脉自沉,外证腹满不喘;黄汗,其脉沉迟,身发热,胸满,四肢头面肿,久不愈,必致痈脓。 The master said: [Water qi (edema)] diseases include wind water, skin water, regular water, stone water and yellow sweating. [In] wind water [disease], the pulse is spontaneously floating and the external syndrome/pattern [is marked by] pain of joints and aversion to wind; [in] skin water [disease], the pulse is also floating and the external syndrome/pattern [is marked by] skin swelling that engulfs the fingers [when] pressed, aversion to wind, abdominal distension like a drum and no thirst, [which] should [be treated by] inducing sweating; [in] regular water [disease], the pulse is sunken and slow and the external syndrome/pattern is spontaneous panting; [in] stone water [disease], the pulse is spontaneously sunken and the external syndrome [is marked by] abdominal fullness and no panting; [in] yellow sweating [disease], the pulse is sunken and slow, [there are symptoms and signs of] fever over the body, chest fullness, dropsy of the four limbs, head and face, inability to cure after a long time will inevitably result in abscess and suppuration. Master: Edema can be classified into five categories: Wind-edema; Skin-edema; Zeng-edema; Stone-edema; and Yellow-sweat. Wind-edema has the symptoms and signs of floating pulse, arthritis and aversion to cold; Skin-edema has the symptoms and signs of floating pulse, acute dropsy wherein the doctor's finger will disappear in a fold of skin when the skin is pressed. The abdomen is distended as tight as a drum. The patient is not thirst and has no aversion to cold. Treatment should be diaphoresis; Zheng-edema has the symptoms and signs of deep-slow pulse and wheezing; Stone-edema has the symptoms and signs of deep pulse and abdominal distention without wheezing; Yellow-sweat has the symptoms and signs of deep-slow pulse, fever, fullness in the chest, dropsy in the extremities, head and face. Carbuncle may disappear if the syndrome lasts a long time. The master said: "There are diseases of wind water, skin water, regular water, stone water, and yellow sweat. Wind water is characterized by floating pulses with external signs of joint pain and aversion to wind. Skin water is characterized by floating pulses as well, and its external signs include puffy swelling that engulfs the fingers when pressed, no aversion to wind, a drum-like abdomen and an absence of thirst. Sweating should be promoted. Regular water is characterized by sunken and slow pulses with external signs o panting. Stone water is characterized by sunken pulses and external signs of abdominal fullness and absence of panting. Yellow sweat is characterized by sunken and slow pulses, generalized heat effusion, fullness in the chest, swelling of the head, face, and four limbs; without proper treatment, it will cause welling-abscesses and pus." The master said: "Edema are many: wind, skin, orthodox, stone, and yellow sweat. Wind water causes a floating pulse and the external symptoms of arthralgia and anemophobia. Skin water' manifests floating pulse, edematous swelling which sinks on pressure, no anemophobia, and a normal abdomen without distention or thirst. This disease should be treated by inducing sweating. A submerged and slow pulse and asthma as an external symptom characterize orthodox water' and a submerged pulse, abdominal distention, and no asthma, stone water Yellow sweat water disease manifests a submerged and slow pulse, generalized fever, chest distention, and swollen arms, legs, head, and face; if untreated for a prolonged period of time, carbuncular pustulation develops." The master says: “In [water qì] disease, we [differentiate between] wind water, skin water, regular water, stone water, and yellow sweat. In wind water, the pulse is naturally floating, and the external signs are joint pain and aversion to wind. In skin water, the pulse is also floating, and the external signs are skin swelling, which when pressed engulfs the fingers; absence of aversion to wind; a drum-like abdomen; and absence of thirst. [For both these conditions,] effuse sweat. In regular water, the pulse is sunken and slow, and the external sign is spontaneous panting. In stone water, the pulse is naturally sunken, and the external sign is abdominal fullness without panting. In yellow sweat, the pulse is sunken and slow, [and the external signs are] generalized heat effusion, fullness in the chest, and swelling of the four limbs, head, and face, which if enduring without recovery, will inevitably cause a welling-abscess and pus.
49714.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2
498脉浮而洪,浮则为风,洪则为气,风气相搏。风强则为隐疹,身体为痒,痒为泄风,久为痂癞;气强则为水,难以俛仰。风气相击,身体洪肿,汗出乃愈。恶风则虚,此为风水;不恶风者,小便通利,上焦有寒,其口多涎,此为黄汗。 The pulse [of the patient] is floating and surging. Floating [pulse] indicates [pathogenic] wind and surging [pulse] indicates [exuberant water] qi. [Both pathogenic] wind and [exuberant water] qi coexist. [If pathogenic] wind is strong, [it will cause] urticaria and [make] the body itching [which] indicates discharge of wind. [If it is not resolved] for a long time, [it will cause] leprosy or scab. [If water] qi is strong, [it] indicates [exuberant] water, [making the body] difficult to raise and bend. [When pathogenic] wind and [exuberant water] qi contend with each other, [it will cause] severe generalized swelling [which can be] cured by diaphoresis. Aversion to cold indicates deficiency [of yang qi], [it is] wind water [disease]. No aversion to wind, normal urination, cold in the upper energizer and copious drool from the mouth [are the manifestations of] yellow sweating [disease]. The pulse is floating and grand. A floating pulse indicates the existence of pathogenetic Wind, whereas a grand pulse indicates strong Vital Energy. Wind and Vital Energy intermingle with each other. When Wind prevails, urticarial appears on the skin and causes itching; this is called "Wind-leading." If the case lasts a long time, scabs and tinea will appear. When Vital Energy prevails, edema will result and the the patient will have difficulty moving his body. Conflict between the Wind and the vital Energy results in serious edema throughout the body. Diaphoresis will provide a cure. Aversion to cold is an indication of a deficient state. Wind is the cause of the disease. The Yellow-sweat syndrome will not have the urination and copious salivation. This is a case of Yellow-sweat with pathogenetic Cold resting in the upper Portion of Body. With floating and surging pulses, floating indicates wind, and surging indicates qi. When wind contends with qi, if wind is prevailing, dormant papules will appear. The body will itch, which indicates the discharge of wind, and scabs and lai will occur within a period of time. If qi is prevailing, this will cause water swelling and difficulty bending forward and backward. Wind and qi attacking one another causes generalized swelling which will be cured by sweating. Aversion to wind indicates deficiency; this is wind water. No aversion to wind with uninhibited urination indicates cold in the upper burner, and there will be copious drool in the mouth; this is yellow sweat. A floating and surging pulse is significant. Floating implicates wind and surging, Qi. In an interaction between wind and Qi, if the wind overpowers Qi, tiny papular measles (urticaria) appears on the skin with generalized itching. Ultimately scabbing leprosy (impetigo) forms. If Qi overpowers the wind, a water problem develops that makes the afflicted unable to rest (because of coughing and gasping). If the Qi and wind rival each other, a problem known as feng shui (wind-water disease) with the symptom of severe generalized edema occurs. Feng shui calls for sweating. If anemophobia occurs after sweating, it is due to surface weakness. If anemophobia does not occur but the patient urinates copiously it indicates chills in the upper warmer. If the patient also drivels copiously, the condition is huang han (yellow sweat) disease. When the pulse is floating and surging, floating means wind, and surging means qì. Wind and qì contend with each other. When wind is the stronger, the result is dormant papules and itching of the body, which means the discharge of wind or, in enduring cases, scab-lài. When qì is the stronger, the result is water [swelling] and difficulty in bending forward and backward. When wind and qì strike each other, there is swelling in the body. Sweating will bring recovery.Aversion to wind indicates vacuity; this is wind water. In cases with no aversion to wind, [the symptoms of] uninhibited urination, cold in the upper burner, and copious drooling from the mouth mean yellow sweat.
49914.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3
500寸口脉沉滑者,中有水气,面目肿大,有热,名曰风水。视人之目窠上微拥,如蚕新卧起状,其颈脉动,时时咳,按其手足上,陷而不起者,风水。 [The disease, marked by] sunken and slippery pulse, [retention of] water qi inside and fever, is called wind water [disease]. [In diagnosis, one can] observe slight swelling of eyelids like just getting up from the bed, beating of cervical pulse, frequent cough and depression of hands and feet that cannot spring back when pressed, [which are the manifestations of] wind water [disease]. Deep-slippery pulse in the wrist indicates and edema syndrome. Wind-edema syndrome will have the symptoms and signs of a swollen face and fever. In other case of Wind-edema, the following symptoms and signs may be observed: Puffiness of the eyelids resembling a dormant silkworm coming awake, and jumping movement in the vessels on the neck. The patient coughs frequently. Edema on hands and feet is so severe that when pressed with a finger, skin will not immediately resume its original appearance. Sunken and slippery pulses at the inch position reflects water qi in the middle; with a swollen face and eyes with heat effusion, this condition is named winder water. This appears with eyelids that are slightly swollen as if one had just gotten out of bed. With throbbing of the neck vessel, frequent coughing, and pitting of the hands and feet that does not spring back; this condition is wind water. A submerged and slippery pulse on the cun site signifies water in the interior of the body of feng shui (wind-water disease). Additional symptoms of wind-water disease are facial and ocular swelling-especially of the lower eyelids which come to resemble a silkworm arising from sleep-fever, throbbing of the carotid vessels, frequent coughing, and flesh of the limbs that revives very slowly after being pressed. When the inch opening pulse is sunken and slippery, there is water qì in the center, [which manifests in] a swollen and enlarged head and face, and heat [effusion]. This is called “wind water.” You will observe slight swelling of the eye nest as if [the person] had just awoken from sleep, a stirring neck pulse, and frequent coughing. When you press the hands and feet, they pit but do not spring back. This constitutes wind water.
50114.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4
502太阳病,脉浮而紧,法当骨节疼痛,反不疼,身体反重而酸,其人不渴,汗出即愈,此为风水。恶寒者,此为极虚,发汗得之。渴而不恶寒者,此为皮水。身肿而冷,状如周痹,胸中窒,不能食,反聚痛,暮躁不得眠,此为黄汗,痛在骨节。咳而喘,不渴者,此为脾胀,其状如肿,发汗即愈。然诸病此者,渴而下利,小便数者,皆不可发汗。 [In] taiyang disease, the pulse is floating and tight. Originally there is pain of joints, but now there is no pain [of joints], the body is heavy and aching, the patient is not thirsty and [it can be] cured by diaphoresis. This is called wind water [disease]. Aversion to cold indicates deficiency due to seating. [If there is] thirst but no aversion to cold, this is skin water [disease]. [The case, marked by] swelling and cold of the body like generalized impediment, congestion of the chest, inability to eat, focused pain, vexation and inability to sleep at night, is yellow sweating [disease], and the focused pain is in the joints. [The case marked by] cough, panting and no thirst is spleen distension [disease] with the symptom of dropsy. [It can be] cured by diaphoresis. [In] different [water qi] diseases, [if there are] thirst, diarrhea and frequent urination, all [of them] cannot [be treated by] diaphoresis. Initial Yang syndrome: Floating and tense pulse usually indicates arthralgia, but the patient does not have arthralgia. He feels heavy and limp when moving any part of the body and does not experiences thirst. This is a Wind-edema syndrome. One dose of a diaphoretic will cure the disease. If the patient has chills. This is due to adopting diaphoresis when the patient's health is in an extremely deficient state. If the patient is thirsty but has no aversion to cold, then it is a Skin-edema syndrome. Yellow-sweat syndrome has the following symptoms and signs: edema throughout the body, aversion to cold, symptoms resembling that of a General Obstruction syndrome with suffocation in the chest, anorexia, concentrated pains in the joints, and restlessness at night that prevents the patient from falling asleep. Coughing and wheezing without thirst is a case of Spleen-distention, with edema throughout the body. Treat by diaphoresis. For the above syndromes, diaphoresis is prohibited when the following symptoms are oserved: Thirst wit diarrhea and frequent urination. When the pulses of taiyang disease are floating and tight, as arule, there should be joint pain. When there is no pain, but generalized heaviness and aching appear instead, along with no thirst and recovery that follows sweating; this is wind water. Aversion to cold indicates an extreme deficiency that has resulted from sweating. With thirst and no aversion to cold; this is skin water. If there is generalized swelling with cold signs that resemble generalized impediment with stuffiness in the chest, inability to eat with gathering pain, and agitation in the evening that results in sleeplessness, this is yellow sweat. The pain resides in the joints. Coughing with panting and an absence of thirst indicates spleen distention, and the person appears to be swollen. After sweating, the condition will resolve. However, for those with the above conditions in addition to thirst, diarrhea, and frequent urination, sweating is prohibited. A person with a greater yang disease with a floating and tense pulse usually experiences joint pain. If instead his body feels heavy and sore, he has no thirst, and sweating cures him, he has wind-water disease. Chillphobia can occur in the very weakened state following sweating. If the patient is thirsty but without chillphobia, he has skin water disease. Yellow sweat disease evidences generalized edema and chills (just like peripheral paralysis), choking in the chest, loss of appetite, chills accumulating and causing pain above the diaphragm, irritation at dusk resulting in insomnia, and aching of the joints. A cough and asthma, but no thirst, means splenic swelling - pi zhang. In greater yáng disease when [there is] a floating and tight pulse, joints that ought to be painful but are not, generalized heaviness and aching, and no thirst, then sweating will bring recovery. This is wind water. If there is aversion to cold, this means extreme vacuity, which the patient contracted from [being treated by] effusing sweat. Thirst without aversion to cold means skin water. Swelling and coldness of the body, an appearance like generalized impediment, stifling in the chest, inability to eat, concentrated pain, and agitation at night with inability to sleep means yellow sweat. The pain is in the joints. Cough and panting and no thirst means spleen distention. [It manifests in] an appearance like swelling. Effusing sweat will bring on recovery.However, in all these diseases, thirst with diarrhea and frequent urination always means that you may not promote sweating.
50314.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5
504里水者,一身面目黄肿,其脉沉,小便不利,故令病水。假如小便自利,此亡津液,故令渴也。越婢加朮汤主之。 Internal water (skin water disease) [is characterized by] yellow swelling of the whole body, face and eyes, sunken pulse and inhibited urination, and therefore [resulting in skin] water disease. If urination is normal, it is loss of fluid and humor, that is why [the patient is] thirsty. [It can be] treated by Yuebi Decoction (越婢汤, decoction for effusing the spleen) added with Baizhu (白术, ovate atractylodes, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalate). Interior-edema has the symptoms of severe edema throughout the entire body and thee face, with deep pulse and dysuria. Dysuria is the cause of edema. Decoction of Yuebei adding rhizome Atractylodis Macrocephalae can be adopted to provide a cure. If urination is normal, then the case is caused by loss of Body Fluid, which will in turn cause thirst. A person suffering from interior water presents with yellowing and swelling of the body, face and eyes, and sunken pulses. There will be inhibited urination which causes water disease. Yue Bi Jia Zhu Tang (Maidservant from Yue Decoction plus Ovate Atractylodes) is indicated. When urination is urination is uninhibited, this indicates fluid collapse; therefore thirst appears. See the formula below. Interior water-yellow swelling all over the body including the face and eyes, a submerged pulse, and oliguriaprimarily requires Yue-pi-jia-shu-tang (Atractylodes Combination). However polyuria which is causing loss of fluids and hence thirst contraindicates this formula. Interior water [manifests in] yellowing and swelling in the whole body and head and eyes, a sunken pulse, and inhibited urination causing water disease. If urination becomes spontaneously uninhibited, this means fluid collapse, which causes thirst. Spleen-Effusing Decoction Plus White Atractylodes (yuè bì jiā zhú tāng) governs.
50514.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6
506趺阳脉当伏,今反紧,本自有寒,疝瘕腹中痛,医反下之,下之即胸满短气。 The pulse in the fuyang [region] should be hidden, but now it is tight due to original [retention of] cold [that causes] hernia, mass and pain in the abdomen. [If] a doctor [treats it with] purgation, [it will result in] chest fullness and shortness of breath. The Fuyang pulse, normally hidden, is now tense. This indicates the prevalence of pathogenetic Cold. Shanjia and abdominal pain will occur. After the doctor prescribes a dose of purgative, the patient will suffer sensation of fullness in the chest and shortness of breath. The Fuyang pulse, normally hidden, is now speedy. This indicates the prevalence of pathogenetic Heat. The patient will have a good digestion and frequent urination. In case dysuria is observed, edema will follow. Fuyang pulses should be hidden, but now they are tight; this indicates pre-existing cold manifesting with mounting, conglomerations, or abdominal pain. If the doctor acts to the contrary and applies purgation, fullness in the chest and shortness of breath will occur. The fu yang (tarsal) pulse normally is hidden. A tense fu yang pulse means the patient has had chills, hemia, tumors, and abdominal pain that have been treated with purgation which has resulted in thoracic distention and labored breathing. A quick fu yang pulse means an existing fever is causing too rapid digestion of food and frequent urination. If the patient has oliguria, edema will develop. The instep yáng pulse should be hidden, but if it is presently tight instead, this is because there is cold at the root [of the condition, which is causing] mounting-conglomerations and pain in the abdomen. If a physician wrongfully precipitates, there will be fullness in the chest and shortness of breath.
50714.7 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.7 14.7
508趺阳脉当伏,今反数,本自有热,消谷,小便数,今反不利,此欲作水。 The pulse in fuyang [region] should be hidden, but now it is rapid due to original [accumulation of] heat. [That is why there is usually] rapid digestion and frequent urination [in patients], but now [there is] diarrhea, indicating that water [qi disease] will occur. Pulse in the wrist is floating and slow. Floating pulse indicates existence of pathogenetic Heat. Slow pulse signifies the descent of the syndrome. When Heat and the descending pathogenetical condition conflict with each other, this is called Deep(pulse). Fuyang pulse is floating and speedy. Floating pulse indicates existence of Heat. speedy pulse signifies a Stop. When Heat and Stop conflict with other, this is called Hidden(pulse). When Deep and Hidden conflict with each other, edema reults. Deep(pulse) indicates the Deficiency of the Collaterals; Hidden(pulse) indicates dysuria. When Deficiency and dysuria intermingle, edema moves to the skin. This is a case of edema. Fuyang pulses should be hidden, but now they are rapid; this indicates pre-existing heat. There should be swift digestion of grain and frequent urination, but now urination is inhibited; this condition is on the verge of becoming water disease. A floating and slow pulse on the cun site portends fever as indicated by the floating and submergence of the primordial Qi as indicated by the slowness. Interaction between fever and submerged Qi leads to sinking of the primordial Qi, a condition called "sedimentation." On the other hand, a floating and quick pulse on the fu yang site signifies fever as indicated by the floating and termination of the wei (protective) Qi as indicated by the quickness. Interaction between fever and the terminated Qi leads to dormancy of the wei Qi, a condition called "dormancy." The presence of both kinds of pulse indicates an interaction between sedimentation and dormancy which results in edema. Moreover, sedimentation also signifies depletion of the meridians and vessels, and dormancy, difficulty in urination. An interaction between meridian depletion and urinary difficulty causes water to move in the skin and hence edema. The instep yáng pulse should be hidden, but if it is presently rapid instead, this is because there is heat at the root, [which is causing] dispersion of grain and frequent urination. But if the urination is inhibited instead, this means that water [qì] is about to arise.
50914.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8
510寸口脉浮而迟,浮脉则热,迟脉则潜,热潜相搏,名目沉。趺阳脉浮而数,浮脉即热,数脉即止,热止相搏,名曰伏。沉伏相搏,名曰水。沉则脉络虚,伏则小便难,虚难相搏,水走皮肤,即为水矣。 The pulse in cunkou [region] is floating and slow. Floating pulse indicates heat [floating in the external] and slow pulse indicates submersion [of pathogenic heat in the internal]. [When] heat [floating in the external] and submersion [of pathogenic heat in the internal] contend with each other, it is called sinking. The pulse in fuyang [region] is floating and rapid. Floating pulse indicates [exuberant] heat [in stomach qi] and rapid pulse indicates inhibition [of urination]. [When exuberant] heat [in stomach qi] and inhibition [of urination] contend with each other, it is called hiding. [When] sinking and hiding contend with each other, it is called water. Sinking means deficiency of the meridians and collaterals and hiding means difficulty in urination. [When] deficiency [of meridians and collaterals] and difficulty [in urination] contend with each other, water will run into the skin, causing water [qi disease]. Pulse on the wrist is tight and tense. Tight pulse indicates the stagnation Vital Resistance. Then aversion to cold is observed. The Water flows in the intestines. When pulses at the itch opening are floating and slow, floating reflects heat and slowness reflects hiding. Heat contending with hiding is called sunken. When fuyang pulses are floating and rapid, floating reflects heat and rapidness reflects halting. Heat contending with halting is called latency. They sunken contending with the latent is called water. Sunken reflects collateral deficiency, and latency is associated with difficult urination. Deficiency contending with difficulty causes water to move within the skin, thus water disease appears. A chordal and tense pulse on the cun site signifies that the wei (protective) Qi is motionless as indicated by the "chordal" pulse, and that the patient has chillphobia, as indicated by the tenseness. Consequently, water circulates in the intestines instead of following its normal passage. When the inch opening pulse is floating and slow, a floating pulse means heat, while a slow pulse means submersion. When heat and submersion contend with each other, this is called sunken. When the instep yáng pulse is floating and rapid, a floating pulse means heat, while a rapid pulse means stand-still. When heat and stand-still contend with each other, this is called hidden. When sunken and hidden become intertwined, this is called water. Sunken means that the network vessels are vacuous, and hidden means that urination is difficult. When vacuity and difficulty contend with each other, this means that water is running into the skin to cause water [qì].
51114.9 14.9 14.9 14.9 14.9 14.9
512寸口脉弦而紧,弦则卫气不行,即恶寒,水不沾流,走于肠间。少阴脉紧而沉,紧则为痛,沉则为水,小便即难。 The pulse in cunkou [region] is taut and tight. Taut [pulse] indicates failure of defense qi to move, and therefore causing aversion to cold, difficulty in discharging water and water flowing into the intestines. The pulse in shaoyin [region] is tight and sunken. Tight [pulse] indicates pain and sunken [pulse] indicates water, resulting in difficulty in urination. Pulse of the Lesser Yin is tense and deep. Tense pulse indicates pain; deep pulse signifies a case of edema. Dysuria will result. When pulses at the inch opening are wiry and tight, the wiry quality reflects wei qi stoppage resulting in aversion to cold; water fails to nourish and flow normally, and instead moves into the intestines. When shaoyin pulses are tight and sunken, the quality reflects pain and the sinking quality reflects water; this causes difficult urination. A tense and submerged lesser yin pulse signifies pain, as indicated by the tenseness, and water, as indicated by the submergence. The person will have difficulty urinating. Whenever a pulse is submerged, the doctor should suspect the presence of a water disease from which the patient will eventually develop bodily swelling and bloating. A pulse that suddenly becomes floating and bottomless in a person with such a water disease who has been treated with yang ascending drugs portends death. When the inch opening pulse is stringlike and tight, stringlike means that defense qì is not moving. As a result, there is aversion to cold, and water does not moisten and flow, but runs into the intestines. When the lesser yīn pulse is tight and sunken, tight means that there is pain, while sunken means that there is water [qì] and hence difficult urination.
51314.10 14.10 14.10 14.10 14.10 14.10
514脉得诸沉,当责有水,身体肿重。水病脉出者死。 Sunken pulse indicates retention of water [that causes] swelling and heaviness of the body. The pulse [of the patient with] water [qi] disease [is originally sunken, but now it suddenly] bursts out, [inevitably resulting in] death. Deep pulse appearing at different pulse positions with edema throughout the body is a pathogenetic condition caused by Water. When the pulse is evanescing, case will be fatal. All sunken pulses are associated with water; there will be generalized swelling and heaviness. Water diseases with pulses bursting out are terminal conditions. A person who is suffering from edema, whose slightly swollen lower eyelids appear like silkworms lying underneath his eyes, who has a glossy complexion and shiny eyes, a hidden pulse, polydipsia, a big belly due to water disease and oliguria, and a submerged and nearly impalpable pulse needs treatment by purgation for he is suffering from edema. When all the pulses are sunken, this generally is the responsibility of water [qì, in which case it is accompanied by] generalized heaviness and swelling. In water disease, when the pulse bursts out, [the person] dies.
51514.11 14.11 14.11 14.11 14.11 14.11
516夫水病人,目下有卧蚕,面目鲜泽,脉伏,其人消渴。病水腹大,小便不利,其脉沉绝者,有水,可下之。 [In] the patient with water [qi] disease, the lower eyelids are swollen like silkworm lying behind, the face and eyes are bright and fresh [because of dropsy], the pulse is hidden and there is wasting-thirst. In water [qi] disease, [if] the abdomen is swollen seriously, urination is inhibited, the pulse is sunken and expiring, [indicating accumulation of] water [which] can [be treated by] purgation. Lower eyelids of a patient suffering from a syndrome of edema are as puffy as is a silkworm were sleeping under the skin. His facial complexion is fresh and lustrous. The pulse is hidden. Other symptoms and signs are: Xiaoke(diabetes), enlarged and swollen abdomen caused by edema, dysuria and a deep pulse that is hardly palpable, all which indicate a case of prevalent Water. Purgative can be adopted to eliminate the Water(edema). A person suffering from water disease appears as though there is a silkworm lying below the eyes; also with a shiny moist face and eyes, latent pulses, and dispersion-thirst. With a large abdomen due to water disease, inhibited urination, and extremely sunken pulses; this indicates water. Purgation can be applied. The disciples asked: "Why does thirst with a desire to drink water, oliguria, and abdominal distention sometimes occur after diarrhea?" The master said: "Because the patient has water disease. It will cure itself with excessive urination and perspiration." A patient with water disease has sleeping silkworms below the eyes, a bright sheen in the face and eyes, a hidden pulse, and dispersion-thirst. If water disease manifests with an enlarged abdomen, inhibited urination, and a sunken and expiring pulse, [this indicates] the presence of water. You can precipitate it.
51714.12 14.12 14.12 14.12 14.12 14.12
518问曰:病下利后,渴饮水,小便不利,腹满因肿者,何也?答曰:此法当病水,若小便自利及汗出者,自当愈。 Question: After diarrhea, [there are symptoms and signs of] thirst, desire to drink water, inhibited urination, abdominal fullness and genital swelling. What is the reason? Answer: Such pathological conditions will develop into water [qi] disease. If urination is normalized and sweating is induced, [it will] heal spontaneously. Question: After the patient suffers a bout of diarrhea, he becomes thirsty. Other symptoms include dysuria, abdominal fullness and edema. Why does this happen? Master: This is a case of edema. If urination is normal, or if perspiration is present, the patient will recover by himself. Question: "After diarrhea, there is thirst with a desire to drink water, inhibited urination, abdominal distention, and swelling of the yin region. Why is this?" Answer: "As a rule, this indicates a water disease. If there is disinhibited urination and sweating, the condition will recover spontaneously." A person with cardiac edema exhibits generalized heaviness with labored breathing, an inability to lie down, annoyance and irritation, and hydrocele. Question: “What does it mean if a patient presents with thirst following diarrhea in spite of drinking, inhibited urination, abdominal fullness, and yīn swelling?” Answer: “This must be water disease. If urine is spontaneously disinhibited and sweat issues, recovery should ensue spontaneously.”
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520心水者,其身重而少气,不得卧,烦而躁,其人阴肿。 [In] heart water (edema) [due to heart disease], [there are symptoms and signs of] heaviness of the body, shortness of breath, inability to lie down, vexation and swelling of the genitals. Edema caused by Heat-evil has the following symptoms and signs: Heaviness of bodily movement, shortness of breath, restlessness and irritability that prevent the patient from lying quietly in bed, and swelling genitalia. A person suffering from heart water will present with generalized heaviness, shortness of breath, sleeplessness, vexation, agitation, and genital swelling. A person with hepatic edema has a big belly that hinders body movement, hypochondrial and abdominal aching, and irregular salivation and urination. Heart water [manifests in] heaviness of the body, shortage of qì, inability to lie down, vexation and agitation, and yīn swelling.
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522肝水者,其腹大,不能自转侧,胁下腹痛,时时津液微生,小便续通。 [The manifestations of] liver water [include] enlarged abdomen, inability to turn sides [of the body] freely, abdominal pain below the rib-side, frequently slight fluid [in the mouth] and intermittently inhibited and uninhibited urination. Edema caused by Liver illness has the following symptoms and signs: Edema enlarges the abdomen such that the patient experiences and abdomen. Occasionally there is secretion of saliva in his mouth and urination may return to normal. A person suffering from liver water will present with a large abdomen, an inability to freely turn to one side, pain below the rib-sides and abdomen, intermittent engendering of fluids in the mouth, and intermittent urination. A person with pulmonary edema suffers from generalized swelling, diminished urination, and frequent bouts of watery diarrhea. Liver water [manifests in] an enlarged abdomen, inability to freely turn sides, pain beneath the rib-side and in the abdomen, periodic slight engenderment of fluids [in the mouth], and intermittent freeing of urination.
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524肺水者,其身肿,小便难,时时鸭溏。 [The manifestations of] lung water [include] generalized swelling, difficulty in urination and intermittent sloppy stool. Edema caused by Lung illness has the following symptoms and signs: Edema throughout the body, dysuria and watery stool resembling duck excrement. A person suffering from lung water will present with generalized swelling, difficult urination, and frequent duck’s slop. A person with splenic edema has a big belly, discomfort from limbic heaviness, a dry mouth, labored breathing, and diminished urination. Lung water [manifests in] generalized swelling, difficult urination, and periodic duck’s slop.
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526脾水者,其腹大,四肢苦重,津液不生,但苦少气,小便难。 [The manifestations of] spleen water [include] enlarged abdomen, heaviness of the four limbs, failure to engender fluid and humor, severe shortness of breath and difficulty in urination. Edema caused by Spleen disease has the following symptoms and signs: Edema that enlarges the abdomen and makes it swell, sense of heaviness in moving the four limbs, shortness of saliva in the mouth( parched mouth), shortness of breath and dysuria. A person suffering spleen water will present with a large abdomen, heaviness in the extremities, non-engendering of fluids, shortness of breath, and difficult urination. A person with renal edema suffers from abdominal enlargement and umbilical swelling, lumbago with an inability to urinate, moisture beneath the genitals like the sweat on the nose of a cow, cold feet, and a thin face. Spleen water [manifests in] an enlarged abdomen, the four limbs suffering from heaviness, failure to engender fluids, shortage of qì, and difficult urination.
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528肾水者,其腹大,脐肿腰痛,不得溺,阴下湿如牛鼻上汗,其足逆冷,面反瘦。 [The manifestations of] kidney water [include] enlarged abdomen, swelling of the umbilicus, pain of the waist, inability to urinate, dampness in the genitals as sweat over the nose of an ox, reversal cold of feet and emaciation of the face. Edema caused by Kidney disease has the following symptoms and signs: Edema that has cause the abdomen to enlarge and become swollen, puffy umbilicus, lumbago, genitalia as damp as a bull's sweating nose, cold feet and leanness in the face. A person suffering from kidney water will present with a large abdomen, swelling of the umbilicus, lumber pain, an inability to urine, moisture below the genitals resembling sweat on a cow’s nose, and counterflow cold of the legs; however, the face appears thin. The master said: "Edema occurring below the lumbus should be treated with diuresis, whereas edema above the lumbus requires sweating." Kidney water [manifests in] an enlarged abdomen, swelling of the umbilicus, lumbar pain, inability to pass urine, dampness in the yīn [region] like the sweat on an ox’s nose, [and] counterflow cold in the lower extremities, but emaciation in the face.
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530师曰:诸有水者,腰以下肿,当利小便;腰以上肿,当发汗乃愈。 The master said: [In] all [cases of] water [disease], [there is] swelling below the waist [and it] should [be treated by] promoting urination. [If there is] swelling above the waist, [it] should be cured by diaphoresis. For all edema syndromes, when edema is observed in the region below the waist, a diuretic should be adopted; when edema only appears above the waist, diaphoretic should be adopted. The master said: "For all water diseases with swelling below the lumbers, urination should be disinhibited; with swelling above the lumbus, sweating should be promoted and the condition will be relived." The master said: "A submerged and slow pulse on the cun site is evidence of water, as indicated by the submergence, and chills, as indicated by the slowness. Here water and chills are in interaction. A hidden pulse on the fu yang (tarsal) site should alert the doctor to indigestion reflecting splenic deterioration that leads to diarrhea and eventually gastric deterioration. Generalized edema soon follows. Consequently, the patient develops a submerged and weakened lesser yang pulse or a thin lesser yin pulse. Oliguria occurs in the male and amenorrhea in the female. Amenorrhea also results in edema of xue fen, a blood disease." The disciples asked: "Edema may be caused by a blood disorder or by pathogenetic Water. How can they be differentiated?" The master replied: "In female patients, if amenia appears before edema, it is a case of edema caused by blood disorder and quite difficult to treat. If edema appears before amenia, case is one of edema caused by water-evil and thus is easily treated. Why then? First disperse the stagnant Water; then menstruation will resume." The Master says: “In all cases of water [disease], for swelling from the lumbus down, disinhibit urine; for swelling from the lumbus up, effuse sweat. Recovery will ensue.”
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532师曰:寸口脉沉而迟,沉则为水,迟则为寒,寒水相搏。趺阳脉伏,水谷不化,脾气衰则鹜溏,胃气衰则身肿。少阳脉卑,少阴脉细,男子则小便不利,妇人则经水不通。经为血,血不利则为水,名曰血分。 The master said: The pulse in cunkou [region] is sunken and slow. Sunken [pulse] indicates water while slow [pulse] indicates cold, cold and water contend with each other. The pulse in fuyang [region] is hidden, indicating indigestion [due to insufficiency of yang qi in the spleen and stomach]. Debilitation of spleen qi results in sloppy stool while debilitation of stomach qi results in generalized swelling. Shaoyang pulse is sunken and weak while shaoyin pulse is thin and small, indicating inhibited urination in men and dysmenorrhea in women. Menstruation originates from the blood. [If] the blood does not circulate freely, [it will] transform into water, known as [water qi blood in] the blood aspect. Master: Pulse on the wrist is slow and deep. Deep pulse signifies a syndrome of edema; slow pulse indicates prevalence of Cold. When Cold and Water (edema) conflict with each other, Fuyang pulse will become hidden, which is an indication of indigestion. Deficiency of the Spleen Vital Energy will result in watery stool like duck excrement. Deficiency of the Stomach Vital Energy will cause edema throughout the body. Pulse of Lesser Yang is deep and weak, and pulse of Lesser Yin is slender. In male patients, this indicates dysuria, and in female patients, amenia. Menstruation is a physiological activity involving the Blood. A menstrual disorder can cause edema. This is called edema caused by a Blood disorder. The master said: "When pulses are sunken and slow at the inch position, sinking reflects water, and slowness reflects cold. Cold is contending with water. Latent fuyang pulses indicate non-transformation of grain and water. Spleen qi deficiency results in duck’s slop, and stomach qi deficiency results in generalized swelling. When shaoyang pulses are slow-lying and shaoyin pulses are fine, inhibited urination will occur among men and inhibited menstrual flow will occur among women. Menstrual flow is blood, and inhibited blood will transform into water. This is called the blood aspect." The disciples asked: "What type of pulse would a person have who suffers from oliguria and edema in the face, eyes, limbs, and body and who complains of chest pain and flushing of Qi to the throat as if a piece of barbecued meat were stuck there? Also when, on taking the pulse, you do not diagnose a water problem, but instead confront a mild cough and asthma?" The master replied: "If the pulse on the cun site is sub-merged and tense, the submergence signifies water and the tenseness, chills. Initially, interaction between water and chills results in accumulation of the two at the guan yuan (lower abdomen) area three inches below the navel; usually the condition is mild and undetectable by the person himself because of his youthfulness. However, as yang degenerates, the intravascular and extra-vascular systems begin to interfere with each other. Yang becomes subjugated and yin becomes exuberant. The chills begin to agitate slightly causing renal Qi to flush and choke the throat and acute pain to arise under the ribs. The doctor may mistake the condition for water stagnancy and prescribe a strong purgative. "It will not help but in fact will cause the Qi to remain in place. The doctor may then importantly treat this condition with a strong emetic which will cause gastric weakness and annoyance, a dry throat with a desire to drink water, oliguria, indigestion, and edema of the face, arms, and legs. For this, the doctor may administer Ting-Li-wan (Lepidium Formula) to induce diuresis. This will relieve the symptoms somewhat but if the person later eats excessively, his abdomen will again swell as before, his chest and ribs will ache so severely that he will act like a fleeing hog, and the water will well up and overflow causing coughing and adverse asthma. Treatment is to attack the flushing of Qi first and to treat the cough only after the Qi has stopped flushing. When the coughing stops, the asthma will ameliorate spontaneously. The rule of treatment to follow is: Treat the new disease first, then the old one. The Master says: “When the inch opening pulse is sunken and slow, sunken means water, while slow means cold; hence we see cold and water contending with each other. When the instep yáng pulse is hidden, there is non-transformation of water and grain; duck’s slop [diarrhea] as a result of debilitation of spleen qì; and generalized swelling as a result of debilitation of stomach qì. When the lesser yáng pulse is low and the lesser yīn pulse is fine, [we see] inhibited urination in men, and stopped menstrual flow in women. The menses consist of blood, and when blood is in habited, this causes water. [This] is called ‘blood aspect’.”
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534问曰:病有血分水分,何也? Diseases [in women are either related to] blood aspect [or] water aspect. What is the reason? Question: Edema may be caused by a Blood disorder or by pathogenetic Water. How can they be differentiated? Question: "There are diseases of the blood aspect. Why is this?" A person with wind-water disease exhibiting a floating pulse, generalized heaviness, per spring, and anemophobia should take primarily Fang-ji-huang-qi-tang (Stephania and Astragalus Combination). If the patient also has abdominal aching, add shaoyao (peony) to the formula. Question: “Diseases are either related to the blood aspect or the water aspect. What does this mean?”
535师曰:经水前断,后病水,名曰血分,此病难治;先病水,后经水断,名曰水分,此病易治。何以故?去水,其经自下。 The master said: [If] menstruation stops first and then water [disease] occurs, it is called blood aspect [disease], [which is] very difficult to cure. [If] water disease occurs first and then menstruation stops, it is called water aspect [disease], [which is] easy to cure. Why is it so? [Because when] water is eliminated, menstruation will descend spontaneously. Master: In female patients, if amenia appears before edema, it is a case of edema caused by Blood disorder and quite difficult to treat. If edema appears before amenia, case is one of edema caused by Water-evil and thus is easily treated. Why then? First disperse the stagnant Water; then menstruation will resume. The master said: "When menstruation stops first, and then one suffers from water disease, this is called blood aspect. This condition is difficult to treat. When suffering from water disease first, and then menstruation stops, this is called the water aspect. This condition is easy to treat. Why is that so? Eliminating the water, and the menses will discharge spontaneously." The Master says: “When a patient suffers first from interrupted menstrual flow and then from water [disease], this is called blood aspect. Such conditions are difficult to treat. When [the patient] first suffers from water [disease], and then from interrupted menstrual flow, this is called water aspect. Such conditions are easily treated. Why is this so? When you get rid of water, the menses will spontaneously descend.”
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537问曰:病者苦水,面目身体四肢皆肿,小便不利,脉之,不言水,反言胸中痛,气上冲咽,状如炙肉,当微咳喘。审如师言,其脉何类? Question: [When] the patient suffers from water [qi disease], [there are symptoms and signs of] swelling of face, eyes, body and four limbs as well as inhibited urination. [But when diagnosing the patient by taking] pulse, [the master] did not talk about water, just mentioned chest pain, qi surging up into the throat like fried muscles [stagnated in the throat] and slight cough and panting. [If it is just as what the master] mentioned in diagnosis, what category of pulse is it? Question: The patient suffers from a case of edema with the following symptoms and signs: Dropsy in the face, extremities, and throughout the body; and dysuria. When treated, the patient ignores edema but reports chest pains and an ascending gas rushing upward to the throat, as if he had a piece of roast meat stuck in his throat. Doctor says that the patient should have a slight coughing and wheezing. Doctor is correct. What will the pulse be in such a case? Question: "A patient suffering from water presented with swelling of the face, eyes, body and four extremities, as well as inhibited urination. When palpated, the master did not mention water, but he said that there was pain in the chest, qi surging upward into the throat as if there was a piece of grilled meat stuck there, and that there should be slight coughing and panting. In condition similar what the master described, how would the pulse image appear?" A person with wind-water disease exhibiting anemophobia, generalized edema, a floating pulse, lack of thirst, continuous spontaneous perspiring, and an absence of high fever needs primarily Yue-pi-tang (Mahuang and Gypsum Combination). Question: “A patient suffering from water disease presented with swelling of the face, eyes, body, and four limbs, and inhibited urination. But when [the Master] diagnosed him, he did not discuss water [qì],but instead spoke of pain in the chest, qì surging up into the throat, the feeling of roast meat [stuck in the throat], and [the fact that] he ought to have slight cough and panting. [If] indeed it is as the Master says, how do you analyze this diagnosis?”
538师曰:寸口沉而紧,沉为水,紧为寒,沉紧相搏,结在关元,始时当微,年盛不觉。阳衰之后,营卫相干,阳损阴盛,结寒微动,肾气上冲,喉咽塞噎,胁下急痛。医以为留饮而大下之,气击不去,其病不除。后重吐之,胃家虚烦,咽燥欲饮水,小便不利,水谷不化,面目手足浮肿。又以葶苈丸下水,当时如小差,食饮过度,肿复如前,胸胁苦痛,象若奔豚,其水扬溢,则浮咳喘逆。当先攻击冲气令止,乃治咳,咳止,其喘自差。先治新病,病当在后。 The master said: The pulse in the cunkou [region] is sunken and tight. Sunken [pulse] indicates water and tight [pulse] indicates cold. [When] the sunken [pulse] and tight [pulse] coexist, [they often] bind in Guanyuan (CV 4). Initially [it] is mild and [the patient] does not feel [it because he is] strong. [When] yang [qi] is weakened, nutrient [qi] and defense [qi] interfere with each other, [leading to] decline of yang [qi] and exuberance of yin [qi], making binding cold [below the umbilicus begin] to activate and kidney qi [begin] to surge up, [causing] blockage of the throat and acute pain below the rib-side. [When] feeling [that it is caused by] retention of fluid, the doctor [has used] purgation [to deal with it]. [As a result,] qi [continues] to surge up and will not cease, and the disease is difficult to cure. Afterwards [the doctor has used the therapy for] greatly [inducing] vomiting, [resulting in] deficiency of stomach [qi], vexation, dryness of the throat, desire to drink water, inhibited urination, indigestion of food and swelling of face, eyes, hands and feet. [The doctor then has] used Tingli Pill (葶苈丸, lepidium/descurainiae pill) to purge water, seeming to have alleviated [the disease]. [Because of] overtaking of food, [the patient suffers from] swelling as serious as before, pain in the chest and rib-side, pathological condition similar to running piglet and spreading of water, causing dropsy, cough, panting and reversal [counterflow of qi]. [It] should [be treated] by attacking surging qi to cease it. [Then measures should be taken] to treat cough. [When] cough is ceased, panting will stop spontaneously. [In treating such a disease, the treatment should] first focus on new disease and then on old disease. Master: Pulse in the wrist should be deep and tense. Deep pulse signifies Water, tense pulse Cold. Cold and Water conflict with each other and then stagnate at the Guanyuan point. At first, the case is mild; when the patient reaches middle age, he does not experience it. When the patient reaches the age of Yang-evanescence, his Nutrient Essence and Vital Resistance will no longer be in harmony. Yang becomes weary and Yin rampant, the stagnated Cold will begin to move. This stimulates the Kidney Vital Energy to ascend upward to the throat, causing a suffocating and choking feeling in the throat. Acute pain appears in the costal regions. Doctor understands this as a case of Remaining Tanyin Fluid-retention( Liu yin). Strong purgative is adopted. But the ascending gas is not reversed and the patient's condition remains unchanged. Emetic is adopted next. This makes the Stomach deficient, and sets off a feeling of restlessness. Other symptoms include parched throat with thirst, dysuria, indigestion, dropsy in the face, eyelids and extremities. Doctor then prescribes Pills of Semen Lepidii seu Descurainiae (Tingli Wan, prescription is lost). After taking the medicine, syndrome subsides somewhat. The patient then eats more food than he can digest. A recurrence occurs, accompanied by dropsy as serious as before, as well as pains and discomfort in the chest and the costal regions, and an ascending gas rushing upward similar to that in a case of Bentun. With the exuberant Water-evil rushing upward, the patient coughs, wheezes, and experiences adverse ascending feeling. Syndrome of adverse ascending should be treated first. Once the adverse ascending gas settles, evanesce spontaneously. Principle of the treatment is that new and acute diseases should be treated first; and chronic and obstinate diseases should be treated next. The master said, "The pulses at the inch opening were sunken and tight. Sinking reflects water and tightness reflects cold. Sinking contends with tightness and cold gathers at guan yuan. At the beginning the condition was mild, and the patient was at his prime, so he was not aware of it. After his yang become debilitated, ying and wei interfered with one another, yang was in detriment, and yin was exuberant. The gathered cold moved slightly and kidney qi surged upward resulting in dysphagia of throat as well as acute pain below the rib-sides. The previous physician thought that this was lodged rheum and so applied great purgation. However, the qi was not eliminated after attacking and the condition remained. Then ejection was applied, which resulted in deficiency vexation of the stomach domain, a dry pharynx with a desire to drink water, inhibited urination, non-transformation of grain and water, and puffy swelling of the face, eyes, and extremities. Then, Ting Li Wan (Lepidium Pill) was applied to purge water. The condition appeared to be slightly relieved at that time, but with excessive eating, the swelling recurred. There was pain in the chest and rib-sides, and a condition resembling running piglet. Upward flowing of water caused coughing and panting counterflow. One should primarily attack the surging qi until it stops, and then treat the cough. Once the coughing stops, the panting will be relieved spontaneously. Treat the new disease first, and the root condition later." The Master says: “The patient’s pulse at the inch opening pulse was sunken and tight. Sunken means water, and tight means cold. When sunken and tight contend with each other, they bind at Origin Pass (guān yuán, CV-4). Initially, this was insignificant, and in the plentiful years, [the patient] did not feel it. [It is only] after yáng has become debilitated that construction and defense interfere with each other, that detriment to yáng causes yīn exuberance, and that the bound cold stirs slightly. Consequently kidney qì surges upward, causing blockage in the throat and tension and pain under the rib-side. When a physician [mistakenly] identifies this as flowing rheum and [treats it with] major precipitation, the qì attacks would not go away, and the [patient’s] disease was not eliminated. Afterwards, he [treated the patient with] heavy ejection. [This caused] stomach domain vacuity and vexation, dry pharynx with desire to drink water, inhibited urination, non-transformation of grain and water, and puffy swelling of the face, eyes, and extremities. Thereupon, [the physician] administered Lepidium/Descurainiae Pill (tínɡ lì wán) to precipitate the water, which resulted in minor improvement at the beginning, [but when the patient] ate and drank excessively, the swelling returned as before. [Additionally, the patient now suffered] pain in the chest and rib-side as in running piglet, and puffiness, cough, and panting counterflow [because on water rising and spilling. [In this situation] you should first attack the surging qì in order to calm it, and then treat the cough. When the cough is suppressed, the panting will spontaneously disappear. First treat the new disease, and leave the [water qì] disease until afterwards.
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540风水,脉浮身重,汗出恶风者,防己黄芪汤主之。腹痛加芍药。 Wind water [disease, marked by] floating pulse, heaviness of the body, sweating and aversion to wind, [can be] treated by Fangji Huangqi Decoction (防己黄芪汤, the root of stephania tetrandra and astragalus decoction). For abdominal pain, Shaoyao (芍药, peony, Radix Paeoniae) is added. Wind-edema with symptoms and signs of floating pulse, heaviness of body movement, perspiration and aversion to cold can be treated with Decoction of Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae and Radix Astragali Hedysari. In cases wherein abdominal pain is observed, add Radix Paeoniae. For wind water manifesting with floating pulses, generalized heaviness, sweating, and aversion to wind, Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang (Fangji and Astragalus Decoction) is indicated. With abdominal pain, add shao yao (Radix Paeoniae Alba). A skin water disease exhibiting swelling of the extremities, water in the skin, and trembling limbs should be treated primarily with Fang-ji-fu-ling-tang (Stephania and Hoelen Combination). For wind water [that presents with] a floating pulse, heavy body, sweating, and aversion to wind, Fangji and Astragalus Decoction (fáng jǐ huáng qí tāng) governs, for abdominal pain, add peony (sháo yào).
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542风水恶风,一身悉肿,脉浮不渴,续自汗出,无大热,越婢汤主之。 Wind water [disease, marked by] aversion to wind, generalized swelling, floating pulse, thirst, incessant sweating and no great fever, [can be] treated by Yuebi Decoction (越婢汤, decoction for effusing the spleen). Wind-edema accompanied by symptoms and signs of aversion to cold, dropsy throughout the body, floating pulse, spontaneous perspiration with neither thirst nor high fever can be treated with Decoction of Yuebei. For wind water manifesting with aversion to wind, generalized swelling, floating pulses, and absence of thirst, intermittent spontaneous sweating, and an absence of great heat, Yue Bi Tang (Maidservant from Yue Decoction) is indicated. A skin water disease can be treated primarily with Yue-pi-jia-shu-tang (Atractylodes Combination) as well as Gan-cao-ma-huang-tang (Licorice and Mahuang Combination). For wind water [that presents with] aversion to wind, swelling of the whole body, a floating pulse, absence of thirst, intermittent spontaneous sweating, and absence of great heat, Spleen-Effusing Decoction (越婢汤yuè bì tāng ) governs.
54314.24 14.24 14.24 14.24 14.24 14.24
544皮水为病,四肢肿,水气在皮肤中,四肢聂聂动者,防己茯苓汤主之。 Skin water disease, [marked by] swelling of the four limbs, [retention of] water qi in the skin and quivering of the four limbs, [can be] treated by Fangji Fuling Decoction (防己茯苓汤, the root of stephania tetrandra and poria decoction). Skin-edema with the following symptoms and signs can be treated with Decoction of Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae and Poria: edema in the extremities, edema under the skin and slight twitching in the extremities. For skin water disease manifesting with swelling of the four limbs, and water qi in the skin causing slightly twitching of the four limbs, Fang Ji Fu Ling Tang (Stephania Root and Poria Decoction) is indicated. Edema that evidences a submerged and thin pulse is of the lesser yin type, but a floating pulse signifies a wind disease. When there is no water but just empty distention, the patient has a Qi disease. Sweating cures a water disease; Ma-huang-fu-zi-tang (Mahuang and Aconite Combination)is for persons with a submerged pulse and Xing-zi-tang (Apricot Seed Combination) for those with a floating pulse. The disease of skin water manifests with swelling of the four limbs, water qì in the skin, and fluttering and twitching of the four limbs. Fangji and Poria Decoction (防己茯苓汤 fáng jǐ fú líng tāng) governs.
54514.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25
546里水,越婢加朮汤主之,甘草麻黄汤亦主之。 Internal water [disease can be] treated by Yuebi Decoction (越婢汤, decoction for effusing the spleen) added with Baizhu (白术, rhizome of largehead atractyloes, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae). [It] also [can be] treated by Gancao Mahuang Decoction (甘草麻黄汤, licorice and ephedra deciction). Syndrome of Interior-edema can be treated with Decoction of Yuebei adding Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, or Decoction of Radix Glycyrrhizae and Herba Ephedrae. For interior water, Yue Bi Jia Zhu Tang (Maidservant from Yue Decoction plus Ovate Atractylodes) is indicated. Gan Cao Ma Huang Tang (Licorice and Ephedra Decoction) is also indicated. Pu-hui-san (Typha Ash Formula) treats primarily a skin-water disease with chills. For interior water, Spleen-Effusing Decoction Plus White Atractylodes (越婢加术汤 yuè bì jiā zhú tāng) governs. Licorice and Ephedra Decoction (甘草麻黄汤 gān cǎo má huáng tāng) also governs.
54714.26 14.26 14.26 14.26 14.26 14.26
548水之为病,其脉沉小,属少阴;浮者为风;无水,虚胀者,为气。水,发其汗即已。脉沉者,宜麻黄附子汤;浮者,宜杏子汤。 [In] water disease, [if] the pulse is sunken and small, [it] belongs to shaoyin [syndrome/pattern]; [if the pulse is] floating, [it] indicates wind [syndrome/pattern]; [if there is] no water [disease], [it indicates] deficiency and distension due to qi [deficiency].Water [disease can be] cured by diaphoresis. For sunken pulse, Mahuang Fuzi Decoction (麻黄附子汤, ephedra and aconite decoction) is the appropriate [formula for treating it]. For floating [pulse], Xingzi Decoction (杏子汤, apricot kernel decoction) is the appropriate [formula for treating it]. Syndrome of edema with deep and slender pulse belongs to Lesser Yin syndrome. Floating pulse signifies the existence of pathogenetic Wind. Syndrome of distention of a deficient nature without edema is a case of stagnation of the Vital Energy. Water disease with sunken and small pulses is attributed to shaoyin. Floating pulses reflects wind, and deficiency swelling with no water indicates qi. Water can be immediately relived by promoting sweating. With sunken pulses Ma Huang Fu Zi Tang (Ephedra and Aconite Decoction) is recommended; with floating pulses, Xing Zi Tang (Apricot Kernel Decoction) is recommended. The disciples asked: "Yellow sweat disease brings on generalized swelling (or heaviness) fever, perspiring with thirst, an appearance resembling wind-water disease, sweat resembling phellodendron juice that stains the clothes with a yellow color, and a submerged pulse. How does one get this disease?" The master said: "If a person bathes while perspiring, water invades the pores and causes yellow sweat." The disease should be treated primarily with Huang-qi-shao-yao-gui-zhi-ku-jiu-tang (Astragalus, Peony, and Cinnamon Combination). When water causes disease, if the pulse is sunken and small, [the condition] is associated with lesser yīn. If there is no water, vacuity distention is caused by qì. In water [disease], promote sweating to end [the disease]. In [patients with] a sunken pulse, Ephedra and Aconite Decoction (má huáng fù zǐ tāng) is appropriate; In [patients with] a floating pulse, Apricot Seed Decoction (杏子汤xìnɡ zǐ tāng) is appropriate.
54914.27 14.27 14.27 14.27 14.27 14.27
550厥而皮水者,蒲灰散主之。方见消渴中。 For impediment with skin water [disease], Puhui Powder (蒲灰散, charred dandelion powder) [can be used] to treat it. Skin-edema with coldness in the extremities can be treated with Powder of Ash of Pollen Typhae. For reversal with skin water, Pu Hui San (Typha Pollen Powder) is indicated. See the formula in the section – ¬Dispersion-thirst. Yellow sweat disease often causes chilling of the tibia. Tibial fever, on the other hand, is an arthritic condition. If a patient perspires after eating, sleeps at dusk, and has night sweats, he is suffering from fatigue and Qi exhaustion. If he perspires but still has a fever, he will eventually develop homy and coarse skin. If the fever persists,noxious sores arise. A person with generalized heaviness who feels relieved after sweating will eventually experience trembling, an aching chest on trembling, perspiration above the waist only, laxness with an aching of the waist and hips, and a sensation as though something were under his skin. Severe episodes will render the patient unable to eat and cause a heavy feeling, vexation and irritation,and oliguria. This type of yellow sweat disease requires treatment primarily with Gui-zhi-jia-huang-qi-tang (Cinnamon and Astragalus Combination). For reversal and skin water, Charred Dandelion Powder (pú huī sǎn) governs.
55114.28 14.28 14.28 14.28 14.28 14.28
552问曰:黄汗之为病,身体肿,发热汗出而渴,状如风水,汗沾衣,色正黄如柏汁,脉自沉,何从得之?师曰:以汗出入水中浴,水从汗孔入得之,宜芪芍桂酒汤主之。 Question: Yellow sweating disease [is characterized by] generalized swelling, fever, sweating and thirst, [the manifestations of which] look like [those of] wind water [disease]. [In the patient,] the clothes are wet [because of sweating], the color is just as yellow as the leaves of pine tree and the pulse is spontaneously sunken. What is the cause? The master said: [This is due to the fact that the patient] jumps into water for bathing [when] there is still sweating. [As a result,] water enters the body from the sweat pores. Huangqi Shaoyao Guizhi Kujiu Decoction (黄芪芍药桂枝苦酒汤, astragalus, peony, cinnamon twig and rice vinegar decoction) is the appropriate [formula for] treating it. Question: Yellow-sweat syndrome is accompanied by the following symptoms and signs: Swelling throughout the body, fever, perspiration and thirst. Symptoms similar to that of Wind-edema are also present. Sweat as yellow as juice of Cortex Phellodendri permeates the patient's clothing. The pulse is deep. What is the mechanism of the disease explain? Master: When the patient sweats all over, he may jump into water for a bath, at which time water will invade the body through the pores. Decoction of Radix Astragali Hedysari, Radix Paeoniae, Ramulus Cinnamomi and Vinegar can be adopted. Question: "Yellow sweat disease manifests with generalized swelling [another version reads heaviness], heat effusion, and sweating thirst; this condition resembles wind water. Sweat soaks through the clothes with a full yellow color resembling huang bai (Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis) juice, and the pulses are sunken. How does one develop this condition?" The master said: "When sweating, if one takes a bath, water enters through the pores; this is how one contracts this disease. Qi Shao Gui Jiu Tang (Astragalus, Peony, Cinnamon Twig, Bitter Liquor Decoction) is indicated." The master said: "In a slow and hash pulse on the cun site, the slowness indicates chills and the harshness, blood insufficiency, Likewise, a minute and slow pulse on the fu yang (tarsal) site indicates Qi insufficiency and chills respectively. Chills and Qi insufficiency lead to adverse chilling of the arms and legs which in tum hinders the functioning of the intravascular and extra vascular systems resulting in alternating abdominal distention and borborygmus, interference in the functioning of the urinary bladder, and ultimately, exhuastion of both the intravascular and extravascular systems. Obstructed yang Qi produces generalized chilling while obstructed yin Qi produces aching bones. If yang moves alone, chills occur; if yin moves alone, abdominal distention and paralysis arise. Only when yang and yin go together will the Qi move normally. Once the grand (universal) Qi tums, the chills will disperse through the passage of gas in a firm conformation and enuresis in a weak conformation. Since the condition involves Qi, it is named Qi fen. Question: “The disease of yellow sweat [exhibits] swelling of the body, heat effusion, sweating, and thirst, an appearance like wind water, sweat that dampens the clothing and is true yellow in color like phellodendron juice, and a naturally sunken pulse. How does this arise?” The Master says: “[When a person] enters water for a bath while sweating, the water can enter [the body] through the sweat pores. Thereby, [the person can] contract [this condition]. Astragalus, Peony, Cinnamon Twig, and vinegar Decoction (黄芪芍桂酒汤huáng qí sháo guì jiǔ tāng) governs.
55314.29 14.29 14.29 14.29 14.29 14.29
554黄汗之病,两胫自冷。假令发热,此属历节。食已汗出,又身常暮盗汗出者,此劳气也。若汗出已,反发热者,久久其身必甲错;发热不止者,必生恶疮。 [In] yellow sweating disease, [there is] spontaneous cold in the two shanks. If there is fever, it pertains to acute swelling of joints. [If] there is sweating after taking food and [if] there is always night sweating, it is consumptive qi [disease]. If there is fever after sweating, squamous dry skin will be present. [If] fever is incessant, there must be malignant sores. If the body is heavy, [it will be] alleviated after sweating. [If it] continues for a long time, the body will eventually twitch. Yellow-sweat is accompanied by coldness in both hips. If both hips are hot, then it is a case of acute arthritis. If after eating meals, the patient perspires and experiences night sweat, the case is one of a consumptive disease. In a case when the patient has fever following perspiration, scaly skin will be present. Continuous fever will lead to malignant boils. Yellow sweat disease normally manifests with cold lower legs; if there is heat effusion, this is attributed to joint running. With sweating after eating and frequent generalized sweating in the evening; this is taxation qi. If heat effusion occurs after one sweats, encrustation will occur after a period of time; with incessant heat effusion, malign sores will occur. Qi fen manifests as subcardiac hardening as large as a dish, the rim of which feels like a turning cup. Stagnant water (converted from the chilled Qi) is the cause and Gui-zhi-qu-shao-yao-jia-ma-huang-xi-xin-fu-zi-tang (Cinnamon, Mahuang, Asarum, and Aconite Combination) is the primary treatment. In yellow sweat disease, the lower legs are naturally cold. If they effuse heat instead, this is associated with joint running. If the patient sweats after eating or constantly experiences night sweating, this is taxation qì. If [yellow sweat manifests] with heat effusion after sweating, over time the body will inevitably [develop] encrusted skin. If heat effusion is incessant, it will inevitably engender malign sores.
555若身重,汗出已辄轻者,久久必身瞤。瞤即胸中痛,又从腰以上必汗出,下无汗,腰髋弛痛,如有物在皮中状,剧者不能食,身疼重,烦躁,小便不利,此为黄汗。桂枝加黄芪汤主之。 [When the body is] twitching, [there will be] pain in the chest, sweating above the waist, no sweating below [the waist], limpness and pain in the waist and hip, a sensation as if there were something retained in the skin. [If the disease is] acute, [there will be] inability to eat, generalized pain and heaviness, vexation and inhibited urination, [which are the manifestations of] yellow sweating [disease]. Guizhi Decoction (桂枝汤, cinnamon twig decoction) added with Huangqi (黄芪, astragalus, Radix Astragali) [can be used] to treat it. The patient experiences heaviness of movement. After perspiring he may feel somewhat relaxed. When the case lasts for a long time, he will experience body twitching which will lead to a chest pain. Other symptoms and signs include sweating above the waist with no sweating below the waist, and pain and limpness in the waist and hipbones as if something were stuck under the skin. In acute cases, there will be anorexia, pain and heaviness throughout the body, restlessness, irritation and dysuria, all symptoms of Yellow-sweat. Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi adding Radix Astragalia Hedysari can be adopted. With generalized heaviness that is immediately relived after sweating, generalized twitching with chest pain will occur after a period of time. There will also be sweating above the lumbus, no sweating of the lower body, slackness and pain of the lumbus and hips, a sensation of something inside the skin, and in severe cases an inability to eat, generalized heaviness and pain, vexation, agitation, and inhibited urination; this is yellow sweat. Gui Zhi Jia Huang Qi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Astragalus) is indicated. If the body is heavy, after sweating, [this sensation will be] milder. [If yellow sweat persists] over a long time, the body will twitch, and when it twitches, there will be pain in the chest. Furthermore, there will inevitably be sweating above the lumbus and absence of sweating below it, slackness and pain in the lumbus and hip, and a sensation as if there were something in the skin. Severe cases [manifest with] inability to eat, generalized pain and heaviness, vexation and agitation, and inhibited urination. These are [the signs of] yellow sweat. Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Astragalus (桂枝加黄芪汤 guì zhī jiā huáng qí tāng) governs.
55614.30 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.30 14.30
557师曰:寸口脉迟而涩,迟则为寒,涩为血不足。趺阳脉微而迟,微则为气,迟则为寒。寒气不足,则手足逆冷;手足逆冷,则营卫不利;营卫不利,则腹满肠鸣相逐,气转膀胱,荣卫俱劳。阳气不通即身冷,阴气不通即骨疼;阳前通则恶寒,阴前通则痹不仁;阴阳相得,其气乃行,大气一转,其气乃散;实则失气,虚则遗尿,名曰气分。 The master said: The pulse in the cunkou [region] is slow and rough. Slow [pulse] indicates cold and rough [pulse] indicates insufficiency of blood. The pulse in the fuyang [region] is faint and slow. Faint [pulse] indicates qi [deficiency] and slow [pulse] indicates cold. [When there is] cold and insufficiency of [qi and blood], there will be reversal cold of hands and feet. [When there is] reversal cold of hands and feet, nutrient [qi] and defense [qi] cannot flow smoothly. [When] nutrient [qi] and defense [qi] cannot flow smoothly, [it will cause] abdominal fullness, borborygmus and repelling [between water and qi], [leading to] transmission of [cold] qi into the bladder and debilitation of both nutrient [qi] and defense [qi]. [When] yang qi is obstructed, there will be generalized cold; [when] yin qi is obstructed, there will be pain of joints. [When] yang [qi] begins to flow first, there will be aversion to cold; [when] yin [qi] begins to flow first, there will be impediment and numbness [of skin]. [Only when] yin and yang cooperate with each other, qi is able to move. [Only when] great qi begins to rotate can [pathogenic] qi be dissipated. [When the disease is] excess [in nature], there will be flatus; [when the disease is] deficiency [in nature], there will be enuresis. [Such a pathological condition is] called qi aspect [disease]. Master: Pulse in the wrist is slow and hesitant. Slow pulse signifies existence of Cold, whereas hesitant pulse indicates the insufficiency of the Blood. Fuyang pulse is feeble and slow. Feeble pulse indicates weary state of the Vital energy; slow pulse reveals prevalence of Cold. Cold and in sufficiency of the Vital Energy bring about coldness in the extremities, resulting in Nutrient Essence conflicting with the Vital Resistance, which will bring about abdominal distention and a running borborygmus. Pathogenetic Cold will then move into the Urinary Bladder. Both the Nutrient essence and the Vital Resistance are exhausted. When the Yang Vital Energy fails to circulate normally, coldness prevails in the body. When the Yin Vital Essence fails to circulate normally, numbness occurs. Only when the Yin and Yang are in harmony, can their interflow be strong enough to disperse the Cold-evil. In cases of an excessive nature, there will be repeated flatus. In cases of a deficient nature, incontinence of urination will occur. Such a case is caused by disorder of the Vital Energy. The master said: "When pulses at the inch opening are slow and rough, slowness reflects cold and roughness reflects blood insufficiency. When fuyang pulses are faint and slow, faintness reflects qi and slowness reflects cold. Cold with qi insufficiency will result in counterflow cold in the extremities, which indicates inhibited ying and wei. Inhibited ying and wei will lead to abdominal fullness and incessant rumbling of the intestines, cold qi transporting into the bladder, and dual taxation of ying and wei. Inhibited yang qi causes generalized cold, and inhibited yin qi causes pain in the bones. If yang is not freed, there will be aversion to cold; if yin is not freed, there will be numbness. Only with a congruence of yin and can qi move. When the great qi turns, cold qi will dissipate. In excess patterns there will be flatus, and in deficiency patterns there will be enuresis. This is called the qi aspect." Subcardiac hardening as large as a dish, the rim of which feels like a turning dish indicates stagnant water. Zhi-shu-tang (Zhi-shi and Atractylodes Combination) is the primary treatment. The Master says: “When the inch opening pulse is slow and rough, slow means cold, and rough means insufficiency of blood. When the instep yáng pulse is faint and slow, faint means qì [vacuity], and slow means cold. Cold with insufficiency of qì means counterlow cold in the extremities. Counterflow cold in the extremities means inhibited flow of construction and defense. Inhibited flow of construction and defense means abdominal fullness, rumbling intestines repelling each other, and if the [cold] qì shifts into the bladder, taxation in both construction and defense. When yáng qì stops, the body is cold; when yīn qì stops, there is bone pain. When yáng flows first, there is aversion to cold; when yīn flows first, there is impediment and insensitivity. [It is only when] yīn and yáng get along that their qì moves, and in one rotation of great qì, [the evil] qì [of water-damp] dissipates. [If the disease develops into a pattern of repletion, the result is qì loss; [if the disease develops into a pattern of] vacuity, the result is enuresis. [This] is called qì-aspect disease.
55814.31 14.31 14.31 14.31 14.31
559 气分,心下坚大如盘,边如旋杯,水饮所作,桂枝去芍药加麻辛附子汤主之。 Qi aspect [disease is characterized by] hardness below the heart like a plate, the edges of which felt like a rotating cup. [It is] caused by retention of water and [can be] treated by Guizhi Decoction (桂枝汤, cinnamon twig decoction) with removal of Shaoyao (芍药, peony, Radix Paeoniae) and addition of Mahuang (麻黄, ephedra, Herba Ephedrae),Xixin (细辛, as arum, Herba Asari) and Fuzi (附子, aconite, Radix Aconiti Praeparata). Edema caused by a disorder of the Vital Energy has the symptom of a hardened mass in the epigastrium the size of a plate with a round edge. This is a case caused by Water-evil. Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi subtracting Radix Paeoniae adding Herba Ephedrae, Herba Asari and Radix Aconiti Praeparata can be prescribed. When qi aspect disease manifests with hardness below the heart the size of a plate, and with margins like an upside-down cup, this is a result of water-rheum. Gui Zhi Qu Shao Yao Jia Ma Huang Xi Xin Fu Zi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction minus Peony plus Ephedra, Asarum, and Aconite) is indicated. Qì-aspect [disease manifests in] hardness below the heart [that is] the size of a plate, with edges like a turned cup. This is created by water-rheum. Cinnamon Twig Decoction Minus Peony Plus Ephedra, Asarum, and Aconite (桂枝去芍药加麻黄细辛附子汤guì zhī qù sháo yào jiā má huáng xì xīn fù zǐ tāng) governs.
56014.32 14.32 14.32 14.32 14.32
561心下坚大如盘,边如旋盘,水饮所作,枳朮汤主之。 [If there is] hardness as large as a dish and the edge appears like a winding dish, [it is] caused by retention of fluid. Zhizhu Decoction (枳朮汤, processed unripe bitter orange and largehead atractyloes rhizome decoction) [can be used] to treat it. A hardened mass in the epigastrium the size of a plate with a round edge is observed. This is caused by Water-evil. Decoction of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus and Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae will provide a cure. Hardness below the heart the size of a plate with a margin resembling an upside-down plate result from water-rheum. Zhi Zhu Tang (Immature Bitter Orange and Atractylodes Macrocephala Decoction) is indicated. Hardness below the heart [that is] the size of a plate, with edges like a turned plate, is created by water-rheum. Unripe Bitter Orange and White Atractylodes Decoction (枳术汤 zhǐ zhú tāng) governs.
563黄疸病脉证并治第十五 Chapter 15 Jaundice Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 15 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Jaundice Chapter 15 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Jaundice Chapter 15 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Jaundice Chapter 15 Jaundice
56415.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1
565寸口脉浮而缓,浮则为风,缓则为痹。痹非中风。四肢苦烦,脾色必黄,瘀热以行。 The pulse in the cunkou [region] is floating and moderate. Floating [pulse] indicates wind and moderate [pulse] indicates impediment. Impediment is not wind stroke. [If the patient suffers from] vexation in the four limbs, the skin must be yellow [due to] movement of stagnated heat [from the spleen to the external]. The pulse in the wrist is floating and moderate. Floating pulse indicates the existence of Wind, whereas moderate pulse signifies an Obstruction syndrome, which is not a case of febrile disease caused by Wind. Condensed Heat will turn the patient's skin a yellowish color, since the corresponding color of the Spleen is yellow. The patient also experiences malaise and discomfort in the extremities. When the pulses at the inch opening are floating and moderate, the floating quality reflects wind, and the moderate quality reflects impediment. This kind of impediment is not associated with wind strike. The four extremities suffer from vexation. The color associated with the spleen is yellow. The transportation of static heat causes jaundice. A floating and moderate pulse on the cun site signifies evil wind, as indicated by the floating, and paralysis, as indicated by the moderateness. However, paralysis is not due to wind stroke alone, but rather to evil wind and moisture converting into fever. The arms and legs feel distressed and vexed and the skin turns yellowish when a moist fever that was formerly stagnated in the spleen circulates throughout the body. When the inch opening pulse is floating and moderate, floating means wind, and moderate means impediment. [This type of] impediment is not wind-strike. The limbs suffer from vexation, and the spleen’s color invariably causes yellowing, which is caused by stasis heat moving [into the exterior].
56615.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2
567趺阳脉紧而数,数则为热,热则消谷,紧则为寒,食即为满。尺脉浮为伤肾,趺阳脉紧为伤脾。风寒相搏,食谷即眩,谷气不消,胃中苦浊,浊气下流,小便不通,阴被其寒,热流膀胱,身体尽黄,名曰谷疸。 The pulse in the fuyang [region] is tight and rapid. Rapid [pulse] indicates heat and heat indicates digestion of food. Tight [pulse] indicates cold and [there will be] fullness after taking food. [When] pulse in the chi [region] is floating, [it] indicates damage of the kidney; [when] the pulse in the fuyang [region] is tight, [it] indicates damage of the spleen. [When] wind and cold contend with each other, [it will cause] dizziness [after] taking food, indigestion of food, bitter turbid [qi] in the stomach, downward flow of turbid qi, inhibited urination, yin covered by cold, heat flowing into the bladder and generalized yellowing, known as cereal jaundice. Fuyang pulse is tense and speedy. Speedy pulse indicates prevalence of Heat, enabling the Stomach to perform digestive function well. Tense pulse indicates prevalence of Cold, which will lead to abdominal distention after meals. Floating pulse in the Cubit indicates state of weakness in the Kidney, whereas tense pulse in Fuyang signifies the weakness in the Spleen. When Wind and Cold intermingle and conflict with each other, the patient will feel dizziness and moment he finishes his meal. Queasiness in the Stomach is due to murkiness caused by indigestion. While this murkiness flows downward, dysuria results. When the Yin is affected by Cod and the Urinary Bladder by Heat, the body will turn yellow. This is called Jaundice due to improper diet (Gudan). When fuyang pulses are tight and rapid, the rapidty indicates heat, and this heat will disperse grain; the tightness indicates cold, where eating leads to fullness. Floating pulses at the cubit position reflect kidney damage, and tight fuyang pulses reflect spleen damage. Wind contending with cold causes dizziness after eating; non-dispersion of grain qi causes turbidity in the stomach, and turbid qi flowing downward causes inhibited urination. When yin is invaded by cold, and heat flows into the bladder, there is generalized yellowing. This is called grain jaundice. A tense and quick pulse on the fu yang (tarsal) site signifies fever and quick digestion of blood, as indicated by the quickness, and chills, hence gastric distention after eating, as indicated by the tenseness. A floating pulse on the chi site denotes injury to the kidneys, and a tense pulse on the fu yang site, injury to the spleen. Interaction between evil wind and chills hinders clear Qi from ascending and as a consequence promotes dizziness after eating, indigestion, stressful disturbance in the stomach, descending of turbid Oi, blocked urine flow, chills in the spleen, fever flowing into the urinary bladder, and a generalized yellowing. This is called gu dan (cereal jaundice). On the other hand, darkening along the temples, slight perspiration, feverish hands and feet at dusk, cystic cramps, and frequent urination characterize a condition known as nv lao dan (jaundice due to sexual overindulgence and fatigue). The presence of a swollen abdomen as in edema denotes an incurable condition. If the patient feels discomfort, stress, and heat in his heart and has a loss of appetite along with nausea, he is suffering from jiu dan (wine jaundice). When the instep yáng pulse is tight and rapid, rapid means heat, which results in dispersion of grain, while tight means cold, which results in fullness upon eating. A floating cubit pulse means damage to the kidney; a tight instep yáng pulse means damage to the spleen. [When] wind and cold contend with each other, there will be dizziness upon eating, non-dispersion of grain qì, and suffering from turbidity in the stomach, which flows downward [and causes] urinary stoppage. Yīn contracts cold, heat flows into the bladder, and the body turns yellow throughout. [This] is called grain jaundice.
568额上黑,微汗出,手足中热,薄暮即发,膀胱急,小便自利,名曰女劳疸,腹如水状不治。 [If there are symptoms and signs of] black forehead, slight sweating, feverish hands and feet, occurrence at dusk, tension of the bladder and spontaneous smooth urination, [it is] called female overstrain jaundice. [If] the abdomen appears like water [retention], [it is] incurable. [If there are symptoms and signs of] anguish and heat in the heart, inability to eat food and frequent nausea, [it is] called wine jaundice. Complexion on the forehead turns dark, and a slight perspiration is observed. The palms and arches are arm. These symptoms will become acute at dusk. The patient also suffers contraction in the Urinary Bladder(abdomen), though urination is normal. This is a case of Jaundice due to sexual intemperance (Nulaodan). If the abdomen is distended as if it were full of water, the case will be difficult to treat. The patient feels hot and restless in the chest with anorexia and repeated nausea. This is a case of Jaundice due to overdrinking. Darkening of the forehead, slight sweating, heat in the palms and soles occurring in the early, bladder urgency, and uninhibited urination is terminal condition. Anguish in the heart with signs, an inability to eat, and a frequent desire to vomit is called liquor jaundice. Blackness on the forehead, slight sweating, heat in the center of the hands and feet, symptoms manifesting at dusk, tension in the bladder, and spontaneous uninhibited urination is called female taxation jaundice. If the abdomen appears as if there was water, it is untreatable. Anguish and heat in the heart, inability to eat, and periodic desire to vomit is called alcohol jaundice.
56915.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3
570阳明病,脉迟者,食难用饱,饱则发烦头眩,小便必难,此欲作谷疸。虽下之,腹满如故,所以然者,脉迟故也。 Yangming disease [is characterized by] slow pulse, difficulty in taking enough food, vexation and dizziness [after taking] enough food, and difficulty in urination. [Such manifestations indicate that it is] about to develop into cereal jaundice. Although [treated by] purgation, abdominal fullness is still as before because the pulse is slow. Greater Yang syndrome with slow pulse: the patient cannot eat large quantities of food. If he does, he will experience epigastric uneasiness, dizziness and dysuria. These symptoms indicate Gudan (Jaundice due to improper diet). Although purgative is given, abdominal distention is unaffected. The reason is that the pulse is slow. A person with yangming disease and slow pulses will have difficulty eating to satiety. Satiety will cause vexation, dizziness in the head, and urination will become difficult; this suggests that grain jaundice is about to occur. Even when purgation is applied, the abdominal fullness remains. The reason for this is related to the appearance of slow pulses. A person with a slow pulse who is suffering from sunlight yang disease will find it hard to eat his fill, feel vexation and giddiness after eating, and urinate with difficulty. These symptoms indicate oncoming gu dan (cereal jaundice). Even if a purgative is taken, the abdomen remains swollen because of the slow pulse. If yáng brightness disease manifests with a slow pulse, difficulty in eating to satiety, vexation after eating to satiety, dizzy head, and inevitably difficult urination, this means that grain jaundice is imminent. Even if you precipitate it, the abdominal fullness remains. The reason for this is that the pulse is slow.
57115.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4
572夫病酒黄疸,必小便不利,其候心中热,足下热,是其证也。 [In] yellow wine jaundice, there must be [symptoms and signs of] inhibited urination and heat in the heart, heat below the feet. [These] are just [the manifestations of] this syndrome/pattern. Jaundice due to over-drinking will have symptoms and signs of dysuria, hot feeling in the chest and warm feeling on the arches. A person suffering from liquor jaundice will present with inhibited urination. Other signs include heat in the heart and soles. This is the pattern. Patients with jiu dan disease (wine jaundice) have decreased urine secretion and fever in the heart and in the soles of their feet. The disease of alcohol jaundice invariably manifests with inhibited urination. It is [also] indicated by heat in the heart and under the feet. These are its signs.
57315.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5
574酒黄疸者,或无热,靖言了,腹满欲吐,鼻燥。其脉浮者,先吐之;沉弦者,先下之。 [In] yellow wine jaundice, maybe there is no heat, [the patient is quiet] and speaks normally, but the nose is dry. [If] the pulse is floating, [the therapy for promoting] vomiting [should be used] first; [if the pulse is] sunken and taut, purgation [should be used] first. Jaundice due to over-drinking is not accompanied by fever. The patient is generally quiet and relaxed but experiences abdominal distention, tends to vomit, and has a parched feeling in the nasal cavities. In such cases, emetic can be adopted at first when the pulse is floating. Purgative can be given when the pulse is deep-tight. A person suffering liquor jaundice may not present with heat signs. Manifestations include calm clear speech, abdominal fullness with a desire to vomit, and a dry nose. With floating pulses, primarily apply ejection; with sunken and wiry pulses, primarily apply purgation. A patient with wine jaundice may not have a fever and may be perfectly calm with lucid speech but at the same time have abdominal distention, nausea, and sometimes a dry nose. In this situation, induce vomiting if the pulse is floating or purgation if the pulse is submerged and chordal. Alcohol jaundice can also manifest without heat, and with calm spirit and clear speech, abdominal fullness, desire to vomit, and a dry nose. If the pulse is floating, [treat with] ejection first. If the pulse is sunken and stringlike, [treat with] precipitation first.
57515.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6
576酒疸,心中热,欲呕者,吐之愈。 [In] wine jaundice, [if there is] heat in the heart and [the patient] wants to vomit, [it can be treated by the therapy for promoting vomiting]. [After] vomiting, [the disease will be] cured. Jaundice due to over-drinking with a hot feeling in the chest and nausea can be treated with a dose of emetic. For liquor jaundice with heat in the heart and a desire to vomit., ejection will bring recovery. A patient with wine jaundice who experiences fever in his heart and feels nauseated may be cured by vomiting. If alcohol jaundice [manifests with] heat in the heart and desire to vomit, [treat it with] ejection to bring about recovery.
57715.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7 15.7
578酒疸下之,久久为黑疸,目青面黑,心中如噉蒜虀状,大便正黑,皮肤爪之不仁,其脉浮弱,虽黑微黄,故知之。 [In] wine jaundice, [after treatment with] purgation, [it will eventually transform into] black jaundice after a certain period [of endurance] with blue eyes, black facial expression, scorching sensation in the heart like having taken ginger, garlic and Chinese chives, black stool, squamous and numb skin, floating and weak pulse. Although [the skin is] black, [it is also] slightly yellow. This is the result [of wrong treatment of it with the purgation method used to treat wine jaundice]. Jaundice due to over-drinking treated by purgative may become Black Jaundice after a period of time. Black Jaundice has the symptoms of bluish eyes, dark facial complexion, and an uncomfortable hot feeling in the chest as if the patient has eaten too much garlic. The pulse is floating-weak. Although the skin complexion is dark, there is a slight yellow tinge. This is evidence of the pathological changes. With liquor jaundice following purgation, after a long period of time, the condition will transmute into black jaundice. Manifestations include bluish-green eyes, a dark facial complexion, a burning sensation in the heart as after eating garlic or spicy pickles, full black stools, and skin insensitivity upon scratching. The pulses are floating and weak, and the skin is dark yet slightly yellowing. These are the main indicators for this condition. Wine jaundice mistreated by purgation eventually becomes dark jaundice. Dark circles under the eyes, a dark complexion, a sensation in the heart like that that occurs after eating garlic, black stools, skin numbness to scratching, a floating and weak pulse, and slightly yellowish skin with a dark background, all these symptoms appear. When alcohol jaundice [is treated with] precipitation, over time it can turn into black jaundice. [This manifests in] blue-green eyes and a black face, a sensation in the heart as from eating garlic pulp, pure black stool, numbness of the skin when scratched, a weak floating pulse, and blackness [of the skin] that is tinged with yellow. Thereby you know it (has developed out of inappropriate ejection treatment of alcohol jaundice].
57915.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8 15.8
580师曰:病黄疸,发热烦喘,胸满口燥者,以病发时,火劫其汗,两热所得。然黄家所得,从湿得之。一身尽发热而黄,肚热,热在里,当下之。 The master said: Jaundice [is marked by] fever, vexation, panting, chest fullness and dryness of the mouth. [If] fire attacking [therapy is used to induce] sweating [when] the disease [has just] occurred, [it will cause pathogenic] heat and [pathogenic] fire. But [yellowing of the patient’s skin] results from [pathogenic] dampness. [If there is] generalized fever and yellowing with heat in the abdomen and the internal, [it] should [be treated by] purgation. Master: Jaundice accompanied by fever, restlessness, wheezing, fullness in the chest and a parched feeling in the mouth is treated with Fire therapy to induce perspiration. Heat from the Fire therapy combines with the Heat in the Interior to make the case more serious. Jaundice originates in the Humidity factor. The whole body will then turn yellow and hot, with a hot feeling in the abdomen indicating the prevalence of Heat in the Interior. Purgative should be adopted to eliminate the Heat. The master said: "Conditions of jaundice that manifest with heat effusion, vexation, panting, fullness in the chest and a dry mouth are caused by the forcing of sweat upward with fire at the onset of the disease, where the two kinds of heat contend with one another. However, a person suffering from yellowing also has contracted dampness. Generalized heat effusion with yellowing and abdominal heat indicates heat in the interior. Purgation should be applied. The master aid: "The reason why jaundice exhibits fever, annoyance and stridor, chest distention, and dry mouth is that at the onset of the disease fire evil acting together with the fever is expelling sweat. As a rule, fire evil and fever disperse each other, but jaundice occurs here because moisture combines with the fever. If the patient has an internal abdominal fever, he should be purged." The Master says: “When a jaundice patient presents with heat effusion, vexation, panting, fullness in the chest, and dry mouth, this is due to the fact that sweating was fire-forced at the onset of the disease and the two heats [reinforced each other]. However, the yellowing of the patient is caused by contraction of dampness. [This condition manifests with] thorough heat effusion all over the body, yellowing of the face, and heat in the belly. Because the heat is in the interior, you should [treat it with] precipitation.”
58115.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9
582脉沉,渴欲饮水,小便不利者,皆发黄。 [If there are symptoms and signs of] sunken pulse, thirst with desire to drink water, and inhibited urination, there is certainly generalized yellowing. Deep pulse with symptoms of thirst and dysuria foretells a syndrome of Jaundice. People with sunken pulses, thirst with desire to drink water, and inhibited urination will all present with yellowing. In the presence of a submerged pulse, thirst with a desire to drink water, and oliguria, there will be jaundice. A sunken pulse with thirst, desire to drink water, and inhibited urination is always [accompanied by] yellowing.
58315.10 15.10 15.10 15.10 15.10 15.10
584腹满,舌痿黄,燥不得睡,属黄家。 [If there are symptoms and signs of] abdominal distension and fullness, withered yellow body, vexation and inability to lie down, [it] belongs to jaundice. Symptoms and signs of abdominal distention, restlessness, irritation which prevent the patient from falling asleep and a dull yellow complexion all over the body indicate a syndrome of Jaundice. Abdominal fullness, a withered yellow tongue, and agitation that causes sleeplessness are all attributed to yellowing. Abdominal distention, withering and yellowing of the body, and irritability causing insomnia characteristically accompany jaundice. Abdominal fullness, a withered-yellow tongue, agitation, and inability to sleep [are signs] associated with jaundice patients.
58515.11 15.11 15.11 15.11 15.11 15.11
586黄疸之病,当以十八日为期,治之十日以上瘥,反极为难治。 Jaundice usually lasts for eighteen days. [After being] treated for over ten days, [it should be] cured. [If it becomes] more serious, [it is] difficult to treat. Eighteen days are the length of time of a cycle of Jaundice. After receiving treatment for ten or more days, the syndrome should subside. If syndrome does not subside but becomes aggravated, the case is difficult to treat. The disease manifestations of jaundice should correspond to a term of eighteen days. The condition should resolve after more than ten days of treatment; when it becomes aggravated instead, this is difficult to treat. Jaundice runs a course of eighteen days. Generally, it disappears after ten days of treatmentafter that if aggravated it will prove difficult to cure. Jaundice disease should last for a period of eighteen days. If treatment [shows an effect] within ten days or so, recovery will ensue. If instead [the condition] becomes more severe, it is hard to treat.
58715.12 15.12 15.12 15.12 15.12 15.12
588疸而渴者,其疸难治;疸而不渴者,其疸可治。发于阴部,其人必呕;阳部,其人振寒而发热也。 Jaundice with thirst is diffcult to treat; jaundice without thirst is curable. [If it is] located in the internal, the patient must vomit; [if it is located] in the external, the patient quivers with fever. Jaundice with thirst is difficult to treat; Jaundice without thirst is curable. Jaundice originating in Yin( the Interior) will be accompanied by nausea and vomiting; Jaundice originating in Yang (the Exterior) will be accompanied by aversion to cold with trembling and fever. Jaundice with thirst is difficult to treat; jaundice without thirst is treatable. When the disease emerges from yin, the patient will retch; when from yang, the patient will quiver with cold and heat effusion. Jaundice accompanied by thirst does not respond to treatment while jaundice without thirst does. If the disease derives from the yin (interior), the patient will definitely vomit; if from the yang(surface), he will shiver with fever. Jaundice that manifests with thirst is difficult to treat. Jaundice that manifests without thirst can be treated. If it begins from the yīn section, the person invariably [suffers from] vomiting. If it begins from the yáng section, the person [suffers from] quivering with cold, and heat effusion.
58915.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13 15.13
590谷疸之为病,寒热不食,食即头眩,心胸不安,久久发黄,为谷疸,茵陈蒿汤主之。 Cereal jaundice [is usually characterized by] aversion to cold, fever, inability to eat, dizziness after eating, disquiet in the heart and chest. [If lasting for] a long time, [it will cause] generalized yellowing and become cereal jaundice. [It can be] treated by Yinchenhao Decoction (茵陈蒿汤, virgate wormwood decoction). The patient has fever and chills and is reluctant to eat. If he eats, he will experience vertigo and uneasiness in his chest. This condition will last for a period of time after which his skin will turn yellow. This is Jaundice due to improper diet (Gudan). Decoction of Herba Artemisiae Scopariae can be adopted. The disease of grain jaundice manifests with aversion to cold and heat effusion, an inability to eat, dizziness following eating, and disquietude in the heart and chest. After a long period of time, yellowing occurs. This is grain jaundice. Yin Chen Hao Tang (Virgate Wormwood Decoction) is indicated. Chills and fever which cause anorexia, dizziness after eating, and discomfort in the heart and chest portend gu dan (cereal jaundice). The afflicted primarily needs Yin-chen-hao-tang (Capillaris Combination). In the disease of grain jaundice, [we see aversion to] cold and heat [effusion], inability to eat, dizzy head upon eating, disquietude in the heart and chest, and over a long period, the development of yellowing, which constitutes grain jaundice, Virgate Wormwood Decoction (茵陈蒿汤 yīn chén hāo tānɡ) governs.
59115.14 15.14 15.14 15.14 15.14 15.14
592黄家日晡所发热,而反恶寒,此为女劳得之。膀胱急,少腹满,身尽黄,额上黑,足下热,因作黑疸。其腹胀如水状,大便必黑,时溏,此女劳之病,非水也。腹满者难治,硝石矾石散主之。 [There is usually] fever [in the patient with] jaundice in the time from 3 o’clock to 7 o’clock in the afternoon. [If there is no fever] but aversion to cold, this is woman consumptive [disease]. [If there are symptoms and signs of] tension of bladder, lower abdominal fullness, generalized yellowing, black forehead and heat in the soles of feet, [it] will develop into black jaundice. [If there are symptoms and signs of] abdominal distension like [retention of] water, black stool and frequent sloppy stool, it is woman consumptive [disease], not [retention of] water. [If] the abdomen is full, [it is] difficult to treat. [The appropriate formula] for treating it is Xiaoshi Fanshi Powder (硝石矾石散, niter and alum powder). Patients affected by Jaundice have fever in the afternoon and chills. This is a case of Jaundice due to sexual intemperance, with syndromes signs of abdominal distention, strain in the Urinary Bladder, yellowish complexion all over the body, dark forehead, and warmth in the arches. This will gradually turn into Black Jaundice. The patient's abdomen is distended as if it were full of water. The stool is black and watery. Causa morbi is overexertion in sexual activity. It is nit a case of edema. Jaundice accompanied by abdominal distention is generally difficult to treat Powder of Nutrum and Alumen can be adopted. A person suffering from yellowing typically presents with heat effusion in late afternoon; but if aversion to cold occurs instead, this indicates sexual taxation jaundice. Urgency of the bladder, fullness of the lesser abdomen, generalized yellowing, darkening of the forehead, and heat on the undersides of the feet lead to black jaundice. Those with abdominal distention that resembles water swelling will present with black stools that are often sloppy. This indicates sexual taxation jaundice, not water. Those with abdominal fullness are difficult to treat. Xiao Shi Fan Shi San (Niter and Alum Powder) is indicated. If a person with jaundice develops a fever with chillphobia at dusk, he has nv lao (sexual exhaustion), characterized further by an urgency to urinate, abdominal distention, and yellow skin. These symptoms together with a darkening around the temples and fever in the soles of the feet signify dark jaundice. Edema-like abdominal distention, black stools, and frequent diarrhea indicate nv lao rather than edema. A patient with nv lao accompanied by abdominal distention is difficult to cure. He requires Xiao-shi-fan-shi-san (Niter and Alum Formula). People who suffer from yellowing [usually experience] heat effusion in the late afternoon. However, [if they experience] aversion to cold instead, this is caused by female taxation. [Accompanying symptoms are] tension in the bladder, lesser abdominal fullness, thorough yellowing of the body, blackness on the forehead, and heat under the feet. This condition [over time] turns into black jaundice. In such a patient, the abdomen is distended as if [full of] water, and the stool is invariably black and sometimes sloppy. This is female taxation disease, not water [qì disease]. Cases with abdominal fullness are difficult to treat. Niter and Alum Powder (硝石矾石散xiāo shí fán shí sǎn) governs.
59315.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.15
594酒黄疸,心中懊憹或热痛,栀子大黄汤主之。 [In] wine jaundice, [there is] discomfort and vexation in the heart, or heat and pain. The appropriate [formula for] treating it is Zhizi Dahuang Decoction (栀子大黄汤, gardenia and rhubarb decoction). Jaundice due to over-drinking accompanied by symptoms of restlessness and irritation in the Heart or pain and hot feelings can be treated with Decoction of Fructus Gardeniae and Radix et Rhizoma Rhei. For liquor jaundice manifesting with anguish in the heart or pain, Zhi Zi Da Huang Tang (Gardenia and Rhubarb Decoction) is indicated. A patient suffering from wine jaundice with annoyance and heart stress, or fever and aching, primarily requires Zhi-zi-da-huang-tang (Gardenia and Rhubarb Combination). For alcohol jaundice with anguish in the heart and possibly hot pain, Gardenia and Rhubarb Decoction (栀子大黄汤 zhī zǐ dà huáng tānɡ) governs.
59515.16 15.16 15.16 15.16 15.16 15.16
596诸病黄家,但利其小便。假令脉浮,当以汗解之,宜桂枝加黄芪汤主之。 [In] patients with jaundice, just normalization of urination [can cure the disease]. If the pulse is floating, [it can be] resolved by diaphoresis. The appropriate [formula for] treating it is Guizhi Decoction (桂枝汤, cinnamon twig decoction) added with Huangqi (黄芪, astragalus, Radix Astragali). General therapy in all cases of Jaundice is the adoption of diuretic. If pulse is floating, diaphoretic should be adopted. Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi adding Radix Astragali Hedysari will provide a cure. For all yellowing patterns, simply disinhibit urination. If the pulses are floating, sweating should be promoted to resolve the condition. Gui Zhi Jia Huang Qi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Astragalus) is indicated. See the formula in the section – Water Qi. Diuresis relieves various kinds of jaundice. If the patient exhibits a floating pulse, the condition should be treated by inducing sweating. Therefore, it is appropriate to treat primarily with Gui-zhi-jia-huang-qi-tang (Cinnamon and Astragalus Combination). In all patients who suffer from yellowing, merely disinhibit urine. If the pulse is floating, use sweating to resolve it. Cinnamon Twig Decoction (桂枝加黄芪汤 guì zhī jiā huáng qí tānɡ) governs.
59715.17 15.17 15.17 15.17 15.17 15.17
598诸黄,猪膏发煎主之。 Various yellowing [diseases] can be treated by Zhugao Fajian Decoction (猪膏发煎方, pork lard and human hair decoction). Decoction of Lard and Human Hair can be adopted in all cases of Jaundice. For all yellowing patterns, Zhu Gao Fa Jian (Lard and Hair Brew) is indicated. Zhu-gao-fa-jian-fang (Lard and Human Hair Combination) also treats various kinds of jaundice. For all yellowing, Pork Lard and Hair Brew (猪膏发煎 zhū ɡāo fā jiān) governs.
59915.18 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18
600黄疸病,茵陈五苓散主之。 Jaundice [should be] treated by Yinchen Wuling Powder (茵陈五苓散, virgate wormwood and poria decoction). Power of Herba Artemisiae Scopariae and Wuling can be adopted to treat the syndrome of Jaumdice. For jaundice disease, Yin Chen Wu Ling San (Five Substances Powder with Poria plus Capillaries Powder) is indicated. Another version states that "Yin Chen Tang (Capillaries Decoction) and Wu Ling San (Five Substances Powder with Poria) are both indicated". Yin-chen-wu-ling-san (Capillaris and Hoelen Formula) is also a primary treatment for jaundice. For jaundice disease, Virgate Wormwood and Poria Five Powder (茵陈五苓散 yīn chén wǔ líng sǎn) governs.
60115.19 15.19 15.19 15.19 15.19 15.19
602黄疸腹满,小便不利而赤,自汗出,此为表和里实,当下之,宜大黄硝石汤。 [In] jaundice, [symptoms and signs of] inhibited urination with red color and spontaneous sweating indicate external harmony and internal excess [heat syndrome/pattern]. [It] should [be treated by] purgation. The appropriate [formula for treating it] is Dahuang Xiaoshi Decoction (大黄硝石汤, rhubarb and niter decoction). Syndrome of Jaundice accompanied by symptoms and signs of abdominal distention, dysuria with reddish urine, and spontaneous perspiration is a case with harmonious Exterior and Excess in the Interior. A purgative should be adopted. Decoction of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei and Nitrum will provide a cure. Jaundice with abdominal fullness, inhibited and reddish urination, and spontaneous sweating is attributed to harmonized exterior with an interior excess condition. Purgation should be applied. Da Huang Xiao Shi Tang (Rhubarb and Niter Decoction) is recommended. Jaundice with abdominal distention, scanty red urine, and spontaneous perspiring characterizes a harmonized surface and firm interior. Purgation with Da-huang-xiao-shi-tang (Rhubarb and Niter Combination) should be instituted. If jaundice manifests with abdominal fullness, inhibited voidings of red urine, and spontaneous sweating, this indicates harmony of the exterior, and repletion of the interior. [Treat such conditions with] precipitation. Rhubarb and Niter Decoction (大黄硝石汤dà huáng xiāo shí tānɡ) is appropriate.
60315.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20 15.20
604黄疸病,小便色不变,欲自利,腹满而喘,不可除热,热除必哕。哕者,小半夏汤主之。 [In] jaundice, the color of urine is not changed, [the patient] wants to urinate spontaneously, the abdomen is full and there is panting. [To treat such a disease,] heat cannot be eliminated [because] elimination of heat will cause hiccup. [If there is] hiccup, Xiao Banxia Decoction (小半夏汤, minor pinellia decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Jaundice with urine of a normal color, abdominal distention, wheezing and a tendency to loose stool should not be treated with drugs in cold quality to eliminate the Heat. Adoption of drugs of a Decoction of Lesser rhizome Pinelliae is a good cure for nausea. For jaundice disease with unchanged urine color, a tendency to spontaneous diarrhea, and abdominal fullness with panting, heat-eliminating treatments are prohibited; this will result in retching. For retching, Xiao Ban Xia Tang (Minor Pinellia Decoction) is indicated. See the formula in the section – Phlegm-theum. Fever purging formulas given to patients with jaundice who have normal colored urine, a tendency to urinate frequently, and abdominal distention with asthma will cause retching. Xiao-Ban-xia-tang (Minor Pinellia Combination) treats retching. If jaundice [manifests with] no change in the color of urine, [stool] on the verge of spontaneous diarrhea, and abdominal fullness and panting, you must not eliminate heat. If you eliminate heat, [there] will inevitably be hiccup. For hiccup, Minor Pinellia Decoction (小半夏汤xiǎo bàn xià tānɡ) governs.
60515.21 15.21 15.21 15.21 15.21 15.21
606诸黄,腹痛而呕者,宜柴胡汤。 [In] various yellowing [diseases], [if there is] abdominal pain and nausea, Chaihu Decoction (柴胡汤, bupleurum decoction) is the appropriate [formula for] treating it. Syndrome of Jaundice with abdominal pain and nausea can be treated with Decoction of Radix Bupleuri. For all yellowing patterns manifesting with abdominal pain and retching, Chai Hu Tang (Bupleurum Decoction) is recommended. Refers to Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction). See the formula in the section – Vomiting. Xiao-chai-hu-tang (Minor Bupluerum Combination) treats various jaundice conditions with vomiting and abdominal aching. In all types of yellowing, for abdominal fullness and retching, Bupleum Decoction (chái hú tānɡ) is appropriate.
60715.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22 15.22
608男子黄,小便自利,当与虚劳小建中汤。 Male [patients with] yellow [skin] and spontaneous urination [can be] treated by Xiao Jianzhong Decoction (小建中汤, minor decoction for strengthening the middle). In male patients, Jaundice with normal urination should be treated with Decoction of Lesser Jianzhong to tonify the Deficiency. For a man with yellowing and spontaneous urination, Xiao Jian Zhong Tang (Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction) for deficiency taxation should be applied. See the formula in the section – Deficiency Taxation. The tonic Xiao-jian-zhong-tang (Minor Cinnamon and Peony Combination) treats jaundice in a man who urinates frequently. If men suffer from yellowing with uninhibited urination, you should give Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction (小建中汤 xiǎo jiàn zhōnɡ tānɡ) for vacuity taxation.
609 Chapter 16
610惊悸吐血下血胸满瘀血病脉证治第十六 Fright, Palpitation, Blood vomiting, Bleeding, Chest Fullness and Blood Stasis Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 16 On pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Convulsions and Palpitation, Hematemesis, Epistaxis, Hematochezia, Chest Fullness and Blood Stasis Chapter 16 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Fright Palpations, Blood Ejection, Purgation of Blood, Fullness in the Chest, and Static Blood Chapter 16 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Convulsions and Palpitation, Hematemesis, Nosebleeds, Hematochezia Chest Fullness and Blood Stasis Chapter 16 Fright and Palpitation, Blood Ejection, Nosebleed, Lower Body Bleeding, Fullness in the Chest, and Static Blood
61116.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1 16.1
612寸口脉动而弱,动即为惊,弱则为悸。 The pulse in the cunkou [region] is quivering and weak. Quivering [pulse] indicates fright and weak [pulse] indicates palpitation. Pulse in the wrist is moving and weak. Moving pulse indicates convulsion. Weak pulse indicates palpitation. Regarding stirring and weak pulses at the inch opening, a stirring quality reflects fright, and weakness reflects palpitation. Pulse on the cunkou site is fluttering and weak. Fluttering pulse indicates convulsions. Weak pulse indicates palpitations. When the inch opening pulse is stirred and weak, stirred means fright, and weakness means palpitation.
61316.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2 16.2
614师曰:尺脉浮,目睛晕黄,衄未止;晕黄去,目睛慧了,知衄今止。 The master said: The pulse in the chi [region] is floating and the eyes are yellow [around the pupils], [indicating that] nosebleed does not cease. [When] yellowing [around the pupils of the eyes] has dispersed, [it indicates that] nosebleed has ceased. Master: Pulse in the cubit is floating. Eyeballs are yellowish with blurred vision. Epistaxis occurs occasionally. When yellowish color in the eyeballs fades and the vision returns to normal, epistaxis will cease. The master said, "Floating pulses at the cubit position with yellow areola of the eyes means that the nosebleed has not yet been cured. When the yellow areola disappears and the eyes become clear, we then know that the nosebleed has been cured." The master said: "A floating pulse on the chi site and yellowish eyes accompany a nose bleed. The ocular yellowing will fade and the eyes clear when the bleeding ceases." The Master says: “A floating cubit pulse and eyes with yellow haze [around the pupils] means that nosebleed is not ye checked. When the yellow haze is gone and the eyes have cleared, you know that the nose bleed is now checked.”
61516.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3
616又曰:从春至夏,衄者,太阳;从秋至冬,衄者,阳明。 The master said again: [If there is] nosebleed from spring to summer, [it belongs to] taiyang; [if there is] nosebleed from autumn to winter, [it belongs to] yangming. The master says: Epistaxis in spring and summer belong to the category of Initial Yang syndromes; epistaxis in autumn and winter belong to the category of Greater Yang syndromes. It is also said, "Nosebleed that appears in the spring and summer is attributed to taiyang; and from fall to winter, yangming." The master further said: "Nosebleeds that occur during spring and summer are of the greater yang whereas those that occur in autumn and winter are of the sunlight yang." [The Master] also says: “Nosebleed from spring to summer is [a disease of] greater yáng; nosebleed from autumn to winter is [a disease of] yáng brightness.”
61716.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.4
618衄家不可汗,汗出必额上陷,脉紧急,直视不能眴,不得眠。 The patient with nosebleed cannot [be treated by] diaphoresis. [If there is] sweating, [there must be] depression in the forehead, tight and urgent pulse, eyes staring straight and unable to move, and inability to lie down. Diaphoresis is not recommended for patients who suffer from frequent epistaxis. If it is adopted, the veins on the patient's forehead will be tense and protruding, his eyeballs will be motionless and he will suffer from insomnia. People suffering from nosebleed should not be treated with the sweating method, or a sunken forehead, tight and urgent pulses, forward-staring with an inability to roll the eyeballs, and sleeplessness will appear. A patient with a nosebleed should not be sweated because his temples will sink and he will develop a tense and quick pulse, a fixed stare, and insomnia. In patients with habitual nosebleed, you must not promote sweating. [In such patients,] sweating is bound to cause a sunken forehead, tight and urgent pulse, straight-staring [eyes] that are unable to roll, and inability to sleep.
61916.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5
620病人面无色,无寒热,脉沉弦者,衄;浮弱,手按之绝者,下血;烦咳者,必吐血。 [The manifestations of] no facial expression, no aversion to cold, no fever, sunken and taut pulse [indicate] nosebleed. [The pulse is] floating and weak, [but there is] no beating when pressed, [indicating] bleeding. [If there is] vexation and cough, blood vomiting is inevitable. The patient's face is pale but he has not fever or chills. Epistaxis will occur when deep-tight pulse is diagnosed. In other case, pulse is floating and weak. When pressed deeply, the pulse disappears, indicating a case of hematochezia. Restlessness and coughing indicate a case of hematemesis. If a patient has no luster on the face, an absence of cold or heat signs, and sunken and wiry pulses, this can also indicate nosebleeding. Floating and weak pulses that expire under pressure indicate purgation of blood; with vexation and coughing, he will eject blood. A pallid complexion, absence of chills and fever, and a submerged and chordal pulse accompany a nosebleed. If the pulse feels floating and weak, dying out upon heavy palpation, it is a sign of hemorrhage. If the patient exhibits vexation and coughing besides, he will soon vomit blood. In a patient with a bloodless facial complexion and no aversion to cold or heat effusion, a sunken and stringlike pulse means nosebleed; a floating and weak pulse that expires when pressed means lower body bleeding; and vexation and cough invariably mean blood ejection.
62116.6 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.6
622夫吐血,咳逆上气,其脉数而有热,不得卧者,死。 Blood vomiting, [accompanied by] cough, panting, upward counterflow of qi, rapid pulse, fever and inability to lie down, is fatal. Case is fatal when the patient has hematemesis with coughing, inspiratory dyspnea, fever, speedy pulse and restlessness that prevent him from lying quietly in bed. Blood ejection with coughing counterflow and qi ascent, rapid pulses, heat effusion, and sleeplessness reflects a terminal condition. A patient who vomits blood and has an adverse cough, flushing up of it, a quick pulse and fever and thus an inability to lie down will die. If blood ejection is accompanied by cough and counterflow qì ascent, a rapid pulse, heat [effusion], and inability to sleep, this means death.
62316.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7
624夫酒客咳者,必致吐血,此因极饮过度所致也。 [If there is] cough in a person addicted to wine, [accompanied by] blood vomiting due to overdrinking of wine, [it is] fatal. Coughing in a patient who frequently drinks (wine) will lead to hematemesis, especially a patient drinks to excess and too often. Coughing among drinkers will result in blood ejection; this is caused by excessive drinking. An alcoholic with a cough will definitely soon begin to vomit blood as a consequence of the overdrinking of alcohol. When a drinker suffers from cough, this invariably leads to blood ejection. This is because [the cough] is caused by excessive consumption of alcohol.
62516.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8
626寸口脉弦而大,弦则为减,大则为芤,减则为寒,芤则为虚,寒虚相击,此名曰革,妇人则半产漏下,男子则亡血。 The pulse in the cunkou [region] is taut and large. Taut [pulse] indicates reduction and large [pulse] indicates floating-softness. Reduction means cold, floating-softness means deficiency. [When] cold and deficiency contend with each other, it is called tympanic. [In] women, [it indicates] abortion and vaginal bleeding; [in] men, [it indicates] bleeding. The pulse is tight and huge. When pressed deeply, it is not as strong as a true tight pulse. Though huge, it is void within. Such pulse is called "void-tight". Tight pulse of reduced strength indicates prevalence of pathogenetic Cold. Void pulse reflects Interior Deficiency. When void-tight pulse occurs in female patents, this indicates premature delivery or mild, chronic bloody vaginal discharge. In male patient, it indicates loss of blood and sperm. Regarding wiry and large pulses at the inch opening, the wiry quality is relieved by heavy pressure and the large pulse is similar to the scallion-stalk pulse. Relief indicates cold, while scallion-stalk indicates deficiency. In deficiency contending with cold, the pulse image is called drunken. Women with this pulse will suffer from late miscarriage and spotting, and men will suffer from blood collapse. The pulse is tight and huge on the cunkou. When pressed deeply, it is not as strong as a true tight pulse. Though huge, it is void within. Such pulse is called "leathery" (void-tight). Tight pulse of reduced strength indicates prevalence of pathogenetic Cold. Void pulse reflects Interior Deficiency. When void-tight pulse occurs in female patients, this indicates premature delivery or mild, chronic bloody vaginal discharge. In male patients, it indicates loss of blood and sperm. When the inch opening pulse is stingike and large, stringlike means reduced, and large means scallion-stalk; reduced means cold, and scallion-stalk means vacuity. When cold and vacuity contend with each other, this is called drumskin. In women, this means miscarriage or vaginal spotting; in men, it means blood collapse.
62716.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9
628亡血不可发其表,汗出即寒栗而振。 [To treat patients with] bleeding, diaphoresis cannot [be used because] sweating causes quivering and shivering. Diaphoresis is not recommended for those who suffer from frequent hemorrhaging. If is adopted, there will be perspiration, trembling, shivering, and chills. People with blood collapse should no be treated with the sweating method. Promoting sweating will result in cold shudders and quivering. A patient who has lost blood should not be treated with sudorifics because after perspiring he will experience chills and trembling. In blood collapse, you must not effuse the exterior. Sweating will result in shivering with cold.
62916.10 16.10 16.10 16.10 16.10 16.10
630病人胸满,唇痿舌青,口燥,但欲嗽水,不欲咽,无寒热,脉微大来迟,腹不满,其人言我满,为有瘀血。 [In] the patient, [there are symptoms and signs of] chest fullness, withered lips, bluish tongue, dryness of the mouth, desire to gargle, no aversion to cold, no fever, faint, large and slow pulse There is no abdominal fullness, [but] the patient feels fullness in the abdomen [because] there is blood stasis [in the internal]. The patient experiences a sense of fullness in the chest, withered lips bluish tongue and parched mouth. He is thirsty but merely holds the water in his mouth with no intention of swallowing it. He has no fever or chill. He has no abdominal distention but claim to be suffering from this. His pulse is feeble, huge, and slow. This is a case of blood stasis. When the patient present with fullness in the chest, wilted lips, a bluish-green tongue, dry mouth, a desire to wash the mouth with water but not to swallow it, an absence of cold or heat signs, faint large and slow pulses, and no apparent abdominal fullness even thought he complains of fullness; this indicates static blood. Evidences of stagnant blood are chest fullness; thin lips; a bluish tongue; dry mouth with a desire to rise with, but not swallow, water; absence of chills and fever; a minute, big, and slow pulse; and no abdominal distention though the patient feels bloated. When a patient presents with fullness in the chest, withered lips, green-blue tongue, dry mouth with desire only to gargle with water but not to swallow, no [aversion to] cold and heat [effusion], a faint, large, and slowly arriving pulse, and no abdominal fullness even though the patient states, “I have fullness,” this means that static blood is present.
63116.11 16.11 16.11 16.11 16.11 16.11
632病者如热状,烦满,口干燥而渴,其脉反无热,此为阴伏,是瘀血也,当下之。 The patient seems to have fever, [accompanied by] vexation, chest fullness and dryness of the mouth with thirst. [When] the pulse [is taken], no heat [can be felt because] there is blood stasis [and stagnated heat in the blood aspect]. [To treat such a disease,] purgation should [be used]. Symptoms and signs are similar to those in a case of Heat nature, with restlessness, sensation of fullness, thirst and parched mouth. But the pulse does not suggest a case of a Heat nature. This is called "hidden Yin"(Yin fu), a case of caused by blood stasis .A purgative which can remove the blood stasis should be adopted. When the patient presents with heat signs such as vexation, fullness, and a dry mouth with thirst, but the pulses reflect no heat, this is yin hiding. This indicates static blood, and it should be treated with purgation. When a patient feels feverish and has annoyance and distention with a dry mouth and a sensation of thirst but a pulse that indicates the absence of fever, he has hidden yin and stagnant blood; he should be treated by purgation. When a patient presents with apparent heat, with vexation and fullness, dry mouth and thirst, but a pulse that [evidences] no heat, this constitutes hidden yīn and means precisely static blood. [Treat this condition by] precipitation.
63316.12 16.12 16.12 16.12 16.12 16.12
634火邪者,桂枝去芍药加蜀漆牡蛎龙骨救逆汤主之。 [Disease with] pathogenic fire [that causes fright should be] treated by Guizhi Jiuni Decoction (桂枝救逆汤, cinnamon twig decoction for resolving counterflow) with removal of Shaoyao (芍药, peony, Radix Paeoniae) and addition of Shuqi (蜀漆, dichroa, Ramulus et Folium Dichroae), Muli (牡蛎, oyster shell, Concha Ostreae) and Longgu (龙骨, Loong bone, Os Loong). Syndrome caused by scorching therapy can be treated with Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi jiuni. For fire evil, Gui Zhi Qu Shao Jia Shu Qi Mu Li Long Gu Jiu Ni Tang (Cinnamon Twig Counterflow-Stemming Decoction minus Peony plus Dichroa Leaf, Oyster Shell, and Dragon Bone) is indicated. Gui-zhi-qu-shao-yao-jia-shu-qi-mu-li-long-gu-ju-ni-tang (Cinnamon, Dichroa Sprout, Dragon Bone, and Oyster Shell Combination) treats those suffering from evil fire. For fire evil, Cinnamon Twig Counterflow-Stemming Decoction Minus Peony Plus Dichroa Leaf, Oyster Shell, and Dragon Bone (桂枝救逆汤guì zhī qù sháo yào jiā shǔ qī mǔ lì lónɡ ɡǔ jiù nì tānɡ) governs.
63516.13 16.13 16.13 16.13 16.13 16.13
636心下悸者,半夏麻黄丸主之。 [The disease with] palpitation below the heart [can be] treated by Banxia Mahuang Pill (半夏麻黄丸, pinellia and ephedra pill). Palpitations can be treated with Pills of Rhizoma Pinelliae and Herba Ephedrae. For palpitation below the heart, Ban Xia Ma Huang Wan (Pinellia and Ephedra Pill) is indicated. A patient with palpitation beneath the heart primarily needs Ban-xia-ma-huang-wan (Pinellia and Mahuang Formula). For palpitation below the heart, Pinellia and Ephedra Pill (半夏麻黄丸 bàn xià má huáng wán) governs.
63716.14 16.14 16.14 16.14 16.14 16.14
638吐血不止者,柏叶汤主之。 [To treat] incessant blood vomiting, Boye Decoction (柏叶汤, arborvitae leaf decoction) should [be used]. Syndromes with repeated hematemesis can be treated with Decoction of Cacumen Biotae. For incessant blood ejection, Bai Ye Tang (Arborvitae Leaf Decoction) is indicated. A person who incessantly vomits blood should immediately take Bo-ye-tang (Biota Leaves Combination). For incessant blood ejection, Arborvitae Leaf Decoction (柏叶汤 bǎi yè tānɡ) governs.
63916.15 16.15 16.15 16.15 16.15 16.15
640下血,先便后血,此远血也,黄土汤主之。 [In the patient with] blood in the stool, [if] stool [is discharged] first and then the blood [is discharged], it is called distal bleeding and should be treated by Huangtu Decoction (黄土汤, oven earth decoction). In a case of hematochezia, blood is observed after the stool. This is called "Distant hematochezia" (Yuan xue). Decoction of Loess can be adopted. With purgation of blood, defecation followed by bleeding is called distal bleeding. Huang Tu Tang (Yellow Earth Decoction) is indicated. Huang-tu-tang (Fuolung-kan Combination) treats "distal blood," bleeding in which first stool, then blood is evacuated. When lower body bleeding manifests in bleeding after defecating, this is distal bleeding. Yellow Earth Decoction (黄土汤 huánɡ tǔ tānɡ) governs.
64116.16 16.16 16.16 16.16 16.16 16.16
642下血,先血后便,此近血也,赤小豆当归散主之。 [In the patient with] bleeding, [if] the blood [is discharged] first and then the stool [is discharged], it is called proximal bleeding and should be treated by Chixiaodou Danggui Powder (赤小豆当归散, rice bean and Chinese angelica decoction). In the case of hematochezia, blood is observed before the stool. This is called "Near hematochezia" (Jin xue). Powder of Radix. Angelicae Sinensis and Semen Phaseoli can be adopted. With purgation of blood, bleeding followed by defecation is called proximal bleeding. Chi Xiao Dou Dang Gui San (Rice Bean and Chinese Angelica Powder) is indicated. Chi-xiao-dou-dang-gui-san (Phaseolus and Dang-gui Formula) treats proximal blood, "bleeding in which first blood, then stool is evacuated. When lower body bleeding manifests in bleeding before defecating, this is proximal bleeding. Rice Bean and Chinese Angelica Powder (赤小豆当归散 chì xiǎo dòu dāng ɡuī sǎn) governs.
64316.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17
644心气不足,吐血,衄血,泻心汤主之。 The patient with insufficiency of heart qi, blood vomiting and nosebleed [should be] treated by Xiexin Decoction (泻心汤, decoction for draining the heart). Decoction of Xiexin is effective in syndromes with symptomes of restlessness, hematemesis and epistaxis. For heart qi insufficiency with blood ejection and nosebleed, Xie Xin Tang (Heart-Draining Decoction) is indicated. Xie-xin-tang (Coptis and Rhubarb Combination) treats a patient with deficiency of heart, hematemesis, and nosebleeds. For insufficiency of heart qì, with blood ejection and nosebleed, Heart-Draining Decoction (泻心汤 xiè xīn tāng) governs.
647呕吐哕下利病脉证治第十七 Chapter 17 Retching, Vomiting, Hiccup and Diarrhea Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 17 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Nausea and Vomiting, Retching and Diarrhea Chapter 17 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Vomiting, Hiccough and Diarrhea Chapter 17 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Nausea and Vomiting, Retching and Diarrhea Chapter 17 Retching and Vomiting, Hiccup, and Diarrhea
64817.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1
649夫呕家有痈脓,不可治呕,脓尽自愈。 The patient with frequent retching [suffers from] abscess with pus. [It] cannot be treated [by the therapy for] stopping retching. [When] pus has disappeared completely, [the disease will] spontaneously heal. A patient constantly suffering from nausea and vomiting should not be treated with antiemetic if vomit includes purulent substance. Once the patient vomits up all of these substances, vomiting will stop. When a person suffering from vomiting presents welling-abscesses with pus, it is prohibited to apply vomiting treatment; after the pus has been completely eliminated, recovery will appear spontaneously. A person who vomits out carbuncular pus should not undergo treatment with the antiemesis method since the condition will heal spontaneously as the pus depletes. If patients with habitual retching have welling-abscess with pus, you must not treat the retching; when the pus has disappeared completely, [the patient] will spontaneously recover.
65017.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.2
651先呕却渴者,此为欲解;先渴却呕者,为水停心下,此属饮家。呕家本渴,今反不渴者,以心下有支饮故也,此属支饮。 [When the patient] vomits first and then [feels] thirsty, it indicates [that vomiting is] about to resolve. [When the patient feels] thirsty first and then vomits, [it is caused by] retention of water below the heart, pertaining to water retention disease. The patient with vomiting should be thirsty, but now there is no thirst because there is propping retention of water below the heart. [That is why] it belongs to propping retention of water. The patient first experiences nausea and vomiting followed by thirst. This indicates incipient self-cure. When the patient experiences thirst before nausea and vomiting, this indicates Fluid-retention in the epigastrium. Thi is a Fluid-retention syndrome. Under normal conditions, the patient experiencing nausea and vomiting should feel thirsty. When Zhiyin Fluid-retention is located in the epigastrium, the patient will not feel thirst. This is a Zhiyin Fluid-retention syndrome. Vomiting followed by thirst indicates that the disease is on the verge of resolution. Thirst followed by vomiting indicates water collected below the heart; this is ascribed to rheum. Vomiting followed by thirst signals recovery. Thirst followed by vomiting means stagnant water under the heart. A patient who vomits is usually thirsty. The absence of thirst means there is branch stagnation beneath the heart. When retching occurs first and is followed by thirst, this means that [the condition] is about to resolve. When thirst occurs first and is followed by retching, this means that water is collecting below the heart. This is [a symptom] associated with patients with habitual rheum, Patients with habitual retching should generally be thirsty. However, if they are not thirsty, this indicates an association with propping rheum below the heart.
65217.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3
653问曰:病人脉数,数为热,当消谷引食,而反吐者,何也?师曰:以发其汗,令阳微,膈气虚,脉乃数。数为客热,不能消谷,胃中虚冷故也。 Question: The patient’s pulse is rapid and rapid [pulse] indicates heat. [Hence] there should be swift digestion with frequent hunger. But [now there is] vomiting. What is the reason? The master said: Because sweating [is promoted], [making] yang faint, qi in the diaphragm deficient and the pulse rapid. Rapid [pulse] indicates [deficient pathogenic] heat [that] cannot promote digestion due to deficiency-cold in the stomach. Question: Speedy pulse indicates Interior Heat which normally promotes digestion and whets the appetite. But the patient experiences nausea and vomiting. Why does this happen? Question: "A patient presents with rapid pulses. Rapidness indicates heat, so there should be swift digestion with a desire to eat. However, there is vomiting. Why is this?" The master said: "Promoting sweating causes yang debilitation and diaphragm qi deficiency, therefore the pulses are rapid. Rapidness reflects guest heat, which cannot digest food. This condition is due to deficiency cold in the stomach." The disciples asked: "A patient with a quick indicative of fever ought to be able to digest food quickly. What does it mean if he regurgitates food?" Question: “In a patient with a rapid pulse, rapid means heat. Hence we should see dispersion of grain with intake of food. If there is vomiting instead, what does this mean?” The Master says: “[In such patients, inappropriate] promotion of sweating has made yáng faint and diaphragm qì vacuous; hence the pulse is rapid. Rapid [here] means visiting heat, and inability to disperse grain because of vacuity cold in the stomach.
654脉弦者,虚也,胃气无余,朝食暮吐,变为胃反。寒在于上,医反下之,今脉反弦,故名曰虚。 The pulse is taut, [indicating] deficiency and insufficiency of stomach qi. [As a result, the food] taken in the morning will be vomited in the evening, changing into stomach regurgitation. Cold is in the upper, [but] the doctor [has treated the patient with] purgation. [That is why] the pulse becomes taut. [Hence it is] called deficiency. Master: Diaphoresis has weakened the Yang Vital energy and caused Deficiency in the diaphragm. A speedy pulse represents a "Guest Heat" which cannot aid digestion. So cold and deficient Stomach causes nausea and vomiting. Tight pulse is diagnosed, which indicates a Deficiency. When the Stomach Vital Energy is exhausted, the patient will vomit the food eaten during the morning in the evening. This is called "stomach Reguration"(Wei fan), resulting from the adoption of purgatives while pathogenetic Cold prevails in the upper part of the body. The pulse will turn tight. This is a case of Deficiency. Wiry pulses indicate deficiency. The stomach qi is exhausted, so there is vomiting in the evening of food eaten in the morning; the condition transmutes into stomach reflux. There is cold in the upper, but the physician applies purgation. Now the pulse is wiry instead, therefore it is named deficiency. The master said: "Regurgitation occurs as a consequence of being treated by the sweating method which has diminished yang and weakened diaphragm Qi. The quick characteristic of the pulse, denotes affliction by a guest' fever. The inability to digest food occurs because the stomach has been weakened and chilled. A chordal pulse indicates depletion of gastric Qi. Consequently food eaten in the morning will be vomited undigested in the evening. It occurs when a doctor purges a chill downward that was formerly lodged in the upper warmer. The condition is due to, and known as, weakness. [In such conditions], a stringlike pulse means vacuity. Because stomach qì had no superabundance, what was eaten in the morning was vomited in the evening, transmuting into stomach reflux.” There was cold in the upper body, but the physician [wrongly treated with] precipitation. Hence, the pulse has now become stringlike. We call this [a sign of] vacuity.
65517.4 17.4 17.4 17.4 17.4 17.4
656寸口脉微而数,微则无气,无气则荣虚,荣虚则血不足,血不足则胸中冷。 The pulse in the cunkou [region] is faint and rapid. Faint [pulse] indicates no qi (collapse of yang qi); no qi indicates deficiency of nutrient [qi]; deficiency of nutrient [qi] indicates insufficiency of the blood; insufficiency of the blood indicates cold in the chest. Pulse in the wrist is feeble and speedy. Feeble pulse demonstrates weary state of the Vital Resistance, which will cause the Nutrient Essence to become deficient. Deficient Nutrient Essence reflects insufficiency of the Blood, which will in turn give the patient a sensation of cold in the chest. When pulses at the inch opening are faint and rapid, faintness reflects absence of qi, which results ying deficiency. Ying deficiency causes blood insufficiency which results in coldness in the chest. A minute and quick pulse on the cun site signifies a lack of Oi and hence blood weakness. Blood weakness leads to blood deficiency which in tum causes chills in the chest. When the inch opening pulse is faint and rapid, faint means absence of qì; absence of qì means vacuity of construction [qì]; vacuity of construction [qì] means insufficiency of the blood; and insufficiency of the blood means cold in the chest.
65717.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5
658趺阳脉浮而涩,浮则为虚,涩则伤脾,脾伤则不磨,朝食暮吐,暮食朝吐,宿谷不化,名曰胃反。脉紧而涩,其病难治。 The pulse in the fuyang [region] is floating and rough. Floating [pulse] indicates deficiency and rough [pulse] indicates damage of the spleen. [When] the spleen is damaged, [food] cannot be digested. [As a result,] food taken in the morning is vomited in the evening and food taken in the evening is vomited in the morning [because of] inability to digest food. [Hence it is] called stomach regurgitation. [If] the pulse is tight and rough, the disease is difficult to treat. Fuyang pulse is floating and hesitant. Floating pulse indicates Deficiency (of the Stomach Vital Energy), whereas hesitant pulse signifies injured Spleen. When the Spleen is hurt, digestion is also hampered. So the patient vomits the food eaten during the morning in the evening, or vomits the food eaten at night the next morning. Indigestion prevails in the Stomach. This is a case of Stomach Regurgitation. When the pulse is tense-hesitant, the case will be difficult to treat. When fuyang pulses are floating and rough, floating reflects deficiency and roughness reflects spleen damage. A damaged spleen is unable to grind food. There will be vomiting in the evening of food eaten in the morning, or vomiting in the morning of food eaten in the evening. The abiding food is not transformed, and this is called stomach reflux. With tight and rough pulses, the condition is difficult to treat. A floating and harsh pulse on the fu yang site is significant in that the floating denotes weakness, and the harshness, spleen injury. An injured spleen does not digest food. Consequently, morning food is vomited in the evening, and evening food the next morning - a condition known as "gastric adversity" (regurgitation). If the condition exhibits a tense and harsh pulse, it is difficult to cure. When the instep yáng pulse is floating and rough, floating means vacuity, while rough means damage to the spleen. When the spleen is damaged, it [can] not grind; [hence we see] vomiting in the evening of food eaten in the morning, vomiting in the morning of food eaten in the evening, and abiding grain failing to transform. [This] is called stomach reflux. The pulse is tight and rough, and the disease is difficult to treat.
65917.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6 17.6
660病人欲吐者,不可下之。 [When] the patient is about to vomit, purgation cannot [be used]. No purgative should be adopted for patients who tend to vomit. When a patient has an urge to vomit, it is prohibited to apply purgation. A patient with nausea should not be purged. When the patient is about to vomit, you must not [use] precipitation.
66117.7 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.7
662哕而腹满,视其前后,知何部不利,利之即愈。 [In patients with] hiccup and abdominal fullness, observation of the posterior and anterior (defecation and urination) [will enable one] to know which is inhibited. Disinhibition [of urination and defecation] will cure [the patient]. When nausea and abdominal distention are observed, diagnosis should be made by examining the front and back. Therapy should facilitate the normal functioning. For hiccough with fullness in the abdomen, observe the urine and stool to know which region is inhibited. Disinhibited that, and the condition will be relived. Depending on whether there is a problem with urination or defecation, diuresis or catharsis can heal retching and abdominal distention. In patients with hiccup and abdominal fullness, consider the patient’s anterior and posterior [yīn] [so as to] know which section is inhibited. [When you] disinhibit that, recovery will ensue.
66317.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8
664呕而胸满者,茱萸汤主之。 Retching and chest fullness can be treated by Zhuyu Decoction (茱萸汤, evodia decoction). Decoction of Fructus Evodiae can be adopted for cases with nausea and fullness in the chest. For vomiting with fullness in the chest, Zhu Yu Tangh (Evodia Decoction) is indicated. Wu-zhu-yu-tang (Evodia Combination) treats vomiting with chest distention. For retching with fullness in the chest, Evodia Decoction (茱萸汤 zhū yú tānɡ) governs.
66517.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9 17.9
666干呕,吐涎沫,头痛者,茱萸汤主之。 [To treat] dry retching, vomiting of drool and headache, Zhuyu Decoction (茱萸汤, evodia decoction) can be used. Decoction of Fructus Evodiae is effective in curing nausea with saliva and headache. For dry retching, drool foaming at the mouth, and headache, Zhu Yu Tang Evodia Decoction) is indicated. See the formula above. Evodia Combination also treats dry heaves, frothy salivation, and headache. For dry retching, ejection of drool and foam, and headache, Evodia Decoction (茱萸汤 zhū yú tānɡ) governs.
66717.10 17.10 17.10 17.10 17.10 17.10
668呕而肠鸣,心下痞者,半夏泻心汤主之。 [To treat] retching, borborygmus and lump below the heart, Banxia Xiexin Decoction (半夏泻心汤, pinellia decoction for draining the heart) can be used. Decoction of Rhizoma Pinelliae Xiexin can be adopted for syndrome with the following symptoms and signs: Nausea and vomiting with borborygmus and Vital-energy Stagnation in the epigastrium. For retching with rumbling intestine and glomus below the heart, Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang (Pinellia Heart-Draining Decoction) is indicated. Ban-xia-xie-xin-tang (Pinellia Combination) treats vomiting accompanied by borborygmus and obstruction beneath the heart. For retching with rumbling intestines and glomus below the heart, Pinellia Hear-Draining Decoction (半夏泻心汤 bàn xià xiè xīn tāng) governs.
66917.11 17.11 17.11 17.11 17.11 17.11
670干呕而利者,黄芩加半夏生姜汤主之。 [To treat] dry retching and diarrhea, Huangqin Decoction (黄芩, scutellaria decoction) added with Banxia (半夏, pinellia, Rhizoma Pinelliae) and Shengjiang (生姜, fresh ginger, Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens) should be used. Decoction of Radix Scutellaiae adding Rhizoma Pinelliae and Rhizoma zingiberis Recens can be adopted in case with retching and diarrhea. For dry retching with diarrhea, Huang Qin Jia Ban Xia Sheng Jiang Tang Scutellaria Decoction plus Pinellia and Fresh Ginger Decoction) is indicated. Huang-qin-jia-ban-xia-sheng-jiang-tang (Scute, Pinellia, and Ginger Combination) treats dry heaves with diarrhea. For dry retching with diarrhea, Scutellaria Decoction Plus Pinellia and Fresh Ginger (黄芩加半夏生姜汤 huánɡ qín jiā bàn xià shēnɡ jiāng tāng) governs.
67117.12 17.12 17.12 17.12 17.12 17.12
672诸呕吐,谷不得下者,小半夏汤主之。 [To treat] all kinds of retching, vomiting and inability to swallow food, Xiao Banxia Decoction (小半夏汤, minor pinellia decoction) should be used. The patient suffers nausea and vomiting. He cannot swallow what he has eaten. He should be given a dose of decoction of Lesser Rhizoma Pinelliae to treat the syndrome. For all vomiting with an inability to keep food down, Xiao Ban Xia Tang (Minor Pinellia Decoction) is indicated. See the formula in the section-Phlegm-rheum. Xiao-ban-xia-tang (Minor Pinellia Combination) alleviates various conditions of vomiting in which ingested food can not enter the stomach. For all [types of retching and vomiting with inability to get grain down, Minor Pinellia Decoction (小半夏汤xiǎo bàn xià tānɡ) governs.
67317.13 17.13 17.13 17.13 17.13 17.13
674呕吐而病在膈上,后思水者,解,急与之。思水者,猪苓散主之。 [When] the disease is [located] above the diaphragm, [there is] retching and vomiting. [If there is] desire to drink water after [retching and vomiting], [the disease is about] to resolve and [water should be] immediately given [the patient]. [When the patient] wants to drink water, Zhuling Powder (猪苓散, polyporus powder) should be used. When the pathogenetic factors are located above the diaphragm, the patient suffers from nausea and vomiting. After vomiting, if the patient is thirsty, it is a sign of recovery and the patient should be served water immediately, if the patient is still thirsty after he is given water, Powder of Polyporus Umbellatus can be added. When vomiting from disease affecting the diaphragm is followed by a desire for water, the condition is resolved; immediately give water. With the desire for water, Zhu Ling San (Polyporus Powder) is indicated. When the cause of the disease is located above the diaphragm and vomiting followed by a desire to drink water occurs, it means that the patient is going to recover. A little water should be given immediately. Zhu-ling-san (Polyporus Formula) slakes excessive thirst. In cases of retching and vomiting when the disease is above the diaphragm, if the patient after [retching or vomiting] desires [to drink] water, [this means that the condition] is resolving. Urgently give [the patient water to drink]. When [the patient] desires [to drink] water, Polyporus Powder (猪苓散zhū líng sǎn) governs.
67517.14 17.14 17.14 17.14 17.14 17.14
676呕而脉弱,小便复利,身有微热,见厥者难治,四逆汤主之。 Retching, [accompanied by] weak pulse, normal urination, slight fever and reversal [cold of the four limbs, is difficult to treat. Sini Decoction (四逆汤, decoction for resolving four kinds of adverseness) [can be used] to treat it. Case will be difficult to treat if the following symptoms and signs are observed: Nausea and vomiting, weak pulse, normal urination, slight fever and coldness in the extremities. Decoction of Sini can be adopted to cure the case. Vomiting with weak pulses, abnormally uninhibited ruination, sliht heat effusion of the body and reversal is difficult to treat. Si Ni Tang (Frigid Extremities Decoction) is indicated. Si-ni-tang (Aconite, Ginger, and Licorice Combination) relieves vomiting, a weak pulse, frequent urination, and slight generalized fever in a person with chills. The condition is difficult to cure. If retching [is followed by] a weak pulse, urination that is again uninhibited, slight heat [effusion] in the body, and there is manifestation of reversal, [the condition] is difficult to treat. Counterflow Cold Decoction (四逆汤 sì nì tānɡ) governs.
67717.15 17.15 17.15 17.15 17.15 17.15
678呕而发热者,小柴胡汤主之。 [To treat] retching and fever, Xiao Chaihu Decoction (小柴胡汤, minor bupleurum decoction) can be used. Decoction of Lesser Radix Bupleuri can be adopted in case of nausea and fever. For vomiting with heat effusion, Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction) is indicated. A patient with vomiting and fever should be treated primarily with Xiao-chai-hu-tang (Minor Bupleurum Combination). For retching with heat effusion, Minor Bupleurum Decoction (小柴胡汤 xiǎo chái hú tāng) governs.
67917.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16 17.16
680胃反呕吐者,大半夏汤主之。 [To treat] stomach regurgitation with retching and vomiting, Da Banxia Decoction (大半夏汤, major pinellia decoction) can be used. Decoction of Greater Rhizoma Pinelliae can be adopted in cases with Stomach Regurgitation, nausea and vomiting. For stomach reflux with vomiting, Da Ban Xia Tang (Major Pinellia Decoction) is indicated. Da-ban-xia-tang (Pinellia, Ginseng, and Mel Combination) relieves regurgitation of undigested food. For stomach reflux retching and vomiting, Major Pinellia Decoction (大半夏汤 dà bàn xià tānɡ) governs.
68117.17 17.17 17.17 17.17 17.17 17.17
682食已即吐者,大黄甘草汤主之。 [To treat] vomiting right after taking food, Dahuang Gancao Decoction (大黄甘草汤, rhubarb and licorice decoction) can be used. Immediately after eating, food is vomited up. Such cases can be treated with Decoction of Radix et Rhizoma rhei and Radix Glycyrrhizae. For vomiting immediately after eating, Da Huang Gan Cao Tang (Rhubarb and Licorice Decoction) is indicated. This formula is from Wai Tai Mi Yao (Arcane Essentials from the Imperial Library), also indicated for vomiting of water. A patient who vomits immediately after eating a meal should take primarily Da-huang-gan-cao-tang (Rhubarb and Licorice Combination). For vomiting [occurring] immediately after eating, Rhubarb and Licorice Decoction (大黄甘草汤 dà huáng gān cǎo tānɡ) governs.
68317.18 17.18 17.18 17.18 17.18 Line 17.18
684胃反,吐而渴欲饮水者,茯苓泽泻汤主之。 [To treat] stomach regurgitation with vomiting, thirst and desire to drink water, Fuling Zexie Decoction (茯苓泽泻汤, poria and alsma decoction) should be used. Stomach Reguration with vomiting and thirst can be eased with Decoction of Poria and Rhizoma Alismatis. For stomach reflux with vomiting followed by thirst with a desire to drink water, Fu Ling Ze Xie Tang (Poria and Alisma Decoction) is indicated. A patient with regurgitation and thirst and a desire to drink water should take Fu-ling-ze-xie-tang (Hoelen, Alisma, and Ginger Combination). For stomach reflux with thirst and desire to drink water after vomiting, Poria and Alisma Decoction (茯苓泽泻汤 fú líng zé xiè tānɡ) governs.
68517.19 17.19 17.19 17.19 17.19 Line 17.19
686吐后渴欲得水而贪饮者,文蛤汤主之,兼主微风脉紧头痛。 [To treat] thirst with desire to drink water and drinking rapaciously after vomiting, Wenge Decoction (文蛤汤,, meretrix clam shell decoction) should be used. [This decoction can] also treat tight pulse and headache [due to invasion of] mild wind. After the patient vomits, he is thirsty and drinks large quantities of water. Decoction of Wenge can be adopted to quench the thirst. This decoction is also effective in cases caused by a slight pathogenetic Wind with headache and tense pulse. For vomiting followed by thirst with an excessive desire to drink water, Wen Ge Tang (Clamshell Decoction) is indicated. It is also indicated for mild wind with tight pulses and headache. A patient who craves water and drinks gluttonously due to thirst after vomiting should take Wen-ge-tang (Meretrix Combination). The formula also treats wind illnesses with a tense pulse and headache. For thirst with desire for water and rapacious drinking after vomiting, Meretrix Clam Shell Decoction (文蛤汤 wén ɡé tānɡ) governs. It also governs slight wind with a tight pulse and headache.
68717.20 17.20 17.20 17.20 17.20 17.20
688干呕吐逆,吐涎沫,半夏干姜散主之。 [To treat] dry retching, vomiting, counterflow [of stomach qi] and vomiting of drool and foam, Banxia Ganjiang Powder (半夏干姜散, pinellia and dry ginger powder) should be used. Powder of Rhizoma Pinelliae and Rhizoma Zingiberi can be adopted in syndromes with nausea with copious salivation. For dry retching, vomiting with counterflow, and drool farming at the mouth, Ban Xia Gan Jiang San (Pinellia and Dried Ginger Powder) is indicated. Ban-xia-gian-jiang-san (Pinellia and Ginger Formula) relieves dry heaves, regurgitation, and frothy salivation. For dry retching, vomiting counterflow, and vomiting of drool and foam, Pinellia and Dried Ginger Powder (半夏干姜散 bàn xià ɡàn jiāng sǎn) governs.
68917.21 17.21 17.21 17.21 17.21 17.21
690病人胸中似喘不喘,似呕不呕,似哕不哕,彻心中愦愦然无奈者,生姜半夏汤主之。 [In the patient], there seems to have panting in the chest and actually there is no panting, there seems to have retching and actually there is no retching and there seems to have hiccup and actually there is no hiccup. [But the patient feels] unbearably vexing and depressed in the heart. Shengjiang Banxia Decoction (生姜半夏汤, fresh ginger and pinellia decoction) [can be used] to treat it. The patient feels a great discomfort in the chest, as if he were suffering from wheezing, nausea and vomiting. He is not actually suffering from these complaints, but feels extremely uncomfortable in his chest and is unable to quiet himself down. To tranquilize the patient, Decoction of rhizome Zingiberis Recens and Rhizoma Pinelliae can be adopted. For a patient who feels a chest sensation like panting but he does not, feels a sensation of retching but he does not, and also feels hiccough but does not, with heat fretting and helplessness, Shen Jiang Ban Xia Tang (Fresh Ginger and Pinellia Decoction) is indicated. Sheng-jiang-ban-xia-tang (Fresh Ginger and Pinellia Combination) helps a patient who experiences an indescribable nauseous feeling and discomfort in the heart, sensations in his chest similar to asthma, vomiting, or retching, but has none of these ailments. When a patient presents with [a sensation] in the chest that resembles panting but is not real panting, with [a sensation] that resembles retching but is not real retching, with [a sensation] that resembles hiccup but is not real hiccup, and with unbearable vexation and oppression piercing the heart, Fresh Ginger and Pinellia Decoction (生姜半夏汤shēnɡ jiāng bàn xià tānɡ) governs.
69117.22 17.22 17.22 17.22 17.22 17.22
692干呕,哕,若手足厥者,橘皮汤主之 [To treat] dry retching and hiccup, if there is reversal [cold of] hands and feet, Jupi Decoction (橘皮汤, tangerine peel decoction) should be used. Decoction of Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae can be adopted in syndromes with symptoms of nausea, retching and coldness in the extremities. With dry retching and hiccough, if there is also reversal of the extremities, Ju Pi Tang (Tangerine Peel Decoction) is indicated. Ju-pi-tang (Aurantium Combination) relieves dry heaves and retching along with cold extremities. For dry retching and hiccup, if there is reversal of the extremities Tangerine Peel Decoction (橘皮汤 jú pí tānɡ) governs.
69317.23 17.23 17.23 17.23 17.23 17.23
694哕逆者,橘皮竹茹汤主之。 [To treat] hiccup, Jupi Zhuru Decoction (橘皮竹茹汤, tangerine peel and bamboo shavings decoction) should be used. Decoction of Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae and Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam can be adopted to ease nausea and retching. For hiccough and counterflow, Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang (Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction) is indicated. A patient with adverse retching should take Ju-pi-zhu-ru-tang (Aurantium and Bamboo Combination). For hiccup, Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction (橘皮竹茹汤 jú pí zhú rú tānɡ) governs.
69517.24 17.24 17.24 17.24 17.24 17.24
696夫六腑气绝于外者,手足寒,上气脚缩;五脏气绝于内者,利不禁,下甚者,手足不仁。 Exhaustion of qi from the six fu-organs in the external [is marked by] cold of hands and feet, upward flow of qi and contraction of feet; exhaustion of qi from the five zang-organs in the internal [is marked by] diarrhea difficult to cease and numbness of hands and feet if more serious. When the Vital Energy of the Six Bowels evanesces and fails to reach the Exterior, the following symptoms and signs will appear: Coldness in the extremities, contraction of the feet and inspiratory dyspnea. When the Vital Energy of the Five Viscera evanesces in the Interior, continuous diarrhea will occur. An acute attack of diarrhea will cause numbness in the extremities. Six bowel qi expired at the exterior will cause coldness of the extremities, qi ascent, and feet contraction; five visceral qi in the interior will cause incessant diarrhea. Severe purgation will cause numbness of the extremities. When the vitality of the six hollow viscera is exhausted on the surface of the body, the extremities become cold, Qi flushes, and the feet cramp. When the vitality of the five solid viscera is exhausted in the interior of the body, incessant diarrhea occurs. If severe, the diarrhea causes the limbs to become numb. Expiry of the qì of the six bowels in the outer body [manifests in] coldness of the extremities, qì ascent, and contracted feet. Expiry of the qì of the five viscera in the inner body [manifests in] diarrhea and incontinence. When the diarrhea is severe, the extremities become numb.
69717.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25
698下利,脉沉弦者,下重;脉大者,为未止;脉微弱数者,为欲自止,虽发热不死。 Diarrhea with sunken and taut pulse [indicates] tenesmus. Large pulse indicates [that diarrhea is] not ceased; faint, weak and rapid pulse indicates [that diarrhea is] about to cease. Although there is fever, [it is] not fatal. Diarrhea with deep and tight pulse will be accompanied by a descending feeling in the anus (tenesmus). Huge pulse indicates that the syndrome is not coming to end. When the pulse is feeble-weak and speedy, diarrhea will cease spontaneously. Although fever may be diagnosed, case will not be fatal. For diarrhea with sunken and wiry pulses, there will be rectal heaviness; large pulses indicate that the development of the condition has not cased. Faint, weak, and rapid pulses indicate that the condition is on the verge of spontaneous resolution. Although there is heat effusion, the person will die. In the presence of diarrhea, a submerged and chordal pulse indicates a grave condition; a big pulse, a condition that yet has no sign of cessation;and a minute, weak, and quick pulse, one wherein the diarrhea is going to cease and the patient will live in spite of a fever. Diarrhea with a sunken and stringlike pulse means lower-body heaviness. If the pulse is large, it means it has not stopped. If the pulse is faint, weak, and rapid, it means it is about to stop spontaneously. Although there is heat effusion, [the person will] not die.
69917.26 17.26 17.26 17.26 17.26 17.26
700下利,手足厥冷,无脉者,灸之不温。若脉不还,反微喘者,死。少阴负趺阳者,为顺也。 [In patients with] diarrhea, [there are symptoms and signs of] reversal cold of hands and feet and insensible pulse. Moxibustion is unable to warm [the limbs]. If the pulse is still insensible, but there appears slight panting, [it is] fatal. [If] shaoyin [pulse] is smaller than fuyang [pulse], it is favorable. Case will be fatal if the following symptoms and signs are observed: Diarrhea, coldness in hands and feet and barely palpable pulse. When moxibustion therapy can bring neither warmness to the extremities nor restoration of pulse, and if light dyspnea is present, case will be fatal. If pulse of Lesser Yin is weak than Fuyang pulse, case is curable. For diarrhea with reversal cold of the extremities, absent pulses, and no warmth appearing following moxibustion, if the pulse does not return but instead there is slight panting, this is a terminal condition. When shaoyin is less than fuyang; this is a favorable sign. A patient with diarrhea, cold arms and legs, and a hidden pulse will die if his body does not warm, his pulse does not revive, and he nevertheless has asthma after treatment with moxibustion. A hidden lesser yin pulse with a palpable fu yang (tarsal) pulse means the patient is recovering. In patients with diarrhea, reversal cold of the extremities, and no [detectable] pulse, moxibustion will not warm [the extremities]. If the pulse does not return but there is slight panting, this means death. If the lesser yīn [pulse] is smaller than the instep yáng [pulse], this means a favorable [prognosis].
70117.27 17.27 17.27 17.27 17.27 17.27
702下利,有微热而渴,脉弱者,今自愈。 [In patients with] diarrhea, [if there are manifestations of] slight heat, thirst and weak pulse, [it is] about to heal. In case of diarrhea with light fever and thirst, self-cure will follow if the pulse is weak. For diarrhea with slight heat, thirst, and weak pulses, the condition is on verge of spontaneous resolution. A patient with diarrhea, mild fever, thirst,and a weak pulse is recovering spontaneously. Diarrhea with slight heat [effusion], thirst, and a weak pulse means [the patient] is presently recovering spontaneously.
70317.28 17.28 17.28 17.28 17.28 17.28
704下利,脉数,有微热汗出,今自愈;设脉紧,为未解。 [In patients with] diarrhea, [if there are manifestations of] rapid pulse, slight heat and sweating, [it is] about to heal. If the pulse is tight, [it indicates that the disease is] not resolved. Diarrhea will ease when speedy pulse, light fever and perspiration appear. When the pulse becomes tense, the syndrome is not healing. Diarrhea with rapid pulses, slight heat, and sweating indicates the condition is on verge of spontaneous resolution. If the pulses are tight, the condition has not yet resolved. A patient who is perspiring and has diarrhea, a mild fever, and a quick pulse is recovering spontaneously; but if the pulse is tense, he is not recovering yet. In diarrhea, a rapid pulse with slight heat [effusion] and sweating means [the patient is] presently recovering spontaneously. But if the pulse is tight, it means that [the disease] is not yet resolving.
70517.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29
706下利,脉数而渴者,今自愈。设不差,必清脓血,以有热故也。 [In patients with] diarrhea, [if there is] rapid pulse and thirst, [it is] about to heal. If [it is] not cured, there must be [stool with] pus and blood due to [accumulation of] heat. Diarrhea with speedy pulse and thirst may lead to either self-cure or stool with bloody pus when pathogenetic Heat is excessive. For diarrhea with rapid pulses and thirst, the condition is on verge of spontaneous resolution. Those who do not recover will excrete pus and blood because heat still remains. A patient with diarrhea, a quick pulse, and thirst is recovering spontaneously; if not, a fever will cause the discharge of purulent and bloody stool. In diarrhea, a rapid pulse with thirst means [the patient] is presently recovering spontaneously. If the patient does not recover, there will inevitably be latrine pus and blood. This is caused by the presence of heat.
70717.30 17.30 17.30 17.30 17.30 Line 17.30
708下利,脉反弦,发热身汗者,自愈。 [In patients with] diarrhea, [if there are manifestations of] taut pulse, fever and sweating, [it is] about to heal. Diarrhea accompanied by fever, perspiration and tight pulse will indicate a recovery. For diarrhea with wiry pulses, heat effusion, and generalized sweating, there will be spontaneous recovery. A patient who is suffering from diarrhea and yet exhibits a chordal pulse, fever, and generalized sweating is recovering spontaneously. In diarrhea, a paradoxically stringlike pulse with heat effusion and generalized sweating means spontaneous recovery.
70917.31 17.31 17.31 17.31 17.31 Line 17.31
710下利气者,当利其小便。 Diarrhea with [discharge of] flatus should [be treated by] promoting urination. Diuretic can be adopted in cases with diarrhea accompanied by flatus. For diarrhea with passing of flatus, treatment should disinhibit urination. The rendering of diuresis treats a patient with diarrhea and discharge of gas. In patients with diarrhea and qì, disinhibit the urine.
71117.32 17.32 17.32 17.32 17.32 Line 17.32
712下利,寸脉反浮数,尺中自涩者,必清脓血。 [In] diarrhea with floating and rapid pulse in the cun [region] and rough pulse in the chi [region], there must be [stool with] pus and blood. Bloody pus will appear in diarrhea when the pulse under forefinger is floating and speedy and pulse under ring-finger is hesitant. For diarrhea with abnormally floating and rapid inch pulses and rough cubit pulses, pus and blood will appear in the stool. A patient with diarrhea and a floating and quick pulse on the cun site and a harsh one on the chi site will discharge purulent and bloody stools. In diarrhea, a paradoxically floating and rapid inch pulse and a naturally rough cubit pulse means that inevitably there will be latrine pus and blood.
71317.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 17.33 Line 17.33
714下利清谷,不可攻其表,汗出必胀满。 [Patients suffering from] diarrhea with undigested food cannot [be treated by] attacking the external [because promoting] sweating will [cause abdominal] distension and fullness. Exterior syndromes should not ne treated when diarrhea with undigested cereals is observed. After perspiration (through diaphoresis), abdominal distention will be present. For clear-food diarrhea, attacking the exterior is prohibited. With sweating, there will be distending fullness. Diarrhea containing undigested food should not be treated by the surface attack method because it will bring forth abdominal distention after perspiration. In clear-grain diarrhea, you must not attach the exterior; sweating will inevitably lead to distention and fullness.
71517.34 17.34 17.34 17.34 17.34 Line 17.34
716下利,脉沉而迟,其人面少赤,身有微热,下利清谷者,必郁冒,汗出而解,病人必微热。所以然者,其面戴阳,下虚故也。 [In patients with] diarrhea [marked by] sunken and slow pulse, slightly reddish face, slight fever and watery defecation with undigested food, there must be depression and dizziness. [If there is] sweating, [it will be] resolved and the patient must have slight fever. The reason is that there is daiyang (red face as if decorated with rouge due to up-floating of yang) and deficiency in the lower [part of the body]. Syndrome will disappear following a period of vertigo and perspiration, preceded by the following symptoms and signs: Diarrhea with undigested cereals, deep and slow pulse, a slightly flushed face and fever. The patient will feel slight cold in extremities. This is caused by a Deficiency in the Lower Portion, which is evinced by the symptom of " Wearing Yang" on the face. With diarrhea and sunken slow pulses, if the person’s face is slightly red, there is slight generalized heat, and clear-food diarrhea; the condition will resolve after constraint veiling and sweating appears. The patient will also slight reversal. This is because the face manifests upcast yang, and the lower body is deficient. A patient suffering from lientery with a submerged and slow pulse, a slightly ruddy complexion, and mild generalized fever will feel giddy. Sweating relieves the condition. However, before sweating the patient will experience mild chills and facial hyperemia due to weakness of the lower warmer. In diarrhea [with] a sunken and slow pulse, a reddish face, slight generalized heat [effusion], and clear-grain diarrhea, there must be depressed veiling. Sweating will bring about resolution, and the patient inevitably experiences slight heat [effusion]. The reason for this is that there is upcast yáng in the face and vacuity in the lower body.
71717.35 17.35 17.35 17.35 17.35 Line 17.35
718下利后,脉绝,手足厥冷,晬时脉还,手足温者生,脉不还者死。 After diarrhea, the pulse is insensible, hands and feet are in reversal cold and the pulse returns overnight. [If] the hands and feet are warm, [it is] curable; [if] the pulse fails to return, [it is] fatal. After diarrhea, the pulse disappears but coldness appears in hands and feet. Pulse resumes and extremities become warm again after one whole day. This indicates a favorable case. If pulse does not resume, case will be fatal. Following diarrhea, the pulse expires and there is reversal cold of the extremities. If the pulse returns and the extremities become warm within a day, the person will live; if the pulse does not return, the person will die. A patient with cold limbs and interruption of pulse after diarrhea will not die, if the pulse revives after a period of time equivalent to one cycle of circulation and if his limbs become warm, but he will die if the pulse does not revive. In cases of diarrhea followed by an expired pulse and reversal cold of the extremities, return of the pulse within one day and warmth in the extremities means life, and failure of the pulse to return means death.
71917.36 17.36 17.36 17.36 17.36 Line 17.36
720下利,腹胀满,身体疼痛者,先温其里,乃攻其表。温里宜四逆汤,攻表宜桂枝汤。 [Patients with] diarrhea, [accompanied by] abdominal distension and fullness and generalized pain [should be treated by] warming the internal first and then attacking the external. Sini Decoction (四逆汤, decoction for resolving four kinds of adverseness) [can be used] to warm the internal and Guizhi Decoction (桂枝汤, cinnamon twig decoction) [can be used] to attack the external. When symptoms and signs of diarrhea, abdominal distention and pain throughout the body are observed, Interior coldness should be first treated with warm drugs after which the Exterior syndrome can be treated. Decoction of Sini can be used to warm the Interior and Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi can be used to disperse the Exterior syndrome. For diarrhea with distending fullness of the abdomen and generalized pain, primarily warm the interior and then attack the exterior. To warm the interior, Si Ni Tang (Frigid Extremities Decoction) is recommended. To attack the exterior, Gui Zhi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction) is recommended. A patient with diarrhea, distention of the abdomen, and generalized aching should be treated by first warming the interior before attacking the surface symptoms. Si-ni-tang (Aconite, Ginger, and Licorice Combination) warms the interior while Gui-zhi-tang (Cinnamon Combination) attacks surface symptoms. In diarrhea with abdominal distention and fullness, and generalized pain, first warm the interior and then attack the exterior. To warm the interior, counterflow Cold Decoction (四逆汤sì nì tānɡ) is appropriate. To attack the exterior, Cinnamon Twig Decoction (桂枝汤guì zhī tānɡ) is appropriate.
72117.37 17.37 17.37 17.37 17.37 Line 17.37
722下利,三部脉皆平,按之心下坚者,急下之,宜大承气汤。 [In patients with] diarrhea, the pulses in three regions are normal and there is hardness below the heart when pressed, purgation [should be used] immediately [to treat it]. The appropriate [formula is] Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi). Syndrome includes diarrhea with moderate pulse at the Inch, Bar and Cubit: When pressed, a hard mass is felt in the epigastrium. Purgative should be adopted urgently. Decoction of Greater Chengqi will provide a cure. For diarrhea with normal pulse conditions in all three positions and hardness below the heart when pressed, urgently. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is recommended. A patient with diarrhea, normal pulses on the three sites cun, guan, and chi, and hardening beneath the heart as detected by palpation should be purged immediately with Da-cheng-qi-tang (Major Rhubarb Combination) as the preferred formula. In diarrhea, if the pulse at all three sections is normal and [you detect] hardness below the heart when pressing, urgently [treat it with] precipitation. Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (dà chénɡ qì tānɡ) is appropriate.
72317.38 17.38 17.38 17.38 17.38 Line 17.38
724下利,脉迟而滑者,实也。利未欲止,急下之,宜大承气汤。 Diarrhea with slow and slippery pulse [pertains to] excess [syndrome/pattern]. [If] diarrhea is not ceased, purgation [should be used] immediately. The appropriate [formula for treating it is] Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi). Diarrhea with slow and slippery pulse is a case of an excessive nature. The purgative, Decoction of Greater Chengqi, should be give urgently. Diarrhea with slow and slippery pulses is an excess pattern; the condition diarrhea is not yet on the verge of cessation. Urgently purge this. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is recommended. Diarrhea with a slow and slippery pulse signifies a firm condition of the stomach ff the diarrhea shows no sign of ceasing, the person should be purged immediately with Da-cheng-qi-tang (Major Rhubarb Combination) as the preferred formula. In diarrhea, a slow and slippery pulse means repletion. If the diarrhea is not about to stop, urgently precipitate. Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (dà chénɡ qì tānɡ) is appropriate.
72517.39 17.39 17.39 17.39 17.39 Line 17.39
726下利,脉反滑者,当有所去,下乃愈,宜大承气汤。 [In] diarrhea with slippery pulse, [measures] should [be taken] to eliminate [pathogenic factors]. Purgation can cure [it]. The appropriate [formula for treating it is] Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi). When diarrhea is accompanied only by a slippery pulse, something is present in the Interior which must be eliminated. The purgative, Decoction of Greater Chengqi, should be adopted. For diarrhea with abnormally slippery pulses, the condition requires elimination; the condition will be resolved by purgation. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is recommended. In diarrhea a slippery pulse signifies that purging will cure the patient. The remedy called for is Da-cheng-qi-tang (Major Rhubarb Combination) as the preferred formula. In diarrhea, a paradoxically slippery pulse indicates that there may be something to get rid of. Precipitate and recovery will ensue. Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (dà chénɡ qì tānɡ) is appropriate.
72717.40 17.40 17.40 17.40 17.40 Line 17.40
728下利已差,至其年月日时复发者,以病不尽故也,当下之,宜大承气汤。 [Although] diarrhea is already ceased, [it] recurs every year in the time of its initial occurrence because [the disease is] not completely cured. Purgation can cure [it]. The appropriate [formula for treating it is] Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi). After the diarrhea subsides, it will recur on the same day and same month of each year., showing that the syndrome is not completely dispersed. The purgative, Decoction of Greater Chengqi, should be adopted to disperse the remaining pathological condition. Diarrhea has been resolved, but later at the same date and time at the same onset, it recurs; this is because the disease has not completely eliminated. Purgation should be applied. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is recommended. A patient who suffers from a recurrence of diarrhea one year later on the same hour, same day, and same month needs to be purged with Major Rhubarb Combination (see above) as the preferred formula because his disease has not been eradicated yet. If [a patient] recovers from diarrhea but then suffers recurring attacks at set times, this is because the disease is not eliminated completely. You must precipitate. Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (大承气汤dà chénɡ qì tānɡ) is appropriate.
72917.41 17.41 17.41 17.41 17.41 Line 17.41
730下利,谵语者,有燥屎也,小承气汤主之。 Diarrhea with delirium and dry stool should be treated by Xiao Chengqi Decoction (小承气汤, minor decoction for harmonizing qi). Diarrhea with delirium indicates the existence of stercoroma. Decoction of Lesser Chengqi should be adopted. Diarrhea with delirious speech indicates dry stools. Xiao Cheng Qi Tang (Minor Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is recommended. Xiao-cheng-qi-tang (Minor Rhubarb Combination) treats a patient with delirium following diarrhea. This signifies the presence of dry stool. Diarrhea with delirious speech indicates the presence of dry stool. Minor Qì-Coordinating Decoction (小承气汤xiǎo chénɡ qì tānɡ) governs.
73117.42 17.42 17.42 17.42 17.42 Line 17.42
732下利,便脓血者,桃花汤主之。 Diarrhea [accompanied by] stool with pus and blood [can be] treated by Taohua Decoction (桃花汤, peach blossom decoction). Lesser Yin syndrome. Decoction of Taohua will cure diarrhea with sanious pus (bloody pus). For diarrhea with pus and blood and blood in the stool, Tang Hua Tang (Peach Blossom Decoction) is indicated. Tao-hua-tang (Kaolin and Oryza Combination) treats a patient with diarrhea of purulent, bloody stools. For diarrhea with blood and pus in the stool, Peach Blossom Decoction (桃花汤 táo huā tānɡ) governs.
73317.43 17.43 17.43 17.43 17.43 Line 17.43
734热利下重者,白头翁汤主之。 Diarrhea with [dampness-]heat and tenesmus should be treated by Baitouweng Decoction (白头翁汤, pulsatilla decoction). Decoction of Radix Pulsatillae will cure Hot Diarrhea with a descending feeling in the anus. For heat diarrhea with lower body heaviness, Bai Tou Weng Tang (Pulsatilla Decoction) is indicated. A patient with feverish and severe diarrhea should take Bai-tou-weng-tang (Anemone Combination). For heat diarrhea with lower-body heaviness, Pulsatilla Decoction (白头翁汤 bái tóu wēnɡ tānɡ) governs.
73517.44 17.44 17.44 17.44 17.44 Line 17.44
736下利后更烦,按之心下濡者,为虚烦也,栀子豉汤主之。 After diarrhea, [there is] more serious vexation and soft [lump] below the heart when pressed, indicating deficiency-vexation. Zhizi Chi Decoction (栀子豉汤, gardenia and fermented soybean decoction) [can be used] to treat it. After diarrhea, if restlessness appears again, and the epigastrium is soft when pressed, this will be restlessness of a deficient nature. Decoction of Fructus Gardeniae and Semen Sojae Praeparatum will provide a cure. After passing diarrhea, there is increased vexation with sogginess below the heart when pressed; this is deficiency vexation. Zhi Zi Chi Tang (Gardenia and Fermented Soybean Decoction) is indicated. If after a bout of diarrhea the patient feels more vexed and has softness beneath the heart when palpated, it means weakness vexation which should be treated primarily with Zhi-zi-chr-tang (Gardenia and Soya Combination). When diarrhea is followed by even greater vexation and sogginess below the heart when pressed, [this] is vacuity vexation. Gardenia and Fermented Soybean Decoction (栀子豉汤zhī zǐ chǐ tānɡ) governs.
73717.45 17.45 17.45 17.45 17.45 Line 17.45
738下利清谷,里寒外热,汗出而厥者,通脉四逆汤主之。 Diarrhea with undigested food, [accompanied by] internal cold, external heat, sweating and reversal [cold of limbs], [can be] treated by Tongmai Sini Decoction (通脉四逆汤, decoction for freeing vessels and resolving four kinds of adverseness). The patient has diarrhea with undigested food as well as perspiration and coldness in the extremities. This is a case with Interior Cold and Exterior Heat. Decoction of Tongmai Sini will provide a cure. For clear-food diarrhea with interior cold and exterior heat with sweating and reversal, Tong Mai Si Ni Tang (Channel-Unblocking for Frigid Extremities Decoction) is indicated. A patient with lientery, internal chills and external fever, and perspiration and chilling needs Tong-mai-si-ni-tang (Aconite, Ginger, and Licorice Combination Fortified). For clean-grain diarrhea with interior cold and exterior heat, and sweating and reversal, Vessel-Freeing Counterflow Cold Decoction (通脉四逆汤 tōnɡ mài sì nì tānɡ) governs.
73917.46 17.46 17.46 17.46 17.46 Line 17.46
740下利,肺痛,紫参汤主之。 Diarrhea with lung pain [should be] treated by Zishen Decoctioin (紫参汤, bistort rhizome decoction). Diarrhea with pain in the Lung can be treated with Decoction of Zishen. For diarrhea with pain in the lung, Zi Shen Tang (Rhizoma Bistortae Decoction) is indicated. Zi-shengs-tang (Zi sheng Combination) primarily treats diarrhea accompanied with "lungache". For diarrhea with lung pain, Bistort Decoction (紫参汤 zǐ shēn tānɡ) governs.
74117.47 17.47 17.47 17.47 17.47 Line 17.47
742气利,诃梨勒散主之。 Diarrhea with flatus [should be] treated by Kelile Powder (诃梨勒散, chebule powder). Diarrhea accompanied by flatus can be treated with Powder of Fructus Chebulae. For qi diarrhea, He Li Le San (Chebule Powder) is indicated. Ke-li-le-san (Terminalia Formula) treats Qi diarrhea. For qì diarrhea, Chebule Powder (诃黎勒散 hé lí lè sǎn) governs.
745疮痈肠痈浸淫病脉证并治第十八 Chapter 18 Sores, Abscess, Intestinal Abscess and Dampness Spreading Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 18 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Ulcerous Diseases of Skin, Acute Appendicitis and Jinyin (Acute Eczema) Chapter 18 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Incised Wounds, Welling-Abscess, Intestinal Welling-Abscess, and Wet Spreading Sores Chapter 18 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Sores, Carbuncles, Intestinal Carbuncles and Spreading Effusive Sores Chapter 18 Sores, Welling-Abscesses, Intestinal Welling-Abscesses, and Wet Spreading Sores
74618.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1 18.1
747诸浮数脉,应当发热,而反洒淅恶寒,若有痛处,当发其痈。 [Patients with] floating and rapid pulse should have fever, but now [there is] aversion to cold [as if] soaking [in cold water]. If there is pain, abscess must occur. Floating and speedy pulse usually indicates a case of fever. But here the patient has chills. In case local pain is present, this may be due to carbuncles. All floating and rapid pulses are typically accompanied by heat effusion. When aversion to cold as after soaking in cold water appears along with localized pain instead, a welling-abscess will appear. A person with a floating and quick pulse usually has a fever. However, if instead he has chillphobia and a feeling of aching, he is developing carbunculosis. The master said: "To tell whether pus has formed or not in the carbuncle swellings, cover the swelling with your hand. If the area feels hot, there is pus; if not, there is no pus." All patients with a floating rapid pulse should have heat effusion. However, if they have aversion to cold as after a soaking, and if they have a painful spot, this should indicate that a welling-abscess is erupting.
74818.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2
749师曰:诸痈肿,欲知有脓无脓,以手掩肿上,热者为有脓,不热者为无脓。 The master said: [In] all [cases of] abscess and swelling, [if one] wants to know whether there is pus, [he can] press the swollen [area] with hand. [If it is] hot, there is pus; [if it is] not hot, there is no pus. Master: In a case of carbuncles and swelling, diagnosis of pus can be made by feeling the focus. When focus is hot, pus must be present. If there is no hot feeling, there will be no pus. The mater said, "For all welling-abscesses, to know whether there is pus or not, cover the swelling with one hand. A warm sensation indicates pus, whereas an absence of warmth indicates the absence of pus." Generalized scaly skin, tense abdominal skin with a tumid softness when pressed, the absence of abdominal tumors and generalized fever, and a quick pulse portend intestinal carbuncular pustulation. Treatment primarily calls for Yi-yi-fu-zi-bai-jiang-san (Coix, Aconite, and Thlaspi Formula). The Master says: “In all cases of swollen welling-abscess, if you want to know whether it is purulent or not, cover the abscess with a hand. If it is hot, there is pus; if it is not hot, there is no pus.”
75018.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3
751肠痈之为病,其身甲错,腹皮急,按之濡,如肿状,腹无积聚,身无热,脉数,此为腹内有痈脓,薏苡附子败酱散主之。 Disease with intestinal abscess [is characterized by] squamous skin, tension of abdominal skin, softness like swelling when pressed, no accumulation in the abdomen, no generalized fever and rapid pulse, indicating abscess and pus in the abdomen. Yiyi Fuzi Baijiang Powder (薏苡附子败酱散, coix, aconite and patrinia powder) [can be used] to treat it. Cases of acute appendicitis may have the following symptoms and signs: Scaly skin, strained abdomen, and a mass in the abdomen that is soft when pressed. No hard mass can be felt. There is no fever, and the pulse is speedy. This is a case of carbuncles and pus in the intestine. Powder of Semen Coicis, Radix Aconiti Praeparata and Herba Patriniae can be adopted. The disease of intestinal welling-abscess manifests with generalized encrustation, tense abdominal skin that appears soggy under pressure and swollen, an absence of accumulations or gatherings in the abdomen, no generalized heat, and rapid pulses. All of this indicates welling-abscess and pus and pus in the intestines. Yi Yi Fu Zi Bai Jiang San (Coix, Aconite, and Patrinia Powder) is indicated. Lower abdominal swelling and hardening with aching upon pressure like that of urinary stuttering, normal urination, frequent fever, spontaneous sweating, and chillphobia characterize intestinal carbuncles. A slow and tense pulse indicates that pus has not yet developed. The condition may be treated by purgation which will cause bleeding. If the patient's pulse is surging and quick, pus has developed and the condition should not be treated by purgation but with Da-huang-mu-dan-tang (Rhubarb and Moutan Combination). The disease of intestinal welling-abscess [manifests with] encrusted skin on the body, tension of the abdominal skin, sogginess when pressed like a swelling, [but] no accumulation or gathering in the abdomen, no generalized heat [effusion], and a rapid pulse. This means that there is a purulent welling-abscess in the intestines. Coix, Aconite, and Patrinia Powder (薏苡附子败酱散yì yǐ fù zǐ bài jiàng sǎn) governs.
75218.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4
753肠痈者,少腹肿痞,按之即痛,如淋,小便自调,时时发热,自汗出,复恶寒。其脉迟紧者,脓未成,可下之,当有血。脉洪数者,脓已成,不可下也。大黄牡丹汤主之。 [In] patients with intestinal abscess, there is swelling and lump in the lower abdomen and [there will be] pain like strangury when pressed, [but] urination is normal. [In addition, there are symptoms and signs of] frequent fever, spontaneous sweating and aversion to cold again. [If] the pulse is slow and tight, [it indicates that] pus is not formed yet. [When] purgation is used, there will be blood [in stool]. [If] the pulse is surging and rapid, [it indicates that] pus is already formed, [but] cannot [be treated by] purgation. Dahuang Mudan Decoction (大黄牡丹汤, rhubarb and moutan decoction) [can be used] to treat it. A case of acute appendicitis may be accompanied by the following symptoms and signs: Swelling mass in the abdomen as painful as gonorrhea when pressed; normal urination and sporadic fever with spontaneous perspiration and chills. When the pulse is slow-tense, this indicates that pus is not forming. Decoction of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei and Cortex Moutan Radicis can be adopted. After taking the decoction, bloody stool will be observed. If pulse is grand-speedy, this indicates the formation of pus and no purgative should be adopted. Intestinal welling-abscess manifests with swelling and glomus in the lesser abdomen that is painful when pressed as with strangury, regular urination, frequent heat effusion, spontaneous sweating, and aversion to cold. With slow and tight pulses, pus has not yet formed and purgation can be applied. There should be blood in the stool. With surging and rapid pulses, pus has been formed, and purgation is prohibited. Da Huang Mu Dan Tang (Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction) is indicated. The disciples asked: "A floating, minute, and harsh pulse on the cun site accompanies a loss of blood or profuse sweating. However, if the patient is not perspiring what is his condition?" The master answered: "The patient might have a knife wound that has caused a loss of blood." Intestinal welling abscess [manifests in] swelling and glomus in the lesser abdomen, which when pressed results in pain as in strangury, but with naturally regulated urine, as well as frequent heat effusion, spontaneous sweating, and then again aversion to cold. If the pulse is slow and tight, pus has not formed yet, and you can [treat it] by precipitation. [In this case, there] ought to be blood [in the precipitated stool. If the pulse is surging and rapid, pus has already formed, and you must not precipitate. Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction (大黄牡丹汤 dà huáng mǔ dān tāng) governs.
75418.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5 18.5
755问曰:寸口脉浮微而涩,法当亡血,若汗出,设不汗者云何?答曰:若身有疮,被刀斧所伤,亡血故也。 Question: The pulse in the cunkou [region] is floating, faint and rough. [In such a case] there should be collapse of blood and sweating. But there is [in fact] no sweating. What is the reason? Answer: If there is wound in the body, [it is] injured by a knife or an axe. That is why [there is] collapse of blood. Question: Floating-feeble and hesitant pulse in the wrist generally indicates a case with loss of blood or perspiration. In case there is no perspiration, how should it be diagnosed? Master: This must be a case of trauma causing loss of blood. Question: "With floating, faint, and rough pulses at the inch opening, there should be blood collapse or sweating. When there is no sweating, why is that, why is that?" Answer: "If there are sores on the body, this may be blood collapse caused by damage from knives or axes." Wang-bu-liu-xing-san (Vaccaria Formula) treats knife wounds. Question: “An inch opening pulse that is floating, faint, and rough ought to mean blood collapse or sweating. If there is no sweating, what is the cause?” Answer: “The cause is blood collapse, if the body has wounds due to damage by a knife or ax.”
75618.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6 18.6
757病金疮,王不留行散主之。 Disease [caused by] wound [due to injury of] knife should be treated by Wangbuliuxing Powder (王不留行散, vaccaria powder). Powder of Semen Vaccariae can be adopted in cases of trauma. For incised wounds, Wang Bu Liu Xing San (Vaccaria Powder) is indicated. Chronic spreading, effusive sores that start in the mouth and spread towards the arms and legs are curable whereas sores that begin on the extremities and spread to the mouth are incurable. For patients with incised wounds, Vaccaria Powder (王不留行人散 wáng bù liú xíng sǎn) governs.
75818.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7 18.7
759浸淫疮,从口流向四肢者可治,从四肢流来入口者不可治。 Excessive wet sore (acute eczema) flowing from the mouth to the four limbs is curable, [but] flowing from the four limbs to the mouth is incurable. Jinyinchuang, a form of skin sore, will be curable when it develops from the mouth to the extremities. When it spreads from extremities towards the mouth, case will be fatal. Wet spreading sores that flow from the mouth to the four extremities are treatable; those flowing from the extremities to the mouth are untreatable. Huang-lian-fen (Coptis Powder) treats chronic, spreading effusive sores. Wet spreading sores that flow from the mouth toward the four limbs can be treated. [Those that] flow from the four limbs to the mouth cannot be treated.
76018.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8
761浸淫疮,黄连粉主之。 For excessive wet sore (acute eczema), Huanglian Powder (黄连粉, coptis powder) [is the appropriate formula for] treating it. Powder of Rhizoma Coptidis can be applied to Jinyinchuang. For wet spreading sores, Huang Lian Fen (Coptis Powder) is indicated. For wet-spreading sores, Coptics Powder (huáng lián fěn) governs.
763趺蹶手指臂肿转筋阴狐疝蛔虫病脉证治第十九 Chapter 19 Fujue (Hobbled Dorsum of Foot), Swelling of Fingers and Arms, Spasm of Sinews, Inguinal Hernia and Roundworm Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 19 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Diseases on Extremities, Hermia and Ascariasis Chapter 19 Pulses, Signs, and Treatment of Hobbled Dorsum of the Foot, Swelling in the Fingers and Arms, Cramping, Yin Fox Mounting, and Roundworm Disease Chapter 19 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Tarsal Collapse; Swelling and Spasms of the Fingers, Hands, and Arms; Hernias; and Infestations with Worms Chapter 19 Hobbled Dorsum of the Foot, Swelling of the Fingers and Arms, Cramping, Yīn Fox-Like Mounting, and Roundworm
76419.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.1
765师曰:病趺蹶,其人但能前,不能却,刺腨入二寸,此太阳经伤也。 The master said: [The patient] suffering from fujue (hobbled dorsum of foot) is able to walk forward, [but] not backward. [It can be treated by] inserting [a needle to a depth of] 2 cun [into the acupoint located in] the calf. Such [a disease is caused by] damage of taiyang meridian. Master: Fujue is a disease caused by contraction on the dorsal side of the foot. The patient can walk forward comfortably but feels pain when waling backward. This is due to injury of the Initial Yang Channel. Puncture the calf for a length of two inches. The master said: "Hobbled dorsum of the foot manifests with an ability to move forward and inability to move forward. Needle two cun into the calf. This resuts from damage to the taiyang channel." The master said: "A person with tarsal collapse can only move forward and not backward; he should be treated by inserting (acupuncture) needles into the calf at a depth of two cun (inches) because that is the path of the greater yang meridian." The Master says: “The disease of hobbled dorsum of the foot [manifests in the patient] only being able to [move] forward, but not backward. Needle the calf [to a depth of] two inches. This is [a condition caused by] damage to the greater yáng channel.”
76619.2 19.2 19.2 19.2 19.2 19.2
767病人常以手指臂肿动,此人身体瞤瞤者,藜芦甘草汤主之。藜芦甘草汤方:方未见。 The patient frequently has swelling of fingers and arms with twitching of the body. Lihu Gancao Decoction (藜芦甘草汤, veratrum and licorice decoction ) [can be used] to treat it. The patient has swollen fingers and arms and twitching of the body. Decoction of Veratum Nigrum and Radix Glycyrrhizae can be adopted. For patients who frequently present with swellings of the fingers and arms and generalized twitching, Li Lu Gan Cao Tang (Veratrum and Licorice Decoction) is indicated. The formula is not recorded here. Li-lu-gan-cao-tang (Veratrum and Licorice Combination) soothes a patient with trembling swollen fingers and arms and general trembling. (The contents of this formula do not appear in the original text). When the patient has frequent swelling and stirring of the fingers and arms, this is twitching of the body. Veratrum and Licorice Decoction (黎芦甘草汤lí lú gān cǎo tāng) governs.
76819.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3
769转筋之为病,其人臂脚直,脉上下行,微弦。转筋入腹者,鸡屎白散主之。 [In the patient with] cramping disease, the arms and legs are stiff, the pulse moves up and down [or appears] faint and taut. [When pain caused by] cramping stretches to the abdomen, Jishibai Powder (鸡屎白散, chicken’s white excrement powder) [can be used] to treat it. Zhuanjin (spasm) is a syndrome with stiff arms and legs slightly tight pulse which moves to and fro in a straight line. When the spasm invades the abdomen, Powder of Chicken Excrement can be adopted. The disease of cramping manifests with rigidity of the arms and legs and straight up and down pulses that are slightly wiry. For cramping that enters the abdomen, Ji Shi Bai San (Chicken Feces White Powder) is indicated. Spasms cause the back and feet to become rigidly straight and the pulse to become long, minute, and chordal. If the spasms advance to the abdomen, the patient needs Ji-shi-bai-san (Chicken Feces Powder). The disease of cramping [manifests in] rigidity in the arms and legs, and a pulse that goes [straight] up and down and is slightly stringlike. If cramping enters the abdomen, Chicken's White Droppings Powder (鸡屎白散jī shǐ bái sǎn) governs.
77019.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4
771阴狐疝气者,偏有小大,时时上下,蜘蛛散主之。 [In] fox-like-hernia (hernia like a fox running upward and downward) disease, [the scrotum is] distorted either small or large, either upward or downward. [It should be] treated by Zhizhu Powder (蜘蛛散, spider powder). Yinhushan (hernia) that causes swelling in the scrotum on one side and shrinking on the other with ascending and descending feelings can be treated with Powder of Spider. For yin fox mounting qi with testicles that change in size while ascending and descending constantly, Zhi Zhu San (Spider Powder) is indicated. Zhi-zhu-san (Spider and Cinnamon Formula) shrinks a scrotal hernia that grows large on some occasions and small on others and frequently ascends and descends. Yīn fox-like mounting qì (manifests in the scrotum] being distorted in size and intermittently ascending and descending. Spider Powder (蜘蛛散zhī zhū sǎn) goverms.
77219.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5
773问曰:病腹痛有虫,其脉何以别之?师曰:腹中痛,其脉当沉,若弦,反洪大,故有蛔虫。 Question: [When a patient] suffers from abdominal pain with worms, how to differentiate the pulse? The master said: [In a patient with] abdominal pain, the pulse should be sunken or taut, but [now it is] surging and large because there is roundworm [in the abdomen]. Question: Describe the pulse in a case of abdominal pain caused by ascarides. Master: Pulse should be deep or tight. If it is grand-huge, it indicates a case of ascariasis. Question: "For diseases of abdominal pain with roundworms, how can one differentiate them according to the pulses?" The master said: "For abdominal pain, the pulse image should be sunken and wiry. If it is surging and large instead, this indicates roundworms." The disciples asked: "How can we tell by the pulse if a patient's abdominal aching is due to worms?" The master replied: "Abdominal aching usually reflects a submerged pulse but if the pulse feels chordal, and yet surging and big, it signifies worms." Question: “When a patient has abdominal pain from worms, how do you differentiate the pulse?” The Master says: “In patients with pain in the abdomen, the pulse should be sunken and stringlike. But if it is surging and large instead, you thereby [know that] there is roundworm.”
77419.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6 19.6
775蛔虫之为病,令人吐涎,心痛,发作有时,毒药不止,甘草粉蜜汤主之。 The disease caused by roundworms [is marked by] vomiting of drool and pain in the heart occurring intermittently. [It] cannot be stopped [by applying] toxic medicinals [for killing roundworms]. Gancao Fenmi Decoction (甘草粉蜜汤, licorice, processed galenite and honey decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Ascariasis will cause the patient to vomit saliva and experience paroxysmal pains I nthe epgastrium and the abdomen. Toxic drugs that dispel the ascarides have been adopted, but they are not effective. Decoctive of Radix Glycyrrhizae, Rice Powder and Honey can be adopted. For roundworm disease manifesting with drooling and heart pain which occurs at set times; when unable to be cured by worm-killing medicinals, Gan Cao Fen Mi Tang (Licorice, Rice Flour, and Honey Decoction) is indicated. Worms cause slobbering, heartburn and aching, and seizures at fixed hours that cannot be halted by poisonous drugs. Gan-Cao-fen-mi-tang (Licorice, White Lead, and Hone Combination) is required. The disease of roundworm [manifests in] ejection of drool and in heart pain that arises intermittently. If toxic medicines do not stop [it]. Licorice, Processed Galenite, and Honey Decoction (甘草粉蜜汤 gān cǎo fěn mì tāng) governs.
77619.7 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.7 19.7
777蛔厥者,当吐蛔。令病者静而复时烦,此为脏寒,蛔上入膈,故烦。须臾复止,得食而呕,又烦者,蛔闻食臭出,其人当自吐蛔。 [The patient suffering from] roundworm reversal [disease] (reversal cold of the four limbs due to acute abdominal pain caused by roundworm disease) should vomit roundworms. Now the patient is quiet, but sometimes is vexing due to cold in the viscera [caused by] roundworms entering the diaphragm. That is why [there is] vexation. After a while, [vexation] stops. [However, when] taking [food], [there is] retching and vexation again [because] roundworms smell food [and move upward]. [That is why] the patient spontaneously vomit roundworms. If coldness in extremities is caused by ascarides, the patient should vomit ascarides. When the patient is quiet and feels occasionally restless, it is a case of coldness in the Viscera. When ascarides appear above the diaphragm, restlessness results but ceases shortly. The patient will be nauseous and vomit after eating, after which he wil become restless. When ascarides smell food and crawl upward, the patient will vomit ascarides. Pills of Fructus Mume can cure coldness in the extremities caused by ascariasis. A person who suffers with roundworm reversal typically vomits roundworms. Here the patient is quiet but frequently vexed, and this indicates visceral cold. Roundworms ascend to enter the diaphragm and thus vexation appears, which will soon again cease. After eating, there will be retching and recurring vexation because roundworms come out at the smell of food. Patients often vomit roundworms spontaneously. A patient with "ascarid faint" vomits the parasites. If the afflicted becomes quiescent and frequently experiences short spells of discomfort, it is due to visceral chills which cause the parasites to ascend into the diaphragm and create the discomfort. Vomiting and irritation after eating occur because the parasites are seeking the food. One so infected will vomit the worms. In roundworm reversal, there should be vomiting of roundworm, which causes the patient to experience [temporary] calmness and then again intermittent vexation. This means that there is visceral cold, and roundworm ascending into the diaphragm. Because of this, [we see] vexation that in a short while stops again, vomiting upon eating, and then again vexation. This means that the roundworm smells food and emerges; hence the patient spontaneously vomits roundworm.
77819.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8
779蛔厥者,乌梅丸主之。 Roundworm reversal [disease] is treated by Wumei Pill (乌梅丸, mume pill). For roundworm reversal, Wu Mei Wan (Mume Pill) is indicated. Wu-mei-wan (Mume Formula) treats "ascarid faint." For roundworm reversal, Mume Pill (乌梅丸 wū méi wán) governs.
781妇人妊娠病脉证并治第二十 Chapter 20 Women’s Pregnancy Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 20 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Gynopathy During Pregnancy Chapter 20 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Diseases in Pregnancy Chapter 20 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Gynopathy during Pregnancy Chapter 20 Women’s Pregnancy
78220.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1
783师曰:妇人得平脉,阴脉小弱,其人渴,不能食,无寒热,名妊娠,桂枝汤主之。于法六十日当有此证,设有医治逆者,却一月加吐下者,则绝之。 The master said: [Diagnosis shows that] a woman’s pulse is normal, [but] the yin pulse (the pulse in the chi region) is small and weak, [accompanied by] thirst, inability to eat, no aversion to cold and no heat. [Such a condition is] known as pregnancy [and can be] treated by Guizhi Decoction (桂枝汤, cinnamon twig decoction). There is such a syndrome/pattern sixty days [after pregnancy]. If [it is] not well treated and continues for one month, [there will be] vomiting and diarrhea. [Measures should be taken] to eliminate it. Master: The pulse of a woman patient is moderate, but the pulse at the Cubit is slender and weak. She is also thirsty and has no appetite. No fever of chill is observed. This indicates a pregnancy. Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi can be adopted. This syndrome generally appears on the sixtieth day of pregnancy. In case of improper treatment, syndrome will appear with complications of vomiting and diarrhea at the end of the first month of pregnancy. At this point, Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi is no longer suited to the case. The master said: "Among women with normal pulses that appear slightly weak at the yin position along with thirst, inability to eat, and an absence of cold or heat; this indicates a disease of pregnancy. Gui Zhi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction) is indicated. As a rule, this pattern should appear within sixty days of conception. However, with reverse treatment, vomiting and diarrhea will appear within another month. In this case, termination should be applied." See the formula in this section-Diarrhea. The master said: "The pulse of a woman patient is moderate, but the pulse at the Cubit is slender and weak. She is also thirsty and has no appetite. No fever or chill is observed. This indicates a pregnancy, she should take Gui-zhi-tang (Cinnamon Combination). As a rule these symptoms appear during the first sixty days of pregnancy; if the doctor mistreats the conformation as common nausea and causes the woman to develop vomiting and diarrhea for one month, stop all medication and treatment. The patient should recover spontaneously. The Master says: “When a woman [presents with] a normal pulse, [but] with a slight weakness in the yīn pulses, and with thirst, inability to eat, and no [aversion to] cold or heat [effusion], it is called pregnancy. Cinnamon Twig Decoction (guì zhī tāng) governs. In standard pregnancies, these signs should appear within sixty days from the onset of pregnancy]. If a physician has treated [this condition] adversely, and [the condition] persists for a month and is furthermore complicated by vomiting and diarrhea, this will sever [the pregnancy].
78420.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2
785妇人宿有癥病,经断未及三月,而得漏下不止,胎动在脐上者,为癥痼害。妊娠六月动者,前三月经水利时,胎也。下血者,后断三月衃也。所以血不止者,其癥不去故也。当下其癥,桂枝茯苓丸主之。 A woman has always suffered from accumulation disease (blood stasis accumulating in the abdomen and binding into lump). Less than three months [after interruption of] menstruation, vaginal bleeding is incessant and a sensation [felt] above the umbilicus like fetus stirring. [This is caused by] damage of accumulation and lump. [After] six months of pregnancy, [there is] movement of fetus. In the previous three months before pregnancy, menstruation is normal and pregnancy is ready. [After menstruation has ceased,] [there is] vaginal bleeding occasionally. Three months later [there is] coagulated blood due to failure to eliminate accumulation [of blood stasis]. Such a disease [should be] treated by Guizhi Fuling Pill (桂枝茯苓丸, cinnamon twig and poria pill). A woman patient who originally suffered from Zheng disease ceases menstruating for a period of less than three month, but continues to suffer from mild chronic bloody vaginal discharges. She also feels a quickening in the abdomen above the navel, which is caused by Zheng disease. If menstruation is normal for three months prior to conception and if the patient feels the quickening during the sixth after conception, fetus will be normal. In case menstruation ceases for three months and is followed by mild chromic bloody vaginal discharge, blood stasis will result. Bloody discharge does not cease because Zheng has not yet subsided. Stasis should be removed with Pills of Ramulus Cinnamomi and Poria. Among women with a history of concretions, if within three months after menstruation ceases, incessant spotting and fetus stirring above the umbilicus appears, this indicates damage from an intractable concretion. If the fetus stirs in the sixth month of pregnancy, and menstruation was uninhibited in the three months before it ceased, this indicates pregnancy. Descent of blood is attributed to coagulated blood in the three months following menstrual cessation. Incessant bleeding is caused by remaining concretions, which should be purged. Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan (Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill) is indicated. Movement above the navel and sudden incessant uterine bleeding three months after cessation of menses indicates the presence of a tumor. However, movement in the sixth month with regular menses in the first three months signals pregnancy. Blood discharged in the first three months is vicious (stagnant) blood, but incessant uterine bleeding is due to a tumor which should be discharged with Gui-zhi-fu-ling-wan (Cinnamon and Hoelen Formula). If a woman presents with a pre-existing concretion disease, and with interrupted menstruation for less than three months, incessant spotting, and [a sensation like] stirring fetus above the umbilicus, this is harm from intractable concretion disease. In [true fetal] stirring in the sixth month of pregnancy, menstruation was uninhibited in the three months [before pregnancy]. This is the fetus. If there is vaginal bleeding [in the first three months], and afterwards interruption of the menses for three months, this is coagulated blood. The reason why bleeding does not stop is that the concretion is not gone. You must precipitate this concretion. Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill (桂枝茯苓丸 guì zhī fú líng wán) governs.
78620.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3
787妇人怀娠六七月,脉弦发热,其胎愈胀,腹痛恶寒者,少腹如扇。所以然者,子脏开故也,当以附子汤温其脏。 [In] a woman, six or seven months [after] pregnancy, [there are symptoms and signs of] taut pulse, fetal distension, abdominal pain, aversion to cold and the lower abdomen seeming to be fanned. The reason is that the fetal viscus (uterus) is open. Fuzi Decoction (附子汤, aconite decoction) [can be used] to warm the fetal viscus (uterus). During the sixth and seventh month of pregnancy, the patient has fever and pulse is tight. Abdomen is distended, and this becomes aggravated. She had abdominal pains and a feeling of cold, as if the abdomen were being fanned. This indicates the opening of the uterus. Decoction of Radix Aconiti Praepaarata should be adopted to warm the uterus. In the sixth or seventh month of a woman’s pregnancy, if wiry pulses, heat effusion, ever-increasing distention of the fetus, abdominal pain, and aversion to cold occur, and if the lesser abdomen feels as if being fanned, this is a result of openness of the uterus. Fu Zi Tang (Aconite Decoction) should be applied to warm the uterus. No formula is provided here. If a woman in her sixth or seventh month of pregnancy develops a chordal pulse, a fever, a feeling of increasing distention of the fetus, abdominal aching, chillphobia, and a feeling of cold in the lower abdomen, her womb has an opening. Fu-zi-tang (Aconite Combination) warms the womb (The contents of Fu-zi-tang are not listed in the original text). When a woman in the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy [suddenly experiences] a stringlike pulse and heat [effusion], [a sensation of] even greater fetal distention, abdominal pain, and aversion to cold, then the lesser abdomen feels as if fanned. The reason for this is that the uterus is open. Use Aconite Decoction (fù zǐ tāng) to warm this viscus.
78820.4 20.4 20.4 20.4 20.4 20.4
789师曰:妇人有漏下者,有半产后因续下血都不绝者,有妊娠下血者。假令妊娠腹中痛,为胞阻,胶艾汤主之。 The master said: [In] a woman there is vaginal spotting [because of] incessant vaginal bleeding after miscarriage. There is same problem after pregnancy. If there is abdominal pain after pregnancy, [it is caused by] uterine obstruction. Jiaoai Decoction (胶艾汤, ass hide glue and mugwort decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Master: Decoction of Colla Corii Asini and Folium Artemisiae Argyi can be prescribed in the following cases: mild chronic bloody vaginal discharge; mild chronic bloody vaginal discharge after miscarriage, and mild chronic bloody vaginal discharge with abdominal pain resulting from retarded growth of fetus. The master said: "among women , there could be spotting, late miscarriage followed by incessant blood descent, or blood descent in pregnancy. If abdominal pain occurs during pregnancy, this is uterine obstruction. Jiao Ai Tang (Donkey-Hide Gelatin and Mugwort Decoction) is indicated. Jiao-ai-tang (Gelatin and Artemisia Combination) primarily helps stop uterine bleeding, including incessant bleeding following abortion and bleeding during pregnancy. The formula also treats abdominal aching due to fetal obstruction. The Master says: “If a woman experiences spotting, in some cases it is caused by continued and incessant vaginal bleeding after late miscarriage; in some cases it is vaginal bleeding in pregnancy. If it causes pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, this means uterine obstruction. Ass Hide Glue and Mugwort Decoction (芎归胶艾汤 xiōng guī jiāo ài tāng) governs.”
79020.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5
791妇人怀妊,腹中㽲痛,当归芍药散主之。 [In] a pregnant woman, [there is] abdominal tension and pain. Danggui Shaoyao Powder (当归芍药散, Chinese angelica and peony powder) [can be used] to treat it. Powder of Radix Angelicae Sinensis and Radix Paeoniae can be prescribed for pregnant women with chronic abdominal pain and contractions. For incessant abdominal pain among pregnant women, Dang Gui Shao Yao San (Chinese Angelica and Peony Powder) is indicated. Dang-gui-shao-yao-san (Dang-gui and Peony Formula) helps a pregnant woman with abdominal cramping pains. For women's tense pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, Chinese Angelica and Peony Powder (当归芍药散dāng guī sháo yào sǎn) governs.
79220.6 20.6 20.6 20.6 20.6 20.6
793妊娠呕吐不止,干姜人参半夏丸主之。 [To treat] incessant retching and vomiting [after] pregnancy, [the appropriate formula is] Ganjiang Renshen Banxia Pill (干姜人参半夏丸, dry ginger, ginseng and pinelliapill) A pregnant woman is suffering from repeated nausea and vomiting. Pills of Rhizoma Zingiberis, Radix Ginseng and Rhizoma Pinelliae can be adopted. For incessant vomiting in pregnancy, Gan Jiang Ren Ban Xia Wan (Dried Ginger, Ginseng, and Pinellia Pill) is indicated. Gan-jang-ren-sheng-ban-xia-wan (Ginger, Ginseng, and Pinellia Formula) stops incessant vomiting in a pregnant woman. For incessant retching and vomiting in pregnancy, Dried Ginger, Ginseng, and Pinellia Pill (干姜人参半夏丸 gàn jiāng rén shēn bàn xià wán) governs.
79420.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7 20.7
795妊娠小便难,饮食如故,归母苦参丸主之。 [There is] difficulty in urination [after] pregnancy, [but] drinking [water] and taking [food] are normal. [Such a case can be] treated by Danggui Beimu Kushen Pill (当归贝母苦参丸, Chinese angelica, fritillaria and flavescent sophora pill). A pregnant woman is eating normally but is suffering dysuria. Pills of Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii and Radix Sophorae Flavescentis can be adopted. For difficult urination with eating and drinking as normal in pregnancy, Dang Gui Bei Mu Ku Shen Wan (Chinese Angelica, Fritillaria, and Flavescent Sophora Pill) is indicated. A pregnant woman with difficult urination and a normal appetite needs Dang-gui-bei-mu-ku-sheng-wan (Dung-gi and Fritillaria Formula). For difficult urination with normal eating and drinking in pregnancy, Chinese Angelica, Fritillaria, and Flavescent Sophora Pill (当归贝母苦参丸 dāng guī bèi mǔ kǔ shēn wán) governs.
79620.8 20.8 20.8 20.8 20.8 20.8
797妊娠有水气,身重,小便不利,洒淅恶寒,起即头眩,葵子茯苓散主之。 There is water qi (edema) [after] pregnancy, [accompanied by] heaviness of the body, inhibited urination, chilly quivering, aversion to cold and dizziness when standing up. [The appropriate formula for] treating it [is] Kuizi Fuling Powder (葵子茯苓散, mallow seed and poria powder). A pregnant woman is suffering Fluid-retention syndrome with symptoms and signs of heaviness of movement, dysuria, aversion to cold and vertigo which is aggravated when the patient stands up. In such cases, Powder of Semen Malvae Verticillatae and Poria can be prescribed. For pregnancy with water-qi, generalized heaviness, inhibited urination, aversion to cold as after soaking, and dizziness when risking, Kui Zi Fu Ling San (Mallow Seed and Poria Powder) is indicated. A pregnant woman with edema, a feeling of generalized heaviness, oliguria, morbid chillphobia, and dizziness on standing primarily requires Gui-zi-fu-ling-san (Abutilon and Hoelen Formula). For water qì with generalized heaviness, inhibited urination, aversion to cold as if after a soaking, and dizzy head upon rising, Mallow Seed and Poria Powder (葵子茯苓散 kuí zǐ fú líng sǎn) governs.
79820.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9 20.9
799妇人妊娠,宜常服当归散主之。 [In] a pregnant woman, [even if there is no disease, there is still need to use] Danggui Powder (当归散, Chinese angelica powder) [to prevent any disease]. Powder of Radix Angelicae Sinensis can be frequently prescribed as a tonic for women during pregnancy. For pregnant women, it is recommended that they take Dang Gui San (Chinese Angelica Powder) frequently. Dang-gui-san (Danggui Formula) taken frequently benefits pregnant women. A pregnant woman should continuously take Chinese Angelica Powder (当归散 dāng guī sǎn).
80020.10 20.10 20.10 20.10 20.10 20.10
801妊娠养胎,白朮散主之。 For cultivating fetus [during] pregnancy, [the appropriate formula] is Baizhu Powder (白术散, rhizome of largehead atractyloes powder). Powder of Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae can be adopted as a tonic to protect the fetus. To nourish the fetus in pregnancy, Bai Zhu San (Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder) is indicated. Bai-shu-san (Atractylodes and Cnidium Formula) nourishes the fetus during pregnancy For nourishing the fetus in pregnancy, White Atractylodes Powder (白术散 bái zhú sǎn) governs.
80220.11 20.11 20.11 20.11 20.11 20.11
803妇人伤胎,怀身腹满,不得小便,从腰以下重,如有水气状,怀身七月,太阴当养不养,此心气实,当刺泻劳宫及关元,小便微利则愈。 A woman has damaged the fetus [after pregnancy due to] abdominal fullness, difficulty in urination and heaviness below the waist like the condition of water qi (edema). Seven months [after] pregnancy, taiyin (lung meridian of hand-taiyin) should nourish [the fetus] but has failed due to excess of heart qi. [It can be treated by] needling Laogong (PC 8) and Guanyuan (CV 4). [If] urination is slightly normalized, [the disease is about] to heal. The patient is in the seventh month of pregnancy when she catches a febrile disease caused by Cold, which causes abdominal distention and dysuria. She also feels heaviness in the region below the waist, similar to the feeling experienced in Fluid-retention syndrome. In the seventh month of pregnancy, the Initial Yin Channel should be nourishing the fetus, but if it fails to do so. The Heart Vital Energy is in an excessive state. Treatment should be applying needle to acupoints Laogong (PC 8) and Guanyuan (RN 4). When urination begins to return normal, the syndrome will disappear. Damage to the fetus among pregnant women manifests with fullness in the abdomen, inability to urinate, and heaviness from the waist down as through there is water-qi. In the seventh month of pregnancy, taiyin normally nourishes the fetus; if malnourishment occurs, this is due to heart qi excess. Lao Gong (PC 8) and guan yuan (RN 4) should be needled with drainage. Slightly disinhibited urination indicates recovery. See also the Jin Yu Han Jing (Canon of the Golden Cabinet and Jade Sheath). In the seventh month of pregnancy the greater yin meridian nourishes the fetus. If firmness of heart Qi occurs as a consequence of contraction of a shang han disease, an exuberant heart and intestinal fire will injure the greater yin meridian, which in turn causes injury of the fetus. The symptoms of abdominal distention, oliguria, and heaviness with an edematous appearance below the waist should be purged by puncturing the lao gong and guan yuan points in order to slightly increase urination and bring about recovery. Damage to the fetus during pregnancy [manifests] in abdominal fullness, inability to urinate, heaviness from the lumbus downward, and an appearance as in water qì [disease]. In the seventh month of pregnancy, the greater yīn [channel] should nourish (the fetus]. If it does not nourish [it], this is heart qì repletion. [For this condition] needle to drain Palace of Toil (láo gōng, PC-8) and Origin Pass (guān yuán, CV-4). When urine is slightly disinhibited, [the patient will] recover.
805妇人产后病脉证治第二十一 Chapter 21 Postpartum Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 21 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Postpartum Diseases Chapter 21 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Postpartum Disease Chapter 21 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Postpartum Diseases Chapter 21 Women’s Postpartum Disease
80621.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1
807问曰:新产妇人有三病,一者病痓,二者病郁冒,三者大便难,何谓也?师曰:新产血虚,多汗出,喜中风,故令病痓;亡血复汗,寒多,故令郁冒;亡津液,胃燥,故大便难。 Question: [Just after] delivery, women usually suffer from three major diseases, namely tetany, depression and dizziness, and difficulty in defecation. What is the reason? The master said: [There is] blood deficiency right [after] delivery with copious sweating and frequent wind attack that is why there is tetany. Sweating [after] collapse of blood [results from] serious cold, that is why there is depression and dizziness. Collapse of fluid and humor [after collapse of blood results in] dryness of the stomach, that is why there is difficulty in defecation. Question: Convulsive disease, syncope and constipation are the three principal postpartum diseases. Can the Master explain them? Master: After delivery, a woman will suffer Blood Deficiency. She will perspire a lot and is therefore easily affected by pathogenetic Wind. Convulsive disease is a common ailment. Loss os blood and perspiration will allow in the pathogenetic Cold, resulting in syncope. Loss of Body Fluid will bring Dryness to the Stomach, eventually resulting in constipation. Symptoms and signs of syncope in women after delivery include feeble-weak pulse, nausea and anorexia, constipation, sweat appearing only on the head. Pathology of the syndrome is that syncope results from Deficiency in the Blood. Before the syncope subsides, profuse perspiration will appear. When the Blood is deficient, coldness in the extremities will occur and the solitary Yang will ascend, causing perspiration. This will bring the Yin and Yang into harmony. Syndrome of constipation, nausea and anorexia can be treated with Decoction of Lesser Radix Bupleuri. Question: "Women who have just given birth commonly suffer from three disease; one is tetany, the second is constraint veiling, and the third is difficult defecation. Why is this?" The master said, "After labor, there is blood deficiency, profuse sweating, and frequent wind strike that causes tetany; blood collapse followed by sweating and profuse cold causes constraint veiling, and fluid collapse with stomach dryness causes difficult defecation." The disciples asked: "Why do postpartum women commonly suffer from convulsions, dizziness, and difficulty in defecation?" The master replied: "Immediately after labor a woman suffers from blood weakness and perspires profusely, making her susceptible to the wind and hence convulsions. The loss of blood along with perspiration and chills causes depressive dizziness whereas the depletion of body fluids leads to stomach aridity and hence makes defecating difficult." Question: “After recent childbirth, women suffer from three diseases. The first is tetany, the second is depression and veiling, and the third is difficult defecation. What does this mean?” The Master says: “Recent childbirth [that] results in blood vacuity, copious sweating, and a tendency to be struck by wind causes tetany. [It also results in] blood collapse followed by sweating, and increased cold; hence it causes depression and veiling. [It lastly results in] collapse of fluids and stomach dryness; hence it causes difficult defecation.”
80821.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2 21.2
809产妇郁冒,其脉微弱,不能食,大便反坚,但头汗出。所以然者,血虚而厥,厥而必冒,冒家欲解,必大汗出。以血虚下厥,孤阳上出,故头汗出。所以产妇喜汗出者,亡阴血虚,阳气独盛,故当汗出,阴阳乃复。大便坚,呕不能食,小柴胡汤主之。 [Right after] delivery, women [suffer from] depression, dizziness, faint and weak pulse, inability to eat, hard stool and sweating over the head. The reason is that blood deficiency [after delivery] causes counterflow [of yang qi] and counterflow [of yang qi] causes dizziness. [If] the patient wants to resolve dizziness, great sweating must be induced. [But now] blood deficiency [results in] reversal cold [in the lower part of the body and drives] yang to flow alone upwards. That is why [there is] sweating over the head. [Thus right after delivery,] women tend to sweat [because of] yin collapse, blood deficiency and exuberance of yang qi alone. That is why [there is] sweating and balance between yin and yang. For hard stool, retching and inability to eat, Xiao Chaihu Decoction (小柴胡汤, minor bupleurum decoction) [can be used] to treat it. After the syndrome subsides, the patient has a good appetite. Seven or eight days later, fever recurs. This is a case of Stomach Excess. Decoction of Greater Chengqi should be adopted. Constraint veiling among women who have just given birth manifests with weak and faint pulses, retching with an inability to eat, abnormally hard stools, and sweating from the head. The reasoning is that blood deficiency causes reversal, and reversal will typically cause veiling. If veiling is on the verge of resolution, there will be profuse sweating. Due to blood deficiency and lower body reversal, solitary yang exits from the upper, resulting in sweating from the head. Frequent sweating among women who have just given birth is due to yin collapse with blood deficiency and yang qi exuberating alone; therefore, only after sweating can yin dan yang be restored. For hard stools and retching with an inability to eat, Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction) is indicated. When a puerperal woman has depressive dizziness and a minute and weak pulse, vomits and has no appetite, passes hard stools, and perspires on the head only, it is due to blood weakness and its consequent flushing of yang. The flushing definitely results in dizziness and the patient perspires profusely before the dizziness is relieved. Blood weakness and chills in the lower warmer lead to flushing of solitary yang and consequently sweating on the head. A puerperal woman needs to perspire because exhaustion of yin and blood weakness lead to excessive yang.Sweating restores the balance of yin and yang. Xiao-chai-hu-tang (Minor Bupleurum Combination) treats a conformation of hard stools, vomiting, and loss of appetite. Postpartum depression and veiling [manifests in] a slightly weak pulse, retching and inability to eat, unexpectedly hard stool, and sweating from the head only. The reason for this is that blood is vacuous, and this causes reversal, which inevitably results in veiling. If you want to resolve [disease] in a patient with veiling, you must induce great sweating. Blood vacuity and reversal in the lower body cause solitary yáng to exit from the upper body; hence sweat exits [only] from the head. The reason why a woman after childbirth has a tendency to sweat is that yīn has collapsed and blood is vacuous, and thus yáng qì alone is exuberant. Therefore, you should induce sweating, so as to restore yīn and yáng [to balance]. For hard stool and retching with inability to eat, Minor Bupleurum Decoction (小柴胡汤xiǎo chái hú tāng) governs.
81021.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3
811病解能食,七八日更发热者,此为胃实,大承气汤主之。 [After] resolution of the disease, [the patient is] able to eat [but there is] fever again seven or eight days later. This is stomach excess and [can be] treated by Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi). Postpartum chronic abdominal pain and contraction can be treated with Decoction of Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Rhizome Zingiberis Recens and Mutton. This prescription is also effective for abdominal pain caused by Cold and consumptive diseases. After the condition is resolved, one is able to eat; but in seven or eight days, heat effusion occurs. This is stomach excess. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is indicated. See the formula in the section-Tetany. If the woman regains her appetite after taking Minor Bupleurum Combination but has a relapse of a fever seven or eight days later, she has gastric firmness and primarily needs Da-cheng-qi-tang (Major Rhubarb Combination). If the disease is resolved and [the patient] is able to eat again, but after seven or eight days again experiences heat effusion, this is stomach repletion. Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (大承气汤dà chénɡ qì tānɡ) governs.
81221.4 21.4 21.4 21.4 21.4 21.4
813产后腹中㽲痛,当归生姜羊肉汤主之,并治腹中寒疝,虚劳不足。当归生姜羊肉汤方:方未见。 Abdominal tension and pain after delivery should be treated by Danggui Shengjiang Yangrou Decoction (当归生姜羊肉汤, Chinese angelica, fresh ginger and goat meat decoction). [It] also can treat cold hernia in the abdomen, deficiency, overstrain and insufficiency. Powder of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus and Radix Paeoniae can be adopted in cases of postpartum abdominal pain with restlessness and sensation of fullness that makes it difficult for the patient to lie quietly in bed. For incessant postpartum abdominal pain, Dang Gui Sheng Jiang Yang Rou Tang (Chinese Angelica, Rhizoma Zingiberies Recens and Musculus Caprae Decoction) is indicated. This formula is also indicated for abdominal cold mounting, deficiency taxation, and insufficiency patterns. See the section-Cold Mounting. Dang-gui-sheng-jiang-yang-rou-tang (Danggui, Ginger, and Mutton Combination) treats puerperal abdominal cramping pain, chill colic in the abdomen, and other symptoms derived from weakness, fatigue, and deficiency. For tense pain in the abdomen after childbirth, Chinese Angelica, Fresh Ginger, and Goat Meat Decoction (当归生姜羊肉汤dāng guī sheng jiāng yáng ròu tāng) governs. [This formula] also treats cold mounting in the abdomen, vacuity taxation, and insufficiency.
81421.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5
815产后腹痛,烦满不得卧,枳实芍药散主之。 Abdominal pain, vexation, [abdominal] fullness and inability to lie down after delivery [can be] treated by Zhishi Shaoyao Powder (枳实芍药散, processed unripe bitter orange and peony powder). Master: Postpartum abdominal pain should be treated with Powder of Fructus Aurantii Immaturus. If the syndrome does not subside, it is a case caused by blood stasis in the region below the umbilicus. Decoction for Removing Blood Stasis should be adopted. This prescription is also effective in treating menstrual disorders. For postpartum abdominal pain, vexation, fullness, and sleeplessness, Zhi Shi Shao Yao San (Unripe Bitter Orange and Peony Powder) is indicated. Zhi-shi-shao-yao-san (Zhi shi and Peony Formula) treats postpartum abdominal aching with distress and abdominal distention that renders the afflicted unable to lie down. For postpartum abdominal pain with vexation, fullness, and inability to lie down, Unripe Bitter Orange and Peony Powder (枳实芍药散 zhǐ shí sháo yào sǎn) governs.
81621.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6
817师曰:产妇腹痛,法当以枳实芍药散。假令不愈者,此为腹中有干血着脐下,宜下瘀血汤主之,亦主经水不利。 The master said: [To treat] abdominal pain after delivery, usually Zhishi Shaoyao Powder (枳实芍药散, processed unripe bitter orange and peony powder) should be used. If [it has] failed to cure [the disease], it is due to blood stasis in the abdomen binding below the umbilicus. The appropriate [formula for] treating it is Xia Yuxue Decoction (下瘀血汤, decoction for resolving blood stasis). [This decoction] also can treat dysmenorrhea. On the seventh or eighth day after delivery, the patient does not suffer Initial Yang syndrome but suffers abdominal distention and pain. This is a case of profuse lochia. Decoction of Greater Chengqi can be adopted when the following symptoms and signs are observed: constipation; fever with restlessness and irritability; and slightly excessive pulse; fever aggravated in the afternoon; poor appetite. If food is taken, delirium will occur but the patient will quiet down at ight. This is a case with accumulated pathogenetic Heat in the Urinary Bladder. The master said, "As a rule, postpartum abdominal pain is treated with Zhi Shi Shao Yao San (Unripe Bitter Orange and Peony Powder). If the condition is not relieved, this indicates dry blood fixed below the umbilicus. Xia Yu Xue Tang (Stasis-Purging Decoction) is then recommended. This formula is also indicated for inhibited menstruation." The master said: "As a rule Zhi shi and Peony Formula relieves postpartum abdominal aching. However, if the formula is ineffective, it is due to the presence of dry blood lodged in the abdomen beneath the navel. This condition requires Xia-yu-xue-tang (Persica and Eupolyphaga Combination), a formula which also treats scanty menstruation." The Master says: “The standard treatment for women with abdominal pain after childbirth is Unripe Bitter Orange and Peony Powder (zhǐ shí sháo yào sǎn). However, if recovery does not occur, this means that there is dry blood fixed in the abdomen below the umbilicus. Static Blood-Precipitating Decoction (下瘀血汤 xià yū xiě tāng) governs. [This formula] also governs inhibited menstrual flow.”
81821.7 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7
819产后七八日,无太阳证,少腹坚痛,此恶露不尽。不大便,烦躁发热,切脉微实,再倍发热,日晡时烦躁者,不食,食则谵语,至夜即愈,宜大承气汤主之。热在里,结在膀肽也。 Seven or eight days after delivery, there is no taiyang syndrome/pattern, but lower abdominal hardness and pain due to incessant lochia. [If there are symptoms and signs of] constipation, vexation, fever, slightly strong pulse when pressed, doubled fever, vexation from 3 o’clock to 7 o’clock in the afternoon, inability to eat and delirium after eating [that lasts till midnight], the appropriate [formula for] treating it is Da Chengqi Decoction (大承气汤, major decoction for harmonizing qi). [The reason is that] heat is in the internal and binding is in the lower energizer. Postpartum disease caused by Wind lasts for several dozen days. Symptoms and signs include slight headache, aversion to cold, sporadic fever, fullness in he chest, perspiration, nausea and retching. Although the syndrome lasts for a long time, it is still classified as a Yangdan syndrome. Decoction of Yangdan can be adopted. Seven or eight days after giving birth, the absence of a taiyang pattern with tender hardness in the lesser abdomen indicates a persistent flow of lochia. If there is an inability to defecate, vexation, agitation, heat effusion, slightly excess pulses, aggravated heat effusion, and vexation and agitation in the late afternoon, the person will not be able to eat or he will display delirious speech upon eating. The condition will resolve by evening. Da Cheng Qi Tang (Major Qi-Coordinating Decoction) is recommended because the heat is interior, binding in the bladder. See the formula in the section-Tetany. If a woman develops hardening and aching in the lower abdomen but no greater yang symptoms seven or eight days after labor, she has not completely discharged the lochia. However, a minute and full pulse, constipation, discomfort and irritation with fever and no appetite, the discomfort, imitation, and fever becoming more severe toward dusk and delirium occurring after eating but disappearing at night signals that a fever has stagnated in the interior and is bound in the urinary bladder. Such a woman requires Da-cheng-qi-tang (Major Rhubarb Combination). If on the seventh or eighth day after giving birth a woman has no greater yáng signs, but hardness and pain in the lesser abdomen, this means incomplete elimination of lochia. This will be accompanied by] inability to defecate, vexation, agitation, and heat effusion, a pulse that feels slightly replete, a further doubling of heat effusion, vexation and agitation in the late afternoon [so severe that] she is unable to eat, delirious speech on eating, and relief in the evening. Major Qì-Coordinating Decoction (dà chénɡ qì tānɡ) governs. There is heat in the interior, and binding in the bladder.
82021.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8 21.8
821产后风,续之数十日不解,头微痛,恶寒,时时有热,心下闷,干呕汗出,虽久,阳旦证续在耳,可与阳旦汤。 Wind attack after delivery continues tens of days, [accompanied by] slight headache, aversion to cold, frequent fever, depression below the heart, dry retching and sweating. Although [these symptoms and signs continue for] a long period of time, yangdan (yang dawn) syndrome/pattern is still present and Yangdan Decoction (阳旦汤, yang dawn decoction) can still [be used] to treat it. Postpartum febrile disease caused by Wind accompanied by symptoms and signs of fever, flushed face, wheezing and headache can be treated with Decoction of Bamboo Leaves. Postpartum wind may remain unresolved for more than ten days after childbirth. Manifestations include mild headache, aversion to cold, frequent heat effusion, oppression below the heart, dry retching, and sweating. Even though the condition may have persisted for a long time, the Yang Dan Tang (Yang Dawn Decoction) pattern remains. Thus, Yang Dan Tang (Yang Dawn Decoction) is still applicable. Equivalent to Gui Zhi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction). See the formula in the section-Diarrhea. A patient who has been suffering from evil wind without relief for twenty to thirty days after delivery-mild headache, chillphobia, frequent fever, depression beneath the heart, dry heaves, and excessive perspiration has a Gui-zhi-tang (Cinnamon Combination) conformation. Despite the length of suffering, this formula may be given. Postpartum wind [strike] that continues for several tens of days without resolution [manifests in] slight headache, aversion to cold, frequent heat effusion, oppression below the heart, dry retching, and sweating. Even though [the condition] is enduring, yáng dawn signs continue to be present. You can give Yáng Dawn Decoction (yáng dàn tāng).
82221.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9
823产后中风发热,面正赤,喘而头痛,竹叶汤主之。 [To treat] wind attack, fever, redness of the whole face, panting and headache, [the appropriate formula is] Zhuye Decoction (竹叶汤, bamboo leaf decoction). During lactation, a woman is weak and weary with restlessness, irritation, nausea and retching. Pills of Caulis Bambusae in Taeniam can be prescribed to tranquilize the Interior and tonify the Vital Energy. For postpartum wind strike manifestation with heat effusion, a full red facial complexion, and panting with headache, Zhu Ye Tang (Bamboo Leaf Decoction) is indicated. A puerperal woman with "contraction of winds" fever reflected in a ruddy facial complexion, gasping, and headache needs Zhu-ye-tang (Bamboo Leaves Combination). For postpartum wind-strike with heat effusion, a full red face, panting, and headache, Black Bamboo Leaf Decoction (竹叶汤 zhú yè tāng) governs.
82421.10 21.10 21.10 21.10 21.10 21.10
825妇人乳中虚,烦乱呕逆,安中益气,竹皮大丸主之。 [In] a woman [during lactation], deficiency of middle qi, vexation, retching and counterflow [of qi can be treated by] tranquilizing the middle and replenishing qi. [The appropriate formula for] treating it is Zhupi Dawan Pill (竹皮大丸, big bamboo leaf pill). Postpartum diarrhea makes the patient extremely weak. Decoction of Radix Pulsatillae adding Radix Glycyrrhizae and Colla Corii Asini can be adopted to strengthen the patient's health. For deficiency among breastfeeding women with vexation, derangement, and retching counterflow, quiet the middle and supplement qi with Zhu Pi Da Wan (Bamboo Shavings Big Pill). During puerperal time a woman with a feeling of weakness, discomfort, derangement, and regurgitation needs Zhu-pi-da-wan (Gypsum and Bamboo Formula) to settle her stomach and enrich her vitality. Center vacuity in lactating women [manifests in] vexation and retching counterflow. [Treat this by] quieting the center and boosting qì. Major Bamboo Shavings Pill (竹皮大丸zhú pí dà wán) governs.
82621.11 21.11 22.11 21.11 21.11 21.11
827产后下利虚极,白头翁加甘草阿胶汤主之。 Diarrhea and extreme deficiency [of qi and blood] after delivery [should be] treated by Baitouweng Decoction (白头翁汤, pulsatilla decoction) added with Gancao (甘草, licorice, Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata) and Ejiao (阿胶, ass hide glue, Colla Corii Asini). For postpartum diarrhea causing extreme deficiency, Bai Tou Weng Jia Gan Cao E Jiao Tang (Pulsatilla Decoction plus Licorice and Gelatin) is indicated. Bai-tou-weng-jia-gan-cao-e-jiao-tang (Anemone, Licorice, and Gelatin Combination) treats postpartum diarrhea and extreme weakness. For postpartum diarrhea and extreme vacuity, Pulsatilla Decoction Plus Licorice and Ass Hide Glue (白头翁加甘草阿胶汤 bái tóu wēng jiā gān cǎo ē jiāo tāng) governs.
829妇人杂病脉证并治第二十二 Chapter 22 Women’s Miscellaneous Disease: Pulses, Syndromes/Patterns and Treatment Chapter 22 On Pulse, Symptom Complex and Treatment of Miscellaneous Gynecological Diseases Chapter 22 Pulses, Patterns, and Treatment of Miscellaneous Gynecological Diseases Chapter 22 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Miscellaneous Gynecological Diseases Chapter 22 Women’s Miscellaneous Disease
83122.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1
832妇人中风,七八日续来寒热,发作有时,经水适断,此为热入血室,其血必结,故使如疟状,发作有时,小柴胡汤主之。 [In] a woman attacked by wind, [aversion to] cold and heat continues for seven or eight days and occurs at intervals with interruption of menstruation. This is heat entering blood chamber. [In this case] the blood is binding inevitably. That is why [it] apperars like malaria with occasional occurrence. Xiao Chaihu Decoction (柴胡汤, minor bupleurum decoction) [can be used] to treat it. Febrile disease caused by Wind in women: The patient has tidal fever and chills during the seventh or eighth day after last day of menstruation period. This is a case of invasion of Heat in the Blood Cavity. Congelation of blood causes tidal chill and fever resembling malaria. Decoction of Lesser Radix Bupleuri can be adopted to cure the disease. Among women who have had wind strike for seven or eight days, if alternating heat and cold recurs at set times and menstruation happens to cease, this indicates heat entering the blood chamber. The blood will bind to cause sings resembling those of malaria which occur at set times; Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction) is indicated.See the formula in the section-Vomiting. A woman with "contraction of winds" has alternating seizures of chills and fever at fixed hours. The seizures last for seven to eight days and interrupt the menses. The fever invading the womb causes the blood to stagnate and produces malarialtype symptoms. The woman requires treatment with Xiao-chai-hu-tang (Minor Bupleurum Combination). If on the seventh or eighth day following [contraction of] wind-strike, a woman experiences extended [aversion to] cold and heat [effusion] occurring at [regular] intervals, and happens to experience interruption of menstrual flow, this is heat entering the blood chamber. [In such patients,] the blood is inevitably bound, and this is causing [the condition] to appear like malaria, with regular outbreaks. Minor Bupleurum Decoction (xiǎo chái hú tāng) governs.
83322.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2
834妇人伤寒发热,经水适来,昼日明了,暮则谵语,如见鬼状者,此为热入血室,治之无犯胃气及上二焦,必自愈。 [In] a woman with cold damage and fever, menstruation has just started. [In] the daytime, [her mind is] clear; [at] night there is delirium as if seeing a ghost. This is heat entering blood chamber. To treat [it], stomach qi and two energizers cannot be damaged. [The patient] will heal spontaneously. Febrile disease caused by Cold in women: At the onset of menstruation, the patient has fever and delirium with insanity at night but returns to normal during the day. These are symptoms of Heat invading the Blood Cavity. B careful not to disturb Stomach Vital Energy and Upper and Middle Portions of Body Cavity, a self-healing will follow. When a woman with cold damage and heat effusion happens to menstruate with a lucid appearance in the daytime but with delirious speech in the evening as if seeing ghosts, this indicates heat entering the blood chamber. Treatment should not harm stomach qi and the upper two burners. The condition will resolve spontaneously. A fever has invaded the womb of a woman who in the beginning of her menses suffers from shang han (severe chills and fever). At dusk she will be delirious acting, as though she has met a ghost, but will feel good in the daytime. An appropriate exsanguinative that won't upset gastric Qi or affect the upper and middle warmers will cure the disease. If a woman with cold damage related heat effusion incidentally starts menstruating and is clear [-headed] during the day, but speaks deliriously in the evening, as if she were seeing ghosts, this is heat entering the blood chamber. In treatment, do not harm stomach qì and the two upper burners. You must allow the patient to recover naturally.
83522.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3 22.3
836妇人中风,发热恶寒,经水适来,得七八日,热除脉迟,身凉和,胸胁满,如结胸状,谵语者,此为热入血室也,当刺期门,随其实而取之。 [In] a woman attacked by wind, [there is] fever and aversion to cold, [during which] menstruation has just started. Seven or eight days [after occurrence], [there are symptoms and signs of] elimination of fever, slow pulse, cool and harmonious body, fullness in the chest and rib-side like chest bind, and delirium. This is heat entering blood chamber. [It] should [be treated by] needling Qimen (LR 14) and [blood stasis will be] eliminated together with purgation of excess. Febrile disease caused by Wind in women: The patient has fever and chill during menstruation. After seven or eight days, when fever disappears, her skin cools and pulse becomes slow. She experiences fullness below the coastal margin similar to Blocked-up Chest syndrome, as well as delirium, both of which are symptoms of Heat invading the Blood Cavity. Needle therapy at Qimen will release the pathogenetic Heat. Among women with wind strike characterized by heat effusion and aversion to cold, if menstruation happens to occur and after seven or eight days the heat is eliminated, the pulse is slow and the body is cool and harmonized; and yet if the chest and rib-sides are full resembling that of chest bind and there is delirious speech, this indicates heat entering the blooding chamber. Qi men (LV 14) should be needled. Follow the excess and treat that. Sometimes a woman contracts evil wind with fever and chillphobia at the onset of menses. If seven to eight days later the fever subsides, the pulse slows, and the body cools, but the chest and ribs feel taut and delirium has set in, a fever has invaded the womb. The firm fever should be purged by acupuncture applied at the qimen point. Extent of treatment depends on the degree of firmness of the fever. If a woman with wind-strike related heat [effusion] and [aversion to] cold incidentally starts menstruating, and if on the seventh or eighth day following [wind] contraction she has eliminated the heat and presents with a slow pulse and cool and harmonious body, but with fullness in the chest and rib-side as in chest bind, and with delirious speech, this is heat entering the blood chamber. You should needle Cycle Gate (qì mén, LV-14) to address the condition in accordance with the repletion.
83722.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 22.4
838阳明病,下血谵语者,此为热入血室,但头汗出,当刺期门,随其实而泻之,濈然汗出者愈。 Yangming disease [is marked by] bleeding and delirium. This is heat entering blood chamber. If there is sweating over the head, [it] should [be treated by] needling Qimen (LR 14) and [blood stasis will be] eliminated together with purgation of excess. [When there is] generalized sweating, [the disease will be] cured. Greater Yang syndrome with delirium and excretion of blood indicates that pathogenetic Heat has invaded the Blood Cavity. When sweat appears on the head only, puncture at acupoint Qimen(LR14) will release the Excess. Following this, heavy perspiration will lead to recovery. Yangming disease with blood descent and delirious speech reflects heat entering the blood chamber. With sweating only from the head, qi men (LV 14) should be needled. Follow the excess and drain that. Drizzly sweating indicates recovery. A fever has invaded the womb of a woman who is delirious, has sunlight yang disease, and discharges blood. If she perspires on the head only, it is necessary to purge the firm fire by inserting acupuncture needles on the qimen point until she perspires all over her body; thereby the condition is relieved. If yáng brightness disease [manifests] with vaginal bleeding and delirious speech, this is heat entering the blood chamber. [It is marked by] sweating from the head only. You should needle Cycle Gate (qì mén, LV-14), draining it in accord with the repletion. Pouring sweat indicates recovery.
83922.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5
840妇人咽中如有炙脔,半夏厚朴汤主之。 [When] there is [a sensation of lump] like roasted meat in the throat, Banxia Houpu Decoction (半夏厚朴汤, pinellia and magnolia bark decoction) [can be used] to treat it. The patient is suffocating as if there were a piece of roast meat stuck in her throat. Decoction of Rhizoma Pinelliae and Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis can provide a cure. When a women feels as if there is apiece of grilled meat in her throat, Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Pinellia and Officinal Magnolia Bark Decoction) is indicated. A woman who feels as if a piece of broiled meat is stuck in her throat should take Ban-xia-hou-pu-tang (Pinellia and Magnolia Combination). When a woman has a [sensation] in the throat like a lump of roasted meat, Pinellia and Officinal Magnolia Bark Decoction (半夏厚朴汤bàn xià hòu pò tāng) governs.
84122.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6
842妇人脏躁,喜悲伤欲哭,象如神灵所作,数欠伸,甘麦大枣汤主之。 A woman [suffering from] visceral dryness [disease] tends to sorrow and cry as if being haunted by spirits with frequent yawning and stretching. Gancao Xiaomai Dazao Decoction (甘草小麦大枣汤, licorice, wheat and jujube decoction) [can be used] to treat it. The patient suffers hysteria and tends to weep constantly as if she were haunted. She frequently stretches and yawns repeatedly. Ziziphi Jujubae can be adopted to calm the patient. For women with visceral agitation who display frequent sorrow with a desire to weep, appear as though possessed by a spirit, and frequent yawn and stretch, Gan Mai Da Zao Tang (Licorice, Wheat, and Jujube Decoction) is indicated. A woman with visceral irritation (hysteria) tends to grieve and cry as though possessed by a spirit. She also yawns frequently. She needs Gan-mai-da-zao-tang (Licorice and Jujube Combination). Women’s visceral agitation [manifests in] a tendency to sorrow and desire to weep, as if possessed by spirits, and frequent yawning and stretching. Licorice, Wheat and Jujube Decoction (甘麦大枣汤 gān mài dà zǎo tāng) governs.
84322.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7 22.7
844妇人吐涎沫,医反下之,心下即痞。当先治其吐涎沫,小青龙汤主之;涎沫止,乃治痞,泻心汤主之。 A woman [suffers from] vomiting of drool and foam. [If] a doctor [uses] purgation [to treat] it, there will be lump below the heart. Vomiting of drool and foam should be treated first and [the appropriate formula is] Xiao Qinglong Decoction (小青龙汤, minor blue long decoction). [Only when vomiting of] drool and foam is ceased can lump be treated, [the appropriate formula is] Xiexin Decoction (泻心汤, decoction for draining the heart). A woman patient salivates copiously, but the doctor prescribes a purgative for the patient, and Vital-energy Stagnation in the epigastrium results. In treating the case, saliva should be dealt with first. Decoction of Lesser Qinglong can be adopted. When salivation stops, Decoction of Xiexin can be adopted to disperse the Vital-energy Stagnation. When a woman with drool foaming at the mouth is treated inappropriately with purgation, glomus below the heart will occur immediately. Primarily treat the drool foaming at the mouth; Xiao Qing Long Tang (Minor Blue-Green Dragon Decoction) is indicated. When foamy drool ceases, then treat the glomus, Xie Xin Tang (Heart-Draining Decoction) is indicated. A slobbering woman who undergoes purgation only to have a resulting obstruction beneath the heart should first be given Xiao-qing-long-tang (Minor Blue Dragon Combination) to arrest the slobbering. After the slobbering has ceased, Xie-xin-tang (Coptis and Rhubarb Combination) will relieve the obstruction. If a physician inappropriately treats by precipitation a woman who presents with drool foaming at the mouth, the result will be glomus below the heart. You must first treat the drool foaming at the mouth, for which Minor Black Dragon Decoction (小青龙汤xiǎo qīng long tāng) governs. When the drool and foam cease, then treat the glomus, for which Heart-Draining Decoction (泻心汤xiè xīn tāng) governs.
84522.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8
846妇人之病,因虚、积冷、结气,为诸经水断绝至有历年,血寒积结,胞门寒伤,经络凝坚。 Diseases in women are caused by deficiency, cold accumulation and qi binding that lead to interruption of menstruation for years, accumulation and binding of cold in the blood, damage of uterus by cold and stagnation of meridians and collaterals. Deficiency, accumulation of pathogenetic Cold and stagnation of Vital Energy are the main causes of menolipsis, which may last as long as a year. Pathogenetic Cold intermingles with the Blood. The uterus is weakened, and the Channels and Collaterals blocked. Women’s diseases result from deficiency, accumulated coldness, and qi bind, and they manifest with, menstrual block. Over the years, blood and cold accumulate and then bind together. The uterus is damaged by coldness where the channels and collaterals congeal and harden. Many gynecological problems result from weakness, stale chills, and "jie Qi." Women so afflicted may have suppressed menstruation lasting for years; cold blood accumulating and binding in the womb; and chills that injure and cause coagulation and hardening of the meridians. If the condition occurs in the upper warmer, vomiting and slobbering and eventually development of pulmonary carbuncles result in emaciation of the body. If the condition is confined to the middle warmer, there will be chill colic around the navel, or pain in the ribs and involvement of the viscera,or fever confined to the interior manifesting aching at the Guanyuan area (3 inches beneath the navel), a quick pulse, and no sores but coarse skin resembling fish scales. The condition often afflicts males, too. Exhaustion of the belt meridian, not spirits or ghosts, causes scanty or copious menstruation; abnormal menstruation; dragging pain at the genitalia; chill phobia in the lower abdomen involving the waist and spine and extending down to the Qijie point; acute pain of Qi flushing; aching and discomfort in the knees and calves; dizziness and vertigo resembling fainting and madness; or bouts of sorrow, misery, grief, and anger. If the symptoms, persist the patient becomes emaciated and develops an empty pulse and chills. The thirty-six diseases that derive from the exhaustion of the belt meridian have countless variations. Hence, it is mandatory to carefully discriminate between yin and yang, emptiness and forcefulness, and tenseness and chordalness, before applying acupuncture and herbal treatments to secure and save patients who may have the same disease but may have different pulses reflecting different etiologies. This rule must be remembered and not be regarded with indifference. Women’s diseases are caused by vacuity, accumulated cold, and bound qì, which cause the menstrual fluids to stop flowing. If this continues for a number of years, blood and cold accumulate and bind in the mouth of the uterus, and cold damages the network vessels so that they become congealed and hard.
847在上呕吐涎唾,久成肺痈,形体损分;在中盘结,绕脐寒疝,或两胁疼痛,与脏相连;或结热中,痛在关元。脉数无疮,肌若鱼鳞,时着男子,非止女身。在下未多,经候不匀。冷阴掣痛,少腹恶寒,或引腰脊,下根气街,气冲急痛,膝胫疼烦,奄忽眩冒,状如厥癫,或有忧惨,悲伤多嗔,此皆带下,非有鬼神。 In the upper [part of the body, it causes] retching and vomiting of drool and foam, eventually resulting in lung abscess and damage the body. In the middle [part of the body], [invasion of cold into the spleen and liver results in] cold hernia around the umbilicus, or pain in the rib-sides stretching to the viscera, or heat binding in the middle and pain at Guanyuan (CV 4). The pulse is rapid, the skin is like fish scale. [Such a pathological condition] sometimes also appear in men, not only in women. In the lower [part of the body], [bleeding is] less, [but] menstrual cycle is not even. In the genitals [there is] pulling pain; in the lower abdomen, [there is] aversion to cold, or stretching to the waist and spine and originating from Qijie (ST 30), [leading to] surging qi, acute pain, pain and vexation in the knees and shanks, sudden dizziness like syncope and epilepsy, or anxiety and sorrow as well as sadness and anger. All these are menstrual [disorders], not haunting of ghosts and spirits. When the pathogenetic factors invade the Middle Portion, pain caused by Cold appears in the region around the navel or in the costal regions with dragging pain moving in the direction of the Viscus. Or the Cold may evolve into Heat and accumulate in the abdomen, causing pain around acupoint Guanyuan(RN4). The pulse is speedy. This is not a case of skin sores or carbuncles. Scaly skin appears. The syndrome may also affect male patients. With pathogens in the upper, there will be vomiting of drool and spittle; over a period of time welling-abscess in the lung results. The person’s body becomes damaged and unrecognizable. With pathogens binding in the middle, there will be cold mounting around the umbilicus or bilateral rib-side pain connected to the viscera, or heat bind with pain affecting guan yuan (RN 4). The pulses will be rapid with an absence of sores, and the flesh will resemble scales. This can also affect men, not only women. with pathogens in the lower, there will be menstrual irregularities as well as pulling pain in the genital region with aversion to cold in the lesser abdomen, or pain pulling the lumbus and spine with its root at qi jie (ST 30), qi upsurging with acute pain, pain and vexation of the knees and lower legs, sudden dizziness and veiling resembling that of reversal or mania; or anxiety, sorrow, and frequent anger. All of these manifestations are attributed to women’s diseases, they are not the work of demons or spirits. In the upper [body], [this results in] retching and vomiting of drool and spittle, and over time in the formation of pulmonary welling-abscess and a distinct decrease in the physical body. Coliling and binding in the center [of the body], [it results in] cold mounting around the umbilicus, either with pain in both rib-sides linking the viscera [of the spleen and liver], or with binding heat in the center, pain at Origin Pass (官员guan yuan, CV-4), a rapid pulse but no sores, and scaly skin. [These diseases can] sometimes affect males and are not limited to the female body. In the lower [body], [the result is] copious foam, an uneven menstrual cycle, pulling pain in the genitals, and aversion to cold in the lesser abdomen. It can also reach into the lumbar spine, and descend to the root at the qì street, where surging qì [causes] pain and tension, and pain and vexation in the knees and lower legs, sudden dizzy veiling, as in [clouding] reversal or [mania and] withdrawal, or possibly anxiety, sorrow, and irascibility. [These signs are] all [attributable to] disease below the girdle; they do not indicate the presence of ghosts and spirits.
848久则羸瘦,脉虚多寒。三十六病,千变万端,审脉阴阳,虚实紧弦,行其针药,治危得安,其虽同病,脉各异源,子当辨记,勿谓不然。 After a long period of time there will be emaciation, weak pulse and increased cold. [In women, usually there are] thirty-six diseases, tending to change. By examining yin and yang, deficiency and excess and tightness and tautness of the pulse, [doctors can use] acupuncture and medicinals to treat urgency and secure [health]. Although these diseases are the same [in nature], [the conditions of] pulse vary. Doctors must [carefully] differentiate [varied conditions of pulse] and do not neglect [it]. When the pathogenetic factors invade the Lower Portion, amount of menstrual blood is less than normal. Other symptoms are irregular menses, menorrhalgia with dragging pains in the vagina, chills in the abdomen which may stretch to the waist and Qijie, and acute pain on Qichong, the knee and the shin. Syncopes and vertigo may suddenly occur, accompanied by melancholy, distress and indigestion. These symptoms are not caused by ghosts and spirits, but are rather symptoms and signs of gynopathy. They will make the patient weak and emaciated, and will be accompanied by Cold syndrome and deficient pulse. The thirty-six varieties of gynopathy may evolve into numerous syndromes. Diagnosis should be made to evaluate the Yin and the Yang, and whether the pulse is deficient, excessive, tense or tight. Relevant prescriptions and acupuncture should be prescribed to save the patient. Symptoms and signs may be the same in different cases, but different pulse will indicate different pathology. Diagnosis should be made carefully. Particular caution is advised. Over a long period of time there will appear marked emaciation, deficient pulses, and profuse cold; the thirty-six diseases may have hundreds of transmutations and thousands of manifestations. Examine the pulses, yin, yang, deficiency, excess, tightness and wiriness, applying needles and medicinals to treat the critical and bring relief. Although conditions may be identical, the pulses may have different sources respectively. One should distinguish and remember; do not think that this is unimportant. Over time, the result will be marked emaciation, a vacuous pulse, and increased cold. [Women’s diseases are known as] the thirty-six diseases, but there are myriad variations. Determine whether the pulse is marked by yīn or yáng, vacuity or repletion, and a tight or stringlike quality, [Then] apply needles and medicinals to treat critical [conditions] and secure well-being. Although the disease may be the same, each pulse has a different source. Any master will identify and take note [of this]. Do not disregard this fact.
84922.9 22.9 22.9 22.9 22.9 22.9
850问曰:妇人年五十所,病下利数十日不止,暮即发热,少腹里急,腹满,手掌烦热,唇口干燥,何也?师曰:此病属带下。何以故?曾经半产,瘀血在少腹不去,何以知之?其证唇口干燥,故知之。当以温经汤主之。 Question: [In] a woman, already 50 years old, [there is] frequent vaginal bleeding for over ten days, [accompanied by] fever at night, lower abdominal tension, abdominal fullness, vexing fever in the palms and dryness of lips and mouth. What is the reason? The master said: This disease is located below the conception vessel. Why it is so? [Because there was] abortion before and blood stasis in the lower abdomen. How to know such [a problem]? Dryness of the lips and mouth is the evidence. [It] should be treated by Wenjing Decoction (温经汤, decoction for warming meridians). Question: A fifty-year-old woman patient suffers vaginal bleeding for several dozen days. She also has tide fever in the evening, with contractions and distention in the abdomen, restlessness, heat on palms and parched mouth and lips. Can Master explain this? Master: This is a gynecological disease. A patient has had a miscarriage with blood stasis remaining in the abdomen. How is this diagnosed? Parched mouth and lips are the relevant symptoms. Decoction of Wenjing can be given as a cure. Questions: "A woman in her fifties has suffered from incessant diarrhea for more than ten days. In the evening there is heat effusion, urgency in the lesser abdomen, abdominal fullness, vexing heat in the palms, and dry lips and mouth. Why?" The master said: "This is attributed to women’s disease." "Why is that?" "There is a history of late miscarriage and static remains I nthe lesser abdomen." "How can one know this?" "The pattern manifests with dryness of the lips and mouth; that is how one knows this. Wen Jing Tang (Channel-Warming Decoction) is indicated." The disciples asked: "Why would a woman of about fifty who had discharge of blood for twenty to thirty days develop a fever at dusk, an urgent sensation in the lower abdomen, a full abdomen, an annoying fever in the palms, and dry lips?" The master answered: "This is one of the diseases of exhaustion of the belt meridian. She has aborted and the extravasated blood has stagnated in the lower abdomen. How do we know this? Her dry lips tell the story." Treatment calls primarily for Wen-jing-tang (Dang-gui and Evodia Combination). Question: “When a woman of about fifty years of age suffers from vaginal bleeding for several tens of days without stopping, with heat effusion at dusk, lesser abdominal urgency, abdominal fullness, vexing heat in the palms of the hands, and dry lips and mouth, what is this?” The Master says: “This disease is ascribed to [disorder] below the girdle. How is it caused? [The woman must have] previously experienced a miscarriage, as a result of which static blood is present in the lesser abdomen instead of having been eliminated. How can you know this? You know this by the sign of dry lips and mouth. Use Channel-Warming (Menses-Warming) Decoction (温经汤wēn jīng tāng) to govern it.”
85122.10 22.10 22.10 22.10 22.10 22.10
852带下经水不利,少腹满痛,经一月再见者,土瓜根散主之。 [The disease marked by] inhibited menstruation below the conception vessel, lower abdominal fullness and pain, and menstruation occurs twice a month [can be] treated by Tuguagen Powder (土瓜根散, cucumber gourd root powder). / Tuguagen Powder (土瓜根散, cucumber gourd root powder): For treating withering and swelling of the genitals. Menstrual disorders are accompanied by abdominal pain. Menses may occur twice a month. Powder of Radix Trichosanthis Cucumeroidis can be adopted to regulate the menoxenia. For women’s diseases with inhibited menstrual flow, fullness and pain in the lower abdomen, and menses that appear twice a month, Tu Gua Gen San (Thladiantha Powder) is indicated. Women with "exhaustion of the belt meridian" resulting in scanty menses, distention and aching of the lower abdomen, and menstrual periods twice monthly should primarily take Tu-gua-gen-san (Cucumeroides Formula). For disease below the girdle, with inhibited menstrual flow, lesser abdominal fullness and pain, and periods coming twice in one month, Cucumber Gourd Root Powder (土瓜根散tǔ guā gēn sǎn) governs.
85322.11 22.11 22.11 22.11 22.11 22.11
854寸口脉弦而大,弦则为减,大则为芤,减则为寒,芤则为虚,寒虚相搏,此名曰革,妇人则半产漏下,旋覆花汤主之。 The pulse [of a patient] is taut and large. Taut [pulse] indicates reduction while large [pulse] indicates hollowness. Reduction means cold while hollowness means deficiency. [When] deficiency and cold contend with each other, it is called tympanic [pulse]. [Such a pulse in] a woman indicates miscarriage and vaginal bleeding. The appropriate [formula for] treating it is Xuanfuhua Decoction (旋覆花汤, inula flower decoction). The pulse is tight and huge. When pressed deeply, it is not as strong as a true tight pulse. Though huge, it is void within. Such pulse is called "void-tight." Tight pulse of reduced strength indicates prevalence of pathogenetic Cold. Void pulse reflects Interior Deficiency. When void-tight pulse occurs in femal patients, this indicates premature delivery or mild, chronic bloody vaginal discharge. Decoction of Flos Inulae can be adopted. With wiry and large pulses at the inch opening, the wiry quality is relieved by heavy pressure and the large pulse is similar to the scallion-stalk pulse. Relief indicates cold, while scallion-stalk indicates deficiency. In deficiency contending with cold, the pulse image is called drumskin. Women with this pulse will suffer from late miscarriage and spotting. Xuan Fu Hua Tang (Inula Decoction) is indicated. A chordal and big pulse on the cun site is significant in that the chordal characteristic indicates reduction resulting in chills and the bigness, hollowness or emptiness. An interaction between chills and emptiness leads to a tympanic pulse, the same pulse observed in abortions or uterine bleeding. Treatment requires Xuan-fu-hua-tang (Inula Combination). When the inch opening pulse is both stringlike and large, stringlike means reduced, and large means scallion-stalk; reduced indicates cold, and scallion-stalk indicates vacuity. Cold and vacuity contend with each other, and this is called a drumskin [pulse]. In women, [this type of pulse] means miscarriage and spotting. Inula Decoction (旋覆花汤xuán fù huā tāng) governs.
85522.12 22.12 22.12 22.12 22.12 22.12
856妇人陷经,漏下,黑不解,胶姜汤主之。 A woman [suffers from] collapse of meridian qi and vaginal bleeding with black color [that is] difficult to resolve. [It can be] treated by Jiaojiang Decoction (胶姜, ass hide glue and ginger decoction). Continuous uterine bleeding with dark blood can be treated with Decoction of Colla Corii Asini and Rhizoma Zingiberis. For women with fallen menstruation characterized by persistent spotting of dark blood, Jiao Jiang Tang (Ass Hide Glue and Ginger Decoction) is indicated. No formula is provided here; it may be Jiao Ai Tang (Donkey-Hide Gelatin and Mugwort Decoction) as in the previous section-Pregnancy. A woman suffering from continuous menstruation of black blood needs Jiao-Jiang-tang (Gelatin and Ginger Combination). For women’s channel fall, with black spotting that fails to resolve, Ass Hide Glue and Ginger Decoction (jiāo jiāng tāng) governs.
85722.13 22.13 22.13 22.13 22.13 22.13
858妇人少腹满如敦状,小便微难而不渴,生后者,此为水与血并结在血室也,大黄甘遂汤主之。 [In] a woman, [there are symptoms and signs of] lower abdominal fullness like protrusion, slight difficulty in urination and thirst after occurrence [of the disease] due to water and blood binding in the blood chamber. Dahuang Gansui Decoction (大黄甘遂汤, rhubarb and kansui decoction) [can be used] to treat it. A woman patient is suffering from abdominal distention and her abdomen swells to resemble a Dui. She also experiences slight dysuria with no thirst. If the syndrome appears after delivery, this case is one caused by the intermingling of Water and Blood in the Blood Cavity. Decoction of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei and Radix Euphorbiae Kansui can be adopted. Among women with fulness in the lesser abdomen that resembles a dui and slightly difficult urination with an absence of thirst, if the condition occurs after giving birth, this indicates blood and water binding in the blood chamber. Da Huang Gan Sui Tang (Rhubarb and Kansui Decoction) is indicated. A woman with a swollen lower abdomen that looks like a dune, slight dysuria, and no thirst following delivery has stagnated water and blood in the womb. She should take Da-huang-gan-sui-tang (Rhubarb, Gansui, and Gelatin Combination). Women’s lower abdominal fullness that appears like a serving bowl, with slight difficulty in urination and no thirst, when arising after giving birth, means both water and blood binding in the blood chamber. Rhubarb and Kansui Decoction (大黄甘遂汤dà huáng gān suì tāng) governs.
85922.14 22.14 22.14 22.14 22.14 22.14
860妇人经水不利下,抵当汤主之。 [In] a woman, inhibited menstruation [can be] treated by Didang Decoction (抵当汤, decoction for prevention). Annotator's Remark: Decoction of Didang is also effective in curing male patient syndromes of blood stasis in the Urinary Bladder accompanied by feeling of distention. For women with inhibited or non-discharged menses, Di Dang Tang (Resistance Decoction) is indicated. Also indicated for men with fullness and urgency in the bladder and static blood. A woman with scanty menses should take Di-dang-tang (Rhubarb and Leech Combination). (This formula also treats mens urinary bladder distention and urgency due to stagnated blood.) For inhibited descent of a woman’s menses, Dead-On Decoction (抵当汤 dǐ dāng tāng) governs.
86122.15 22.15 22.15 22.15 22.15 22.15
862妇人经水闭不利,脏坚癖不止,中有干血,下白物,矾石丸主之。 [In] a woman, menstruation is inhibited [because of] incessant hardness (blood stasis) and stagnation in the uterus [in which] there is dry blood and leukorrhea. Fanshi Pill (矾石丸, alum pill) [can be used] to treat it. A patient experiences menolipsis, scanty menstruation, and the formation of a hard mass in the uterus which remains there for a long time. Dry blood stasis is also present in the uterus. Leucorrhea is also present. Pills of Alumen can be adopted to cure the syndrome. For women with blocked or inhibited menses, persistent hard aggregation in the uterus with dry blood inside, and the discharging of white substances, Fan Shi Wan (Alum Pill) is indicated. A woman with suppressed menstruation, continuous formation of hard masses containing dry blood in the womb, and a whitish discharge needs Fan-shi-wan (Alum Formula). For women’s blocked and inhibited menstrual flow, with a hard aggregation in the uterus that does not go away, which means dry blood in the center, and with discharge of white matter, Alum Pill (矾石丸 fán shí wán) governs.
86322.16 22.16 22.16 22.16 22.16 22.16
864妇人六十二种风,及腹中血气刺痛,红蓝花酒主之。 Women [are usually attacked by] sixty-two kinds of wind, causing stabbing pain of qi and blood in the abdomen. Honglanhua Jiufang (红蓝花酒方, carthamus and wine formula) [can be used] to treat it. Sixty-two women's disease caused by Wind, and acute pain in the abdomen caused by the stagnation of Vital Energy and the Blood can be treated with Wine of Flos Carthami. For sixty-two kinds of wind, and blood-qi stabbing pain in the abdomen among women, Hong Lan Hua Jiu (Carthamus Wine) is indicated. Hong-lan-hua-jiu (Carthamus and Wine Formula) treats the stabbing pain resulting from Qi and blood in the abdomen. The symptom accompanies sixty-two different womens wind diseases. For sixty-two kinds of wind in women, with blood and qì stabbing pain in the abdomen, Carthamus Wine (红蓝花酒 hóng lán huā jiǔ) governs.
86522.17 22.17 22.17 22.17 22.17 22.17
866妇人腹中诸疾痛,当归芍药散主之。当归芍药散方:见前妊娠中。 Various pains in the abdomen of women should be treated by Danggui Shaoyao Powder (当归芍药散, Chinese angelica and poria powder). Powder of Radix Angelicae Sinensis and Radix Paeoniae is effective in curing abdominal pain caused by various gynopathies. For various diseases and pain in the abdomen among women, Dang Gui Shao Yao San (Chinese Angelica and Peony Powder) is indicated. Dang-gui-shao-yao-san (Danggui and Peony Formula) treats various womens abdominal problems. For all abdominal pain in women, Chinese Angelica and Peony Powder (当归芍药散 dāng ɡuī sháo yào sǎn) governs.
86722.18 22.18 22.18 22.18 22.18 22.18
868妇人腹中痛,小建中汤主之。小建中汤方:见前虚劳中。 Abdominal pain in women [should be] treated by Xiao Jianzhong Decoction (小建中汤, minor decoction for strengthening the middle). Decoction of Lesser Jianzhong can be adopted to reduce the abdominal pain of female patients. For women with abdominal pain, Xiao Jian Zhong Tang (Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction) is indicated. A woman with abdominal aching should take Xiao-jian-zhong-tang (Minor Cinnamon and Peony Combination). For women’s abdominal pain, Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction (小建中汤 xiǎo jiàn zhōng tāng) governs.
86922.19 22.19 22.19 22.19 22.19 22.19
870问曰:妇人病,饮食如故,烦热不得卧,而反倚息者,何也?师曰:此名转胞,不得溺也。以胞系了戾,故致此病。但利小便则愈,宜肾气丸主之。肾气丸方:方见虚劳中。 Question: [When] a woman suffers from a disease, taking food is normal, [but there is] vexation and inability to lie down. [Hence the patient] leans against the bed to breathe. What is the reason? The master said: This [disease] is called turned bladder [because the patient is] unable to urinate. Such a disease is caused by twisted bladder. [When] urination is normalized, [it can be] cured. The appropriate [formula for] treating it is Shenqi Pill (肾气丸, kidney qi pill). Question: The patient experiences restlessness and a fever that prevents her from lying quietly in bed. The patient must recline to breathe freely. But she is eating normally. Please explain this. Master: This is a case of dysuria due to pressure exerted by the fetus. The fetus is pressing the urinary bladder and the urethra, preventing them from voiding urine. A diuretic should be adopted. Pills of the Kidney Vital Energy can be used. Question: "In this women’s disease, there is eating and drinking s normal, vexing heat with sleeplessness, but also propped breathing. Why?" The master said, "This is called shifted bladder, which is characterized by an inability to urinate. Twisted connections of the bladder system cause this disease, and simply disease, and simply disinhibiting urination will bring recovery. Shen Qi Wan (Kidney Qi Pill) is indicated." See the formula in the section-Deficiency Taxation. The disciples asked: "Why would a woman with a normal appetite suffer from an annoying fever whereby she cannot lie down flat but must rest upright in order to breathe?" The master said: "The condition is known as shift of the bladder' and it makes the patient incapable of urinating. Tangled ureters cause the problem; it can be relieved by rendering urination with Ba-wei-di-huang-wan (Rehmannia Eight Formula)." Question: “When a woman presents with eating and drinking as normal, but vexing heat with inability to sleep, and propped breathing, what disease is this?” The Master says: “This is called shifted bladder. It [results in] inability to urinate. This disease is caused by the bladder tie being twisted. You need only to disinhibit the urine and recovery will ensue. Kidney Qì Pill (肾气丸shèn qì wán) governs.”
87122.20 22.20 22.20 22.20 22.20 22.20
872蛇床子散方 温阴中坐药。 Shechuangzi Powder (蛇床子散, cnidium seed powder): For warming genitals to treat [cold in the genitals in women]. Powder of Fructus Cnidii is effective in relieving a cold feeling in the vagina. The formula She Chuang Zi San (Snidium Seed Powder) is a suppository that warms the genitals. A woman with genital chills needs to have the interior of the vagina warmed with She-chuang-zi-san (Selinum Formula). Cnidium Seed Powder (蛇床子散 shé chuáng zǐ sǎn) formula is a suppository that warms the inside of the vagina.
87322.21 22.21 22.21 22.21 22.21 22.21
874少阴脉滑而数者,阴中即生疮,阴中蚀疮烂者,狼牙汤洗之。 Slippery and rapid shaoyin pulse [indicates] sores in the vagina. [When] sores in the vagina are putrefying and eroding, Langya Decoction (狼牙汤, langya herb decoction) [can be used] to treat it. The pulse in the Cubit is slippery and speedy. Carbuncles are found in the pudenda. Decoction of Herba Agrimoniae can be used to slaense the affected part. With slippery and rapid shaoyin pulses, there will be sores in the genital region. For eroding sores with ulceration of the genital region, wash with Lang Ya Tang (Wolf’s Bane Decoction). A lesser yin pulse that is slippery and quick signifies sores and ulcers in the vagina. Treatment requires washing of the vagina with Lang-ya-tang (Potentilla Combination). A lesser yīn pulse that is slippery and rapid indicates engenderment of sores in the vagina. For putrefying eroding sores in the vagina, wash it with Langya Decoction (狼牙汤láng yá tāng).
87522.22 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22
876胃气下泄,阴吹而正喧,此谷气之实也,膏发煎导之。 Stomach qi is drained downward with flatulence from the vagina caused by constipation. [It should be treated by] Zhugao Fajian Decoction (猪膏发煎方, pork lard and human hair decoction) to abduct it. When the cereal Vital Energy descends to produce flatus, it is emitted from the vagina with an audible sound. This is caused by an excessive state of the cereal Vital Energy. Decoction of Lard and Human Hair can be used to cure the syndrome. Stomach qi discharge downward with vaginal flatulence characterized by an incessant loud sound indicates and excess of grain qi. Abduct with Gao Fa Jian I (Lard and Human Hair Brew). Gao-fa-jian (Lard and Human Hair Combination) treats downward discharge of gastric Qi that results in breaking wind with a continuous loud sound in the vagina. The condition results from firmness of gu Qi. This fomula guides gu Qi out through the rectum. Downward draining of stomach qì with yīn flatulence in continuous blasts means repletion of grain qì. Lard and Hair Brew (膏发煎gāo fā jiān) abducts it.
87722.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23
878小儿疳虫蚀齿方:疑非仲景方。 Xiao’er Ganchong Shichi Formula (小儿疳虫蚀齿方, formula for treating infantile malnutrition and injury of teeth by worms): This formula perhaps was not made by Zhang Zhongjing. Xiao Er Gan Chong Shi Chi Fang (Pediatric Gan Worm Tooth Decay Formula): suspected not to be a formula by Zhang Zhong-jing. Pulverize the above two ingredients. Melt twelfth-month pork lard. Take four or five pagoda tree twigs with the tips wrapped in silk floss. Dip the medicine in this and ignite it [to apply it to the teeth].
880杂疗方第二十三 Chapter 23 Formulas for Treating Miscellaneous Diseases Chapter 23 Miscellaneous Remedies and Formulas Chapter 23 Miscellaneous Remedies Chapter 23 Miscellaneous Formulas
88123.1 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.1
882退五脏虚热,四时加减柴胡饮子方。 To eliminate deficiency-heat from the five zang-organs, Chaihu Decoction (柴胡饮, bupleurum decoction) should be modified in the four seasons. To abate deficiency heat in the five viscera, modify Chai Hu Yin Zi (Bupleurum Drink) according to the season. In accordance with the four seasons, Modified Chai-hu-yin-zi (Bupleurum and Areca Combination) relieves weakness and fever of the five viscera. To abate vacuity heat in the five viscera. In the three winter months, use Seasonally Varied Bupleurum Drink (四时加减柴胡饮子 sì shí jiā jiǎn chái hú yǐn zǐ).
88323.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2 23.2
884长服诃黎勒丸方。 The formula often used [for resolving improper appetite] is Helile Pill (诃黎勒丸, chebule pill). Take He Li Le Wan (Chebule Pill) for a long time. Suspected not to be a formula of Zhang Zhong-jing. Ke-li-le-wan (Terminalia Formula) is for long term use. Extended-Use Chebule Pill (长服诃黎勒丸 cháng fú hē lí lè wán).
88523.3 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.3
886三物备急丸方。 [The formula used to treat fulminant diseases with three important medicinals is] Sanwu Beiji Pill (三物备急丸, pills made of three medicinals for emergency). San Wu Bei Ji Wan (Three Substances Emergency Pill): According to the Qian Jin Yao Fang (Important Formula Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces), this can also be applied as a powder. Mix with liquid and pour into the mouth through the teeth. It is very effective. San-wu-bei-ji-wan (Rhubarb, Ginger, and Croton Formula), fairly effective medication for emergency use, comes from Qian Jin Fang. Three Agents Emergency Standby Pill (三物备急丸 sān wù bèi jí wán)
88723.4 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.4 23.4
888治伤寒令愈不复,紫石寒食散方。 To treat cold damage and to prevent [it] from recurring [after recovery], Zishi Hanshi Powder (紫石寒食散, fluorite and cold food powder) [is the appropriate formula]. To treat cold damage conditions and effect a complete recovery with no relapse, apply Zi Shi Han Shi San (Fluorite Taken Cold Powder). Zi-shi-han-shi-san (Fluorite and Kaolin Formula) treats the shang han condition so that it does not recur. To treat cold damage, curing it without recurrence [use the formula below]: Fluorite Cold Food Powder (紫石寒食散 zǐ shí hán shí sǎn)
88923.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5
890救卒死方。薤捣汁,灌鼻中。 [To rescue those who are] suddenly dead, Jiucusi Formula (救卒死方, formula for saving sudden death) [is the appropriate formula]. [The ingredients in this formula are] crushed with Xie (薤, long-stamen onion, Bulbus Allii Macrostemonis) into juice to pour into the nose [to treat the patient]. Pound xie (Allium Chinense) into juice and pour this into the nostrils. Alternate formula: Take one rooster’s crown, cut it to obtain blood, and blow it into the nose through a tube. The following emergency treatments stave off impending death. Pound baker's garlic (Allium bakeri) into juice. Pour the juice into the nostrils. [Sudden Death Rescue Formula (救卒死方 jiù zú sǐ fāng)] Crush long-stamen onion and pour the juice into the nose.
89123.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6 23.6
892救卒死而壮热者方。矾石半斤,以水一斗半,煮消,以渍脚,令没踝。 The formula for rescuing [those who are] suddenly dead and strengthening heat: The formula for reviving a sudden death with vigorous fever: Fan Shi (Alumen) 8 liang, boiled in 15 sheng water until dissolved Soak the feet in the solution up to the ankles. A formula for a patient with a strong fever who is facing sudden impending death is 8 tales alum boiled in 15 sheng of water until the alum is completely dissolved. Immerse the patient's feet to the ankles in the solution. A formula to rescue [a patient] from sudden death with vigorous heat [effusion]: Boil half a jīn of alum (fán shí) in one dǒu of water until dispersed. Soak the feet in this, submerging the ankles.
89323.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7
894救卒死而目闭者方。骑牛临面,捣薤汁灌耳中,吹皂荚末鼻中,立效。 The formula for rescuing [those who are] suddenly dead with eyes closed: To ride an ox close to the face [of the patient], to crush Xie (薤, long-stamen onion, Bulbus Allii Macrostemonis) into juice and pour [it] into the ears [of the patient], to blow powder of Zaojia (皂荚, gleditsia, Radix Gleditsiae) into the nose [of the patient]. [The treatment is] immediately effective. Treatment method for sudden death with closed eyes: Approach the person’s face with an ox, pound xie (Allium Chinense) into juice and pour this into his ear, then blow zao jia (Fructus Gleditsiae) powder into the nose. There will be immediate effect. To save a patient whose eyes have closed due to impending death, put the afflicted one face down on an ox; then pour juice from baker's garlic into his ears and spray gleditshchia powder into his nose. The patient will awaken immediately. A formula to rescue from sudden death with closed eyes: Ride an ox right up to [the patient’s] face. Pound long-stamen onion and pour the juice into the [patient’s] ears. Blow powdered gleditsia (皂荚zào jiá) into the nose. Immediate efficacy.
89523.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8
896救卒死而张口反折者方。灸手足两爪后十四壮了,饮以五毒诸膏散。 The formula for rescuing [those who are] suddenly dead with opisthotonus: To burn 14 cones of moxa over the fingers of both hands and toes of both feet [of the patient] first. [Then] paste and powder made of five toxic medicinals are taken. The formula for reviving sudden death with an open mouth and arched-back rigidity: Apply fourteen cones of moxibustion at the end of the fingernails and toenails, then have the person drink Wu Du Zhu Gao San (Five Toxins Lard Powder) with ba dou (Fructus Crotonis). For a dying patient whose mouth is open and whose body is bent backward, apply moxibustion to the points behind the finger and toe nails at a rate of 14 units. Then have the patient drink Wu-du-zhu-gao-san with croton. A formula to rescue from sudden death with gaping mouth stretched backward. Burn fourteen cones of moxa on the nails of both hands and feet. Drink the various types of Five Toxin pastes and powders.
89723.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9
898救卒死而四肢不收失便者方。 The formula for rescuing [those who are] suddenly dead with flaccidity of the four limbs: The formula for reviving sudden death with slack limbs and incontinence of urine and feces: A formula for treating a patient with flaccid limbs and incontinence of urine and feces who is facing sudden impending death is one sheng hose urine boiled in 30 sheng water until 20 sheng remains. The patient is washed with the solution. Analternate formula is one sheng of thin ox excreta boiled with wine and poured into the patient's mouth. One hundred units of moxibustion may be applied to each of the following points: 1 inch beneath the heart, 3 inches above the navel, and 4 inches beneath the navel. The patient will soon recover. A formula to rescue from sudden death [illness] with loss of use of the limbs and incontinence.
89923.10 23.10 23.10 23.10 23.10 23.10
900救小儿卒死而吐利,不知是何病方。 To rescue infants [who are] suddenly dead or [suffer from] vomiting and diarrhea, what is the formula? The formula for reviving sudden death in children with vomiting and diarrhea, without knowing the disease: To save a dying child who is vomiting and has diarrhea of an undetermined origin, pour the juice from one ball of moist dog feces into the patient's mouth. If no moist dog feces are available, boil dry ones in water and strain to get the juice. A formula to rescue from infantile sudden death [liness] with vomiting and diarrhea regardless of what disease it is.
90123.11 23.11 23.11 23.11 23.11 23.11
902尸蹶,脉动而无气,气闭不通,故静而死也治方。菖蒲屑,内鼻两孔中吹之,令人以桂屑着舌下。 [The patient is] suddenly faint, the pulse is moving but there is no breath [because] qi is blocked. That is why this formula can treat [the patient who is] quiet but dead. Corpse reversal manifests with a normal pulse and an absence of qi. Qi is blocked, so the person appears quiet and dead-like. The treatment formula: for pulses and signs, see the previous volume. Two formulas help an unconscious patient whose heart is beating but who is not breathing because the air passage is obstructed. He will appear to be dead. Blow shredded acorus dust in to both nostrils and place cinnamon dust underneath the tongue. A formula to treat corpse reversal with stirring pulse but no breathing, and qì blockage and stoppage causing stillness and then death: Insert acorus (shí chāng pú) flakes into both nostrils and insufflate them. Have the patient hold cinnamon flakes under the tongue.
90323.12 23.12 23.12 23.12 23.12 23.12
904救卒死、客忤死,还魂汤主之方。 Huanhun Deccotion (还魂汤, decoction for restoring ethereal soul): For rescuing [those who are] suddenly dead and death [caused by attack of] pathogenic factors. To revive sudden death and visiting hostility, the formula Huan Hun Tang (Ethereal Soul-Returning Decoction) is indicated. Huan-hun-tang (Mahuang, Apricot Seed, and Licorice Combination) saves a patient from sudden impending death or helps a child with infantile neurosis. To rescue from sudden death [liness] and visiting hostility death [liness], Ethereal Soul-Restoring Decoction (还魂汤 huán hún tāng) governs.
90523.13 23.13 23.13 23.13 23.13 23.13
906救自缢死方。救自缢死,旦至暮,虽已冷,必可治。暮至旦,小难也,恐此当言阴气盛故也。然夏时夜短于昼,又热,犹应可治。又云:心下若微温者,一日以上,犹可治之方。 The formula for rescuing suicide from hanging [In] rescuing suicide [from hanging], [if hanging continues from] dawn to dusk, though the body is already cold, [the person is] still can be rescued. [If hanging continues from] dusk to dawn, [it is] a little bit difficult to rescue because yin qi is exuberant. But in summer, night is short and daytime is long, and it is hot. [That is why it is] still treatable. It is also said that if there is slight warmth below the heart and [although it has existed for] over one day, it is still treatable. To revive someone who has hung himself from the morning to the evening, even if his body has become cold, this is certainly treatable; but from evening to the morning, this is more difficult probably because yin qi exuberant. However, in the summertime, the nights are shorter than the days and the weather is hot; therefore the condition may still be treatable. Another saying: with slight warmth below the heart, even it has been more than one day since the person has hung himself, this is still treatable. Method: When a person has hanged himself, he can be revived even though his body has become cool if the hanging took place between morning and evening. But if the hanging has occurred between evening and the next morning, resuscitation will be a little more difficult. If the patient has quarrelled before hanging himself, his Qi will be exuberant and the conditions favorable to reviving him. In summer the patient is more easily revived because of the long days and hot climate. Also if the area beneath the heart is still warm, the victim can be resuscitated even though the hanging occurred more than one day previously. To rescue from suicide from hanging. If it has been from dawn until dusk [since the person hanged themselves before they were found], even if the body is already cold, you should be able to treat [such a person]. If it has been from dusk until dawn, it is a little difficult. The reason for this may be angry words or exuberant qì. During the summer, nights are shorter than days, and it is furthermore hot. [Therefore,] you should likely be able to treat this. It is also said that if there is slight warmth below the heart, even if it has been more than one day, you should still be able to treat it.
90723.14 23.14 23.14 23.14 23.14 23.14
908凡中暍死,不可使得冷,得冷便死,疗之方。 Death [caused by] heatstroke [in summer] cannot [be treated by] cold [compress because] cold [compress] will cause death. [The following is] the formula for treating it. With life-threatening summerheat stroke, do not let the person get cold. Once he becomes cold, he will die. The treatment method: A sunstruck patient who is close to death should not be subjected to cold, otherwise he will die. In all cases of death from thermoplegia, do not expose the person to cold, as any exposure to cold will result in death. A formula to treat it.
90923.15 23.15 23.15 23.15 23.15 23.15
910救溺死方。 The formula for rescuing death from drowning Treatment method for reviving the drowned: To revive a drowning victim. A formula to rescue from death by drowning.
91123.16 23.16 23.16 23.16 23.16 23.16
912治马坠及一切筋骨损方。 The formula for treating injury of sinews and bones due to falling from a horse Treatment formula for falling off a horse and all injuries to sinew and bone: The following formulas help a person who has fallen off his horse and treat injured sinews and bones. A formula to treat falling from a horse and all injuries of the sinews and bones.
914禽兽鱼虫禁忌并治第二十四 Chapter 24 [Diseases Caused by] Fowls, Beasts, Fish and Insects: Contraindications and Treatment Chapter 24 Contraindications and treatment of Poultry, Fowl, Fish, and Worms Chapter 24 On Treatment of Poisoning from Eating Fowl Cattle, Hogs, Insects, and Fish Chapter 24 Fowl, Beasts, Fish, and Insects
91524.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1
916凡饮食滋味,以养于生,食之有妨,反能为害。自非服药炼液,焉能不饮食乎?切见时人,不闲调摄,疾疢竞起,若不因食而生,苟全其生,须知切忌者矣。所食之味,有与病相宜,有与身相害,若得宜则益体,害则成疾,以此致危,例皆难疗。凡煮药饮汁以解毒者,虽云救急,不可热饮,诸毒病得热更甚,宜冷饮之。 All flavors (essence) of food and drink can nourish the body. [However there are] foods unable [to nourish] but to harm [the body]. Except [Daoists who practice] alchemy [and do not eat foods like five grains and meat, but take solomon’s seal and lily etc.], who do not depend on foods to live? Look at people around now, [they] do not know how to regulate and cultivate [their health] and therefore give rise to [various] diseases. [All the people] depend on foods to live. In order to protect health, [one] must know the contraindications [in taking foods]. Among the foods to be taken, some are appropriate for [treating] disease, some are harmful to health. If [one takes] the appropriate, [it] replenishes the body; [if one takes] the harmful, [it will] cause disease. All the diseases caused by [inappropriate foods] are difficult to cure. The decoctions and juices for resolving toxins, though quite effective for emergency, cannot be taken hot [because] all the pathogenic factors [that have caused the diseases] will be worsened by heat. [Thus it is] appropriate to drink them cold. All foods, drinks, and flavors act to sustain our lives. However, when eating them without knowing certain contraindications, they can be harmful. If one is not an adept who lives on medicinals and elixirs, how can he live without eating and drinking? nowadays, people do not spend tome on health care; this results in diseases and disasters emerging one after another. No one can live without food; but in order to maintain the life, one should know of the compatibilities and contraindications. Among foods, some are compatible with disease, and some are harmful to the body. Receiving the compatibilities will be beneficial to the body, and the harmful result in diseases. When these develop into critical conditions, in general they will be difficult to treat. When decocting medicinals to resolve toxin, even though this is an emergency, the decoction should not be taken hot. All toxic diseases are aggravated by heat, so it is recommended to take them cold. Foods, beverages, and seasonings usually sustain us but sometimes they hurt us. Unlike herbal decoctions, food must be eaten every day, and people who do not partake of healthy diets become susceptible to various kinds of disease. Even though food does not cause disease as such, certain contraindications and compatibilities of foods exist. These should be known in order to maintain proper nutrition. For instance, some foods are beneficial in curing certain diseases while others exacerbate the problem. Beneficial foods promote health; harmful foods injure and weaken the body, making it more prone to disease. An example is an antidote prepared by cooking in a liquid. A should not be drunk hot-even if it is an emergency because heat aggravates toxic action. Usual antidotes should be taken cool. The general rules for eating are many. All the flavors of food and drink can be used to nourish the body. But there are foods that hinder it and are able to do harm instead. If you do not have a diet limited to medicinal and refined alchemical foods, how could you not eat and drink? If l look closely at my contemporaries, they do not occupy themselves with regulating and conserving [their health], and the diseases that arise are all engendered by food. Whoever wishes to keep their life whole must know all the contraindications. Among the flavors of food, some are appropriate for [treating] disease, and some are appropriate, it boosts the body; if you consume what is harmful, it creates disease. Because of this, critical conditions arise which are difficult to cure. Whenever you boil medicines and drink the juice to resolve toxin, even in so-called emergency rescue situations, you may not drink them hot, because the various types of poisoning are aggravated by heat. [Therefore] you should drink them cold.
91724.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2 24.2
918肝病禁辛,心病禁咸,脾病禁酸,肺病禁苦,肾病禁甘。春不食肝,夏不食心,秋不食肺,冬不食肾,四季不食脾。辨曰:春不食肝者,为肝气王,脾气败,若食肝,则又补肝,脾气败尤甚,不可救。又肝王之时,不可以死气入肝,恐伤魂也。若非王时,即虚,以肝补之佳,余脏准此。 [In] liver disease, pungent [food is] forbidden; [in] heart disease, salty [food is] forbidden; [in] spleen disease, sour [food is] forbidden; [in] lung disease, bitter [food is] forbidden; [in] kidney disease, sweet [food is] forbidden. [In] the spring, [animal’s] liver is forbidden to eat; [in] the summer, [animal’s] heart is forbidden to eat; [in] the autumn, [animal’s] lung is forbidden to eat; [in] the winter, [animal’s] kidney is forbidden to eat. [In] the four seasons, [animal’s] spleen is forbidden to eat. This is the explanation: [The reason why] [animal’s] liver is forbidden to eat [in] the spring [is that at this time] liver qi is exuberant but spleen qi is weak. If [animal’s] liver is eaten, the liver will be supplemented, but spleen qi is further weakened and cannot be rescued. Furthermore, [when] the liver is exuberant, dead qi cannot enter the liver, otherwise the ethereal soul will be damaged. If the liver is not exuberant, it is of deficiency and will be well nourished by [eating animal’s] liver. The other viscera [can be cultivated] in the same way. Liver disease contraindicates activity; heart disease contraindicates saltness; spleen disease contraindicates dourness; lung disease contraindicates bitterness; and kidney disease contraindicates sweetness. In spring, do not eat liver; in summer, do not eat heart; in autumn, do not eat lung; in winter, do not eat kidney; and in all seasons, do not eat spleen. Differentiation: in spring, do not eat liver because liver qi is effulgent and spleen qi is vanquished. If one eats liver, this is to supplement the liver and aggravate the spleen qi; the condition can be terminal. In addition, when the liver is effulgent, dead qi should not be let into the liver; it could damage the ethereal soul. During the non-effulgent time, the viscus is deficient and supplementing with liver is beneficial. This also applies to other viscera. Do not eat acrid foods when afflicted with liver diseases; salty foods, with heart diseases; sour foods, with spleen diseases; bitter foods, with lung diseases; and sweet foods, with kidney diseases, in spring liver should not be eaten; in summer heart should not be eaten; in autumn lung should not be eaten; in winter kidney should not be eaten; in all seasons spleen should not be eaten. The reasons for these prohibitions are several. In spring the liver reaches its climax of exuberance and depletes the spleen. The eating of liver augments the exuberance and further depletes the spleen, ultimately leading to an incurable condition. Also, during the liver's exuberant period, the genuine hepatic Qi should not be introduced into the liver, otherwise the soul will be injured. In all except the exuberant season, it is good to supplement the liver with liver. This rule applies to other visceral organs as well. In liver disease, acridity is contraindicated; in heart disease, saltiness is contraindicated; in spleen disease, sourness is contraindicated; in lung disease, bitterness is contraindicated; and in kidney disease, sweetness is contraindicated. In the spring, do not eat liver; in the summer, do not eat liver; in the summer, do not eat heart; in the fall, do not eat lung; in the winter, do not eat spleen. This is explained by saying; “The reason why we do not eat liver in the spring is that [at this time] liver qì is effulgent, but spleen qì is vanquished. If you eat liver and thereby further supplement the liver and thereby further aggravate the vanquishing of spleen qì [to the point] where it cannot be rescued. Furthermore, at the time when the liver is effulgent, you must not allow dead qì to enter the liver, because it might damage the ethereal soul. At times when [the liver] is not effulgent but vacuous, it is excellent to supplement it by eating liver. [Treat] the other viscera according to the same principle.”
91924.3 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.3 24.3
920凡肝脏,自不可轻噉,自死者弥甚。 [In] all [animals], the liver cannot be casually eaten, especially when [they have] died naturally. All liver organs should not be eaten carelessly; especially those from animals that die of unknown causes. Do not eat liver from an animal who has died on its own. In all [animals], the liver may not be eaten lightly. This is especially so if [the animal] has died a natural death.
92124.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4
922凡心皆为神识所舍,勿食之,使人来生复其报对矣。 [In] all [animals], the heart is the chamber of mind and cannot be eaten [because it will] cause retribution in the next life of a person. All hearts are where the mind resides; do not eat them, otherwise one will encounter karma in the next lifetime. Because the heart houses spiritual sentience, do not eat it lest the spirit therein take revenge in the ensuing generation. In all [animals], the heart is the abode of the mind. Do not eat it, because it causes the reincarnated person to return for compensation.
92324.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5
924凡肉及肝,落地不着尘土者,不可食之。猪肉落水浮者,不可食。 Any meat and liver [of animals] may be inedible [if they] are not stained with dust when dropping on the ground. [If] pork floats when dropping in water, [it is] inedible. All meat and liver that have fallen to the ground without contracting any dirt should not be eaten. Pork that floats on water is also inedible. Do not eat flesh and liver that absorb no ash when dropped on the round. Any flesh as well as; liver that when dropped on the ground does not get stained with dust is inedible. Pork that is dropped in water and floats is inedible.
92524.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6
926诸肉及鱼,若狗不食,鸟不啄者,不可食。 Any meat and fish are inedible if dogs do not eat and birds do not peck. All meat and fish that dogs and birds refuse to eat is inedible. Do not eat pork that floats on water. Any flesh and fish that dogs do not eat and birds do not peck at is inedible.
92724.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.7
928诸肉不干,火炙不动,见水自动者,不可食之。 Any meat that does not move when roasted in fire and moves when put in water is inedible. All meat that has not dried which remains still when frilled over fire, and those which move spontaneously on water are inedible. Do not eat meat and fish which dogs and birds refuse to eat. Any flesh that is not dried, if it does not move when roasted in the fire or if it moves on its own in water, is inedible.
92924.8 24.8 24.8 24.8 24.8 24.8
930肉中有米点者,不可食之。 [If] there are red spots like grains in meat, it is inedible. Meat with red spots is inedible. Do not eat moist meat that remains motionless when baked but moves on contact with water. When meat has red spot-like marks, it is inedible.
93124.9 24.9 24.9 24.9 24.9 24.9
932六畜肉,热血不断者,不可食之。父母及身本命肉,食之令人神魂不安。 The meat of six domestic animals, [when] the blood [in it] is still warm, cannot be eaten. [If] the meat [related to] parents’ and one’s own life (birthday), [it cannot be eaten,] otherwise [it will] disquiet one’s spirit and ethereal soul. Meat of the six livestock with incessant flow of hot blood is inedible. Eating animals associated with one’s parents or oneself will cause disquietude of the spirit and soul. Do not eat meat with red spots on it. The flesh of the six domestic animals must not be eaten when hot blood has not stopped flowing yet. Eating meat associated with one’s own and one’s parents fate will make the person's spirit and ethereal soul disquieted.
93324.10 24.10 24.10 24.10 24.10 24.10
934食肥肉及热羹,不得饮冷水。 Cold water cannot be drunken [when] eating fatty meat and hot soup. While consuming fatty meat and hot broth, do not drink cold water. Do not eat meat of cattle from which hot blood has flowed continuously. When eating fatty meat and hot meat broth, you must not drink cold water.
93524.11 24.11 24.11 24.11 24.11 24.11
936诸五脏及鱼,投地尘土不污者,不可食之。 Any internal organs [of animals] and fish may be inedible [if they] are not stained with dust when dropping on the ground. All five viscera and fish that do not stain when dropped to the ground should not be eaten. If a person eats his parents' or his own flesh, he will become spiritually unstable. If any of the five organ [meats] and fish do not stain tossed to the ground, [they] are inedible.
93724.12 24.12 24.12 24.12 24.12 24.12
938秽饭,馁鱼,臭肉,食之皆伤人。 Any dirty food, spoiled fish and malodorous meat will damage people if eaten. Eating foul rice, rotten meat, and stinking fish will cause damage. Do not drink cold water after eating fat meat and a hot broth. Eating dirty rice, spoiled fish, and malodorous meat will all damage a person.
93924.13 24.13 24.13 24.13 24.13 24.13
940自死肉,口闭者,不可食之。 [In any] dead [animals], no matter the mouth is open [or not], the meat is inedible. Meat from animals that die of unknown causes with their mouths closed is inedible. Do not eat visceral organs and fish that do not absorb ash when dropped on the ground. All flesh [from animals] having died on their own with mouth closed is inedible.
94124.14 24.14 24.14 24.14 24.14 24.14
942六畜自死,皆疫死,则有毒,不可食之。 [Among any of] the six animals, [including horse, cow, sheep, chicken, dog and pig], [death is] all caused by disease. [Therefore the meat is] inedible [because] there is toxin [in it]. When the six livestock die from unknown causes, all have expired as a result of epidemic disease; their meat is poisonous and should not be eaten. Spoiled rice, meat from a starved animal, and stinking fish will injure those who eat them. When [any of] the six domestic animals die on their own, it is always death from epidemics. Therefore they contain poison and are inedible.
94324.15 24.15 24.15 24.15 24.15 24.15
944兽自死,北首及伏地者,食之杀人。 [When] an animal has died on the ground with the head facing the north, [its meat cannot be eaten, otherwise] it will kill the person [who has eaten the meat]. Eating animals that have died from unknown causes with their heads pointing to the north and crouching on the ground will kill the eater. Do not eat meat from animals that have died with their mouths closed. Eating [meat of] beats that have died a natural death, while facing north and bending to the ground, will kill a person.
94524.16 24.16 24.16 24.16 24.16 24.16
946食生肉,饱饮乳,变成白虫。 [If one] eats raw meat and drinks much milk, [it will] transform into taenia [in his body]. Eating raw meat and excessive drinking of milk gives rise to white worms. Another source states "blood gu". Poultry and cattle that die by themselves all die of plague; their meat is poisonous and should not be eaten. Eating raw meat or drinking milk to satiety can transform into whiteworm disease.
94724.17 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17
948疫死牛肉,食之令病洞下,亦致坚积,宜利药下之。 [When] a cow died due to epidemics, [there is toxin in the meat]. To eat [its meat] will cause profuse diarrhea or accumulation of hardness. Medicinals for purgation is appropriate [for treating it]. Eating meat from oxen that have died from an epidemic will cause throughflux diarrhea as well as hardening and accumulations. During medicinals should be applied to purge this. Animals that die in a prostrate position with their head facing north should not be eaten? The meat will kill the eater. Eating beef from oxen that have died from epidemic causes the disease of through flux diarrhea. It can also result in hard accumulations, in which case you should precipitate with disinhibiting medicinals.
94924.18 24.18 24.18 24.18 24.18 24.18
950脯脏米瓮中,有毒,及经夏食之,发肾病。 Dried meat stored in a rice jar is inevitably toxic. [If kept in the rice jar] for the whole summer, [it] will cause kidney disease [if] eaten. Eating dried meat stored in a rice pot that becomes poisonous or over the summer will cause kidney disease. Eating raw meat and drinking milk to the full produces white worms or Xuegu (blood worms). Dried meat that has been stored in a rice jar contains toxin. If you eat [this] as well as [dried meat that has been stored] for a whole summer, kidney disease will arise.
95124.19 24.19 24.19 24.19 24.19 24.19
952治自死六畜肉中毒方:黄柏屑,捣服方寸匕。 To treat poisoning due to [eating] the meat of six domestic animals that have died on their own, the formula is Huangbo Powder (黄柏屑, phellodendron powder). [This ingredient is] grated [into powder] and taken 1 fangcunbi [each time]. Treatment formula for poisoning caused by eating six livestock that have died of unknown causes: Pound huang bai (Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis) chips into powder and take one square inch-spoonful. Eating beef from plague-stricken oxen will cause severe diarrhea and hardening tumors; the afflicted should be purged. A formula to treat poisoning from [eating] the flesh of the six domestic animals that have dies a natural death.
95324.20 24.20 24.20 24.20 24.20 24.20
954治食郁肉漏脯中毒方。 To treat poisoning due to eating contaminated or dampened dried meat, the formula is to burn dog dung. [Each time] 1 fangcunbi is taken with wine. Each time [it can also be] taken with human milk. [Besides, it is] also possible to drink 3 sheng of garlic chive juice. Treatment formula for poisoning from eating constrained meat and leaked-on dried meat: 20.Dried meat preserved in an earthen jar containing rice is poisonous. It will injure the kidneys if eaten after having been stored for one summer. A formula to treat poisoning from eating depressed meat and leaked-on dried meat.
95524.21 24.21 24.21 24.21 24.21 24.21
956治黍米中藏干脯食之中毒方。 To treat poisoning due to eating raw meat, the formula is to dig [a hole] 3 cun deep into the earth and take out 3 sheng of soil from the bottom [of the hole]. [The soil is] boiled in 5 sheng of water for several times. To take 1 sheng of the settled liquid will cure [the patient]. Treatment formula for poisoned meat stored with broomcorn millet: An antidote for poisoning from eating poultry and cattle that have died by themselves. A formula to treat poisoning from eating dried meat that has been stored in broomcorn millet: yellow soybean (大豆 dà dòu)
95724.22 24.22 24.22 24.22 24.22 24.22
958治疗吃生肉中毒的处方。 To treat poisoning due to eating raw meat, the formula is to dig [a hole] 3 cun deep into the earth and take out 3 sheng of soil from the bottom [of the hole]. [The soil is] boiled in 5 sheng of water for several times. To take 1 sheng of the settled liquid will cure [the patient]. Treatment formula for poisoning from eating raw meat: A treatment for poisoning resulting from eating meat kept overnight in a hermetic container, or dried meat that has been stored under a grass cottage and contaminated by the water leaking through the grass roof, is: Bum dog feces and take one fangcunbi of it along with wine or human milk. An alternatives to drink 3 sheng of fresh leek juice. A formula to treat poisoning from eating raw meat.
95924.23 24.23 24.23 24.23 24.23 24.23
960治六畜鸟兽肝中毒方。 To treat poisoning due to eating the liver of six domestic animals, birds and beasts, the formula is to soak fermented soybeans in water and get juice through squeezing. [After] taking several sheng [of the juice], [the patient will be] cured. Treatment formula for poisoning from eating the livers of the six livestock, birds, and beasts: A treatment for poisoning from meat stored in millet. A formula to treat poisoning from eating the liver of the six domestic animals and wild birds and beasts.
96124.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24 24.24
962马脚无夜眼者,不可食之。 [If] a horse has no night eyes [on the front knees], [its meat is] inedible. Horses with no night eyes on the legs are not edible. A formula for treating poisoning from eating raw meat. Horses without night eyes on the legs are inedible.
96324.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25 24.25
964食骏马肉,不饮酒,则杀人。 [If a person] eats the meat of a galloping horse without drinking wine, [it] will kill him. Eating sour horse meat without drinking wine will kill the eater. A treatment for poisoning from eating the liver of poultry and cattle. Eating galloping horse meat without drinking wine will kill the person.
96524.26 24.26 24.26 24.26 24.26 24.26
966马肉不可热食,伤人心。 Horse meat cannot be eaten hot, [otherwise it will] damage the heart of the person. Horse meat should not be eaten hot; it will damage the heart. Do not eat meat from a horse that does not have calosities on the knees. Horse meat must not be eaten hot, or it will damage the person's heart.
96724.27 24.27 24.27 24.27 24.27 24.27
968马鞍下肉,食之杀人。 The meat under a horse’s hoof [is inedible]. Eating it will kill the person. Eating horse meat from underneath the saddle will kill the eater. Eating sour horse meat without drinking wine will be lethal. Eating meat from under a horse's hoof will kill the person.
96924.28 24.28 24.28 24.28 24.28 24.28
970白马黑头者,不可食之。 White horse with black head is inedible. White horses with black heads should not be eaten. The eating of hot horse meat will injure the heart. White horses with black heads are inedible.
97124.29 24.29 24.29 24.29 24.29 24.29
972白马青蹄者,不可食之。 White horse with blue hooves is inedible. White horses with blue hoofs should not be eaten. Horse flesh from beneath the saddle is lethal when eaten. White horses with greenish black hooves are inedible.
97324.30 24.30 24.30 24.30 24.30 24.30
974马肉狍肉共食,饱醉卧,大忌。 Eating the meat of horse and pig together [will not necessarily cause disease]. [But] sleeping [right after] overeating and overdrinking is a great contraindication. Eating horse meat with pork and then sleeping after alcohol intoxication with fullness is highly contraindicated. Do not eat the meat of a horse with a white body and a black head. Eating horse meat with piglet meat, and falling asleep on a full stomach when intoxicated are greatly contraindicated.
97524.31 24.31 24.31 24.31 24.31 24.31
976驴马肉合猪肉食之,成霍乱。 Eating the meat of donkey, horse and pig together will cause huoluan (simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea). Eating mule meat, horse meat, and pork together gives rise to cholera. Do not eat the meat of a horse with a white body and blue hoofs. Eating donkey and horse meat in combination with pork causes cholera.
97724.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32 24.32
978马肝及毛不可妄食,中毒害人。 The liver of a horse with hair is inedible. Poisoning [from it] will damage the person [eating it]. Horse liver and hair should not be eaten without caution; it is poisonous and can cause damage. It is taboo to eat one's fill of horse and hog meat together with wine to the point of drunkenness and sleep. Horse liver and hair must not be eaten recklessly. [Such] poisoning will harm the person.
97924.33 24.33 24.33 24.33 24.33 24.33
980食马肝毒中人未死方。 To treat poisoning from eating horse liver without killing the person, the formula is to collect 14 droppings of a male mouse, grate into powder and mix with water for taking. [It is] taken twice a day. Treatment formula for poisoning from horse liver when the person has not died: The eating of a mixture of hose, mule, and hog meat causes cholera. A formula to treat poisoning from horse liver, when the person has not yet died.
98124.34 24.34 24.34 24.34 24.34 24.34
982治食马肉中毒欲死方。 To treat poisoning from eating horse meat [that causes the person] on verge of death, the formula The treatment formula for horse meat poisoning that makes one feel as if dying: Profligate eating of hose liver and hair causes poisoning. A formula to treat poisoning from eating horse meat, verging on death: fermented soybean (香豉xiāng chǐ), apricot kernel (杏仁 xìng rén).
98324.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35
984疫死牛,或目赤,或黄,食之大忌。 Cow that has died from epidemics with red or yellow eyes is absolutely forbidden to eat. Oxen that die from epidemics with red or yellow eyes are greatly contraindicated for eating. A treatment for poisoning by home liver. Eating ox that has died from epidemic, whether its eyes are red or yellow, is greatly contraindicated.
98524.36 24.36 24.36 24.36 24.36 24.36
986牛肉共猪肉食之,必作寸白虫。 Eating the meat of cow and pig together will inevitably cause taenia [inside the body]. Eating beef with pork will give rise to inch-long white worms. A treatment for poisoning from eating horse meat. Eating beef together with pork invariably causes inch whiteworm.
98724.37 24.37 24.37 24.37 24.37 24.37
988青牛肠,不可合犬肉食之。 The intestines of a blue cow cannot be eaten together with dog meat. Water buffalo intestines should not be eaten with dog meat. It is taboo to eat the meat of plague-stricken oxen or oxen with red or yellow eyes. Intestines from greenish-black ox must not be eaten together with dog meat.
98924.38 24.38 24.38 24.38 24.38 24.38
990牛肺,从三月至五月,其中有虫如马尾,割去勿食,食则损人。 From March to May, there are worms in the lung of a cow like the hair on a horse’s tail. [To eat the meat of the cow, its lung should be] cut off, avoiding eating. [It] will damage the person eating it. From the third month to the fifth, if there are worms resembling horse tails in an ox’s lung, cut them away and do not eat them. Eating them will cause damage. Eating a mixture of beef and pork causes cun pai chong (inch-long white worms). From the third to the fifth month, ox lung contains worms that resemble hair from a horse’s tail. Cut them up and do not eat it. Eating it will injure the person.
99124.39 24.39 24.39 24.39 24.39 24.39
992牛羊猪肉,皆不得以楮木、桑木蒸炙。食之,令人腹内生虫。 The meat of cows, sheep and pigs cannot be steamed and roasted by burning mulberry wood. Otherwise it will cause worms in the abdomen. Beef, mutton, and pork can not be steamed or broiled with paper mulberry or white mulberry; eating this kind of meat will cause worms in one’s abdomen. Do not eat the intestines of a black ox with dog meat. Beef, goat meat, and pork must all not be steamed or roasted over wood from the paper mulberry or mulberry. Eating it will cause the person to engender worms inside the abdomen.
99324.40 24.40 24.40 24.40 24.40 24.40
994噉蛇牛肉杀人,何以知之?噉蛇者,毛发向后顺者是也。 A cow has died from poisoning of a snake it has eaten. [If a person has eaten the beef from this cow, he will be] killed. How [can one] know [it]? [If this cow has died from poisoning by] eating a snake, the hair over its body turns backwards. Eating the meat of an ox that has eaten snakes will kill the eater. How does one know this? The hair of oxen that eat snakes grows backward. From March to May ox lungs develop worms that look like horse tails. Do not eat lungs so infested; cut them away; they will cause much harm. Eating beef from an ox that has been bitten by a snake kills the person. How can you know this? When bitten by a snake, the [ox’s] hair will point backwards.
99524.41 24.41 24.41 24.41 24.41 24.41
996治噉蛇牛肉食之欲死方。 To treat [a person] about to die after eating the meat of a cow killed by a snake, the formula is to drink 1 sheng of human milk [that will] immediately cure [the patient]. Treatment formula for poisoning due to eating the meat of an ox that has eaten snakes: Do not eat beef, mutton, or pork that has been cooked or broiled over a fire made from the wood of paper mulberry (Broussonetia kasinoki) or the wood of white mulberry (Moms alba); meats so prepared will produce abdominal worms. A formula to treat [a patient] on the verge on death after eating meat from man ox that has been bitten by a snake: Drinking one shēng of human breast milk will cause immediate recovery.
99724.42 24.42 24.42 24.42 24.42 24.42
998治食牛肉中毒方。 To treat poisoning from eating meat of a cow, the formula is to boil Gancao (甘草, licorice, Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata) into juice. Drinking the juice will immediately resolve [the toxin]. Treatment formula for poisoning form eating beef: The meat of an ox that has eaten snakes will kill the man who eats it. How can we identify such an ox? The hair on an ox that eats snakes grows backward. A formula to treat poisoning from eating beef: licorice (甘草 gān cǎo).
99924.43 24.43 24.43 24.43 24.43 24.43
1000羊肉其有宿热者,不可食之。 Sheep meat is hot [in nature]. [People with heat disease] cannot eat it. Mutton is contraindicated for those with chronic heat conditions. The treatments for poisoning from eating the meat of an ox that has eaten snakes. Goat meat must not be eaten by persons with abiding heat.
100124.44 24.44 24.44 24.44 24.44 24.44
1002羊肉不可共生鱼、酪食之,害人。 Sheep meat cannot be eaten together with raw fish and fermented milk. [Otherwise it will] harm the person. Mutton should not be eaten with raw fish or koumiss; this will cause damage. For poisoning from the eating of beef decoct licorice and drink the juice. Goat meat must not be eaten together with raw fish or koumiss [fermented milk]. It harms the person.
100324.45 24.45 24.45 24.45 24.45 24.45
1004羊蹄甲中有珠子白者,名羊悬筋,食之令人癫。 [If] there are white spots like pearl in the hooves, it is called suspended sinews of sheep. Eating it will cause epilepsy. The white ball-shaped parts on the hooves of goats are named goat hanging sinews, and eating them will cause withdrawal. Do not eat mutton that remains hot overnight. When there is a white pearl inside a goat’s hoof, this is called “goat’s suspended sinew.” Eating it caused the person [to suffer from] withdrawal.
100524.46 24.46 24.46 24.46 24.46 24.46
1006白羊黑头,食其脑,作肠痈。 Eating the brain of a white sheep with black head will cause intestinal abscess. If a white goat has a black head, eating its brain will cause intestinal welling-abscesses. Mutton eaten with raw fish broth will harm the eater. Eating the brain of a white goat with a black head causes intestinal welling-abscess.
100724.47 24.47 24.47 24.47 24.47 24.47
1008羊肝共生椒食之,破人五脏。 Eating sheep liver with raw pepper will break the five zang-organs of a person. Eating goat’s liver with raw pepper will rupture the five viscera. White spots like beads in the hoofs of a goat are known as yang xuan jin (goat's hanging sinew); meat from such a goat causes epilepsy if eaten. Eating goat liver together with raw peper will break the person’s five viscera.
100924.48 24.48 24.48 24.48 24.48 24.48
1010猪肉共羊肝和食之,令人心闷。 Eating pork together with sheep liver will cause depression. Eating pork with goat liver causes heart oppression. The eating of the brain of a white goat with a black head will cause intestinal carbuncles. Eating pork together with goat’s liver causes the person [to suffer from] heart oppression.
101124.49 24.49 24.49 24.49 24.49 24.49
1012猪肉以生胡荽同食,烂人脐。 Eating pork together with raw Husui (胡荽, cilandro, Coriandrum Sativum) will putrefy the umbilicus of the person. Eating pork with raw coriander erodes one’s umbilicus. The eating of goat liver with raw pepper destroys the viscera. Eating pork together with fresh cilantroputrefies the person’s umbilicus.
101324.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50
1014猪脂不可合梅子食之。 Pork lard cannot be eaten together with Meizi (梅子, mume, Fructus Mume). Lard should not be eaten with plums. The eating of pork with goat liver causes a depressive feeling in the heart. Pork lard must not be eaten in combination with mume.
101524.51 24.51 24.51 24.51 24.51 24.51
1016猪肉和葵食之,少气。 Eating pork together with Jinkui (锦葵, mallow, Malva Sinensis Cavan) causes insufficiency of qi [in the chest]. Eating pork with kui (Malva verticillata) will cause shortness of qi. The eating of pork with raw coriander erodes the navel. Eating pork together with mallow causes shortage of qì.
101724.52 24.52 24.52 24.52 24.52 24.52
1018鹿肉不可和蒲白作羹,食之发恶疮。 Venison cannot be made into soup together with Pubai (蒲白, typha rhizome, Rhizoma Typhae). Eating it will cause malignant sores. Deer meat should not be cooked into broth with pu bai. Eating this will give rise to malign sores. Land should not be eaten with prunes. Vension must not be combined with typha rhizome to make meat broth. Eating them will cause malign sores to erupt.
101924.53 24.53 24.53 24.53 24.53 24.53
1020麋脂及梅李子,若妊娠食之,令子青盲,男子伤精。 If a pregnant woman eats elk’s fat together with Meilizi (梅李子, plum, Prunus Salicina), [it will] cause blindness of the fetus. [If] a man eats, [it will] damage [kidney] essence. If a pregnant woman eats elaphure fat with plums, the child will have clear-eye blindness. A man who does so will have essence damage. The eating of pork with sunflowers depletes vitality. Il eaten by a pregnant female, Elaphure [Père David’s deer] fat together with plums will cause clear-eye blindness in the fetus. If eaten by male it will damage essence.
102124.54 24.54 24.54 24.54 24.54 24.54
1022獐肉不可合虾及生菜、梅李果食之,皆病人。 Meat of river deer cannot be eaten together with shrimp, raw vegetables and mume fruit. [Eating] any of them will cause disease. Water-deer meat should not be eaten with shrimp, raw vegetables, or plums. All of them will cause sickness. The eating of a broth made of deer meat and the white bark of acorus produces noxious sores. Water deer’s flesh must not be combined with prawn, raw greens, mume, and plums. Eating any of these will make the person sick.
102324.55 24.55 24.55 24.55 24.55 24.55
1024痼疾人不可食熊肉,令终身不愈。 A patient with obstinate disease cannot eat bear meat, [otherwise the disease] cannot be cured all his life. People with intractable disease should not eat bear meat or the disease will last for a lifetime. The eating of the fat of Akes machilis with prunes by a pregnant woman causes glaucoma in her child. When eaten by a man, it causes injury to his sperm. People with intractable disease must not eat bear meat, or they will not recover for the rest of their life.
102524.56 24.56 24.56 24.56 24.56 24.56
1026白犬自死,不出舌者,食之害人。 [If one eats] a white dog that has died without sticking out the tongue, [it] will harm him. Meat from white dogs that have died from unknown causes without a protruding tongue will cause damage. Do not eat the meat of roe deer (Moschus chinico) with shrimp, raw vegetables, prunes plums, or fruits. It will make the eater sick. Eating a white dog that has died a natural death without sticking out its tongue will harm the person.
102724.57 24.57 24.57 24.57 24.57 24.57
1028食狗鼠余,令人发瘘疮。 Eating a dog’s or a rat’s leftover will cause scrofula. Eating the leftovers of dogs and mice causes fistulas. One who has a chronic disease should not eat bear meat or he will have the disease all his life. Eating dogs’ or rats’ leftovers will make the person suffer from erupting fistulas.
102924.58 24.58 24.58 24.58 24.58 24.58
1030治食犬肉不消心下坚或腹胀,口干大渴,心急发热,妄语如狂,或洞下方。 To treat indigestion [after] eating dog meat [marked by] hardness below the heart, or abdominal distension, dryness of the mouth, great thirst, manic talk, or incessant diarrhea, the formula is to decoct 1 sheng of Xingren (杏仁, apricot kernel, Semen Armeniacae Amarum) (cook with the peel and grind thoroughly). Treatment formula for non-dispersion of dog meat with hardening below the heart or abdominal distention, dryness in the mouth with great thist, sudden heat effusion in the heart, deranged speech as that of mania, or throughflux diarrhea: The eating of the meat of a white dog which has died on its own without sticking out its tongue will harm the eater. A formula to treat eating dog’s flesh and not being able to disperse it, with hardness below the heart or abdominal distention, dry mouth and great thirst, tension in the heart and heat effusion, mania-like reckless speech, and possibly through flux diarrhea: apricot kernel (杏仁 xìng rén).
103124.59 24.59 24.59 24.59 24.59 24.59
1032妇人妊娠,不可食兔肉、山羊肉及鳖、鸡、鸭,令子无声音。 [After] pregnancy, women cannot eat meat of rabbit, goat, turtle, chicken and duck, [otherwise] the fetus will become mute. A pregnant woman should not eat rabbit meat, goat meat, turtle, chicken, and duck; these will make the child mute. The eating of food which a dog and mouse have partially eaten produces fistulas. During pregnancy, women may not eat the flesh of rabbit and goat, as well as soft-shelled turtle, chicken, and duck, which will make the child mute.
103324.60 24.60 24.60 24.60 24.60 24.60
1034兔肉不可合白鸡肉食之,令人面发黄。 Rabbit meat cannot be eaten together with white chicken, [otherwise it will] make the person’s face yellow. Rabbit meat should not be eaten with white chicken meat; this will cause yellowing of the face. The formula for treating indigestion from eating dog meat, the accompanying symptoms of which are hardness beneath the heart, abdominal distention, dry mouth, severe thirst, an urgent feeling in the heart with fever, manic delirium, and diarrhea. You may not eat rabbit meat in combination with the meat of white chickens. It will cause yellowing of the person’s face.
103524.61 24.61 24.61 24.61 24.61 24.61
1036兔肉着干姜食之,成霍乱。 Rabbit meat cannot be eaten together with dried ginger, [because it can] cause huoluan (simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea). Eating rabbit meat with dried ginger cause cholera. A pregnant woman should not eat the meat of the rabbit goat, turtle, chicken, or duck as these produce muteness in the expected child. Eating rabbit meat that has touched dried ginger creates cholera.
103724.62 24.62 24.62 24.62 24.62 24.62
1038凡鸟自死,口不闭,翅不合者,不可食之。 Birds that have died on their own without closing the beaks and folding the wings are inedible. All birds that have died from unknown causes with open mouths and spresd wings should not be eaten. The eating of rabbit meat with white chicken meat causes yellowing of the face. Birds that have died a natural death without closing the beak and folding the wings together are inedible.
103924.63 24.63 24.63 24.63 24.63 24.63
1040诸禽肉肝青者,食之杀人。 [If] the meat and liver of any poultry are blue, eating it will kill the person. All poultry with a blue-green liver will kill if eaten. The eating of rabbit meat with dried ginger causes cholera. In all poultry, if the liver is green-blue, eating the meat kills the person.
104124.64 24.64 24.64 24.64 24.64 24.64
1042鸡有六翮四距者,不可食之。 Chickens with six wings and four claws are inedible. Chicken with six wings and four claws should not be eaten. Do not eat a bind that has died by itself with its mouth open and its wmgs spread. Chickens with six wings and four legs are inedible.
104324.65 24.65 24.65 24.65 24.65 24.65
1044乌鸡白首者,不可食之。 Black chickens with white heads are inedible. A black chicken with a white head should not be eaten. The eating of a bird with a green liver will kill the eater. Black chickens with white heads are inedible.
104524.66 24.66 24.66 24.66 24.66 24.66
1046鸡不可共葫蒜食之,滞气。 Chickens cannot be eaten together with garlic [for it can cause] stagnation of qi. Chicken should not be eaten with garlic, or it will cause qi stagnation. Do not eat chicken with six web less spaces between the claws and four spurs. Chicken must not be eaten together with garlic, [because] it stagnates qì.
104724.67 24.67 24.67 24.67 24.67 24.67
1048山鸡不可合鸟兽肉食之。 Red junglefowl cannot be eaten together with [the meat of] birds and beasts. Pheasant should not be eaten along with other birds or animal meats. Do not eat a black chicken with a white head. Red junglefowl (shān jī) must not be eaten in combination with meat from [other] birds and beasts.
104924.68 24.68 24.68 24.68 24.68 24.68
1050雉肉久食之,令人瘦。 Pheasant cannot be eaten over time, [otherwise it will] make the person emaciated. Eating ring-necked pheasants over a period of time will cause emaciation. Chicken or eggs eaten with garlic impedes vitality. Eating the flesh of ring-necked pheasants over time makes the person thin.
105124.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69 24.69
1052鸭卵不可合鳖肉食之。 Duck eggs cannot be eaten together with turtle meat. Duck eggs should not be eaten with turtle meat. Do not eat pheasant with other bird or animal meat. Duck eggs must not be eaten together with turtle flesh.
105324.70 24.70 24.70 24.70 24.70 24.70
1054妇人妊娠,食雀肉,令子淫乱无耻。 [If] a woman eats sparrow [after] pregnancy, [it will] make the fetus promiscuous and shameless [in the future]. A pregnant woman who eats sparrow meat will cause the child to become lustful and immodest. The eating of pheasant for a long time causes emaciation. If a woman during pregnancy eats sparrow’s flesh, this makes the child lascivious, deranged, and without shame.
105524.71 24.71 24.71 24.71 24.71 24.71
1056雀肉不可合李子食之。 Sparrow meat cannot be eaten together with Lizi (李子, plum, Prunus Salicina). Sparrow meat should not be eaten with plums. Do not eat duck eggs with fresh water turtle meat. Sparrow’s flesh must not be eaten in combination with plum.
105724.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72 24.72
1058燕肉勿食,入水为蛟龙所噉。 Swallow meat cannot be eaten. [The person who has eaten swallow meat will be] eaten by loong [when he has] entered water. Do not eat swallow meat; or one will be eaten by flood dragons when entering the water. A pregnant woman who eats sparrow meat will give birth to a lustful child. Do not eat swallow’s flesh, or you will get eaten by the flood dragon when entering water.
105924.73 24.73 24.73 24.73 24.73 24.73
1060鸟兽有中毒箭死者,其肉有毒,解之方。 The meat of birds and beasts killed by poisoned arrow contains toxin [which can be] resolved by juice of Dadou (大豆, yellow soybean, Semen Flavum Sojae) and juice of Liaolan (蓼蓝, indigo plant, Herba Indigo). The meat from birds and breasts that die from poisoned arrows is also poisonous. The formula for resolution: Do not eat sparrow meat with plums. The flesh of birds and beasts that have been killed with a poisoned arrow contains toxin. A formula for resolving it: yellow soybean (大豆 dà dòu)
106124.74 24.74 24.74 24.74 24.74 24.74
1062鱼头正白,如连珠至脊上,食之杀人。 Eating fish with white spots on the head and stretching to the spine will kill the person. Fish with pure white spots extending from the head to the spine like astring of pearls can kill the eater. Do not eat swallow meat. The eater of swallow meat will be eaten by a scaly dragon (crocodile) when he enters the water where the dragon lives. Eating fish with pure white on the head all the way to the spine kills the person.
106324.75 24.75 24.75 24.75 24.75 24.75
1064鱼头中无鳃者,不可食之,杀人。 Fish without cheeks is inedible, [eating it will] kill the person. Fish with no fills on their head should not be eaten, or they will kill. Birds and animals that die of arrow poisoning have poison in their meat. For an antidote cook soya beans until reduced to juice and take the juice with saline water. Fish that does not have cheeks in the head is inedible and kills the person.
106524.76 24.76 24.76 24.76 24.76 24.76
1066鱼无肠胆者,不可食之,三年阴不起,女子绝生。 Fish without intestines and gallbladder is inedible. [Eating it will cause] impotence in men in three years and infertility in women. Fish with no intestines or gallbladders should not be eaten; they will cause impotence in men for three years and infertility in women. The eating of a fish with pure white spots extending from the head to the spine like a string of beads will kill the eater. Fish that lacks intestines or a gallbladder is inedible. [Eating it] cause yīn failing to rise for three years, and infertility in women.
106724.77 24.77 24.77 24.77 24.77 24.77
1068鱼头似有角者,不可食之。鱼目合者,不可食之。 Fish seeming to have horns on the head is inedible. Fish with closed eyes is inedible. A fish with a horn-like growth on its head or closed eyes should not be eaten. The eating of a fish without gills in the head will kill the eater. Fish with horn-like [protrusions] on the head is inedible. Fish with closed eyes is inedible.
106924.78 24.78 24.78 24.78 24.78 24.78
1070六甲日,勿食鳞甲之物。 On the six jiazi days, [animals, beasts or birds with] scales or shells cannot be eaten [because these six days are the days when the concerned gods are on duty]. On the six jia days, do not eat anything that has scales or shells. The eating of a fish without intestines and gall will case impotence in males for three years and infecundity in females. On the six jiǎ days, do not eat things with scales or shells.
107124.79 24.79 24.79 24.79 24.79 24.79
1072鱼不可合鸡肉食之。 Fish cannot be eaten together with chickens. Fish should not be eaten with chicken. Do not eat a fish with a horn-like growth on its head. Fish must not be eaten in combination with chicken.
107324.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80
1074鱼不得和鸬鹚肉食之。 Fish cannot be eaten together with cormorant. Fish should not be eaten with cormorant meat. Do not eat a fish which has closed eyes. Fish must not be eaten in combination with cormorant’s flesh.
107524.81 24.81 24.81 24.81 24.81 24.81
1076鲤鱼鲊不可合小豆藿食之,其子不可合猪肝食之,害人。 Salted carp cannot be eaten together with the leaves of red beans. Its roes cannot be eaten with pork. [Eating it will] damage the person. Preserved carp should not be eaten with the leaves of rice bean, and carp eggs should not be eaten with pig liver, because it is farmful. On the six jia days (days whose names bear the first celestial stem, jia) do not eat meat from animals that have scales or shells. Salted carp must not be eaten in combination with rice bean leaves. Its roe must not be eaten in combination with pork liver, [since] it will injure the person.
107724.82 24.82 24.82 24.82 24.82 24.82
1078鲤鱼不可合犬肉食之。 Carp cannot be eaten together with dog meat. Carp should not be eaten with dog meat. Do not eat fish with chicken. Carp must not be eaten in combination with dog’s flesh.
107924.83 24.83 24.83 24.83 24.83 24.83
1080鲫鱼不可合猴雉肉食之。一云不可合猪肝食。 Carp cannot be eaten together with the meat of monkey or pheasant. Another saying is that it cannot be eaten together with pig liver. Carp should not be eaten with monkey or ring-necked pheasant meat. Another saying is that it should not be eaten with pig liver. Do not eat fish with egret. Golden carp must not be eaten in combination with the flesh of monkey or ring-necked pheasant. It is also said that it must not be eaten in combination with pork liver.
108124.84 24.84 24.84 24.84 24.84 24.84
1082鳀鱼合鹿肉生食,令人筋甲缩。 Eating raw Chinese catfish together with venison will cause shrinkage of sinews and nails. Eating raw Chinese catfish with deer meat will cause sinew and nail shrinking. Do not eat preserved carp with the tender leaves of small beans; carp eggs should not be eaten with hog liver, otherwise the eater will be harmed. Eating raw Chinese catfish in combination with venison causes the person’s sinews and nails to shrink.
108324.85 24.85 24.85 24.85 24.85 24.85
1084青鱼鲊不可合生葫荽及生葵,并麦中食之。 Salted blue fish cannot be eaten together with raw coriander,raw mallow and wheat. Preserved black carp should not be eaten with raw coriander, raw mallow, or wheat sauce. Do not eat carp with dog meat. Green-blue salted fish must not be eaten together with raw coriander, raw mallow, or with grains.
108524.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86 24.86
1086鳅、鳝不可合白犬血食之。 Loach and eel cannot be eaten together with blood from a white dog. Loach and yellow eel should not be eaten with blood of a white dog. Do not eat bastard carp with monkey and pheasant meat. (Another saying holds not to eat bastard carp with hog liver.) Loach and eel must not be eaten in combination with blood from a white dog.
108724.87 24.87 24.87 24.87 24.87 24.87
1088龟肉不可合酒、果子食之。 Tortoise meat cannot be eaten together with wine and fruit. Tortoise meat should not be eaten with wine or fruits. The eating of raw sheat fish, with raw deer meat may produce muscle atrophy. Tortoise meat must not be eaten in combination with alcohol or fruit.
108924.88 24.88 24.88 24.88 24.88 24.88
1090鳖目凹陷者,及厌下有王字形者,不可食之。 Turtles with sunken eyes and lines below the abdomen like the structure of the Chinese character king (the structure 王 is composed of three transverse lines with one vertical line in the middle) is inedible. A turtle with sunken eyes and a shape resembling the character wang (王) on its abdomen should not be eaten. Do not eat preserved mackerel with raw coriander, malva, and wheat. Turtles with sunken eyes and markings below the abdomen in the shape of the character 王 are inedible.
109124.89 24.89 24.89 24.89 24.89 24.89
1092其肉不得合鸡鸭子食之。 The meat [mentioned above] cannot be eaten together with chicken and duck eggs. Its meat should not be eaten with chicken or duck eggs. Do not eat the meat of Misgurus anguilicandatus and yellow eel with a white dog's blood. Their flesh must not beaten in combination with chicken or duck eggs.
109324.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90
1094龟鳖肉不可合苋菜食之。 Tortoise and turtle meat cannot be eaten together with amaranth. Tortoise and turtle meat should not be eaten with amaranth. Do not eat turtle with wine and pickled fruits. The meat of tortoises and turtles must not be eaten in combination with amaranth.
109524.91 24.91 24.91 24.91 24.91 24.91
1096虾无须,及腹下通黑,煮之反白者,不可食之。 Shrimp without palpus [but] with black abdomen that turns white [after] boiling is inedible. Shrimp with no whiskers or with a black-colored abdomen that turns white after cooking should not be eaten. Do not eat a fresh water turtle that has sunken eyes and a figure "" beneath its cheeks. A shrimp with no beard and a thoroughly black underside of the abdomen that turns white when cooked is inedible.
109724.92 24.92 24.92 24.92 24.92 24.92
1098食脍,饮奶酪,令人腹中生虫,为瘕。 Eating minced meat and drinking koumiss will cause worms in the abdomen and [form] mass. Eating minced meat with koumiss will engender worms in the abdomen and result in conglomerations. Do not eat the meat of fresh water turtle with chicken or duck ege. Eating minced [raw] meat and drinking koumiss engenders worms in the abdomen and forms conglomerations.
109924.93 24.93 24.93 24.93 24.93 24.93
1100鲙食之,在心胸间不化,吐复不出,速下除之,久成癥病,治之方。 [The following is] the formula for treating the disease [marked by], [after] eating minced meat, no transformation in the heart and chest and failure to vomit [it out]. [It must be] immediately resolved, endurance will result in disease. Undigested minced fish in the heart and chest that cannot be ejected should be purged immediately; over a period of time it will transform into concretion disease. The treatment formula: Do not eat turtle with Amaranthus mangostanus. A formula to treat [over] consumption of minced [raw] fish such that it stays in the heart and chest region without being transformed and further cannot be expelled through vomiting. Speedily precipitate to eliminate it, because over time it can form concretions.
110124.94 24.94 24.94 24.94 24.94 24.94
1102食鲙多不消,结为癥病,治之方。 [If] minced fish is taken but not digested, [it will] bind into disease. The formula for treating it is Mabiancao (马鞭草, verbena, Herba Verbenae). Excessive eating of minced fish leads to non-dispersion and also causes concretions. The treatment formula: Do not eat shrimp without tentacles or with a black color covering the entire abdomen which turns white after cooking. A formula to treat overeating on minced [raw] fish that does not digest, binding into concretions.
110324.95 24.95 24.95 24.95 24.95 24.95
1104食鱼后中毒,面肿烦乱,治之方。 Poisoning from eating fish [causes] facial swelling, vexation and derangement. The formula for treating [it is] Jupi (橘皮, orange peel, Pericarpium Reticulatae). Treatment formula for poisoning due to eating fish that causes a swollen face and vexation: Thinly sliced meat eaten with cheese will cause the growth of worms and development of tumors in the abdomen. A formula to treat poisoning after eating fish, with swelling in the face, vexation, and derangement: jú pí (Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium)
110524.96 24.96 24.96 24.96 24.96 24.96
1106食鯸鮧鱼中毒方。 [To resolve] poisoning from eating globefish, the formula is Lugen (芦根, phragmites, Rhizoma Phragmitis). Treatment formula for toxins caused by eating globefish and Chinese catfish: Thinly sliced fish that becomes lodged between the heart and diaphragm and can not be vomited should be purged at once, otherwise an abdominal tumor will develop. The formula called for contains I liang of citrus, 2 liang of rhubarb, and 2 liang of mirabilitum. Boil the ingredients in 1 big sheng of water until 1 small sheng remains. Take all in one draft. The obstruction will be resolved at once. A formula to treat poisoning from eating globefish: phragmites (芦根 lú gēn)
110724.97 24.97 24.97 24.97 24.97 24.97
1108蠏目相向,足斑目赤者,不可食之。 Crabs with eyes facing each other, spots over the feet and red eyes are inedible. Crabs with crossed and red eyes and legs with macules are inedible. Thinly sliced fish is often indigestible and produces abdominal tumors. They can be treated with the following formula: Verbena pounded into juice, or else I sheng of the juice from ginger leaves. Both formulas dissolve tumors. An emetic may also be prescribed. Crabs that have eyes that face each other or spotted feet and red eyes are inedible.
110924.98 24.98 24.98 24.98 24.98 24.98
1110食蠏中毒治之方。 The formula for treating posioning from eating crabs is Zisu (紫苏, perilla, Folium Perillae). Treatment formula for crab toxin: A formula for treating vexation and upset after eating fish or toxic foods is orange peel decocted into a thick juice. It will alleviate the poisoning at once. A formula to treat poisoning from eating crab: perilla (紫苏 zǐ sū)
111124.99 24.99 24.99 24.99 24.99 24.99
1112凡蠏未遇霜,多毒。其熟者,乃可食之。 [When] a crab has not encountered frost, [there must be] much toxin in it. [But when] well cooked, [it is] still edible. Crabs that have not been exposed to frost are commonly poisonous; only those mature can be eaten after cooking. For treating poisoning from eating puffers drink the decocted juice of phragmites (common reed) root. It will dissolve the poison at once. Whenever crabs have not yet encountered frost, they are very toxic. But if they are cooked, you can eat them.
111324.100 24.100 24.100 24.100 24.100 24.100
1114蜘蛛落食中,有毒,勿食之。 [When] a spider has dropped on food, [there must be] toxin [in the food]. Do not eat it. Food on which spiders have fallen is inedible. Do not eat a crab with crossed and red eyes and maculated legs. When a spider drops on food, [the food] becomes toxic. Do not eat it.
111524.101 24.101 24.101 24.101 24.101 24.101
1116凡蜂蝇虫蚁等,多集食上,食之致瘘。 Bees, flies, worms and ants [are all toxic]. [Whenever they have flown over and] dropped on the food, [the food is toxic]. Eating it will cause fistula. All bees, flies, bugs, and ants tend to gather on food; eating this food will cause fistula. For treating poisoning from eating crabs, cook perfita and drink the decoction; or pound perilla seeds into juice and drink; or drink 2 sheng of gourd melon juice; or eat gourd melon.////24.102 Crabs that have not lived past the frost season are poisonous; cooking makes them edible. 24.103 Do not eat foods on which a spider has fallen. 24.104 Do not eat foods on which bees lies, and ants are clustered. Eating such foods causes fistula. Whenever bees, files, worms, or ants have gathered on top of food, eating it will cause fistulas.
1117果实菜谷禁忌并治第二十五 Chapter 25 [Diseases Caused by] Fruits, Vegetables and Grains: Contraindications and Treatment Chapter 25 Treatment Methods and Contraindications of Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables and Grains Chapter 25 On Pulse Syndrome Complex and Treatment of Poisoning from Eating Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals Chapter 25 Fruits, Vegetables, and Grains
111825.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.1
1119果子生食,生疮。 Eating raw fruit may cause sores. The eating of raw fruits causes cores. The eating of raw fruit can produce sores. Eating fruit raw engender sores
112025.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2
1121果子落地经宿,虫蚁食之者,人大忌食之。 [When] a fruit has dropped on the ground, [it will be rotted]. [If] worms and ants have eaten [some of] it, eating [the rest of] it is absolutely forbidden. Fruits that have fallen to the ground overnight where they have been eaten by worms and ants are greatly prohibited for people to eat. Fruit that has fallen to the ground and lain there for one night and that has been eaten by insects or ants is forbidden to humans. If fruit has dropped to the ground and remained there overnight, so that worms and ants have eaten [from it], it is greatly contraindicated for human consumption.
112225.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3
1123生米停留多日,有损处,食之伤人。 [When] uncooked rice has been kept for several days, [it] may be damaged [by worms or mice]. Eating it will harm the person. Raw rice that has been stored for a number of days that also shows tainted sighs will damage the eater. Raw rice that has been stored for a number of days and shows sign of decay in some portion will injure the eater. When uncooked rice has been kept in a detrimental location for several days, eating it damages the person.
112425.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4
1125桃子多食令人热,仍不得入水浴,令人病淋沥寒热病。 Eating too many peaches will make the person hot. [If he] enters [cold] water to bathe, [it will] cause [aversion to cold and fever or] strangury. Excessive eating of peaches causes heat, but one should not bathe because this will cause strangury, or cold and heat diseases. The excessive eating of peaches causes heat. The eater should not then bathe himself in water lest he develop urinary stuttering, chills, and fever. Eating too many peaches makes a person hot. Hence they may not enter water to bathe, because this will make them suffer from dripping and [aversion to] cold and heat [effusion].
112625.5 25.5 24.5 25.5 25.5 25.5
1127杏酪不熟,伤人。 [If] paste [made of] apricot [kernel] is not well cooked, [eating it will] damage the person. Insufficiency cooked apricot kernel gruel damages the eater. An insufficiently cooked gruel made of apricots injures the eater. If apricot paste has not matured, it damages the person.
112825.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6
1129梅多食,坏人齿。 Eating too much mume will ruin the teeth. Excessive eating of plums damages the teeth. The excessive eating of prunes injures the teeth. Eating too much mume ruins a person’s teeth.
113025.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7
1131李不可多食,令人胪胀。 Plum cannot be eaten too many. [It will] cause abdominal distension. Plums should bot be eaten excessively, or they will cause abdominal distention. The excessive eating of plums causes abdominal distention. Plums must not be eaten in excess. They will cause abdominal distention.
113225.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8 25.8
1133林檎不可多食,令人百脉弱。 Chinese crabapple cannot be eaten too much. [It will] weaken all the vessels [in the body]. The excessive eating of apples weakens the hundred vessels. The excessive eating of apples weakens the pulse. Chinese crabapple must not be eaten in excess; it makes the person's hundred vessels weak
113425.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9
1135橘柚多食,令人口爽,不知五味。 Eating too much tangerine or pomelo makes the mouth uncomfortable and unable to differentiate the five flavors. Excessive eating of tangerine and pomelo weaken one’s taste sensation and results in insensitivity to the five flavors. The excessive eating of oranges or grapefruits numbs the mouth and causes loss of taste. Overconsumption of tangerine or pomelo makes a person's mouth errand become unable to distinguish the five flavors.
113625.10 25.10 25.10 25.10 25.10 25.10
1137梨不可多食,令人寒中。金疮、产妇,亦不宜食。 Pears cannot be eaten too much. [Eating much of it will] make the middle (spleen and stomach) cold. People with traumatic injury and women with pregnancy should not eat it. Pears should not be eaten excessively because this can lead to cold in the middle. For patients with incised wounds or for postpartum women, it is inadvisable to eat pears. Pears should not be eaten excessively, otherwise the eater will develop a chill stomach. Patients with wounds from metals or postpartum women are also advised to avoid pears. Pears must not be eaten in excess. They make the person cold in the center. Persons with incised wounds or women in childbed should also not eat them.
113825.11 25.11 25.11 25.11 25.11 25.11
1139樱桃、杏多食,伤筋骨。 Eating too many cherries and apricots will injure the sinews and bones. The excessive consumption of cherries or apricots causes damage to the sinews and bones. The excessive eating of cherries or apricots injures the sinews and bones. Eating cherries or apricots in excess damages sinew and bone.
114025.12 25.12 25.12 25.12 25.12 25.12
1141安石榴不可多食,损人肺。 Pomegranates cannot be eaten too many. [It will] injure the lung. Pomegranates should not be eaten excessively because they will impair the lungs. Pomegranates should not be eaten excessively because they will injure the lungs. Pomegranates must not be eaten in excess. They injure the person’s lung.
114225.13 25.13 25.13 25.13 25.13 25.13
1143胡桃不可多食,令人动痰饮。 Walnuts cannot be eaten too many. [It will] cause vomiting of phlegm and retained fluid. Walnuts should not be eaten excessively; this will stir phlegm-rheum. Walnuts eaten excessively induce water and sputum problems. Walnuts must not be eaten in excess. They stir phlegm-rheum
114425.14 25.14 25.14 25.14 25.14 25.14.
1145生枣多食,令人热渴、气胀。寒热羸瘦者,弥不可食,伤人。 Raw jujubes cannot be eaten too many. [It will] cause fever, thirst and qi distension. Those with aversion to cold, fever and emaciation are absolutely forbidden to eat [because it] damages health. Excessive eating of raw jujubes can cause heat, thirst, and qi distention. This is specifically prohibited for those with heat and cold conditions or for those emaciated, because they can cause damage. Raw jujube eaten excessively causes fever, thirst, and Qi distention; it especially injures chilled, feverish, weak, and emaciated people. Eating raw jujubes in excess causes heat, thirst, and qì distention. Persons with [aversion to] cold and heat [effusion] or emaciation and weakness can eat them even less. They will damage such persons.
114625.15 25.15 25.15 25.15 25.15 25.15
1147食诸果中毒治之方。 The formula for treating poisoning from eating various fruits is Zhugu (猪骨, pig’s bone, Os Suis) (char thoroughly). The treatment formula for fruit poisoning follows. For treating poisoning from eating fruits: grind burnt pig bones into a powder and take one fangcunbi at a time. The formula also treats poisoning from eating horse liver or dried meat contaminated by water leaking from a roof. A formula to treat poisoning from eating the various fruits: pig’s bone (猪骨 zhū gǔ)
114825.16 25.16 25.16 25.16 25.16 25.16
1149木耳赤色及仰生者,勿食。菌仰卷及赤色者不可食。 The wood ear that becomes red and curls upward cannot be eaten. Any mushrooms appearing like that are also inedible. Do not eat mu er (Auricularia) that are red in color and grow curled up (in a supine position). Fungi that appear curled and red are inedible. Do not eat auricularia (Jew's ear) that is red and grows in a supine position. Do not eat wood ear that is red or growing facing upward. Mushrooms that are curled upward or are red are inedible.
115025.17 25.17 25.17 25.17 25.17 25.17
1151食诸菌中毒闷乱欲死治之方。 The formula for treating poisoning from eating various mushrooms, [marked by] depression, derangement and impending death, is the following. For mushroom poisoning manifesting with severe oppression and derangement that makes one feel as if he is dying, the treatment formula is as follows: Do not eat red fungi that grow curled up in a supine position. A formula to treat poisoning strike from eating the various mushrooms, with resultant oppression, derangement, and impending death. Drink one shēng of liquefied human excrement; drink one or two shēng of yellow earth water; and drink the concentrated juice from boiled soybeans. Taking these various ejecting and disinhibiting medicinals will resolve [the toxin].
115215.18 25.18 25.18 25.18 25.18 25.18
1153食枫柱菌而哭不止,治之以前方。 Eating mushrooms from liquidambar wood causes incessant crying. [It can be] treated by the formula mentioned above. Eating mushrooms growing on a maple pole causes incessant crying. Treat this with the previous formula. For treating poisoning from eating fund that has caused a depressive and violent sensation so severe that the victim feels as if he were going to die. Incessant crying from eating mush-rooms that grow on liquidambar wood can be treated with the formula above.
115425.19 25.19 25.19 25.19 25.19 25.19
1155误食野芋,烦毒欲死,治之以前方。 Wrong eating of taro rhizome causes vexation, poisoning and impending death. [It can be] treated by the formula mentioned above. When mistakenly eating wild taro, the toxin will cause severe vexation that makes one feel as if he is dying. Treat this with the preceding formula. The preceeding formula also helps incessant laughing from the eating of fungi growing on a maple tree. Vexing poisoning and pending death from mistakenly eating wild taro can be treated with the formula above.
115625.20 25.20 25.20 25.20 25.20 25.20
1157蜀椒闭口者有毒,误食之,戟人咽喉,气病欲绝。或吐下白沫,身体痹冷,急治之方。 Zanthoxylum that is not split open is toxic. Wrong eating will irritate the throat and cause [disorder of] qi activity [which is] about to end, or vomiting and diarrhea of white foam, generalized impediment and cold. [Following is] the formula for treating [it] urgently. Hua jiao (Pericarpium Zanthoxyli) without cracks are poisonous; taking it by mistake irritates one’s throat and causes severe qi disease, or vomiting and defecation of white foam with generalized impediment and coldness. The emergency treatment formula follows. The preceeding formula also treats life-threatening poisoning from eating wild taro. Zanthoxylum fruits with closed carpels are poisonous; mistaken ingestion irritates the throat and causes life-threatening Qi disease. The eater will vomit white froth and become numb and chilled. Give the following at once: Decocted cinnamon juice with 1 to 2 sheng of cool water; or garlic; or soil water; or the thick juice of soya bean relish. Zanthoxylum with a closed mouth is toxic. If eaten by mistake, it irritates the person’s throat and causes qì disease verging on expiry, possibly vomiting and diarrhea of white foam, and generalized impediment and cold. Urgently treat it.
115825.21 25.21 25.21 25.21 25.21 25.21
1159正月勿食生葱,令人面生游风。 [In] January, raw scallion should not be eaten. [It will] cause wind wandering on the face (facial sores or redness and swelling of face). In the first month of the year, do not eat raw scallion; this will cause shifting wind in one’s face. In the first month of each year of the Chinese lunar calendar, do not eat raw scallion; it will cause eczema on the face. In the first month, do not eat scallions. They engender wandering wind on the person’s face.
116025.22 25.22 25.22 25.22 25.22 25.22
1161二月勿食蓼,伤人肾。 [In] February, smartweed should not be eaten. [It] damages the kidney. In the second month, do not eat liao, this will damage the kidney. In the second month, do not eat red smartweed (Polygonum hydropiper); it will injure the kidneys. In the second month, do not eat smart-weed. It damages the person’s kidney.
116225.23 25.23 25.23 25.23 25.23 25.23
1163三月勿食小蒜,伤人志性。 [In] March, rocambole should not be eaten. [It] damages the will [controlled by the kidney] and nature [controlled by the heart]. In the third month, do not eat small garlic; it will damage one’s mind. In the third month, do not eat "lesser garlic"; it will injure the will and temper. In the third month, do not eat rocambole. It damages the person's mind and nature.
116425.24 25.24 25.24 25.24 25.24 25.24
1165四月、八月勿食胡荽,伤人神。 [In] April and August, coriander cannot be eaten. [It] damages the spirit of a person. In the fourth and eighth month, do not eat coriander; this will damage the spirit. In the fourth and eighth months, do not eat coriander; it will injure the spirit. In the fourth and eighth months, do not eat wu shi coriander. It damages the person’s spirit.
116625.25 25.25 25.25 25.25 25.25 25.25
1167五月勿食韭,令人乏气力。 [In] May, garlic chive should not be eaten. [It] causes deficiency of qi and energy. In the fifth month, do not eat Chinese leek; this will cause lack of strength. In the fifth month, do not eat leek; it will exhaust the vitality. In the fifth month, do not eat garlic chive. It causes the person to lack qì and physical strength.
116825.26 25.26 25.26 25.26 25.26 25.26
1169五月五日勿食生菜,发百病。 [On] May fifth, any raw vegetables should not be eaten. [Otherwise it will] cause various diseases. On the fifth day of the fifth month, do not eat any raw vegetables; they will cause various diseases. On the fifth day of the fifth month, do not eat any raw vegetables; they will cause disease. On the fifth day of the fifth month, do not eat any raw vegetables. It will cause the hundred diseases to arise.
117025.27 25.27 25.27 25.27 25.27 25.27
1171六月、七月勿食茱萸,伤神气。 [In] June and July, cornel should not be eaten. [It] damages spirit and qi. In the sixth and seventh month, do not eat zhu yu (Fructus Zanthoxyli Ailanthosdis); this will damage spirit-qi. In the sixth and seventh months, do not eat evodia; it will injure the spirit and Qi. In the sixth and seventh months, do not eat Japanese prickly ash. It damages spirit qì
117225.28 25.28 25.28 25.28 25.28 25.28
1173八月、九月勿食姜,伤人神。 [In] August and September, ginger should not be eaten. [It] damages the spirit of a person. In the eighth and ninth months, do not eat ginger; this will damage one’s spirit. In the eighth and ninth months, do pot eat ginger; it will injure one's spirit. In the eighth and ninth months, do not eat ginger. It damages the person's spirit.
117425.29 25.29 25.29 25.29 25.29 25.29
1175十月勿食椒,损人心,伤心脉。 [In] October, pepper [growing in Sichuan] should not be eaten. [It] ruins the heart and damages the vessels in the heart. In the tenth month, do not eat hua jiao (Pericarpium Zanthoxyli); this will damage one’s heart and blood vessels. In the tenth month, do not eat pepper; it will injure the heart and cardiovascular system. In the tenth month, do not eat zanthoxylum. It damages the person’s heart and vessels
117625.30 25.30 25.30 25.30 25.30 25.30
1177十一月、十二月勿食薤,令人多涕唾。 [In] November and December, [raw] onion should not be eaten. [It] causes profuse snivel and spittle. In the eleventh and twelfth months, do not eat xie (Allium Chinense); this results in profuse snivel and spittle. In the eleventh and twelfth months, do not eat Chinese chive (Allium bakeri); it will cause profuse snivel and saliva. In the eleventh and twelfth months, do not eat long-stamen onion It causes profuse snivel and spittle
117825.31 25.31 25.31 25.31 25.31 25.31
1179四季勿食生葵,令人饮食不化,发百病。非但食中,药中皆不可用,深宜慎之。 [In] the four seasons, raw mallow should not be eaten. [It] causes indigestion of food and various diseases. [It is] not only forbidden to eat, [but also] forbidden to use as medicinal. In all seasons, do not eat raw mallow. It will cause non-transformation of food and various diseases. It should not be used in either foods or medicinals; one should be deeply cautious. In all seasons, raw malva will cause indigestion and all sorts of diseases. It should not be eaten with other foods or used as an ingredient in a medical formula. One must be aware of this. In the last months of the four seasons do not eat raw mallow. It causes non transformation of food and drink and eruption of the hundred diseases. This [rule] applies not only for its use in food, but you must not use it in medicines either Pay close attention to this
118025.32 25.32 25.32 25.32 25.32 25.32
1181时病差未健,食生菜,手足必肿。 [When] seasonal disease is not cured, eating raw vegetables will cause swelling of hands and feet. When still recovering from seasonal diseases, eating raw vegetables will cause swelling of the four limbs. The eating of raw vegetables when still recovering from an epidemic will cause the extremities to swell. Eating raw vegetables after recovering, from seasonal disease, when health is not yet firmly established, invariably, causes swelling of the extremities
118225.33 25.33 25.33 25.33 25.33 25.33
1183夜食生菜,不利人。 Eating raw vegetables at night causes indigestion. Eating raw vegetables in the evenings is detrimental. Eating raw vegetables at night is detrimental. Eating raw vegetables at night does not benefit people.
118425.34 25.34 25.34 25.34 25.34 25.34
1185十月勿食被霜生菜,令人面无光,目涩,心痛,腰疼,或发心疟。疟发时,手足十指爪皆青,困萎。 [In] October, raw vegetables exposed to frost should not be eaten. [It will] cause dull facial complexion, dryness of eyes, heart pain, lumbago, or malaria in the heart. [When] malaria occurs, all the fingers and toes become blue with cachexia. In the tenth month, do not eat vegetables that are covered with frost. This can cause a lusterless facial complexion, dry eyes, heart pain, lumbar pain, or heart malaria. At the onset of malaria, one’s fingernails and toenails turn blue-green, with drowsiness and tiredness. In the tenth month, do not eat vegetables that have been subject to frost or else one will lose facial gloss, suffer from eye irritation, and develop pain in the heart, lumbago, or cardiac malaria which on seizure manifests blueness and weakness in the fingers and toes. In the tenth month, do not eat raw vegetables that have been exposed to frost, [this] will cause a dull facial complexion, dry eyes, heart and lumbar pain and possibly malaria in the heart, green-blue nails on all the fingers and toes, and encumbrance and wilting at the time of attacks.
118625.35 25.35 25.35 25.35 25.35 25.35
1187葱、韭初生芽者,食之伤人心气。 Eating scallion and garlic chive that are just sprouting damages heart qi. Eating the new sprouts of scallion and Chinese leek damages heart qi. Eating the new sprouts of scallion and leek injures the heart Qi. Eating scallion and garlic chive when they first begin to sprout damages the person's heart qì.
118825.36 25.36 25.36 25.36 25.36 25.36
1189饮白酒,食生韭,令人病增。 Drinking alcohol and eating raw garlic chive will worsen disease. Drinking white liquor an eating raw leek aggravates existing diseases. Drinking white wine and eating raw leek aggravates existent diseases. Drinking white wine and eating raw long-stamen onions increases a person’s diseases.
119025.37 25.37 25.37 25.37 25.37 25.37
1191生葱不可共蜜食之,杀人。独颗蒜弥忌。 Raw scallion should not be eaten together with honey. [Eating it will] kill the person. Garlic with single clove is especially forbidden [to eat with honey]. Raw scallion should not be eaten with honey; this can cause death. Mono garlic is specifically prohibited. Do not eat raw scallion, especially mono com scallion, with honey; it will kill the eater. Raw scallion must not be combined with honey. Eating it kills the person. Single-stalk garlic is particularly forbidden.
119225.38 25.38 25.38 25.38 25.38 25.38
1193枣合生葱食之,令人病。 Eating jujube together with scallion will cause disease. The eating of jujube with raw scallion makes one sick. The eating of jujube with raw scallion makes the eater sick. Eating jujube with raw scallion makes the person ill.
119425.39 25.39 25.39 25.39 25.39 25.39
1195生葱和雄鸡、雉、白犬肉食之,令人七窍经年流血。 Eating raw scallion with the meat of roosters, pheasants and white dogs will cause frequent bleeding from the seven orifices. The eating of raw scallion with rooster, pheasant, or white dog meat causes bleeding of the seven orifices all year long. The eating of raw scallion with cock, pheasant, or white dog causes the seven cavities to bleed incessantly all year long. Eating raw scallion together with the meat of roosters, ring-necked pheasants, or white dogs causes bleeding from the seen orifices for years to come
119625.40 25.40 25.40 25.40 25.40 25.40
1197食糖、蜜后四日内,食生葱、韭,令人心痛。 Within four days after eating sugar and honey, eating raw scallion and garlic chive will cause heart pain. After ingesting sugar or honey, if one eats raw scallion or leek within four days, this will cause heart pain. The eating of raw scallion or leek four days after previous ingestion of honey causes heart pain. Eating raw scallion or garlic chive within four days of eating sugar or honey causes heart pain.
119825.41 25.41 25.41 25.41 25.41 25.41
1199夜食诸姜、蒜、葱等,伤人心。 Eating any ginger, garlic and scallion at night will damage the heart. In the evenings, eating ginger, garlic, and scallion will damage the heart. The eating of ginger, garlic, or scallion at night injures the heat. Eating any ginger, garlic, or scallions at night damages the person’s heart.
120025.42 25.42 25.42 25.42 25.42 25.42
1201芜菁根多食之,令人气胀。 Eating too much turnip root will cause qi distension. Excessive eating of the root of wu jing (brassicar Rapae Tuber et Folium) causes qi distention. The eating of too much of the root of rapeseed (Brassica rapadepressa) causes distention of Qi. Eating turnip root in excess causes qì distention
120225.43 25.43 25.43 25.43 25.43 25.43
1203薤不可共牛肉作羹食之,成瘕病。韭亦然。 Meat broth made together with onion, garlic chive and beef will cause lump disease. Xie (Allium Chinense) should not be cooked with beef to make a broth; this will cause conglomerations. This is also true of Chinese leek. Allium bakeri cooked with beef to produce a broth causes tumors. This is also true of leek. You must not combine long-stamen on-ion with beef to make meat broth. Eating it creates conglomerations. The same is true for garlic chive.
120425.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 25.44 25.44
1205莼多食,动痔疾。 Eating too much water shield causes hemorrhoids. Excessive eating of water shield induces hemorrhoids. The eating of too much of brasenia schreberi induces hemorrhoids. Eating water shield (Brasenia schrebei) in excess causes stirring and hemorrhoidal disease.
120625.45 25.45 25.45 25.45 25.45 25.45
1207野苣不可同蜜食之,作内痔。 Bitter sow thistle cannot be eaten together with honey. [It will] cause internal hemorrhoids. Eating wild lettuce with honey causes internal hemorrhoids. Wild alfalfa eaten with honey causes internal hemorrhoids. You must not eat bitter sow thistle together with honey. It will cause internal hemorrhoids.
120825.46 25.46 25.46 25.46 25.46 25.46
1209白苣不可共酪同食,作蟅虫。 Lettuce cannot be eaten together with koumiss. [It will cause] ground beetles. White lettuce should not be eaten with koumiss; this causes worms. White alfalfa eaten with cheese produces ni worms (small worms). Lettuce must not be eaten together with koumiss (fermented mare’s milk), as it cause invisible eroding worms.
121025.47 25.47 25.47 25.47 25.47 25.47
1211黄瓜食之,发热病。 Eating too much cucumber will cause heat disease. The eating of cucumber causes heat disease. The eating of curcumis sativus produces fever. Eating cucumber causes heat diseases to erupt.
121225.48 25.48 25.48 25.48 25.48 25.48
1213葵心不可食,伤人。叶尤冷,黄背赤茎者,勿食之。 [The tender] center of mallow cannot be eaten. [It] damages the person [eating it]. Its leaves are especially cold. [The one with] yellow back and red stalk is also inedible. The center portion of kui (Malava verticillata) damages the eater, its leaves are especially cold. Do not eat the kind with yellow on the back of the leaves and red stems. The heart portion of malva (Chinese mallow) injures the eater. The leaves of malva are especially cold. Do not eat the species with yellow on the back of leaves and red stems. Mallow heart is inedible. It damages people. The leaves are exceptionally cold. Do not eat ones with a yellow back and red stalk.
121425.49 25.49 25.49 25.49 25.49 25.49
1215胡荽久食之,令人多忘。 Eating coriander over time causes hypomnesis. Prolonged eating of coriander causes forgetfulness. Coriander eaten for a prolonged time causes amnesia. Eating coriander over a long period of time causes forgetfulness.
121625.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 25.50 25.50
1217病人不可食胡荽及黄花菜。 Patients should not eat coriander and day lily. A sick individual should not eat coriander and day lily. A sick individual should not eat coriander and wild lettuce (Lactuca thumbe giana Max). Sick people must not eat coriander or Yúnnán day lily root.
121825.51 25.51 25.51 25.51 25.51 25.51
1219芋不可多食,动病。 Taro should not be eaten too much. [It will] cause [intestinal and stomach] disease. Taro should not be eaten excessively or it will induce disease. Taro eaten excessively induces disease. Taro must not be eaten in excess, as it stirs disease.
122025.52 25.52 25.52 25.52 25.52 25.52
1221妊妇食姜,令子余指。 Eating ginger [after] pregnancy will cause the fetus to have extra fingers. Eating ginger during pregnancy will cause the birth of a child with extra fingers. A pregnant woman who eats ginger will give birth to a child with extra fingers. Eating ginger in pregnancy can cause the child to have extra fingers.
122225.53 25.53 25.53 25.53 25.53 25.53
1223蓼多食,发心痛。 Eating too much water pepper [fruit] will cause heart pain. The excessive eating of liao causes heart pain. The excessive eating of polygonum hyclropiper produces heart pain. Eating water pepper fruit in excess causes heart pain to erupt.
122425.54 25.54 25.54 25.54 25.54 25.54
1225蓼和生鱼食之,令人夺气,阴核疼痛。 Eating water pepper [fruit] together with fish will exhaust qi and cause scrotum pain. Eating liao with raw fish causes qi despoliations and yin coughing with pain. The eating of polygonum hydropiper with raw fish exhausts Qi and causes pudendal (clitoris) aching. Eating water pepper fruit together with raw fish despoliates the person’s qì and causes pain in the scrotum.
122625.55 25.55 25.55 25.55 25.55 25.55
1227芥菜不可共兔肉食之,成恶邪病。 Eating mustard leaf together with rabbit meat will cause malignant disease. Mustard leaf should not be eaten with rabbit meat; this can cause malign diseases. The eating of brassica juncea with rabbit meat causes noxious disease. Mustard leaf must not be eaten together with rabbit's flesh. It creates malign and evil disease.
122825.56 25.56 25.56 25.56 25.56 25.56
1229小蒜多食,伤人心力。 Eating too much rocambole will damage heart strength. Excessive eating of small garlic damages one’s mind and strength. Excessive eating of "lesser garlic" injures the mental power. Eating rocambole in excess damages the person’s heart strength.
123025.57 25.57 25.57 25.57 25.57 25.57
1231食躁或躁方:豉,浓煮汁饮之。 The formula [for treating] vexation [due to] food or [due to] self agitation is to boil Douchi (豆豉, fermented soybean, Semen Glycines Fermentatum) to get thick juice. Taking [it will resolve vexation]. The formula for treating food irritation or vexation follows: decoct fermented soybeans into a thick juice and drink. For treating irritation with occasional nausea after eating, cook soya bean relish until it is a thick juice; then drink the juice. A formula for agitation from eating or agitation from possible [other causes]: fermented soybean (豆豉 dòu chǐ)
123225.58 25.58 25.58 25.58 25.58 25.58
1233钩吻与芹菜相似,误食之,杀人,解之方。 Yellow jessamine is similar to celery. Wrong eating it will kill the person. The formula for resolving it is Jini (荠苨, apricot-leaved adenophora, Radix Adenophorae Trachelioidis). Gou wen (Herba Gelsemii) looks similar to celery. If mistakenly taken, it will kill. The formula for resolveing the condition follows. The mistaken ingestion of Gouwen, which resembles celery, kills the eater. The antidote is the same as for the ingestion of evodia with celery or place 8 liang of harebell in 6 sheng of water and decoct until 2 sheng remains. Drink warmed in two divided portions. Yellow jessamine (Gelesmii Herba) resembles mustard leaf. Eating it by mistake will kill the person. A formula to resolve [the toxin]: apricot-leaved adenophora (荠苨 qí nǐ).
123425.59 25.59 25.59 25.59 25.59 25.59
1235菜中有水莨菪,叶圆而光,有毒,误食之,令人狂乱,状如中风,或吐血,治之方。 Among vegetables, there is water henbane with round and shiny leaves which is toxic. Eating it by mistake will cause mania like wind stroke or blood vomiting. The formula for treating [it is] juice of Gancao (甘草, licorice, Radix Glycyrrhizae) [made by] boiling. Taking it will resolve [toxin]. Water lang dang (Hyoscyami) is a vegetable with round glossy leaves, and it is poisonous. Eating it by mistake makes one manic as with a stroke, or leads to vomiting of blood. The treatment formula follows: Among vegetables, the one known as shui langtang with round glossy leaves is poisonous. When eaten by mistake, it causes erratic behavior or even violence, as though apoplectic, or hematemesis. The antidote is decocted licorice juice. This relieves the symptoms at once. If among other vegetables there is water henbane (shuǐ liáng dàng), which has round and shiny leaves and is toxic, eating it will cause manic derangement that resembles wind-stroke, possibly with blood ejection. A formula to treat this: licorice (甘草 gān cǎo)
123625.60 25.60 25.60 25.60 25.60 25.60
1237春秋二时,龙带精入芹菜中,人偶食之为病,发时手青腹满,痛不可忍,名蛟龙病,治之方。 In spring and autumn, [there are insects like] flood loong that excretes some sperms in the celery. [If] a person has eaten it by accident, [it will cause] blueness in the hands, abdominal fullness and unbearable pain. [This is] called flood loong disease. In spring or autumn, the dragon deposits its semen onto celery, and those who eat this by accident will become sick. During the onset, the hands become bluish-green with abdominal distention and pain that is unbearable; this is named scaly dragon disease. The treatment formula follows. In the spring and autumn the dragon delivers his sperm on to the oenanthe. When eaten by accident, the plant produces a disease that manifests blue hands, abdominal swelling, and unbearable pain. The condition, known as "scaly dragon (crocodile) disease," requires the antidote of 2 to 3 sheng of solid sugar (or sweet jelly made from glutinous rice) taken twice daily. Once the patient vomits three to five lizard-like reptiles, he is well. During the two seasons of spring and fall, the flood dragon carries essence and enters celery. If a person happens to eat it, disease arises. Outbreaks [manifests with] greenish blackness in the hands, abdominal fullness, and unbearable pain. This is called “Flood Dragon Disease”. A formula to treat it: hard malt sugar (硬糖 yìng táng)
123825.61 25.61 25.61 25.61 25.61 25.61
1239食苦瓠中毒治之方。 [For] treating poisoning from eating bitter calabash, the formula is Lirang (黍穰, broomcorn millet or grain stalk). [It is] boiled to get juice. Taking [the juice] several times will resolve [toxin]. The formula treating food poisoning from eating ku hu (Lagenariae Gourdae) follows. The treatment for poisoning from the ingestion of calabash is to cook millet stems until a juicethen drink the juice. Several solutions may be required. A formula to treat poisoning from eating bitter calabash: lí rang
124025.62 25.62 25.62 25.62 25.62 25.62
1241扁豆,寒热者不可食之。 [Patients with] aversion to cold and fever should not eat lablab [because it is sweet in taste, warm in property and stagnant in nature, tending to promote qi]. Patients with aversion to cold and heat effusion should not take biao dou (Semen Lablab Album). Those who have chills or fever should not eat hyacinth bean. Persons with [aversion to] cold and heat [effusion] must not eat lablab.
124225.63 25.63 25.63 25.63 25.63 25.63
1243久食小豆,令人枯燥。 Eating rice bean for a long time causes dryness [of the skin and emaciation]. Prolonged eating of xhi xiao dou (Semen Phaseoli) causes dryness. The eating of red mung beans for a long time causes aridity and emaciation. Eating black gram for a long time causes dryness in the person.
124425.64 25.64 25.64 25.64 25.64 25.64
1245食大豆屑,忌噉猪肉。 It is forbidden to eat pork [after] eating soybean flakes [because it will cause indigestion, especially for children]. Eating da dou (Semen Sojae) is contraindicated when eating pork, Do not eat pork after eating soya bean chips. When eating soybean flakes, it is forbidden to [also] eat pork.
124625.65 25.65 25.65 25.65 25.65 25.65
1247大麦久食,令人作疥。 Eating barley for a long time will cause sores. Prolonged eating of barley causes one to develop scabs. Prolonged eating of barley causes one to develop scabies. Eating barely for a long time will cause lichen.
124825.66 25.66 25.66 25.66 25.66 25.66
1249白黍米不可同饴、蜜食,亦不可合葵食之。 Broomcorn millet cannot be eaten together with malt sugar and honey, or with mallow [which is cold in nature and slippery in property]. White millet rice should not be eaten with maltose and honey; it should also not be eaten with kui (Malva verticillata). Do not eat white millet with maltose, honey, or malva. You must not eat white broomcorn millet together with malt sugar or honey or in combination with mallow.
125025.67 25.67 25.67 25.67 25.67 25.67
1251荍麦面多食,令人发落。 Eating too much buckwheat flour will cause dizziness and blurred vision. Frequent eating of buckwheat noodles will cause hair loss. The frequent eating of the flour of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) causes the hair fall out. Eating buckwheat flour in excess causes the person’s hair to fall out
125225.68 25.68 25.68 25.68 25.68 Line 25.68
1253盐多食,伤人肺。 Eating a great deal of salt will damage the lung. Excessive eating of salt damages the lungs. Eating large amounts of table salt injures the lungs. Eating salt in excess damages the person’s lung.
125425.69 25.69 15.69 25.69 25.69 Line 25.69
1255食冷物,冰人齿。食热物,勿饮冷水。 Eating cold food will freeze the teeth. [When] eating hot food, avoid drinking cold water [immediately, otherwise it will damage the spleen and stomach, resulting in vomiting or dampness syndrome/pattern]. Eating cold foods chills the teeth. Do not drink cold water while eating hot food. The eating of cold foods chills the teeth. Do not drink cold water after eating hot food. Eating cold foods makes a person’s teeth cold. When eating hot foods, do not drink cod water.
125625.70 25.70 25.70 25.70 25.70 Line 25.70
1257饮酒食生苍耳,令人心痛。 Eating fresh xanthium [after] drinking wine will cause heart pain. Drinking spirits while eating raw cang er (Herba Xanthii) causes heart pain. Drinking liquor and eating raw cocklebur causes heart pain. Drinking wine and eating fresh xanthium causes heart pain.
125825.71 25.71 25.71 25.71 25.71 Line 25.71
1259夏月大醉汗流,不得冷水洗着身及使扇,即成病。 [In] summer, [if there is] profuse sweating [when a person is] drunken, he should not wash [the body with] cold water or [resolve sweating by] using fan, [otherwise it will] cause disease. In the summer, a severely drunk person who is sweating should not bathe himself with cold water or use a fan, or he will fall sick immedicately. In the summer a severely drunk person who is sweating should not wash himself with cold water or use a fan to cool himself, otherwise he will get sick. When a person gets greatly intoxicated in the summer months so that sweat pours out, they must wash with cold water or fan the sweat, as this will create disease.
126025.72 25.72 25.72 25.72 25.72 Line 25.72
1261饮酒大忌灸腹背,令人肠结。 [It is] forbidden to [treat] the abdomen and back with moxibustion [after] drinking wine [because it will] cause binding of the intestines. Moxibustion performed on the back or abdomen of a person who has drunk liquor is greatly contraindicated; this will cause intestinal bind. Moxibustion performed on the back or abdomen of a person who has drunk liquor causes intestinal obstruction. When drinking wine, burning moxa on the abdomen or banks is greatly contraindicated. It causes intestinal bind.
126225.73 25.73 25.73 25.73 25.73 Line 25.73
1263醉后勿饱食,发寒热。 [It is] forbidden to overeat [when a person is] drunken, [otherwise it will] cause aversion to cold and fever. When intoxicated, one should not eat to a full stomach; he will develop aversion to cold and heat effusion. After becoming drunk, a person should not eat to fullness, otherwise he will have chills and fever. After becoming inebriated, do not eat to satiety. It causes [aversion to] cold and heat [effusion].
126425.74 25.74 25.74 25.74 25.74 Line 25.74
1265饮酒食猪肉,卧秫稻穰中,则发黄。 Lying on sorghum or rice straw [after] drinking wine and eating pork will cause generalized yellowing. Lying on the stems of buckwheat and glutinous rice after drinking alcohol and eating pork causes yellowing. Lying on the stems of glutinous rice after drinking liquor and eating pork causes yellowing. Drinking wine, eating pork, and [then] sleeping on sorghum or rice straw results in yellowing.
126625.75 25.75 25.75 25.75 25.75 Line 25.75
1267食饴多饮酒,大忌。 [It is] absolutely forbidden to drink wine [after] eating malt sugar. Profuse drinking of liquor while eating malt sugar is greatly prohibited. Do not drink liquor after eating large quantities of maltose. Eating malt sugar and excessively drinking wine is greatly contraindicated.
126825.76 25.76 25.76 25.76 25.76 Line 25.76
1269凡水及酒照见人影动者,不可饮之。 [It is] forbidden to drink water and wine that can reflect a person and stir the reflection [because there is profuse toxin in it]. Water and wine that reflects moving images should not be drunk. Do not drink water and wine that reflect moving images. Whenever a person’s reflection in water or wine stirs, they must not drink it.
127025.77 25.77 25.77 25.77 25.77 Line 25.77
1271醋合酪食之,令人血瘕。 Eating vinegar together with koumiss will cause blood stagnation. The eating of vinegar and loumiss together causes blood conglomerations. The eating of vinegar and cheese together produces hematoma. Eating vinegar in combination with koumiss causes blood conglomerations.
127225.78 25.78 25.78 25.78 25.78 Line 25.78
1273食白米粥,勿食生苍耳,成走疰。 [It is] forbidden to eat raw xanthium [when] eating white rice porridge [because it will] cause running fixation (paralysis or rheumatism). White rice congee cannot be eaten with raw cang er (Herba Xanthii); this causes moving infixation. The eating of raw cocklebur after eating white rice congee causes wind paralysis (moving pain, rheumatism). When eating white rice gruel, do not eat raw xanthium herb. It creates wandering infixation.
127425.79 25.79 25.79 25.79 25.79 Line 25.79
1275食甜粥已,食盐即吐。 Eating salt after eating sweet porridge will cause vomiting. The eating of salt after eating sweet congee causes vomiting. The eating of table salt after eating sweet rice congee causes vomiting. Eating salt after eating sweet gruel results in vomiting.
127625.80 25.80 25.80 25.80 25.80 Line 25.80
1277犀角筋搅饮食沫出,及浇地坟起者,食之杀人。 [If there] appears froth in food or drink [when stirred by] rhinoceros horn or [if the food or drink] sprays [when] poured on the ground, eating it will kill the person. Stir food with chopsticks made of xi jiao (Cornu Rhinacerotis); when this causes foaming or if bumps appear when the food is poured to the ground, the food is deadly. Foods or beverages that produce froth when stirred with a rhinoceros horn and form a heap when poured onto the ground will kill if eaten. If food or drink that is stirred with chopsticks made from rhinoceros horn froths or causes veins to appear when poured on the ground, eating it kills the person.
127825.81 25.81 25.81 25.81 25.81 Line 25.81
1279饮食中毒烦满治之方。 Vexation and abdominal fullness [caused by] poisoning from food taken [can be] treated by the formula For food poisoning leading to vexation and fullness, the treatment formula follows: The treatment for the distress and distention caused by food poisoning is this: Bring 3 liang of sophora and 1.5 sheng of vinegar to a boil three times; then drink. Once the ingested food is vomited, the patient heals. The ingredients may be boiled in water. Another formula is Xi-jiao-tang (Rhinoceros Combination) prepared by grinding rhinoceros horn in water. A formula to treat poisoning from food or drink [that manifests] with vexation and fullness.
128025.82 25.82 25.82 25.82 25.82 Line 25.82
1281贪食,食多不消,心腹坚满痛治之方。 The formula for treating hardness, fullness and pain in the heart and abdomen [caused by] indigestion [due to] lycorexia For excessive eating and non-dispersing of excessive food leading to hardness, fullness, and pain in the heart and abdomen, the treatment formula follows: For treating hardening, swelling, and pain in the heat and abdomen s a consequence of indigestion due to gluttony, boil 2 sheng of table salt in 3 sheng of water until the salt completely dissolves. Drink in three divided doses. As soon as the person vomits, he heals. A formula to treat rapacious appetite and failure to disperse food after overeating, [which manifests] in hardness, fullness, and pain in the heart and abdomen: salt, water.
128225.83 25.83 25.83 25.83 25.83 Line 25.83
1283矾石生入腹,破人心肝,亦禁水。 Eating raw Fanshi (矾石, alum, Alums) will injure the heart and liver. [It is] also forbidden to drink water [because water will melt alum and damage fluid in the body]. When raw fan shi (Alumen) enters the abdomen, it will destroy the heart and liver. Water is also forbidden. Raw alum ingested will destroy the heart and liver. The drinking of water afterward is forbidden. Alum that enters the abdomen raw breaks the person’s heart and liver. Water is also contraindicated [after ingesting alum].
128425.84 25.84 25.84 25.84 25.84 Line 25.84
1285商陆,以水服,杀人。 Taking Shanglu (商陆, phytolacca, Radix Phytolaccae) with water will cause death. Taking shang lu (Radx Phytolaccae) with water causes death. Poke weed or pokeberry taken along with water will kill the one who takes it. Taking phytolacca with water kills a person.
128625.85 25.85 25.85 25.85 25.85 ‘Line 25.85
1287葶苈子,傅头疮,药成入脑,杀人。 Tinglizi (葶苈子, lepidium, Semen Lepidii) can be used to treat head sore. [But if] toxin enters the brain, [it will cause] death. When ting li zi (Semen Lepidii) is applied as a paste onto head sores, it will penetrate the brain and kill the patient. Woodsdraba seeds applied as a paste to head sores will penetrate the brain and kill the patient. Lpidium/Descurainiae (tíng lì zǐ) is applied [as an external treatment for] head scores. If the qì of the medicine enters the brain, this kills the person.
128825.86 25.86 25.86 25.86 25.86 Line 25.86
1289水银入人耳及六畜等,皆死。以金银着耳边,水银则吐。 [When] mercury enters human ears or is eaten by six domestic animals, all will be killed. [But if] ears [are immediately] touched by gold and silver [jewelry], mercury will be vomited out. Mercury entering into the ears of humans and six livestock causes death. Gold or sliver placed on the ears can promote ejection of the mercury. If mercury enters the ears of human beings or animals, death will occur. Gold or silver on the cars draws out the mercury. When mercury enters a person’s ears, or those of the six domestic animals, death ensues in all cases. Touching the sides of the ears with gold or silver causes the mercury to be ejected.
129025.87 25.87 25.87 25.87 25.87 Line 25.87
1291苦楝无子者杀人。 Taking Kulian (苦练), [actually referring to Jinlingzi (金铃子, Chinaberry, Fructus Tosendan), quite toxic], [will cause] death. Ku lian (Meliae) that bears no seeds can be deadly. Melia that does not bear fruit kills people. Chinaberry that does not have seeds kills a person.
129225.88 25.88 25.88 25.88 25.88 Line 25.88
1293凡诸毒,多是假毒以投,不知时,宜煮甘草荠苨汁饮之,通除诸毒药。 [No food is toxic.] Toxic [foods] are mostly caused [by someone secretly adding] toxin [to the foods]. [If the person who has eaten poisoned food] without knowing [it], boiled Gancao Qini Juice (甘草荠苨汁, licorice and adenophora juice) is the appropriate [formula for treating it]. All the toxin can be resolved. All kinds of poisons are spread through food. If the toxin is unknown, decoct gan cao (Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae) and ji ni (Radix Adenophorae Trachelioidis) as a juice and drink it. This can eliminate all kinds of poison. Poison injures the vitality. When one thinks he has been poisoned, he should immediately drink a juice prepared from licorice and harebell. It counteracts all kinds of poison. The various cases of poisoning are mostly caused by [someone intentionally] adding artificial poison [to food]. If you do not know [the type of poison], boil licorice and apricot-leaved adenophora and drink the juice. This eliminates the various toxins.